Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 66: Fire at the Amaranth

Under the sky, the strange fire rushed straight up, and when it was about to burst out of the ground, it was a little meal, the flames fluctuated, it seemed hesitant.

Chen Zong did not move or do anything else, just waited patiently.

Ziyun Heixingyan is like a delicious fishing bait, the heavenly fire under the ground is like a big fish, and Chen Zong is an angler.

When fishing, you must have sufficient patience and meditation, waiting for the fish to hook.

Time passed, the strange fire of that day waited quietly, as if waiting for danger to appear, but did not wait.

And Ziyun Hexingyan constantly emits a unique breath, which is full of fatal attraction to the heavenly fire under the ground.

After a moment, the strange fire of the sky finally couldn't hold back, and the fastest speed broke out instantly, rushing out of the ground, like a flash of lightning and a streamer.

Immediately, the almost black flame inflated suddenly, as if the mouth of a giant monster opened its mouth, and a sudden flutter swallowed Ziyun Hexingyan into it.

Just like a peerless assassin, he hits in a single shot, travels thousands of miles away, drills into the ground at the fastest speed, intends to dive deep into the ground, and then escapes.

The strange fire that day was fast, and Chen Zong was faster.

Mysterious ancient fire tactics!

Suddenly, it turned quickly like an ancient wheel, bursting out an overwhelming force.

Ziyun Heixingyan has already been refined by the ancient ancient fire tactics, and it has become an extremely close connection.

With the full operation of Xuangu Lianhuoju, suddenly, Ziyun Heixingyan was pulled and flew in the direction of Chen Zong.

Chen Zong also began to approach quickly and converge.

The strange fire of the sky did not completely merge and devour the Ziyun Hexingyan, and was immediately affected. After a slight meal, he drifted away in the direction of Chen Zong.


The heavenly fire was frightened, and a stronger force erupted immediately, rushing to the ground.

But Ziyun Heixingyan kept going up and towards Chen Zong, and the two forces were fighting each other.

The closer it is, the stronger the power of Xuangu's refining tactics and the greater the impact.

It seemed to realize that it was not good, and the wonder of the sky became fiery, and it seemed to burn everything to ashes.

The astonishing mighty power raged away from the strange fire of that day. Vaguely, it seemed to condense into a phantom of the flames, and issued a roar full of threats against Chen Zong, the fiery breath was overwhelming, as if Burn everything to nothing.

Its amazing power also made Chen Zong recognize the origin.

Remnants of the embers of one of Heaven's Strange Fires.

This ranks high among the strange fires of the sky, and the power is amazing.

Although it is only the third grade level, the radiant heat emitted is enough to burn the ordinary sanctuary into the ashes.

Chen Zong showed a touch of joy.

The strange fire of this day is naturally the stronger the better.

Of course, we can't force ourselves to the limit that we can bear now, otherwise, it will be difficult to subdue refinement.

Right now.

Mysterious ancient fire tactics are fully operational.

Chen Zong rushed directly to the embers and remnants, without hesitation as if a moth fluttered.

The embers and remnants of fire also completely erupted into an astonishing mighty power, which instantly expanded and swallowed Chen Zong's body, and burned it to ashes.

This is a struggle for survival.

If you don't burn your opponent to ashes, you will be refined.

Without refining the opponent, they will be burned to ashes.

The black flame covered Chen Zong's entire body and burned frantically, while Chen Zong used Ziyun Hexingyan as the medium to fully run the ancient fire refining tactics and continuously drew a trace of the power of the embers and remnants of fire. Body, refine it a little bit.

Even though it is only the miraculous fire of Sanpintian, its power can surpass the ordinary quadruple entry into the sacred realm, but when it enters the body, the burning feeling still makes Chen Zong feel uncomfortable. The whole person seems to be burned from the inside of the body. same.

Fortunately, there is the mystery of the ancient ancient fire tactics, which can resist it and refine it a little bit.

Feeling that his own power entered the opponent's body, the embers of the embers without wisdom immediately exerted force, pouring more power into Chen Zong's body, trying to fit inside and outside, and completely burning it to ashes.

Unfortunately, Chen Zong resisted. Despite the pain, Chen Zong did resist such burning.


Wholeheartedly, with the help of Ziyun Heixingyan, refining the remains of the embers.

Chen Zong's practice of cultivation is not high, but only one level of mixed heaven, because of the lack of a suitable and powerful relationship of cultivation.

But such a physique is also much stronger than the usual sanctuary.

The strong physique has a stronger ability to bear the load, coupled with the mysterious ancient refining fire tactics and a powerful Holy Power blessing, so that Zong Zong, with strong tenacity, resisted.

When Chen Zong was refined halfway through the remnants of the embers, his spirituality finally realized that it was not good and broke out further, struggling to escape.

But it's too late.

Immediately, the ashes of the market were desperate.

Explode directly, trying to smash Chen Zong, all together.

But unfortunately, under half of the embers remnants have been refined, Chen Zong's resistance to flames has been greatly improved, and it is also the same source of embers remnants. Immediately, not only can they withstand the embers remnants of explosion The impact is a kind of suction, which quickly absorbs the residual power of the blasting embers.


The fiercely hot force was pulsating in the body, and Chen Zong felt like he was going to be burned.

The ash remnants of fire and the purple cloud and black star inflammation also quickly merged.

Time passed slowly, and the astonishing blazing atmosphere fluctuated and restrained. Then, it gradually diffused from Chen Zong's body. It was extremely hot, as if to burn everything around him.




Gradually, the temperature keeps rising and becoming more and more amazing.

In the end, a black flame permeated from Chen Zong's body, rising instantly, covering the whole body and burning, the incredibly hot heat released.

Immediately under the control of Chen Zong, the black fiery flames that permeated the whole body quickly gathered to the left hand like flowing water, and finally gathered on the palm of the left hand into a blazing wave of burning flames.

The flame was dark purple, and there seemed to be a slight purple halo, but inside, there were countless black flows. Looking closely, it looked like a dark void.

At the same time, a wave of wave came into Chen Zong's mind through the flame in his hand.

Zihuan burning market fire!

Heaven's strange fire is different from the earth's strange fire. The name of the earth's strange fire is artificially named, and the heaven's strange fire has been truly recognized by the heaven and earth, giving unique spirituality and power, so the name is born.

After the remnant fire of the embers and Ziyun Hexingyan have been completely merged, it has become a new kind of heavenly fire different from the remnants of the embers and Ziyun Hexingyan, and naturally will have a new name.

The fire in Zihuan burns the market, and at the same time possesses the amazing power of the remnants of the fire, which can burn everything to ashes, and has the ability to purify the purple cloud and black star inflammation.

At the same time, Chen Zong also found that the fire in the Zihuan Burning Ruins suddenly rose into the fourth-class heavenly fire, which is equivalent to the fourfold of the sanctuary, but its power broke out, which was enough to kill the ordinary fivefold of the sanctuary. However, Chen Zong estimates that the six threats to the ordinary sanctuary are not serious.

However, the Zihuan Burn Market Fire has enough potential to continue to rise and become more powerful.


The ground burned!

Chen Zongyi sword slashed out. This time, without using the realm of the heart to absorb the energy of fire and condensing on the sword, it mobilized the fire power of the Zihuan Burning Ruins, in cooperation with the meaning of the earth fire and a holy power. Unique skills to cast this sword.

A horrendous raging flame blasted out instantly, and the power was extremely violent, destroying everything like a millennium volcanic eruption and destroying it.

The violent black flames passed by, the ground shattered, and was burnt into fumes of ashes by the horrific blazing high temperature, leaving an incredibly smooth gully and moving on.

Directly 100 meters away, the black raging flame seemed to explode, blasting a huge pit of several tens of meters, and the pit continued to emit amazing high temperatures, which was enough to directly burn the ordinary into the sanctuary.

Chen Zong sucked in the air.

The power of such a sword is not inferior to the flames of the earth that he exerted before, and even more than that.

This also shows that the use of the fire of the heavens to display the fire of the earth to burn the sky, its power is much stronger than to draw the vitality of the fire.

Of course, if the previous Ziyun Hexingyan had no such effect ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After all, it was just a strange fire of the earth, no matter how good, it was also essentially different from the strange fire of heaven.

It's like the difference between the power of the transcendental realm and the power of going into the holy realm.

Even if the strong person enters the holy realm, even if he blesses the power of the transcendental realm or even the power of the semi-holy level, there will not be any significant improvement, which is small and equal to nothing.

On the strength level, the two belong to two levels.

Immediately, Chen Zong tried again to draw the vitality of the fire in the realm of the heart to condense, and then he used the power of the fire in Zihuan to burn the sky.

With this sword, the power is even more amazing and stronger. The diameter of the huge crater exploded reached 100 meters.

Chen Zong could not help showing a touch of joy.

The power of such a sword is close to the 80% fusion lore that the earth burned and the hurricane destroyed the city.

The third attempt was after the strongest ground fire burned, and then the hurricane was destroyed, causing the two swords to merge into 80%.

It was shaking in horror and horror. The dark flame and hurricane raged wildly in all directions. The power was endless, which was twice as high as before.

This means that such a move is enough to defeat the palace punishment.

Invisibly, his own strength has become more powerful, and Chen Zong will naturally feel happy.

However, if the opponent is too strong, it will be difficult for him to show such an overbearing move. It will take a little time.

However, it is not time-consuming to use the blessing of the fire in Zihuan, and every ordinary sword can have more powerful power.

The left hand is burning with the fire of Zihuan Burning Market. That is Chen Zong's constant familiarity with the power of this heavenly fire, further controlling its power, and exerting its power better and more thoroughly, while sweeping by the thought , Looking for Tianyuanbao jade, especially top grade Tianyuanbao jade.

Gradually, time flies, day after day passes, and the one month deadline is getting closer and closer, until the time arrives.

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