Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 67: Taixuan Shengzi (on)

The thirtieth day!

The last day.

"Give up the precious jade, or you will bear the consequences yourself." The two peerless Tianjiao in the heavenly world surrounded Wei Changtian around, with a strong breath, locked Wei Changtian in a strong and overbearing tone.

Wei Changtian looked dignified, with a sword in his hand and a sharp sword. His eyes were as sharp as if the sword was about to shoot out, staring at the person in front, and paying attention to the actions of the person behind.

Two of them, one is in the mid-sixth stage of the sacred realm, and is not inferior to himself, the other is in the early stage of the sixth stage of the sanctuary. Although their strength is not as good as themselves, they still have to go through a game if they want to defeat each other. Fierce battle.

Now the two have joined forces to suppress themselves.

But how could it be that the top quality Tianyuanbaoyu, which I found with great difficulty, could be handed over to the other party.

Fight now!

Wei Changtian's eyes became sharper and sharper, the swords screamed, one sword was shot through the air, and the sword light split into two, killing forward and backward respectively.

"Look for death!" Tianjiaojie, who was in the sacred realm in the middle of the sixth day, was immediately furious, his eyes were cold, his words swept like ice storms, and he shot at the same time.

Tianjiao also shot at the same time in the sixth stage of entering the sacred realm, slashing to the ground without mercy.

This is the last day. Time is short and more Tianyuanbao jade is needed, especially top grade Tianyuanbao jade. The person in front of them soon took away one of the top grade Tianyuanbao jade under their eyelids.

In any case, the top quality Tianyuanbao jade of that side must be obtained, and even the other party's appetite must be searched to take away the other Tianyuanbao jade.

War is inevitable.

Wei Changtian's swordsmanship is extremely clever. Each sword pursues simplicity and sternness, focusing on lethality and efficiency, and is very arrogant. Under his sword light, Tianjiao, who was in the sixth stage of the sanctuary, could only parry.

But then another attack came to an end, and the two teamed up together and immediately moved back to the disadvantage, suppressing Wei Changtian.

Wei Changtian looked resolute, and tried his best to resist the two teaming up, while thinking about the way to retreat.

The time is approaching, and it is about to end. You must leave as soon as possible, leave here, and leave the ruins of Tianyuan. Otherwise, if you miss the time, you will be regarded as giving up voluntarily. Even then, you will get more Tianyuanbaoyu, which is just an increase in wealth. Missed that Lingwu Holy Land.

Wanting to break through three times and highlighting the siege, he was intercepted by the opponent and gradually suppressed.

"Brother Wei, I'm here to help you." A voice burst into my ears, and Wei Changtian's breath was stunned for a moment, and then a violent and fiery breath blew from a distance.

The ground burned!

When Chen Zong came, a sword blasted out, which was a tyrannical trick, directly killing the sixth stage of the sanctuary.

A well-prepared sword immediately changed the look of the sixth stage of the sanctuary, and it was only possible to give up Wei Changtian and face the horrible hot sword light.

Blazing and violent killing, burning everything, destroying everything.

In the early stage of the sixth stage of the sacred realm, he made every effort to resist it, and immediately, killed Chen Zong with a stab.

Chen Zong did not retreat, killing with one sword.

The sword carried the mighty power of the fire at Zihuan, and it was even more powerful.

The knife light was broken, and the sixfold look of the sanctuary changed greatly. It was never expected that the opponent's strength was even stronger than himself.

Chen Zong's strength is so strong, the palace punishment can fight without inferiority, not to mention that it is just a normal peony.

With one less in the sixth stage of entering the sanctuary, Wei Changtian immediately pulled back the inferior position and fought fiercely with the opponent.

For a time, Wei Changtian's sword and Wei Changtian's momentum seemed to be out of control, unstoppable, and gradually suppressed the opponent.

"Damn!" Tianjiao's arrogance suddenly changed.

Nothing can be done but retreat.

Without hesitation, the two heavenly realms Tianjiao immediately withdrew and stepped back, quickly moving away.

Wei Changtian did not pursue, nor did Chen Zong pursue.

"Thank you very much." Wei Changtian embraced Chen Zong with a sword ceremony and immediately began to walk away quickly.

Chen Zong didn't care, Lei Tajiu took the third step, and hurried away from the ruins of Tianyuan.

There is no time, so leave as soon as possible.

At this moment, there is a figure standing proudly about 10 kilometers away from the edge of Tianyuan Ruins.

A robe that seemed golden and silver was extremely mysterious, with his hands on his backs, his feet hanging half a meter above the ground, his eyes looking straight ahead.

The eyes are deep and vast, as if they contain the mysteries of heaven and earth.

There is a pervasive aura of air around the body, and it seems to cover one side of the world, bringing one side of the world under control.

Such a mighty power, it seems that no one else can compare.

Behind this man, Gong Tianxing and Wang Yue also stood, but with some respectful looks.

"Brother Celestial God is too strong."

"Perhaps Brother, God is reincarnation."

The arrogant Tianjiao people in Taixuan Holy Palace were secretly amazed.

They are all peerless Tianjiao. Moreover, they are all peerless Tianjiao selected. They are top peerless Tianjiao. They have the pride that ordinary people cannot imagine.

Even those who are gifted to outdo them won't convince them.

However, Miya Tenjin can.

The gods of Taixuansheng womb existed like the reincarnation of gods. They were high enough to make them look up.

Ten miles away, a group of peerless Tianjiao in Tianjie Realm is headed by the Son of Heavenly God, and a group of peerless Tianjiao in Zhengujie headed by Zhengu Shengzi is staring at this time.

"Gongtian God is really great majesty." Tianxi Shengzi smiled coldly, his tone seemed to contain some inexplicable meaning, like hostility.

Zhengu Shengzi didn't speak, but his eyes staring at the palace gods were a little bad.

Ten miles seems to be far away. For ordinary people, it is impossible to see people at all, but for those who have entered the sacred realm, as long as there is nothing to block their sight, they can be clearly seen, not to mention the two top peerless Tianjiao.

In their view, the attitude of the **** Taixuansheng womb is very disgusting and unpleasant.

But in the end, it's just out of jealousy.

All three are saints in one realm, but one of the most talented in this realm, no one can compare.

But unfortunately, Tai Xuan Shengzi seems to be stronger than them, suppressing them and becoming the first Son, there is a posture over them.

The two were very dissatisfied, seeing Gongtian God is not pleasing to the eye. In this case, no matter what Gongtian God does, they will not feel pleasing to the eye, but they will feel more disgusted and disgusted.

Several peerless Tianjiao in the Canglong Realm just left, trying to get out of the ruins of Tianyuan and meet at the designated place.

"Stop!" Suddenly, Taixuanjie opened a peerless Tianjiao, his face looked cold, his eyes swept across like a knife: "Since you have come here, it means that you want to challenge Brother God of Heaven, as long as you can come from Brother God of Heaven Get out of the way, each of you can get one of the top quality Tianyuanbao jade, if not, you must hand over one of the top quality Tianyuanbao jade. "


Headed by the Son of Taixuan, he led a peerless Tianjiao of Taixuan Realm to intercept where he would leave the ruins of Tianyuan, and used a seemingly fair method to capture the superior Tianyuanbao jade of others.

"This approach is very inappropriate," said the half-step Dasheng of Canglong Realm.

"What's wrong." Tai Xuanjie's half-step grand saint laughed disapprovingly, with a touch of compliment: "You Canglongjie can do the same."

To do so, it really feels wrong, but it doesn't violate the rules. After all, there was no such requirement at the beginning.

After a few glances at the peerless Tianjiao of the Canglongjie, they moved a little.

After all, after one month, they did not gain much.

"If you can get over this place, you don't need to surrender the top quality Tianyuanbao jade, and you can each get one top quality Tianyuanbao jade." Tai Xuan Shengzi said, his voice was indifferent, as if he was high above the gods: "Relax, they won't shoot, neither will I It will move for half a minute, and you can also go together. "

They refer to other peerless Tianjiao in Taixuan Realm.

Hearing that Taixuan Shengzi said that other people would not move, and they would not move half a minute. Several of them moved even more. After looking at each other, they nodded and agreed.

They believe that this person is strong, but as long as they join forces, they have hope of surpassing each other.

Suddenly, several peerless Tianjiao of the Canglong Realm moved, and the strongest force broke out at the fastest speed, and they had to cross the Taixuan Shengzi's body.

In the distance, Chen Zong and Wei Changtian saw this scene and frowned.

Especially when gazing at Taixuan Shengzi, both of them became dignified ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It was terrible!

Xiuwei is in the sixth stage of the sacred realm, but I do n’t know how many times better than those peerless heavens in the mid-sixth stage of the sacred realm.

Tai Xuan Shengzi shot, but did not do anything, but his eyes shot a splendid brilliance. Immediately, he saw the appearance of several peerless Tianjiao in the Canglong world, as if they had suffered invisible heavy pressure, it was difficult to move for a while.

"That's ..." Chen Zong looked stunned, with his sharp eyes and super strong perception, he could faintly capture the slightest breath fluctuations, which filled the Taixuan Shengzi and covered the Canglongs. The world peerless Tianjiao's body.

Force field!

Chen Zong immediately made a judgment.

It seems that Taixuan Shengzi did not take any action, but he has already distributed the force field to suppress the peerless Tianjiao of the Canglong Realms.

The highest of these Canglong Realms is the sixth stage of the sacred realm, and the lowest is the quintet of the sacred realm. Faced with the power of the Taixuan Shengzi, there is not much resistance at all, and it can only barely move.

There is no doubt that this is a terrible force field, and Tai Xuan Shengzi has also cultivated it to a very superb level.

Under the suppression of the Xuanxuan Force Field, the peerless Tianjiao of several Canglong Realms couldn't go any further.

On one side, the peerless Tianjiao of Taixuanjie sneered.

Uncontrollable, he really wanted to challenge Brother Tianshen.

Now, under the heavy field of Brother Tianshen, it is difficult to move at all, and the gap is really too big.

Several peerless Tianjiao of Canglong Realm lost.

But unfortunately, only one of them took out one of the top-quality Tianyuanbao jades, and the others did not. They had to be searched and taken away to take away the top-grade and inferior Tianyuanbao jades. They were extremely humiliated.

Immediately, Gong Tianxing and Wang Yue's eyes swept away, staring at Chen Zong.

(37 Chinese)

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