Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 68: Taixuan Shengzi (below)

All eyes fell on Chen Zong as if he were going to see through it.

Immediately, Chen Zong also felt the eyes of Tai Xuan Shengzi, full of amazing oppression.

Chen Zong knew that this time, he couldn't avoid it.

Originally Chen Zong intended to detour the road, and avoided the Taixuan Shengzi for the time being, because now, there is no need to confront Taixuan Shengzi.

But now, Tai Xuan Shengzi's eyes gazed at him. The implication is obvious, that is, he is staring at himself.

Among them, there may be reasons for the palace punishment, but it does not matter.

If you can't avoid it, then head up. By the way, you can also see the ability of this person. Throughout his life, Chen Zong's heart suddenly burst into a trace of war.

Without having to talk too much, Chen Zong immediately set foot on his feet, with a firm mind, and never moved forward.

Wei Changtian also stepped forward, leaving Chen Zong slightly surprised and immediately relieved.

Wei Changtian's breath is very sharp, full of astonishing mighty power. This is a belief, a belief of Jian Xiu, a belief of Wei Changtian's sword way, which is different from Chen Zong's sword way.

This is also Wei Changtian's choice.

Chen Zong knew that even without himself, Wei Changtian would not avoid his edge.

"Rules, you know?" Tai Xuan Shengzi said, his voice was indifferent, his eyes narrowed.

"If you want to send me a top-quality Tianyuanbao jade, there is no reason to refuse it." Chen Zongbu Xu Xuji smiled slightly, with momentum, tit-for-tat.

Wei Changtian didn't speak, but his breath became sharper and sharper.

The Taixuan Shengzi did not speak again, and seemed to disdain to respond.

Chen Zong and Wei Changtian did not mean to be half angry.

Chen Zong and Wei Changtian were one hundred meters away from Taixuan Shengzi. They had straight backs like swords, and their sharp edges were condensing, just like the sharp sword pointed at the sky.

Suddenly, between the opening and closing of the eyes of Taixuan Sheng's uterine gods, a faint sway like waves of water opened up, it seemed to be rippling in the air, causing invisible ripples to spread freely and diffuse everywhere.

Only for a moment, Chen Zong and Wei Changtian felt that their bodies were swept by an invisible force, sinking slightly, and it seemed that the innocent body had some more invisible weight suppression.

At the same time, Chen Zong and Wei Changtian also moved.

Wei Changtian was shaped like a sword out of a sheath, tearing the air and blasting forward, Chen Zong stepped out, and the thunderous light was the third step of Lei Ta Jiuzhong.

The distance of 100 meters is actually very short and can be crossed in an instant.

And as long as you pass the Taixuan Shengzi, even if you win, you can get one of the top grade Tianyuanbao jade.

One hundred meters!

Such a short distance, Tai Xuan Shengzi dare to do so, proves that he has 100% confidence in his strength.

This is an invincible belief.

Heavy mysterious force field!

For a moment, the Chongxuan force field was exhibited by Taixuan Shengzi, covering a radius of 100 meters, with special attention to Chen Zong and Wei Changtian.

The strength of the force field can be adjusted, provided that the practice and mastery of the force field reaches a certain height.

Obviously, Taixuan Shengzi's cultivation and mastery of the Chongxuan Force Field has reached an extremely high level.


The Chongxuan force field, unlike the Tiansha force field, is a force field that directly exerts arrogant and mysterious power.

Under the heavy mysterious force field, Chen Zong and Wei Changtian only felt very heavy on their bodies, as if there were invisible mountain repressions. Not only that, but also seem to have countless mysterious entanglements around the hands, feet and body, constantly pulling around. same.

These force fields are very mysterious, and these feelings are very uncomfortable.

The speed of Chen Zong and Wei Changtian plummeted, their bodies fell to the ground, and their feet stepped out of the pit, covered with cracks.

This heavy mysterious force field will not be weakened because there are more or fewer people in it. In other words, the same is true for the next one, and two and three are all the same. Otherwise, Taixuan Shengzi does not have such great confidence.

However, both Chen Zong and Wei Changtian are much stronger than the peerless heavens of the previous Canglong Realms. They are under the power of heavy mystery, and they can still support them without being crushed to the ground.

Take a step!

Chen Zong agitated the strength of his whole body, raised his right leg hard, and stepped forward.

With a slam, the ground shook slightly, and his right foot broke the ground.

The second step!

third step!

Step by step, it was extremely difficult.

Wei Chang Tian Jing stood still, astonishingly sharp as if to break everything.

Suddenly, the sharp edge rose into the sky, as if the tearing of the heavy mysterious force field was cracked in an instant. The whole person seemed to turn into a flying sword.

But in a flash, as if his successor was incapable, he fell again, and his sharp and unmatched breath also restrained.

One hundred meters, from the beginning of Chen Zong and Wei Changtian to the Taixuan Shengzi released the repression of the Xuanxuan field, but in a short moment, the two just crossed the distance of ten meters, leaving only ninety meters.

"Struggling hard." Gong Tianxun looked ridiculous.

He was very confident of his brother's strength, and with his ability, he was under the heavy power of his brother's palace god, and it was difficult to resist.

The strength of these two people is at least similar to their own, and it is impossible to resist. At most, it is to struggle for a while and then fall down unwillingly. The feeling is very wonderful.

But unfortunately, he did not cultivate the field of heavy mystery.

Chongxuan Force Field, which is a powerful secret of Taixuan Holy Palace, is as high as ten grades, and is also called secondary magical power.

The entire Taixuan Shenggong disciples can only be taught by the God of the Palace, and the others are qualified to practice at high levels.

Although he was a second disciple of his disciples, he still did not have this qualification.

After all, the top ten secrets are supernatural, and they are extremely important.

The younger brother seems to fit well with the Chongxuan Force Field. As soon as he cultivates, he is as good as a fish, and is extraordinary.

Although the younger brother Gong Tianshen bears his hands and seems to understate it, in fact, the heavy mysterious field occupies 50% of his strength.

With the ability of the younger brother Gongtian God, even if it is only 50% of the strength, it is enough to sweep all the Tianjiao present. Only the Son of Heaven and the Son of Zhengu can compete.

Under the heavy field, the pressure on Chen Zong and Wei Changtian increased sharply, and it was extremely difficult.

However, the two looked very calm, even the root of the teeth, constantly agitated their own strength and momentum to oppose, and took the opportunity to move forward.

Thunder light flickered on both feet of Chen Zong, and sometimes dazzled. After taking a step, he suddenly became dim, as if exhausting all his strength.

As for Wei Changtian, he is standing still and constantly accumulating momentum. When the potential reaches the extreme, Wei Changtian will erupt completely. He will temporarily break the suppression of the heavy mysterious field and move forward instantly.

In this way, Chen Zong and Wei Changtian have both advanced twenty meters.

But for 100 meters, 20 meters is actually not much.

In addition, the two can feel that their own power is constantly being consumed, becoming more and more intense, which is even more amazing than high-intensity fighting.

The look of the Taixuan Shengzi has not changed half, and is indifferent and high above him.

The Chongxuan Force Field continued to suppress Chen Zong and Wei Changtian.

Thirty meters!

Finally, Chen Zong and Wei Changtian crossed the distance of thirty meters with great difficulty.

Xuankong Luo stared at him for a moment, he naturally hoped that Chen Zong and Wei Changtian could cross the Taixuan Shengzi, but the possibility was very low.

Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing came from a distance and glanced at Chen Zong and Wei Changtian. They did not have the idea of ​​helping hands, but bypassed directly, which made Xuan Kongluo somewhat disappointed.

With the strength of Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing, if they joined forces, they might be able to compete with Tai Xuan Shengzi. Unfortunately, they were not willing.

Gen Kong Luo could not force them to do so.

"It's really sad." Chu Wangshi shook his head and scorned.

Forty meters!

Chen Zong and Wei Changtian crossed one after the other, but they became more and more difficult. They felt their legs were extremely heavy, as if tied to an invisible mountain, they were heavy to the extreme, and they felt a sense of weakness.

Seeing that Chen Zong and Wei Changtian could advance forty meters under the suppression of the Chongxuan Force Field, many people were surprised. You must know that the few peerless Tianjiao in the Canglong Realm had done even ten meters forward. No.

Fifty meters!

There was a slight surprise in the eyes of Tai Xuan Shengzi.

Unexpectedly, the two men could go forward 50 meters under their own heavy field, which is really unusual.

However, fifty meters is your limit.

Instantly, the heavy field strengthened.

Chen Zong and Wei Changtian's bodies trembled a little, and they were almost suppressed by the instant heavy pressure.

The Son of Tai Xuan has already exerted his strength in the field of heavy mystery.

However, neither Chen Zong nor Wei Changtian were crushed nor stopped.

Take a step!

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Tai Xuan Shengzi's face sank slightly, and his eyes shot out an amazing coldness.

At this moment, Chen Zong urged Tiansha force field.

For a moment, the Tiansha force field spread out, covering the Taixuan Shengzi, and the amazing shame directly impacted the mind of the Taixuan Shengzi, causing his mind to tremble slightly, and the control of the heavy black force field was also relaxed.

This moment is enough.

Lei Guang burst out in an instant, extremely strong, and instantly covered Chen Zong's legs, and quickly spread upwards, covering the waist.

One step forward, as if the thunder was rushing, the astonishing momentum shook the world. Chen Zong also felt that his muscles and muscles were constantly being impacted by an irresistible and horrible force, as if he was about to crack.

Lei Ta Nine days ... The fifth step!

Everything erupted at this instant.

Wei Changtian also noticed the out-of-control of the Chongxuan Force Field, his eyes shot out a horrible splendor, as if the sword opened, and then the long sword came out of the sheath, and the void was cut. Everything seemed to be split, unstoppable, followed the sword, turned into a sword, and flew forward instantly.

It's too late to talk about it, and it's too fast to change things, which is completely unexpected.

Although it was only a moment, the mind of the Taixuan Shengzi resisted the savage impact of the Heavenly Force Field, quickly adjusted it, regained control of the Heavy Force Field, and strengthened it to the extreme.

However, it has been slow for a while.

Lei stepped on the fifth step of Jiuzhong Sky, giving Chen Zong a faster speed limit, a short distance of forty meters, and quickly passed.

Although Wei Changtian was slow for a while, but still followed Chen Zong, he was impacted by the reinforced heavy field. At that moment, Wei Changtian looked absolutely crazy, a spurt of blood spewed out, and the whole person burst into arrogance. Strength, resisting the strengthened heavy mysterious force field, rushed forward.

(37 Chinese)

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