Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 69: Qualify

Each one was dumbfounded and speechless.

Chen Zong and Wei Changtian challenged Tai Xuan Shengzi and succeeded.

Especially for the people of Taixuanjie, they were shocked and incredible.

The **** Taixuan Sheng womb, in the eyes of Taixuan Realm, is an unbelievable figure, which is called the godless reincarnation of the **** reincarnation.

No one can be rivaled by his peers.

Even now, Chen Zong and Wei Changtian are not really defeating Tai Xuan Shengzi, but since it is a challenge, to a certain extent, it can be considered that Tai Xuan Shengzi lost.

Tai Xuan Shengzi himself did not expect this result.

He turned around, his eyes gazed at him, and the essence in his eyes seemed to penetrate everything, almost looking through Chen Zong and Wei Changtian.

Facing the eyes of Tai Xuan Shengzi, both Chen Zong and Wei Changtian felt pressure, as if the pressure was from the depths of their souls.

But Chen Zong and Wei Changtian were not afraid to look at each other.

"You ... good." The sage of Tai Xuan Shengzi gazed completely on Chen Zong's face. The three words sounded understatement, but seemed to condense the power of Wanjun.

At that moment, it was this person who exerted a kind of force field that could impact and disturb his mind, and instantly let him lose control of the heavy force field, so that they seized the opportunity to pass themselves.

If it weren't for this, another person would never have crossed it.

There was a hint of cold mang in the bottom of Taixuan Shengzi's eyes.

When have you suffered from such losses?

Moreover, the other side even practiced a powerful field.

"Of course I'm fine. What about top grade Tianyuanbaoyu?" Chen Zong asked with a slight smile.

An appalling cold mang suddenly shot out from the eyes of Tai Xuan Shengzi, with a trace of severe murder.

Actually, dare to ask for top grade Tianyuanbao jade.

"Tangxuan Taixuan Shengzi, Taixuan Realm is proud on the first day, wouldn't it be the wordless and unbelieving generation." Chen Zong was not afraid.

"Give him." Tai Xuan Shengzi receded his eyes and said coldly, this time, he was somewhat behind.

But it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, the strength is strong.

Gong Tianxun's complexion Tie Qing took out the two top-quality Tianyuanbao jade and flung it hard. The two top-level Tianyuanbao jade suddenly turned into two streamers, carrying the terrible power and shooting at Chen Zong and Wei Changtian.

Even if it is given, it is not reconciled.

This approach immediately caused some people's disdain.

If you win, you must have the momentum to win, and lose, you must also have the spirit to lose.

So now, unwilling to lose, this kind of heartiness makes people look down.

Chen Zong grabbed his left hand, and his fingers moved between them, bringing a mysterious trajectory. The air under the five fingers was like a wave of water, which suddenly weakened the power carried by the top grade Tianyuanbao jade of that side, and then grabbed it and ranked the top side. Tianyuan Baoyu grabbed it easily.

Wei Changtian also pointed out that if the sword was repeatedly pointed out, it seemed that there was an invisible sword gas pulsating. After continuously weakening its strength, his fingers would also start the top grade Tianyuanbao jade.

Because of Chen Zong and Wei Changtian, Tai Xuan Shengzi also seemed to have lost interest, and did not stop others, so everyone was relieved.

More than 400 peerless Tianjiao left Tianyuan Ruins on time.

"Now, I don't get the top grade inferior jade." The half-step sacred power of Taixuanjie said directly, glanced away, and when he saw Chen Zong, he gave a slight meal, but did not pay much attention.

However, it is only a junior, it is a fluke challenge that Tai Xuan Shengzi succeeds, and nothing more.

With a little hesitation, one by one, standing on the other side, totaling more than 300 people.

"You, can someone get the best Tianyuanbao jade?" The half-step master of Tai Xuanjie asked again.

No, of these three hundred people, no one gets top quality Tianyuanbao jade, let alone the best Tianyuanbao jade.

"You guys, can anyone find the best Tianyuanbao jade?" This half-step saint looked again at dozens of people who found the top Tianyuanbao jade, and everyone shook their heads.

Outside the Tianyuan ruins, it is already very good to get top quality Tianyuanbao jade. As for the best Tianyuanbao jade, it is impossible to find it, even if it is inside.

"Now show me the superior Tianyuanbaoyu you have."

Everyone took out the top quality Tianyuanbao jade they had found, and it was time to decide the final quota.

Those who found top quality Tianyuanbao jade add up, but only 82 people.

One side after another, top grade Tianyuanbao jade appeared in the hands of everyone, and at a glance, you can clearly see the amount of top grade Tianyuanbao jade that everyone has.

These eighty-two people are regarded as the Tianyuanbao jade owned by most people.

On one side, it is not competitive.

Taixuan Shengzi owns the highest quality Tianyuanbao jade, which is as many as six squares, which is very amazing.

The second is the Son of Heaven and the Son of Zhen, each with five parties. There is no doubt that these three people were directly qualified.

Secondly, it was the Quartet, who received the top quality Tianyuanbao jade of the Quartet, and there were five of them. Chen Zong was one of them.

Originally, Chen Zong only found three parties, but only then got one from the Taixuan Shengzi and owned the Quartet. In this way, Chen Zong and other five who possessed the Quartet's top quality Tianyuanbao jade had the qualifications.

Next, there are three parties.

There are more three of them, and there are eight of them. Wei Changtian is one of them. The luck of Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing doesn't seem to be that good. They only get two of them.

This caused the two kings of Chu to sink their expressions, especially when they saw Chen Zong's hands having the top quality Tianyuanbao jade in his hands, his eyes flashed, as if Chen Zong was going to run through Ling Chi.

"Tai Xuan Shengzi, Tian Xun Shengzi, Zhengu Shengzi ... and you, you ..." Taixuan Realm's half-step grand saint-level strongman connected his fingers and said, "Here are eight people. Others, there are opportunities. "

Those who received only one top-quality Tianyuanbao jade heard the words, and their bodies were straight.

still have a chance!

what chance?

Others were also a little surprised, especially the eight named. They obtained the highest number of top-grade Tianyuanbao jade and got the qualification directly, but it seems that it is not completely certain, and there will be changes?

Looking at the look of the other half-step grand saints, it seems that this is already known.

From this perspective, the so-called search for Tianyuanbaoyu is just the first assessment, or the first battle.

In the final analysis, there are only ten places that can enter the Lingwu Holy Land.

Nine Realms plus the Great Wilderness, on average, can only get one place each.

However, if it is so distributed, why bother to come here, you just need to let each sector compete for a place.

It is precisely because the Nine Realms fought together that some realms could not get a place, while some realms could get two places.

The more places you get, the better.

As for how to fight next, there is no announcement yet. Everyone is in the ruins of Tianyuan this month. They are always vigilant, nervous and need to relax first.

Back inside the waste city, Xiang'an is fine.

Chen Zong returned to his temporary residence courtyard and began meditating.

Entering the ruins of Tianyuan this time, I have gained a lot.

You can create a secret footwork, Lei Tae, which can fight and run long distances. It is very practical and has great potential.

Obtained a special practice method to practice the god's thoughts, the upper part of the god's upper law, tempering his own gods' thoughts, making them more pure, and deepening the control of the realm of the heart.

These are all promotions.

Finally, the refining and fusion of the embers of the Heaven's Strange Fire Ruins, which completely transformed Ziyun Hexingyan, became a new kind of Heaven's Strange Fire: the Fire of the Fire at Zihuan.

The fire in the Zihuan Burn Market has amazing power. Although it is only the fourth grade, it has the powerful power of killing ordinary people into the sanctuary, making Chen Zong's strength even stronger.

With every experience, as long as you do your best, there will always be gains, even if there is no direct harvest, there will be more or less accumulation and accumulation.

Chen Zong was meditating. Outside the door, an uninvited guest came in, and he broke in directly and came to Chen Zong.

"What's the matter?" Chen Zong frowned slightly, staring sharply like a sword, staring at the other side, his voice agitated.

Anyone who is meditating in his own courtyard, but suddenly there are uninvited guests uninvited, will not be happy.

The person who came is the King of Chu.

Chu Wangshi was carrying his hands, staring at Chen Zong, looking proud.

"You are very good, even you can get the top quality Tianyuanbaoyu from the Quartet." Chu Wangshi said, with a tone of pride, with a bit of pride: "However, your cultivation is not enough to enter the sanctuary. It ’s far from being comparable to me, so go with me to Xuan Kongluo and tell him ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ you give me your qualifications, just when I owe you a favor. "

Chen Zong didn't think of it. This King of Chu was uninvited, and he actually said these things.

It's hard to believe.

What gave him this confidence and arrogance?

The cultivation of the sixth stage of the sanctuary?

Or the disciples of the Great Holy Realm?

Or an extraordinary talent?

Or as a member of the royal family?

Chen Zong couldn't understand each other's thoughts.

"Get off!" For people who don't know how to describe it, Chen Zong doesn't have any idea of ​​talking nonsense with the other party. It is simply a waste of time and energy and gives an answer directly, extremely sharp and sharp like a sword.

"You ..." Just like the King of Chu, the long hair suddenly rushed up, his face full of anger, his eyes bursting with terrible murderous power, the breath of breath was exploded, and the vitality of heaven and earth in all directions was in the moment, as if it was completely in control. Similarly, it feels like a world is being driven, and Chen Zong is to be crushed and dropped.

"Wang Chu, what are you doing?" Xuankong Luo was shocked, appeared in the courtyard of Chen Zong, and moved his thoughts. Suddenly, the vitality of the surrounding world was dissipated. His brow frowned slightly, his face looked calm and refined. Mang burst out and landed on the king of Chu.

When Xuankong Luo appeared, Chu Wangshi knew that he did not have a chance to do anything, but he did not look at Xuankong Luo, or even ignored it, and glanced at Chen Zong with a bit of sorrow, and hummed. Turn around and leave.

Xuankong Luo's complexion was slightly green, and one was in a sanctuary, but so arrogant and arrogant. If it was not a disciple of the Great Holy Realm, he would have been shot dead with his own palm.

Taking a deep breath, dispelling a hint of anger, Xuan Kongluo turned to look at Chen Zong with a smile: "If anyone deliberately troubles you, shout my name."

(37 Chinese)

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