Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 70: Final decision

The rest of the day, everyone has recovered and gathered in an empty lot in the abandoned city.

Nine Realm Peerless and a strong man, and the ten Peerless Peerless and the half-step holy old man in the wild.

The domineering breath pervades all directions and repels the void.

The three wise men and five who have won the Quartet's top grade inferior jade, are directly qualified, but they are only qualifications, not final places.

Ten qualifications, two remaining, will be born among those eight who have won the third party Tianyuanbaoyu Peerless Tianjiao.

The most direct way to showdown.

Lottery, duel.

From a half-step big holy class strong man, instantly cast a solid platform.


Wei Changtian defeated his opponent.

The first round of duels, four promotion and four eliminations, the second round of duels will determine eligibility.

Draw again.

Wei Changtian's opponent is a peerless Tianjiao in the Taixuan Realm, and he also has the cultivation of the sixth stage of the Holy Land.


Extremely fierce fighting.

"Long days ... no return!"

Wei Changtian's tricks are unfolding, his breath is extremely sharp, and his sharpness is extreme. The sword is filled with brilliance, shines in all directions, and is instantly restrained into the sword body.


This is a sword of Xeon, a sword that never goes forward and never returns.

Under one sword, everything is destroyed, nothing is broken.

Tai Xuanjie's Peerless Sky was defeated and wounded, Wei Changtian successfully won a qualification.

The final qualification was won by a peerless Tianjiao in Hengshanjie.

"Everyone waits for ten people, and each gets a qualification." Taixuanjie's half-step big holy eyes twinkled brightly. After scanning ten people like Chen Zong, he immediately looked at the others: "Everyone who can get top quality Tianyuanbaoyu , Have a chance to challenge qualifications. "

The challenge method is also very simple, that is, choose one of the ten people who have already been qualified for the challenge.

Of course, there are as many as seventy-two people who are qualified for the challenge, and only ten are challenged. On average, each person has to accept seven challenges.

But this is not the case, but whoever challenges who, first make a choice. For example, if someone wants to challenge Taixuan Shengzi, choose to make a choice, and see how many people will challenge Taixuan Shengzi in the end. , Determine the strongest one, and then start a real challenge with this person, and finally determine the quota.

After a quarter of an hour, everyone made a decision.

The ten qualified persons are separated, and whoever they want to challenge stands in front of them.

A strange scene appeared, and there was no one in front of Tai Xuan.

The strength of the **** Taixuansheng womb is too powerful, and no one can challenge him. It is to humiliate him, not only to fail, but to offend him, and he will certainly have a lot of trouble in the future.

After weighing the pros and cons, everyone gave up challenging Tai Xuan Shengzi.

The Son of Heaven and the Son of Zhengu are also saints. They are not inferior to those of Taixuan. They are powerful and talented. It is equally difficult to challenge them.

Therefore, there was no one in front of them.

In front of that great wasteland Tianjiao, there were five people standing there, all of whom had been in the sixth stage of the Holy Land.

Except for the three saints, many others stood in front of them.

Chen Zong stood in front of the most people, as many as twenty.

After all, among the ten qualified people, Chen Zong's revision is the lowest, and it looks like a soft persimmon. Although he successfully passed the field of Tai Xuan Shengzi before, many people think that it is just a fluke.

Chu Wangshi also appeared in the team challenging Chen Zong, which made Xuankong Luo even more disappointed.

Disappointment of Chu Wangshi.

The eyes of Chu Wangshi stared at Chen Zong, the coldness was sharp, as if to pierce Chen Zong.

Chen Zong stared at the king of Chu without fear.

Twenty people challenged Chen Zong, and eight challenged Wei Changtian.

Before the challenge, it is natural that these people decide the winner first, and only take the last winner.

Twenty people who challenged Chen Zong started the showdown.

This duel is not one-on-one, but a group melee.

The King of Chu's World Exhilaration.

The exercises he practiced were Xuan Wang's shocking tactics, and they were much deeper than Chu Zhongyang. Once they were applied, they immediately affected the vitality of the world and were controlled by him.

You don't need to use Xuan Wang's shock to strike the world, Chu Wang Shi will be able to control the power of these heavens and earth's vitality, and integrate it into each of his strikes, making it more powerful.

The strength of the other nineteen people is not bad, but there is a gap compared to the Chu King.

Especially when the vitality of heaven and earth was controlled by Chu Wangshi, their strength was weakened invisibly.

Moreover, these nineteen people are not one heart.

In the end, only Chu Wangshi remained on the ring, winning, and being eligible to challenge Chen Zong.

"Chen Zong, come up and be ambush." ​​Chu Wang Shi pointed at Chen Zong, with a proud look.

Chen Zong's body flickered, appeared on the ring, facing the King of Chu.

"I finally give you a chance and take the initiative to admit defeat, and don't care about your offending me." Chu Wangshi carried his hands, his eyes stared at Chen Zong indifferently, and said, "I will take care of you one or two in the future. You will be transferred from the Xuantian Legion, and you will become the official seal and admiral. You will enjoy superior status and rights, and your descendants will also receive imperial grace. "

Chen Zong looked at Chu Wangshi's eyes as if looking at a fool.

Chu Wangshi's expression sank, his eyes burst into a terrifying killer. Immediately, Xuanwang's shocking world tactics were fully operated, and the terrible power struck the whole body. In the middle of it, a terrible finger burst out.

The power of the fingers is arrogant, as if it can penetrate everything.

Chen Zong's look remained unchanged, and the sword of the Red Prison flame flowed out of the sheath, and a sword burst out through the air.

At this moment, after a day of meditation and taking a large amount of Tianyuan Dan, Chen Zong's cultivation was improved from the mid-fifth stage of the sacred realm to the later stage, and his strength was also improved.

Immediately, one step out, and between the ray of light, Chen Zong crossed an arc to approach the king of Chu, and the sword broke.

A pair of half-finger gloves on Chu Wangshi's pair of gloves glowed with golden light, which brought an extremely mysterious trajectory, and the vitality of the world was surging.


Take control!

The power of each hit is additionally enhanced, and the mystery is endless, and it moves like a Foshan Yue across the road.

Rou and Gang!

Weak and strong!

Contrasting strength is contained in it, making every power of Chu Wangshi more amazing.

Coupled with the Xuan Wang's shocking world tactics, the power of each hit becomes more and more terrible.

Field of Hearts!

In an instant, Chen Zong unfolded the realm of the heart and compressed it to a 50-meter square circle, in which the vitality of the heavens and the earth was immediately under his control.

The face of the King of Chu changed slightly, and the vitality of the world changed. He could feel it, which made him feel incredible and angry at the same time.

His Xuan Wang Jing Shi Jue can control the vitality of the heaven and earth within a few kilometers of his circle for his own use, invisibly enhancing his own strength and weakening the strength of the other party.

He, like an emperor, controls everything.

But now, under the control of the other party, they have seized the right to use the heaven and earth within a certain range.

It feels like someone is standing on their own land as a king. Any emperor cannot accept or endure it. It must be cracked down, annihilated, and destroyed.

However, the area of ​​the heart of the kilometer is compressed to 50 meters, and it is extremely solid. Even the seven strongest men who have entered the sacred realm cannot shake the slightest.

Although the strength of Chu Wangshi was strong, he did not reach that point.

Why not.

This feeling made him even more angry.

Relying on one's own practice and strength, there is no other way.

In particular, as soon as the opponent's swordsmanship unfolded, there was a continuous trend like flowing water and flowing rivers. There was also an astonishing trend of waterfalls, sky, thousands of horses galloping, and a terrible flood.

It is hard to imagine how clever these swordsmanship is.

Xuankong Luo, as a half-step sage-level strong man, has extraordinary eyesight. At a glance, Chen Zong's swordsmanship at this time is extraordinary and extraordinary.

Infinite Promise Chain!

The swords are connected, there is no gap, and the strength is changeable, which makes the King of Chu feel a sense of difficulty. For a time, it dwarfs.

The King of Chu was extremely cold, his eyes were full of anger, and he tried his best, even if he killed Chen Zong in his face.

nothing left!

After all, the king of the Chu Dynasty was a master in the mid-sixth stage of the sacred realm. He was very clever, and he was practicing such terrible techniques as the Xuan Wang Jing Shi Jue. It was extremely amazing, plus the sharpening of the outer edge of the Tianyuan ruins for a month. Strength is one step further.

At this moment, the unreserved implementation immediately brought a lot of pressure to Chen Zong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Fortunately, in order to break through a small level, Chen Zong's basic strength was further strengthened.

Chu Yuqing stood beside the platform and stared, her brows frowning.

She also did not expect that Chen Zong's repairs seemed low, but his strength was so strong that it was difficult for Chu Wangshi to give it all to defeat him.

For now, it seems like a close match.

There is no doubt that the strength of Chu Wangshi is much stronger than that of Gongtian Punishment.


Suddenly, a terrible sound lifted from the body of Chu Wangshi, and a dazzling array of crimson red thunder spread freely from within the body, turning into a dazzling thunder arc that jumped wildly and exuded a mighty power. Seems to break everything.

Chen Zong's pupils contracted.

Heavenly Thunder!

Chu Wangshi even had the magic power to master the sky, or a thunder force.

The red, very dazzling, exuding an amazing burst of destruction, this seems to be the bursting blood mine in the record.

This is a very high ranking heavenly thunder, its power is amazing, its power of destruction is terrible, it seems to be able to break everything.

Moreover, the thundering blood mines of the King of Chu had been cultivated to a very high level, and it seemed to be the fifth grade.

Wupin's thundering blood mine is enough to kill the ordinary six into the sanctuary.

When the power of the blood thunder bursts, Chen Zong's face was dignified.

Hard to resist!

Sky Crystal Overlord!

Zihuan burning market fire!

Instantly, Chen Zong burst into stronger strength.

Although the fire at the Zihuan Burning Ruins is only the fourth grade, it is not as powerful as destroying the blood mine, but it can also enhance the strength of Chen Zong.

"The strange fire of heaven!" Chu Wangshi was a little surprised, but he didn't expect that the other party also had a strange power of heaven. The more so, the more angry he became.

(37 Chinese)

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