Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 74: Master Xuanyuan

The hot air permeated and filled the cultivating closet, making the closet like an oven, with an alarmingly high temperature. When the steel entered it, it would be melted into molten iron in a short breath, and then it would be evaporated to extremely high temperature.

Chen Zong's body not only has a hot air permeating, but also seems to have a faint flame burning, the flame looks like an illusion, it seems unreal, a bit illusory, but it has amazing power.

South Li Yu Yu Gong!

Getting started!

With his whole-hearted cultivation, Chen Zong's accumulation potential of the body has also been inspired, and the mixed power has become more and more condensed and more forceful. The body has also been continuously tempered, becoming more pure and forceful.

The practice of refining the body has also been promoted.

Mixed Heaven Realm Heavy Middle!

Mixed Heaven Realm Late!

The peak of mixed heavens!

The limit of mixed heaven!


Mixed Heaven Realm!

When the practice of refining the body reached the dual stage of mixed heaven, Chen Zong could clearly feel that his physique had strengthened a lot, and the original seemingly dry mixed power also became vigorous and vigorous.

Chen Zong can clearly feel that his body, every muscle and every muscle is full of strong power.

There is still time, and its own refining potential is still there, and it can continue to cultivate.

Chen Zong did not pause in the slightest.

The south jade quenching Yugong continued to run, and the fire in the Zihuan burning market continued to permeate the whole body, and the tempering continued.

Body like a gem!

Real Fire Refinery!



The early days of Mie Heaven!

In this way, Chen Zongfang stopped practicing cultivation, because the accumulation potential of the refining body was almost exhausted, and then, either to get help from foreign objects, or to slowly grind water.

"Nan Li Que Yu Gong has reached the state of Xiaocheng, and can practice Lili." Chen Zong secretly said, his eyes seemed to have a flame burning.

Lihuo Jin is a secret martial arts method supported by Nanli Queyu Gong. It has great power, but it still needs some practice to know how.

The practice of detachment from the fire is to continuously condense the mixed nature of the fire attributes to the extreme, and then integrate the power of the flame, that is, the power of the fire in Zihuan, to form a new and more powerful force.

Fortunately, Chen Zong's spiritual thoughts were very powerful, and he practiced the deities of God. As a result, the spiritual thoughts became more and more pure, and he easily compressed and condensed the mixed heavenly power and the fire in the purple world.

A trace of black power condensed at the fingertips, about the thickness of the hair, looking very subtle and inconspicuous, but Chen Zong could feel the amazing power from it.

If this power is released, it will be more than twice as terrible than the full burst of mixed power in the early stage of the mixed triple world.

And this is only preliminary condensed.

Next, Chen Zong tried his best to cultivate the fire energy, continually condensed the fire energy, and stored it in the muscles of the bones and muscles. It could be pulled out at any time and released even more terrible power.

Simply put, Lihuo Jin is equivalent to the enhanced version of Nanli Jinyu's mixed power, but it will be consumed once it is cast, and cannot be recovered by itself like mixed power. You must practice on your own to be able to condense and generate again. Therefore, it can only be used as a hole card.

For several days and nights, Chen Zong continued to condense away from the fire, only to stop after condensing Jiu Dao, because Jiu Dao is the ultimate ability to condense.

Only when the Nanli Que Yu Gong is broken to Dacheng, can the nine-way limit be exceeded, and its limit is ninety-nine.

After a few calculations, more than four months have passed since I returned, but the Lingwu Holy Land has not yet been opened. The next time, I will slowly cultivate, and further sharpen myself, but it will not be the same as before. , Quickly improve the breakthrough.

But Chen Zong was not surprised. After all, each rapid promotion is inseparable from the potential of life and death.

After all the potentials that have been stimulated have been converted into strength, they will enter a period of slow ascension.

There is no way to cultivate.

Chen Zong opened the door of the secret room with some satisfaction and stepped forward.

I haven't seen the sun for many days. It just happened to fall on my body, and I felt a warm and comfortable feeling.

Cultivation method, pay attention to relaxation, have a continuous practice for several months, it is also time to take a break and relax your body and mind. In this way, it is more suitable for the next stage of cultivation.

After some wandering, Chen Zong did not enter the retreat again, but returned to his camp to meditate.

Suddenly, the abrupt changes occur.

Even when Chen Zong himself wasn't aware of it, he only felt a change around him, as if changing the world, the camp account disappeared, and his whole body was gray and white, with countless airflows that flowed slowly like water.

Chen Zong was startled.

Where is this

I am clearly meditating within the camp, why did I open this eye and come to this inexplicable place?


Chen Zong is obsessed with heart and mind, with extremely firm will, and the fire of soul burns. When he is not so easily affected by illusions, unless the person who casts the illusions is trained to a very high level, the illusions are amazing.

But if these people, their strength is far from being able to deal with them.

These big men, at least, have to be half-step big holy powers, not to deal with themselves.

If it is not an illusion, what is it?

Could it be that he was unknowingly removed from the camp?

Just in a short moment, Chen Zong's mind flashed a lot of thoughts.

The gray-white air stream continuously flowed around, seemingly silent, without any breath fluctuations. The ordinary appearance made Chen Zong feel extraordinary.

It's not ordinary to just appear in this place unknowingly.

"Which senior is joking with the younger?" Chen Zong started, his voice spread, but he was smiling in the gray air.

There is no such thing as this kind of thing, and someone must have done it.

So who is it?

What's the point?

However, nothing happened and no response made Chen Zong can not help frowning.

Chen Zong did not rush, because it was not clear if the shot would cause any adverse reactions.


Chen Zong waited patiently.

Since someone shot, but did not kill themselves, there must be a reason, so sooner or later they will show up.

Chen Zong simply closed his eyes and meditated. At the same time he meditated, he also partly focused his attention on everything around him.

In this gray place, I don't know the time passing or how long it has been in the past, a figure silently gathered in front of it.

Chen Zong's eyes opened instantly.

The figure was an old man, a gray robe, which looked very simple, just like an ordinary old man.

But his eyes were deep, as if one side of the universe was empty. When Chen Zong took a look, he felt absorbed and wanted to fall into the empty space of that side.

Fortunately, Chen Zong's soul was so strong and tenacious that he kept it.

"Old man ... Master Xuanyuan." The old man in the gray robe suddenly shocked Chen Zong.

Master Xuanyuan!

The great sacred realm of the Xuanyuan royal family, the master of Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing.

"I don't know if the senior is looking for a junior, what's the difference?" Chen Zong took a deep breath, trying to calm down his mind, and asked in a polite manner.

"This time, you can win a place in the Xuanyuan Realm for the Xuanyuan Realm and promote my Xuanyuan Realm's prestige. It is a great achievement." Xuanyuan's Master opened his mouth and smiled slightly. Interest, I also moved a little bit of thought before I took you here and observed your mentality. "

Chen Zong did not respond, and in the face of a great holy realm, he didn't know what to say.

The Great Holy Realm, which is above the entry into the Holy Realm, seems to be the gap between the two levels.

Standing alone in front of this Xuanyuan superior, Chen Zong has a feeling of being suppressed. This suppression comes from the suppression of the soul from life, as if the suppression of the essence of life.

Strictly speaking, the sanctuary and the great sanctuary are already two life levels, just like the gap between a snake and a dragon.

"The old husband wants to accept you as a named disciple, would you be willing?" Master Xuanyuan spoke again and said, but shocked Chen Zong: "With your talents, in the future, you can also become the old husband's disciple.

A great sacred state supreme man, took the initiative to ask himself to be a disciple?

Even if it is just a named disciple.

What a big deal!

What a shock!

Suddenly, Chen Zong was lost, and he didn't know how to react.

It's not that Chen Zong's mind is not strong enough, but that the news is too amazing.

To be honest, Chen Zong was a little emotional.

Just by getting the sword of the heart of the Sword King, I can reborn ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Using this as a starting point, using its mystery many times, step by step to the present.

What if he was accepted as a pro- disciple by a living Great Holy Realm, and received his teaching and instructions?

Soaring into the sky from now on?

Moreover, becoming a named disciple of the Great Holy Realm Xtreme is equivalent to having a patron.

Think about the arrogance of Chu King Shi and Chu Yuqing. Even half-step sages like Xuan Kongluo are ignorant, not because they are the disciples of Xuanyuan Shang, and they have On the ground floor, Xuankong Luo did not dare to treat them.

Although the identity of a registered disciple is inferior to that of a personal disciple, he is also a disciple of the Great Holy Realm.

After all, it is difficult and difficult to become a disciple of the Great Divine Realm, and the general Peerless Tianjiao does not have this qualification.

There is such a layer of identity. As long as it is in the Xuanyuan Realm, no matter where others are, this layer of relationship will be jealous.

Backer, that's the Great Holy Land.

Moreover, Master Xuanyuan is also the ancestor of the Xuanyuan royal family. Not only has terrible strength, but also terrible power, it is even more daunting.

For a while, Chen Zong didn't know what to say.

From the beginning to the present, in most cases, I have come through with my patience. During this period, no one wants to accept himself as a disciple, but unfortunately, those people have insufficient levels.

But the Great Sacred Realm is already the strongest among the Lingwu sacred realms, standing at the pinnacle of the world.

Besides, it is not difficult to become a registered disciple with your own ability and later become a disciple.

Master Xuanyuan said nothing and waited for Chen Zong to speak. He believed that Chen Zong would make the most correct choice.

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