Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 75: The Great Prestige

There were two figures in the gray-white space, silent.

One is Xuanyuan's master, standing still, the old **** is there, one is Chen Zong, his mood is like a tide, and it is ups and downs.

It is such an honour that the Great Holy Realm Xavier personally accepts his apprentices. Rao is rich in Chen Zong's rich experience and can't help feeling excited.

But while excited, Chen Zong slowly calmed down.

Although he said that he performed well in the battle for the place of Lingwu Holy Land, and eventually won a place, it is reasonable to be regarded as a registered disciple by Master Xuanyuan, but I do n’t know why, but I still have an incredibly unreal feeling .

If you want to accept yourself as a disciple, why not let people call yourself, but use this means.

Perhaps it is Xuanyuan's preferences. After all, the practitioners, especially the inscrutable ones, have difficulty in understanding their preferences.

But I don't know why, Chen Zong is still a little confused.

If you have doubts in your heart, you must understand.

"It is my honor that the seniors value me." After a little consideration, Chen Zong stared at Master Xuanyuan and said positively, "Just, what price does the younger generation have to pay?"

Chen Zong's words are inevitably a little rude, but this is a question in his heart. Chen Zong will not make inquiries, it is not his own style.

"There is indeed a small matter that needs your help." Master Xuanyuan laughed. "It's just a matter of hand to you."

"Senior, please." Chen Zongdao, but his heart sank slightly, sure enough, not so simple.

I'm afraid that it's true that it is important to value yourself. There is something that needs to be done by yourself. It is true. I use a named disciple to seduce myself. This is not a trivial matter.

"I have two personal disciples. One of them is the King of Chu." Master Xuanyuan spoke again, but it made Chen Zong's heart sink a little more: "The King of Chu had blood of the royal family, extraordinary talent, and carried on his body. With the luck of the royal family, opportunity is needed. "

"This time, you won the place of Lingwu Holy Land. It is a great achievement that the old man will not forget."

"The old man will not only accept you as a disciple, but also teach you what he has learned throughout his life. You can also enter the royal treasure house and pick any three treasures."

"And what you have to pay is just the place of a spiritual and sacred place and give it to the King of Chu." Master Xuan Yuan said finally, his eyes fell on Chen Zong immediately, and an indescribable coercion seemed to be stern. Like that, it almost suffocated Chen Zong.


Sure enough, it was not for the sake of the place of Lingwu Holy Land.

The spiritual sacred place was opened only once in the millennium. For myself, there is only one chance to enter. These things are big things, big things, but in the Xuanyuan people, they are only small things, nothing to do with them. This trivial matter made Chen Zong very shameless.

Fortunately, he was not stunned by surprise, and immediately called on his teacher.

If you worship, the meaning will be different.

As a disciple, it is normal to listen to Master ’s instructions.

The so-called Master has something to do with his disciples, which has been the case since ancient times. At that time, Master Xuanyuan again asked for a place for the Holy Spirit Holy Place, and it was really difficult for him to refuse.

Fortunately, my intuition worked again, and I asked clearly, otherwise, the consequences would be serious.

"Thank you for predecessors who value me, but since I have been practicing, I have always been a person, free to get used to nature, if I worship the predecessors, I am afraid that the predecessors' rules and reputation will be broken." Chen Zongbu Xu Buji said.

This statement, on the surface, refuses to worship Xuanyuan as a teacher, in fact, it refuses to give up the place of the Holy Wu Holy Land.

Sure enough, Master Xuanyuan's complexion suddenly sank, and Chen Zong's complexion also changed greatly, because as the master Yuanxuan's complexion sank, the grayish-white breath in all directions seemed to be angry, become violent, and emit an extremely amazing It was astonishing, as if Chen Zong was to be suppressed, destroyed, and the bones disappeared.

The terrifying horror went straight to the deepest part of Chen Zong's heart.

I saw Master Xuanyuan's eyes burst out with a touch of brilliance, and he could not escape directly to Chen Zong. Chen Zong only felt that the fire of his soul was swaying and almost extinguished. The whole human soul seemed to be invisible but unable. The power of resistance is bound and imprisoned.

He couldn't move, he could only widen his eyes, his eyes almost bulging out.

"Say, you voluntarily surrendered the place of the Holy Wu Holy Land and transferred it to the King of Chu." Master Xuanyuan's eyes twinkled with a dim, deep light, as if the universe was vast and unpredictable, unfathomable. At the same time, Xuanyuan Between the lips of the Master's lips, slowly speaking a word, each word was filled with an indescribable unique rhythm, constantly invading Chen Zong's mind, giving Chen Zong a feeling of being under his control and assimilating.

"can not say!"

"can not say!"

One idea, that was the last resistance, echoed in Chen Zong's mind.

Chen Zong has a feeling that once he says that sentence, it will become a fact, like a fact of Jinkeyulu, when the Lingwu Holy Land will have no more relationship with himself.

This place is a lot of hard work, he walked on the edge of life and death, and finally won with many peerless Tianjiao, is a great opportunity, how can it be given to others, cut off their own opportunities.

can not say!

Can't say it!

Chen Zong was resisting and resisting, but found in horror that the idea of ​​resistance in his mind was gradually weakening with the passage of time. Instead, it was to say.

Opening his mouth, Chen Zong's mouth trembled slightly, and he wanted to say that, but he couldn't hold it out.

This feeling is extremely uncomfortable and extremely painful. It is unprecedented. It is a kind of struggle and struggling from the soul and the mind. It is many times more dangerous than the direct confrontation of the body.

Hold on!

In any case, be sure to hold on.

Although, perhaps, I can't support it for how long I have to compromise, but now I can still fight and never give up.

Never give up!

Since practicing, I have experienced countless dangers and wandered on the edge of life and death. I have never given up, never thought of giving up. I never did before, this time I wo n’t, and I wo n’t.

Hold on!

Extremely strong beliefs erupted. Suddenly, the fire of the soul, which was almost extinguished, ignited and became exuberant.

Feeling the change of Chen Zong's belief, Master Xuanyuan's eyes became darker and deeper.

This time, it is not his own body, but only a part of the idea. If not, there is no way for a sacred place to resist.

But even so, Master Xuanyuan's underwear was very surprised.

I am a great sacred realm, and the gap between entering the sacred realm, such as the ants and the giant elephant, even if only an idea comes, there is also a gap between the kitten and the tiger, and they cannot surrender the other party in a short time .

It's really unusual.

It is a pity that if it was not for the child of King Chu Wangshi, this kind of talents would be very enthusiastic, and they should be accepted as a personal disciple.

But this is already the case. There is absolutely no reason to stop. As long as the other party speaks out the concession quota, this will be the case. As for the other party's end, it is natural that the soul is damaged and it can be cultivated in the future, but it is not as good as before.

In other words, if Chen Zong said the words that Master Xuanyuan wanted, the soul would suffer from unhealable wounds. By that time, talent would drop sharply, and all aspects would also decline sharply. Tianjiao just became an ordinary genius.

Although it is said that cultivation is important, effort is important, and opportunity is important, but talent is also important.

If you do n’t have enough brilliant talents to get a brilliant inheritance, it ’s difficult to understand and understand it. Slowly, the cultivation progresses slowly and subtly, and to death, it is difficult to see the mystery.

This is like two people, one with a good family background, one with ordinary background, two people doing the same career, the same effort and the same effort, but people with a family background, it is often easier to make the career bigger and bigger Strong, achieved good results without the help of his family, the other person can only slowly work through their own efforts.

Xuanyuan's way of doing things like this is to cut off the practice of Chen Zong.

Hold on!

In any case, it must be held up. If it cannot be held up, it will have extremely bad consequences.

Chen Zong's face was distorted, blood was spilled from the corners of his eyes, and blood stains flowed down the corners of his eyes, looking very scary.

Can't stand it!

Chen Zong knows that his resistance has reached the limit. After all, compared with the Great Holy Realm Xeon, the gap is still too big, just like the firefly is better than Haoyue, even if it is unwilling and exhausted ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ Xuanyuan, the grandest divine realm, this kind of approach is too mean. "

Suddenly, a sound blasted like a thunderous thunderbolt, with a bit of anger, and the terror power of Perumo came down from the sky in an instant, as if a severe blow to the sky, directly breaking the gray space Open torn.


It's really as terrifying as it is terrifying, terrifying to the extreme.

The gray-white void was torn and shattered, and trampled and destroyed mercilessly.

Such a change, beyond the surprise of Xuan Yuan, the gloom in the depths of his eyes disappeared at once, Chen Zong only felt that the **** in his soul also disappeared, and the whole person could no longer support it and fell into darkness. , As if constantly sinking, falling into an endless abyss.

"Xuan Tian, ​​don't bother!" Xuan Yuan Shang angered. Originally, it was about to succeed, but it was destroyed because Xuan Tian God was going to take a shot.

"This son is the general of my Xuantian Corps. My Xuantian Corps is peerless and proud to get the place of Lingwu Holy Land, but it is his ability and good fortune that you can take." Xuan Tianshen's big hand is extremely fierce, as if a party The sky was falling like a ruthless body of thought with merciless anger toward Master Xuanyuan.


After all, Master Xuanyuan was not in person, it was just a body with a condensed mind. How could he resist the **** Xuantian, who was burned in anger, was immediately crushed and shattered, and disappeared completely.

At the moment when the idea was defeated, at the deepest point of the Xuanyuan royal family, a horrible breath rose to the sky. The breath was annoyed and angry, as if it was about to break the sky. Everyone is thrilled, as depressed as the storm is coming.

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