Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 76: The mighty sky

Sinking, never ending.

Chen Zong woke up suddenly, immediately got up, and his eyes swept away, this was in his camp.

Just experienced, but still vivid, and I feel like a dream.

It was like having a dream, a nightmare, but Chen Zong knew very well that it wasn't a dream, but it really happened to him.

Master Xuanyuan!

Previously, it was the Supreme Master Xuanyuan who was targeting and dealing with himself. Fortunately, there was help from others. Otherwise, the consequences would not be imagined.

Not only will the opportunity of Lingwu Holy Land be lost, it will also suffer severe consequences.


A trace of hatred and murderousness quietly breeded and united in my heart.

Immediately, Chen Zong exhaled a sigh of relief. At this moment, his strength was too large to compare with Master Xuanyuan.

Even a half-step holy sacred powerhouse is no different from a cricket ant in the presence of a real grand holy state strong.


After all, it is strength.

If you are also the Great Holy Realm, how could Master Xuanyuan dare to do so?

Dare not!

Taking a deep breath to calm down the mind, Chen Zong's eyes became deeper and deeper.

Immediately, after a closer inspection, the soul fire was still burning, and it seemed to be a little more vigorous.

It was not damaged, nor was it left behind.

However, when he was unconscious, he heard the roar of Master Xuanyuan and shouted Xuantian.

Xuan Tian is alone?

Soon, Chen Zong knew.

Because the Lord of the Divine Army called.

Chen Zong also knew that the person who had rescued himself at that time was the commander-in-chief of the Xuantian Army and a great sacred state strong: Xuantian Shenjiang.

Compared with Xuanyuan Master, Xuantian God will be the newly-increased Great Holy Realm Xeon, and Xuanyuan God will be the old-time Great Holy Realm Xun.

But what came at that time was nothing more than the incarnation of the Supreme Master Xuanyuan. After all, the great sacred state strongman left at will. It was too obvious. He didn't want people to know that he had persecuted a junior into the sacred place and took the place.

Because of this, it will be easily defeated by the **** Xuan Tian.

From the bottom of his heart, Chen Zong is grateful to Xuan Tian Shen.

If Xuantianshen would shoot in time, I'm afraid it would be useless, and all efforts would be futile.

"The Lingwu Holy Land is about to be opened. Practice well and strive for great opportunities in the Lingwu Holy Land." Shen Xuanjun patted Chen Zong's shoulder and said.

Although he is a top half-step great saint-class powerhouse, he is helpless when he involves the great holy realm. Even though he feels disdainful for the actions of Xuanyuan's master, he is helpless.

Chen Zong didn't keep this in mind because it was meaningless.

Put aside for a while and concentrate on cultivation.

Three days later, the Lord of the Xuan Army sent someone to inform him that the wind was found.

Tianfeng was finally found.

After asking for the location and location, Chen Zong immediately set off.

The Secret Method of the Three Robbery Fronts is the Supreme Secret Method of sharpening the sword. It was created by a great holy sword fighter in ancient times.

This secret method can only be passed down, waiting for the fate.

And Chen Zong is the destined person.

Before that, Chen Zong had cultivated the first fire of the first calamity. The fire of the earth was easier to find, and the wind of the sky was more difficult. As for the final void thunder, it was the rarest.

Void Thunder for the time being, leave it alone, practice the second calamity first.

Flying in the air, the speed is extremely fast, over the sky, far away.

After three days and three nights, Chen Zong finally came to the place where Tianfeng was.

In the sky, there was a terrible black storm raging endlessly, full of aura of destruction, as if smashing and smashing everything close to it, completely destroying it.

Ten thousand meters apart, Chen Zong could clearly feel the horrible power of the black wind, and he was very worried.


The sky is violent and raging high.

Today, his heart and swordsmanship has reached the six-turn level, and he can withstand the tempering of the sky wind.

However, this robbery is called Tianfeng robbery, and its danger is also trivial.

Take a deep breath and get rid of distractions.

Chen Zong's eyes twinkled sharp and firm, staring ahead.

Kendo meaning!


Heart swordsmanship is a kind of spiritual power, an invisible and intangible power between heaven and earth, invisible and intangible, but can be felt.

But in the realm of six revolutions, he was very condensed, and he could faintly see an imaginary sword shadow coming out of the body. With a breathtaking breath, he went all the way through the obstacles, and instantly fell into the black storm .

The sky is endless, destroying everything.

As soon as Heart Sword Taoism entered, Chen Zong's expression changed slightly, only feeling that Heart Sword Taoism seemed to be destroyed.

Like a flat boat in a stormy sea, it will be destroyed at any time.

It's like a bit of residual candle fire in the violent wind, which will be extinguished at any time.

adhere to!

At present, all Chen Zong can do is persist, rely on his own will, and try his best to keep the heart and swordsmanship intact, and accept the blow and grinding of the mighty sky.

Chen Zong suddenly found that it was easier than he thought.

I do n’t know if it ’s because of his six-turned swordsmanship, a stronger relationship, or because of being shocked by Master Xuanyuan ’s thoughts, and the intangible confrontation made his will further.

Perhaps both.

All in all, there are good things and no bad things.

Under the sky, the heart and swordsmanship became more and more solid.

The sky wind is different from the ground fire. Where is the ground fire, unless it disappears through changes, it will always exist, but the sky wind will not, and will disappear after a period of time.

It could be a day, a month, or a year, full of uncertainty.

Chen Zong only hopes that the sky wind here can last a long time, at least, let him train the sky wind.

Under the turmoil of the sky, there is some kind of change in the mind and sword, which is a kind of deep metamorphosis.

Time passed slowly, one day, two days, three days passed.

The wind was gradually diminishing that day.

By the fourth day, the scale of Tianfeng had been reduced by half.

And the cultivation practiced by the sky wind is nearing completion.

On the fifth day, the sky wind disappeared, and the cultivation practiced by the sky wind was completely completed. It was just dangerous, but it was just a short time away.

The original swordsmanship of the illusory sword shadow has changed at this moment, and a clear outline can be seen.

Like a transparent crystal.

It's still six turns, it's still a high-end way, but it's filled with an indescribable breath, full of amazing potential.

Chen Zong is also keenly aware that the potential of the heart and swordsmanship is amazing, and with the passage of time, it is changing a little bit. It seems that it is undergoing a fundamental transformation and a higher level of transformation.

Taoism fourth order.

Low, middle, high, and top.

Today, Heart Swordsmanship is already a high-level order, and it is the top level that is transformed upward.

If Heart Swordsmanship is transformed into the top order, the same six turns, its power will be improved a lot, at least multiplied.

But metamorphosis is not so easy and takes time.

Now that Sanjie Lifeng has completed his training in the second and the second day, Fengzhuang has n’t stopped, Chen Zong did n’t stop, turned around, turned into a thunderbolt, and ran away at an alarming speed, and returned to the Xuantian Army camp.

In the general camp of the **** Xuan Army, Chen Zong was allowed to slowly change his heart and sword, and he learned Wu Jian and Lei Ta Jiuzhong.

Strive to let your strength go further before the Lingwu Holy Land opens.

Because it is unknown whether there is danger in Lingwu Holy Land.

I don't know if I still need to compete with the other nine people to enter the Lingwu Holy Land.

Of the other nine people, the strength of the three saints is undoubtedly very strong, and they are improving, and others will also be improving.

Great mystery!

South Li Yu Yu Gong!

Mysterious ancient fire tactics!



Everything is in the process of hard work.

A flash, another month passed.

Within this month, Chen Zong's overall strength has also improved and become stronger.

However, practicing Qi Qiwei is still in the fifth stage of the sacred realm. Da Xuan Yuan Jue is also on the 24th floor.

However, the practice of refining the body has been improved from the early stage of the mixed heaven to the middle stage of the triple stage, which is a small improvement.

However, Nanli Queyu Gong was still a small one and did not break through to a large one.

However, Lei Ta Jiuzhong's fifth step, already mastered the fifth step, the load is greatly reduced.

On this day, Xuankong Luo came to the door.

"Chen Zong, Lingwu Holy Land is about to open and follow me." Xuan Kongluo said without any twists and turns.

Chen Zong heard the words, and was slightly excited.

Finally ... Are you going to start?

It's been a long time waiting for this day.

There is no need to clean up and bring anything, bring the extreme sword ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong immediately set off with Xuankong Luo.

This time, it was still riding the Xuanyuan blasting ship.

The only younger generation on Xuanyuan's blast is Chen Zong.

Everyone else is an escort.

This escort, in addition to Xuankong Luo, a half-step great saint-class powerhouse, there is another half-step great saint-level powerhouse, and in addition, there are fifty strongest men who have entered the sacred realm.

The 50 strongest men who entered the sacred realm were the strong men in the Xuantian Army. With the technique of battle formation, under the combined attack, their power was enough to threaten the half-step grand saint.

In other words, the strength of escorting Chen Zong this time has fully reached the level of three and a half steps, which is really amazing.

In the distance, several figures were lurking, as if hidden in a void in the void, staring at the Xuanyuan blast.

"Hands on?" One of them uttered, his voice hoarse.

"Wait ..." The head of the man seemed to be feeling something, and then a horror burst into his eyes: "Go."

"Why?" The third person asked.

"There is a great sanctuary."

The three were suddenly shocked, and they hurried away. It was the three half-step grand saints of the dark forces. The purpose was naturally to assassinate Chen Zong.

But unfortunately, on the bright side, in addition to the equivalent of three and a half-step great saint-class powerhouses, in the dark, there are the ideas of the great holy state powerhouses, meaning that the real body can come at any time.

The Great Holy Realm Xtreme, only the real Great Holy Realm Xeon can fight against it. The half-step Great Holy One is even more powerful, and it is just a stronger ant.

Fortunately, they have secret treasures and can sense, otherwise they rushed to the end and were bombed and killed by the Great Holy Realm, and died.

Chen Zong didn't know that he had survived a life and death disaster.

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