Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 77: Demon Army

In the mighty void, a huge battleship kept rising upwards, seeming to be out of the heavenly sanctuary.

Standing on the deck of the Xuanyuan Hongtian ship, protected by a protective cover, Chen Zong would not feel the slightest impact and was very stable, as if standing on a flat ground.

But outside the protective cover, Chen Zong stared, his face was a little dignified, if you change to a person with a more ordinary mind, you will definitely be frightened.

Countless sparks are constantly sputtering, which is generated by the high-speed friction between the protective cover and the atmospheric current. Each spark is as gorgeous, magnificent, and beautiful as a firework. But through the protective cover, Chen Zong could feel the power and danger contained in it.

very scary!

If any point of sparks splashed into his body, he would instantly penetrate and burn his body, and he would not be able to resist the slightest.

I feel that every bit of spark power has reached at least ninefold.

The more you go up, the more intense the current will be, and it will be terrible. Without the strength of a half step, it is simply death.

The howling wind and thunder here are extremely powerful, enough to destroy the sanctuary in ninefolds, leaving no bones.

Is Lingwu Holy Land located in such a dangerous place?

Chen Zong looked forward to it.

One thousand years!

Lingwu Holy Land!

What exactly is it?

After passing through the atmosphere, calm and calm, Chen Zong saw darkness.

Silent darkness!

That seems to be the color of the cosmic void.

Xuanyuan Hongtian Ship slowly reduced its speed. Eventually, it stopped at the uppermost part of the heavenly sanctuary, located on the edge of Lingwu Holy Realm. Upward, it is the universe void, and downward, it is Lingwu Holy Realm.

Chen Zong also saw that one of the other warships burst out of the atmospheric current and appeared in the void of the universe. It was a warship from other eight realms.

Immediately, amazing tweets rang through the world.

A wild beast full of wildness also rushed out of the atmosphere, and the wings brought endless sparks of sparks, like a torrent of smoke and horror, very terrible.

This is a giant wild beast equivalent to a half-step Great Saint level, carrying the Great Wilderness and the Great Wilderness from heaven.

Nine battleships and a giant wild beast so quietly suspended at the junction of Lingwu Holy Realm and the cosmic void, waiting quietly, waiting for Lingwu Holy Land to open.

The opening rule of the Lingwu Holy Land is once every millennium, but the millennium is just a general statement.

It may be more than nine hundred years, it may be more than one thousand years, or so, it is close to one thousand years. As for everyone, they just vaguely know when it will be opened. The approximate time will be biased and the exact number of days cannot be accurate.


Wait quietly, wait independently.

Suddenly, in the distance, a wave of black waves swept violently, and the terrible atmosphere also permeated, with an amazing power.

Cruel, fierce, evil.

It's the Void Demon.

Everyone looked dignified.

There will be a Void Demon, and it is not an individual or a small team, it seems that a legion is prepared.

Could it be that the Void Demons have noticed here?

"Ready to fight!" The order was issued in an instant.

Suddenly, the nine warships moved up, lined up in a row, facing the army of void demons that were surging and oppressed by the black tide. The beast also fluttered its wings, juxtaposed with the nine warships, emitting a breathtaking breath.

For both Tianyuan Sanctuary and the Great Wilderness, the Void Demon is a great disaster. It is the enemy of life and death. It cannot be resolved, and there must be no hesitation and compromise.


Chen Zong stood on the deck, gazing at the black wave that was approaching, feeling the terrible breath of the terrible and direct void demons, and all of his blood was boiling.

"After the war, stay well on the battleship, and once the Lingwu Holy Land is opened, enter immediately." Xuan Kongluo patted Chen Zong's shoulder and said positively.

In other words, in this battle, Chen Zong cannot participate.

Having said that, in such a fight, Chen Zong's personal strength actually seems very small and weak, as is the peerless Tianjiao of other circles.

Although the strength is not bad, but at best, it can only compete with the underworld demons.

Killing one or two Void Demons in the lower ranks is of little use to an entire legion.

Moreover, with the strength of Chen Zong and others, once they are trapped in the Void Demon Legion, there is only one dead end, and there is no second result.

Although he really wanted to take a shot and wanted to kill the Nether Demon himself, Chen Zong could only hold on to this idea because it was inappropriate.

Now it can only act as a bystander.

The Nether Demon Army is approaching continuously, like a black wave rolling.

The closer he approached, the more clearly Chen Zong saw. There were weird black fortresses. Each black fortress was surrounded by a large number of void demons, all of which were void demons at the level of the Holy Land.

"Boom!" Xuankong Luo ordered.

Suddenly, the cannons of Xuan Yuan's bow began to recharge at an alarming rate.

Chen Zong can feel that all the fluctuations in the strength continue to spread from all directions of the Xuanyuan blast sky ship, and quickly spread to the bow of the bow, just like the rivers and rivers flowing into the sea.

A faint ray of light condensed and bloomed at the bow of the ship, becoming intense, and finally, it was as dazzling as the light of the scorching sun.

This is not only true of the Xuanyuan blasting skyship, but also the other eight warships.

And the wings of the giant wild beast shook slightly, and a terrible majestic and wild force quickly condensed, causing a radiant brilliance to bloom on the edges of the wings, like a blade.


Nine battleships trembled and fired at once. At once, there were nine different colors of light, ten meters in thickness, imposing, endless, and ruthless bombardment.

Each light carried terrifying power.

Chen Zongyi felt creepy.

Very strong!

very scary!

It's terrible!

This kind of power is the power that can bombard half-step holy class into serious injuries.

In the cosmic void, after the huge artillery bombarded, the light was vast and silent, as if that mighty momentum was swallowed up by the darkness of the cosmic void.

The wings of the giant beast shook slightly, and suddenly, two barren sword-shaped pieces like the lingering moon were shot through the air, each of which was tens of meters long, and instantly cut the universe into the void.

Of course, for the cosmic void, such a knife is too weak and small.

Suddenly, the rays of the nine giant artillery and the two-winged swords hit.

Nether demons also shot bombardment.

A terrible black light was killed.


The terrible explosion suddenly shook away, and it seemed to destroy everything. This amazing power in the void of the universe was nothing, in fact, it was like a wave of waves on the ocean.




Xuan Yuan blasted the spacecraft successively, one after another followed by a terrible light, as if the universe was to be broken.

The explosion shook the sky, and the Nether Demon Legion was struck immediately.

Each of these hits is equivalent to a top half step and a holy shot. The power is naturally terrible.

Although firing in this way is very energy-consuming, it is more cost-effective than letting a half-step saint-level strong kill himself, which is difficult to guarantee life and death.

After all, the energy is gone and can be obtained, but the half-step grand saint-class powerhouse is not so easy to achieve, it is a great loss to die one.

After several rounds of salvos, the Void Demon Army also suffered considerable losses.

This kind of power, even if it is a half step grand prince, dare not resist.




Fortunately, each battleship has a large amount of reserve energy. Everyone also has a lot of Tianyuandan, etc. These can be used as a source of supplementary energy for battleships.

At present, there is no need to consider energy consumption, and go all out.

The army of the Nether Demon is approaching, bombarded and lost.

However, the Nether Demon also continued to fight back, and with each counterattack, black light came to kill and bombarded on the battleship, but it was resisted by the protective force of the battleship.

Once these protective forces are fully opened, they can withstand the full-strength attack of the top half-step Great Holy Strong without breaking, unless it is the Great Holy Realm Xie.

But even among the vanities and demons of the strong, the Great Holy Realm is at the top and will not easily move.

Because once the Great Holy Land Xeon is dispatched, it means that the war has begun in an all-round way and reached a very intense level.

According to the current situation, it has not yet reached that level.

Xuankong Luo and another half-step holy-strength powerhouse stood on the left and right sides of Chen Zong. The fifty top-strike powerhouses had already stood in accordance with the position of the battle line, and a mighty battle line would erupt at any time.

With this protection, Chen Zong is very safe.

On other battleships, the peerless Tianjiao who are about to enter the Lingwu Holy Land are also protected.

The Nether Demon Army is approaching ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At the same time, an arc of light appears in the darkness of the void in the universe.

That arc of light is just beginning, but it is extremely huge, gradually emerging, more and more amazing, a trace of mysterious and extreme breath fluctuations also permeated.

There seemed to be a whistling sound, as if there was no sound, the slightest breath was passing by like the wind of the void, and the wind seemed to carry an indescribable fluctuation and awe-inspiring power.

Suddenly, the void of the universe seemed to be frozen, and all attacks were still, as if it had become a picture scroll, halted in the void, and the army of continuously approaching void demons seemed to be frozen.

This kind of power can't resist the slightest, even if it is a half-step big holy class powerhouse in front of it, it seems small.

Perhaps only the Great Holy Realm can resist.

It feels like a long, long time in the past, the arc of light gradually expanded, and everyone gradually saw that it was not a light arc, but a door with a strange shape.

That door seemed to be full of endless temptations, full of endless mysteries.

Lingwu Holy Land ... opened.

Immediately, another breath passed by and swept across the crowd, as if to detect something.

Immediately, Chen Zong felt that his body was wrapped in an invisible but irresistible force, and began to fly upwards, not only Chen Zong, but also the peerless Tianjiao of the Eight Realms and the Great Wild.

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