Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 78: Lingwu Holy Land

The arc-shaped door is constantly enlarged in front of the eyes, filling the eyes, as if a vast world.

Ten figures were ingested by invisible power, and quickly flew up over the sky, approaching the light arc giant gate quickly.

The moment Chen Zong entered the giant gate, he seemed to hear countless voices.

The sound of the wind, the sound of the water, the birds cry, the beast roar, the human language ...

Chen Zong also seemed to see countless phantoms.

Mountains, forests, birds, beasts, pedestrians ...

This, like a world, contains endless mysteries.

Ten peerless arrogance, at the same time entered the arc of light gate, disappeared.

All voices disappeared, and all figures disappeared.

Nothing can be felt, nothing can be seen.

It seems that the six senses are all closed.

This feeling is not good.

Fortunately, this feeling of closed six senses is only a short time, ten people have landed one after another.

Tiancangdihuang, like the one that has not yet opened.

Ten people fell on a barren ground.

With one glance, the earth is boundless and the sky is boundless.

After the crowd swept, they did not take their eyes off, because they had already known about Lingwu Holy Land before entering here.

The sacred place of Lingwu is rumored to be left over by a powerful man in ancient times.

That strong man, said to be named Lingwu Emperor, was the first strongman in the Lingwu Holy Realm at that time.

There is a saying that in the ancient times, the void demons invaded. If the Emperor Lingwu was still in the Lingwu Holy Realm at that time, there would not be such a great loss, because the Emperor Lingwu alone would be enough to kill many void demons.

Unfortunately, the Emperor Lingwu has already left the Lingwu Holy Realm long ago and has nowhere to be found, leaving only the Lingwu Holy Land opened once every 1,000 years.

Opened once every millennium, entrants are expected to get chances in them, and those chances are the inheritance left by the Emperor Lingwu.

It is said that there are many kinds of these inheritances.


Martial arts!




and many more.

Of course, nothing can be obtained.

After all, the Emperor Lingwu left the inheritance, but in order to get these inheritances and opportunities, he also needs to be able.

Without patience, naturally nothing can be obtained, it is tantamount to come here for a stroll, it is a long experience, nothing more.

Of course, those who can enter here are talented and extraordinary. Most of them can pass the test to get the inheritance. The difference is only the strength of the inheritance and chance.

As for the supreme inheritance of the Emperor Lingwu, so far, no one has obtained it.

Although countless people long for it, no one knows where the supreme inheritance of Emperor Lingwu is located.

Because, the Lingwu Holy Land has been explored clearly by many people.

The Lingwu Holy Land is divided into ten heavens, and only one person is allowed to enter each. Therefore, each time the Lingwu Holy Land is opened, only ten people can enter.

It is said that there are opportunities in every heavy day. The higher the chance, the better the chance. Of course, the same, the more difficult the assessment will be.

Today, everyone is on the first and lowest sky of Lingwu Holy Land.

Only now, the portal to the second heaven has not been opened. According to the classic records left by the predecessors, the portal will only appear when the time comes. By then, all talents need to take action.

As for now, don't worry.

Suddenly, Chen Zong was locked by two eyes and two breaths.

Taixuan Sheng womb God!

Palace punishment!

These two brothers won the place of Tai Xuanjie this time.

In the ruins of Tianyuan, Chen Zong fought against Gong Tianxing, making Gong Tianxing unable to obtain benefits, and indirectly challenging Tai Xuan Shengzi, causing him a loss.

This is a shame to the brothers.

It is an excellent opportunity to enter this Lingwu holy place.

Here, fighting is not forbidden, no one is killed.

There was a smirk on Gong Tianxing's face.

After leaving the Tianyuan Ruins and returning to the Taixuan Realm Taixuan Holy Palace, the palace punishment is also suffering, and there are a lot of resources to help the Taixuan Holy Palace. There has also been progress and the strength is even stronger.

What comes with great strength is stronger self-confidence.

A trace of fierce breath permeated from the palace punishment, and Chen Zong was locked firmly through the void.

The others separated, but did not leave immediately, but watched.

There is only one Chen Zong in the Taixuan Realm. The others are not familiar with Chen Zong. They have no friendship at all and have no interest relationship. Therefore, they will not stand on the same front as Chen Zong.

In essence, after stepping into the Lingwu Holy Land, everyone is a competitor, but now, they are just waiting for the opportunity.

While waiting for the time, there is also a lively scene to watch.

"Now, I want to see, who else will help you." Gong Tianxing smiled sternly, his eyes were so strong, he stepped out, passing by like a wind, approaching Chen Zong, Tian Xing Get out of the scabbard, bring out the ultimate killing intention and power, and kill without mercy.

This knife is extremely sharp, decisive and decisive, without leaving half emotion.

For Chen Zong, Gong Tianxun had extremely strong murderous power.


Chen Zong's pupils shrank slightly. From this knife, it can be seen that the strength of Gong Tian's punishment has indeed been improved compared with the previous comparison, but his own improvement is even greater.

The extreme sword came out of the sheath, picking it one by one, directly provoking Gong Tian's sword, the extreme sharp sword broke the air, tearing the sky and killing Gong Tian's sword. This sword, Chen Zong also showed no mercy.

Such a knife, with amazing killing, made it clear that he was going to kill himself.

For such enemies, Chen Zong has never stayed.

Gong Tianxing's pupils shrank like a needle, terrifying.

On the sidelines, everyone was shocked. What kind of swordsmanship is this? It looks so ordinary and simple, but it is so mysterious.

As if that pick and cut, there is something implicit.

The eyes of the **** of Taixuan Sheng wore a faint flash of eyes, a little surprised.

Gong Tianxing tried his best to avoid it, but there was a hint of sweat on his forehead.

how come?

How Chen Zong's strength can be so obviously improved is simply amazing.

Gong Tianxun avoided the killing of Chen Zongyi sword, but was unable to counterattack, because Chen Zong's sword unfolded and the sword turned into a silk-like circle.

Infinite Promise Sword!

For a moment, Gong Tianxun was caught in Chen Zong's swordsmanship, only the skill of parry, but no counterattack.

Over the next few months, Chen Zong not only improved his practice, but also improved his sword skills. Each sword seemed to be a masterpiece of the past, and contained inexplicable mysteries.

This kind of improvement is far better than yourself.

How amazing!

For a moment, the palace punishment fell into dilemma, fell directly into the downwind, and was suppressed by Chen Zong.

As a result, the palace punishment broke through from the mid-sixth stage to the sixth stage of the sacred realm, but Chen Zong also broke through from the mid-fifth stage to the late period of the fifth stage. Therefore, the gap between the two is not enlarged.

In other respects, Chen Zong's practice of cultivation has been greatly improved, and his heart and sword Taoism has also broken through one revolution, from five to six, and the swordplay has also become more advanced. Such an improvement is naturally more obvious than the palace punishment.

The infinite endless serial sword is also more perfect and more subtle.

No raw sword style!

The more perfect swordless sword-style sword was used to kill, the ultimate killing effect shocked the mind, causing the palace torture to tremble at an instant, the pupils contracted like needles, and only watched a bunch of terrible sword lights tearing the sky. Beheaded.

This sword, fierce, decisive, and severe, made Gong Tianxing feel that his neck was about to be cut off and died.

There is a big terror between life and death, which makes the palace's punishment look terrified.

Speaking sooner or later, the sword was about to cut across the palace's neck, and a terrible force came, intangible and insignificant, but overwhelming, and directly suppressed, causing Chen Zong's body to sink, and the cut out The sword followed.

Immediately, Gong Tianxing's body seemed to be dragged by an invisible hand and quickly retreated.

Immediately afterwards, a palm print condensed a substantive collapse of the vacuum, with a horrible power of Pranan Moyu, savagely killed.

Chen Zong ’s pupils contracted. This palm print seemed simple, but blocked the void around it. An invisible pressure combined with the heavy mysterious force field squeezed frantically from all directions, making Chen Zong difficult to move for a while. Watching the solid palm prints blasted to death.

Everyone was shocked.

Tai Xuan Shengzi shot.

The eyes and pupils of the two sons of the Templar and the ancient Guzhen were shocked.

In the sense, Tai Xuan Shengzi's Chong Xuan force field seems more terrible.

Chen Zong's eyes were erected, his pupils contracted like needles, and his strength broke out.


The no-birth sword type was urged to the extreme, and the edge of the extreme sword was also urged to the extreme, and one sword was cut off.

This sword ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot.com ~ seems to be able to split the world.


The sword and the palmprint collided in an instant, Jianguang was instantly crushed, and the palmprint was split.

A blast of fire erupted, giving Chen Zong's body more powerful strength and pulling back.

With this trick, Chen Zong knew that there was still a big gap in strength between himself and Tai Xuan Shengzi. Unless he used the Shura avatar, he was not his opponent.


Without hesitation, Chen Zong immediately exhibited the fifth step of Lei Tajiu's Nine Heavens, and quickly backed away.

His current strength is much more arrogant than that of the Heavenly Punishment, but compared with Tai Xuan Shengzi, there is a clear gap.

However, since Tai Xuan Shengzi shot himself, there is absolutely no reason for Chen Zong to get away.

Without seeing the pose, Tai Xuan Shengzi's body flickered, as if approaching Chen Zong like a momentary movement, burst into another hand.

Killed with one palm, all the forces in all directions were absorbed, even the air, as if there was a black hole hidden in that palm print, devouring everything.


Chen Zong was shocked from the bottom of his heart.

This palm does not seem to be able to resist it.

Why is Tai Xuan Shengzi's strength so strong?

What's more, the breath fluctuation that it radiates has suddenly reached the sixth peak of entering the sanctuary.

Gong Tianxing's face was afraid of disappearing, and replaced with a sneer of sneer and murder.

This person, kill.

Progress is too fast. If he is given more time, he may catch up with God.

But now that the **** of heaven has shot, the other party cannot escape, and can only die here.

Lingwu Holy Land is not only a land of opportunity, but also a place of death.

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