Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 79: 1 cottage

"I ... Na Lingwu the Great."

Suddenly, an ancient voice sounded through the heavens and earth, containing indescribable majesty, as if the power of heaven and earth.

Everyone was attracted, and even the Taixuan Shengzi who was chasing Chen Zong stopped.

Compared to the killing of Chen Zong, what is happening now is obviously more important.

As the old voice sounded, a ghost appeared over the sky, as if it were a huge face, which looked a little unreal, but filled with endless majesty.

Everyone speculated that this might be a means left by the Emperor Lingwu, such as the incarnation of ideas.

At that time, the Emperor Lingwu was the most powerful of the Holy Spirit sacred world, and no one could imagine his means.

"Seniors, I will leave my chance and heritage here, and work hard."

The voice fell, and immediately, an arc of light bloomed and stretched in the air, turning into a portal.

That was the gateway to the second heaven.

According to the rules, only nine people are allowed to pass through this portal.

The place where everyone is now is the first heaven.

Ten people are allowed to coexist on the first day, nine people are allowed on the second day, and eight people are allowed on the third day.

By analogy, on the tenth day, only one person is allowed to exist.

Theoretically, the first chance is the most common, and the tenth chance is the most precious.

Everyone was told this before entering the Lingwu Holy Land, so the tenth heaven is the first goal of the people.


Suddenly, the crowds unfolded themselves, as if they were off-string arrows, rushing into the sky like lightning and rushing towards the portal to the second sky.

Of the ten people, only nine are destined to enter the second heaven, and one will be left on the first heaven.


Rush Rush!

One by one, they rushed towards the portal at the fastest speed.

Among the ten people, Chen Zong ’s revision is the lowest, but Chen Zong ’s speed is not the slowest. At least, Chen Zong ’s speed is better than Gong Tianxun and several others, second only to the three wise men and the Great Wild Tianjiao. Takuten.

For a moment, the three princes of Heavenly God, Zhengu of the ancient town, and Longman Tuotian rushed into the portal one after another, but entered into the second sky, but the prince of Taixuan did not, but stopped under the portal, staring at Chen Zong. , A trace of killing is extreme.

A straight palm is like a knife, and there is terrible power condensed on the palm edge, as if the glorious edge of a sword is compelling.

Chen Zongzheng rushed to the portal at the fastest speed, suddenly getting cold, his face changed greatly.

I saw that Tai Xuan Shengzi ’s heavy mysterious force field unfolded, and when the air repression fell, it seemed that Chen Zong would be crushed. At the same time, the palm knife volleyed straight.


The terrible sword light cuts out like a world, kills without mercy, like a bamboo shoot, clearly has the astonishing edge of the mountain and the ground, but also carries the thrilling thunderous power.

This blow was merciless.

Tiansha force field!

However, under the impact of the Tiansha force field, the appearance of Taixuan Shengzi has not changed in half, only with a cold face, and there seems to be a touch of deepness in his eyes, and he seems to laugh at Chen Zongzi's inefficiency and effort. .

Because last time after suffering a loss in the Tiansha force field, the Taixuan Shengzi returned to the Taixuan Holy Palace, and found a secret treasure that can resist external evil.

Chen Zong once again broke out with full resistance, only feeling that the power was difficult to resist, the whole person seemed to be split, and fell quickly from above.

Immediately, others entered the portal and disappeared. At the end, Gong Tianxun also looked back at Chen Zong.

"Stay obediently on the first day." Gong Tianxun sneered with a mockery on his face.

The first chance is the worst, which is the experience of entrants from ancient times to the present.

Let Chen Zong stay on the top of the sky, at best, is to get the worst chance, it can not be more appropriate.

In the end, Tai Xuan Shengzi looked down and overlooked, his eyes were high, indifferent, like looking at Chen Zong, like looking at ants.

Chen Zong looked up and met Tai Xuan Sheng Zi, his eyes were extremely sharp, but he could not affect Tai Xuan Sheng Zi.

Immediately, when Tai Xuan Shengzi turned around, he disappeared into the portal, and the portal was closed.

For a moment, an empty feeling pervaded my mind.

When Chen Zong knew that there were ten heavens in Lingwu Holy Land, there was an opportunity or inheritance in each of the days, and the higher the chance and inheritance, the better.

Chen Zong set his goal at the tenth day.

Of course, Chen Zong also knows that everyone's primary goal must be the tenth heavenly opportunity, and the competition will be fierce.

Therefore, the second and third goals are the ninth and eighth days, respectively.

In the end, he will enter the seventh heaven.

However, it never occurred to him that he was targeted by the Son of Tai Xuan and could not enter the second sky. He could only stay on the first sky.

A trace of unwillingness breeds from the bottom of my heart, and a trace of murderousness pervades.

Immediately, Chen Zong exhaled heavily.

Nowadays, it is impossible to step into the second heavier sky, let alone to enter a higher heavier sky. It is only a foregone conclusion that we can only stay in the first heavier day.

Then, we can only look for the first chance.

The Lingwu Holy Land is left by the Emperor Lingwu. The opportunity of the first heaven is even worse.

hope so.

Sinking down, Chen Zong looked around, unfolded, and quickly flew forward.

I only know that there is organic fate in the first day, but I do n’t know what it is, I can only find it.

Nine peerless Tianjiao stepped into the second sky, and the portal of the third sky was opened, and a new round of battle was launched.

Another person is destined to stay on the second day, and eight enter the third day.

With the help of Tai Xuan Shengzi, Gong Tian Xun stepped into the third day, then entered the fourth day, straight into the fifth day, and finally stayed in the sixth day.

As for that Dragon Man Tuotian, it finally stopped at the seventh heavy sky.

After a fierce battle between the Son of Heaven and the Son of Zhen Gu, the Son of Heaven was slowed a bit and remained in the eighth heavy heaven.

Zhengu Shengzi stayed on the ninth day.

Only Taixuan Shengzi stepped into the tenth heaven.

Since then, each opportunity.

The first heavy sky of Lingwu Holy Land was very vast. Chen Zong flew out for half a day at the fastest speed, but still did not see the end.

You should know that Chen Zong is flying at full speed, with an amazing speed. He has been flying far away for a long time.


Chen Zong suddenly remembered that in the past, he would be informed about the time limit, but this time he did not.

Is there no time limit?

Still forgotten?

Such a major event should not be the latter.

Chen Zong didn't know how far he flew out. In short, he still didn't see the margins, only the endless barren wilderness, no mountains, no water, no trees.

Such a desolate world, over time, will make people crazy.

Chen Zong's mind was extremely tenacious, his expression remained unchanged, as if the water of the ancient well could not be traced, and he flew forward firmly.

I don't know where the opportunity is, I can only move as I feel, so feel like that, then go with the feeling.

The same color over and over again makes Chen Zong give a feeling that he seems to be still. This high-speed flight is just an illusion. Suddenly, the tenacity of God's will is fluctuating instantly.

As soon as the idea came out, Chen Zong stopped to observe it carefully. The more he looked, the more obvious the feeling was.

It seems that he has been doing useless work, thinking that he is constantly flying forward, but in fact, it is just in place, but I do not know what means to make myself feel this illusion.

Or in other words illusion.

When this kind of enlightenment rose, Chen Zong felt a unique wave coming from all directions.

The wave gradually spread, sweeping in all directions.

Suddenly, there was a cloud of smoke rising like yellow sand, like a smoke.

Chen Zongyi stood there, standing still, but released the realm of divine thoughts and hearts, covering all directions, and carefully watching every change.

Gradually, the yellow sand-like smoke became faint, and what outline could be seen faintly, but it was not real.

Like a dream, all the smoke is dissipated, and it feels like a picture scroll unfolding in front of the eyes, like the tranquility and remoteness of the Jiangnan water village.

It was a lake. When the breeze blew, there were blue and blue waves and ripples.

It was a weeping willow, and its long, soft leaves swayed gently in the wind, like an elf.

It was a house standing on a small island in the center of the lake. It was made of withered grass and was independent in the wind.

Chen Zong, standing by the lake, had soft grass at his feet.

Chen Zong's expression stared straight ahead. Is that that hut where the so-called opportunity lies?

Yes and no, you know right away.

When the body was displayed, there was a thunderous light. Chen Zong's entire body suddenly turned into a thundering light, but he was suddenly suppressed by an invisible force and fell directly. When the feet touched the lake, the invisible but overbearing power But disappeared.

Could it be impossible to fly in the air?

Try again, and sure enough.

But it doesn't matter, you can't fly in the air, but you can walk on water.


Two steps!

Three steps!

Chen Zong found that the seemingly small island in the center of the lake seemed to be far away, and there was a feeling of running away from the mountain.

Is it like an illusion? Www.wuxiaspot.com?

But it doesn't seem to be, because I can feel real, I can really feel that I am constantly approaching the small island in the center of the lake.

It's just a little far away.

Far from being afraid.

Constantly exerting and approaching, the belief is extremely firm and firm to the extreme.

Suddenly, Chen Zong only felt like he was being teleported. After stepping out, the small island in the center of the lake that was still far away suddenly appeared in front of him, or he unexpectedly appeared in such a sudden. Island edge of the lake.

Thatched cottage is within easy reach.

For a moment, a bit of excitement appeared in Chen Zong's heart.

Is that really the place where the opportunity lies?

Taking a deep breath and calming down his mind, Chen Zong stepped forward, with his back as straight as a sword, stepping forward.

The door of the thatched cottage was closed. Chen Zong tried to push it. I thought it would be difficult to push it open. I didn't expect to push it lightly. The door made of grass was easily pushed open, and it didn't seem to be half weight.

Fortunately, Chen Zong's control of his own power reached an astonishing height, and it was immediately released.

Looking around, the thatched cottage is not large, which is the normal room size, and the layout is very simple. There is nothing on all sides. There is only a table in the middle.

In front of the hay table is a futon made of hay, which is very simple and simple. On the hay table, there is a book.

The color of the book was the same as that of the hay. The cover of the book looked rough, and it felt like it was made by crushing the hay. All of this surprised Chen Zong.

Taking a step, stepping into the cottage, Chen Zong walked towards that futon.

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