Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 80: 24 dragon and snake pictures

Lakes, thatched cottages, tables made of hay, futons made of hay, and books that seem to be smashed by hay.

Chen Zong walked out slowly, came to the withered table, and sat down with a withered futon.

Once seated, the seemingly inconspicuous futon turned out to be softer than imagined, as if the whole person were to sink in. It was very comfortable, but the kind of softness, but not endless softness, also carried amazing toughness and support Live body.

Flexibility, comfort and exceptional fit.

As soon as he sat up, Chen Zong felt as if he had given up everything, relieved all pressure, and felt relaxed from the heart to the body, as if he had let go of all the burdens.

But this relaxation is not slack.

Xu Xu exhaled a sigh of relief, Chen Zong felt that all his thoughts were like a cloud of smoke being blown by the wind, and instantly dissipated.

With a calm and calm look, Chen Zong calmly raised his hand, and his fingers fell on the book on the withered tabletop. The strange touch felt like an electric current, which brightened Chen Zong's eyes.

Opening the cover, there are six fonts like dragon and snake dancing.

Twenty-four dragon and snake illustrations!

"Twenty-four dragon and snake pictures?" Chen Zong gave birth to a hint of doubt and curiosity.

Immediately, turning over the paper, which looks like grass, again, the first picture came into view.

It was a simple black stroke that outlined the outline of a dragon and a snake on yellow-white grass paper. It looked very simple, just like simple lines, but Chen Zong glanced at it and could tell immediately. One is a dragon and the other is a snake.

Dragon in the sky!

Snake on the ground!

What does this symbolize?

Or, what does this mean?

For a time, Chen Zong did not understand.

Immediately opened the second page, still very simple strokes to outline the dragon and snake pattern, but compared to the first one, it seems a bit more agile, that the sky dragon makes a dive posture, while the snake on the ground Then he curled up and looked up.

But Chen Zong still couldn't understand, what exactly was the meaning?

The third picture, which is also drawn by simple strokes, is a bit more agile. The dragon is about to dive down, and the snake has a posture of rising to the sky.

Chen Zong looked at the pictures one by one, and each picture would pause for more than ten minutes, and slowly pondered, but could not find the slightest clue.

In the twenty-fourth frame, the dragon and snake are lifelike, as if they are about to jump out of the paper. They have been entangled and danced. With the coexistence of water and fire, the true sun and the moon, it seems to contain some supreme mystery.

But Chen Zong stared, but could not realize anything.

It ’s just a feeling, which seems to contain and unparalleled profound mysteries, but where is the mystery, you ca n’t understand it for a while.

This is the so-called opportunity?

should be!

Definitely is!

It's just that I haven't found the main points, and I can't comprehend the mysteries contained in them.

Chen Zong was not discouraged.

Anyway, it is the chance and inheritance left by Emperor Lingwu, if it is so easy to obtain, it is too easy.

After calming down, Chen Zong slowly became enlightened and kept enlightening.

Starting from the first picture, one by one, watching and enlightenment.

Look slowly and flip through quickly.

Chen Zong tried everything to enlighten him, but he still couldn't understand anything, only a kind of deep sense.

That feeling is like knowing that there is a lot of wealth in a certain place, but it is impossible to reach it.




Chen Zong did not miss any details.

The dragon and snake pattern, from the initial simple stay on the paper to the last lifelike, jumped out. It is a gradual process. In addition, the water and fire, the sun and the moon did not start at the same time, and they also appeared one after another .

After repeated observations, I felt that the entire book was going to be rotten, and Chen Zongfang found a pattern.

The fire seemed to accompany the dragon.

That water seemed to accompany the snake.

What does this matter?

Or what mystery?

And that day seemed to be closely related to fire and dragon.

That month seemed to be closely related to water and snakes.

What mystery is there?

Dragon snake, water fire, sun and moon!

Chen Zong's vague feeling is that the mystery of these twenty-four pictures is among three or six.

If you understand the key, you can understand the mystery of the twenty-four dragon and snake images, and obtain the so-called chance or inheritance.

Second day!

Third day!


Tenth day!

One by one, Peerless Tianjiao searched for the opportunity and started the assessment.

Generally speaking, anyone can pass the assessment and finally get the chance, but it is unclear whether the best part of the opportunity can be obtained.

The Emperor Lingwu seemed to have a hierarchy among them, depending on the level of assessment passed.

It's just that this assessment is not so easy to pass.

From the beginning, some were as blank as Chen Zong, and they didn't know how to enlighten.

Some assessments are straightforward, that is, to defeat a strong enemy, but the strength of that enemy is too strong.

Time passed slowly, and Chen Zong stayed in the thatched cottage every day to see the twenty-four dragon and snake pictures, and passed by day by day, but he couldn't get started.

Chen Zong was not anxious and discouraged. When he came to understand, he would walk out of the hut and stand on the small island outside the hut.

No way!


Feel free to move!

Dance casually!

The cultivation into the sacred realm allows Chen Zong not to worry about eating and drinking. Although the vitality here is not strong, it is also quite pure enough to maintain all his consumption.

Not to mention that there are many dry foods in the ring.

See the twenty-four dragon and snake illustrations!

Practice exercises!

Practice sword!

Drink alcohol during your free time.

Chen Zong has forgotten the passage of time, and it is difficult to feel the passage of time here.

The more I realized, the more I felt the mystery of the twenty-four dragon and snake pictures in front of me, but my eyes seemed to be blurred by a layer of gauze.

Don't worry, take your time, but don't hurry.

As long as you continue to comprehend, you will continue to accumulate, after all, there will be a time when it will happen.

What Chen Zong didn't know was that the people who used to come here to understand the twenty-four dragon and snake pictures eventually got different results.

This time, Chen Zong practiced swords and was enlightened again.

"A dragon is in the sky and a snake is in the ground, is it a symbol of the difference between heaven and earth?" A faint awakening of speculation appeared, but Chen Zong grabbed it.

This seems to be the direction of enlightenment.

But what are water and fire, and sun and moon?

For a time, Chen Zong temporarily put down the fire, water, and the sun and the moon, seized that trace of awakening, tried his best to enlighten, and brought the superb understanding to the extreme.

After learning some mysteries, Chen Zong came up with a whimsy, walked out of the cottage, and pulled out a sword.

For a time, the sword changed greatly, and one sword came out, as if a snake meandered across the ground, crossed the grass and the water, and got into the hole.

It changes again, as if a dragon rises in the air, soars in the sky, and navigates the four seas and the four poles in all directions.

Snake and Dragon!

Dragon and Snake!

Among the sword lights, sometimes snake shadows meander, and sometimes dragons soar.

Vaguely, it seems that you can hear the sound of the spitting snake's core, and the high-pitched, terrifying sound of the dragon.

The dragon and snake intersect in the sword light, as if dancing, giving birth to an indescribable beauty.

"Dragons and snakes ... rigid and soft ..." Jian Guang gave a meal, and a trace of Ming Wu came to his heart and was captured by Chen Zong.

Quietly realized, standing still, on the island in the center of the lake, it seems to be a sculpture.

I do n’t know the time flow, the years change.

Suddenly, Chen Zong again sword.

This sword is shot, if the spirit of the snake is light and light, if the dragon's domineering is fierce, some are strong to strong, some are soft to pure.

The dragons and snakes meet, and they are firm and soft.

When the sword was killed, it seemed to break the void under the sword and create a vacuum zone. It felt like a transparent brush passing by, leaving a trajectory of the sword that was difficult to discern with the naked eye, and slowly dissipated.

The seemingly ordinary sword made Chen Zong feel that the power contained in it was terrible.

This sword is more like breaking certain boundaries and boundaries, so that Chen Zong feels that the accomplishments of one of his swords have been further improved.

Immediately, in the sea of ​​God, there seemed to be strong winds howling and the winds converging.

After the gradual and gradual transformation of the wind and sky, at this moment, it is evolving at a more amazing speed.

This is an essential ascension.

Standing in place, Chen Zong's eyes closed, and the whole person's breath was completely restrained and silent, as if turning into a sculpture.

Suddenly, a terrible breath, intangible and inferior, but sharp and extreme, ejected from Chen Zong's body, straight into the sky, as if to break Jiuxiao, breaking through the first heaven sky ~ www .wuxiaspot.com ~ Endless invisible sword air surrounds Chen Zong's body, quickly sweeping away, strangling wildly, within dozens of meters of the center of Chen Zong, all are attacked by sword air, and the ground is cut and broken.

Jianqi aspect!

Chen Zong's body naturally rises in the air, dozens of meters off the ground, and the invisible sword air surrounds dozens of meters, including up, down, left, right, front, back, and back, like a ball of tens of meters in diameter. Enclose all the cases.

In it, Chen Zong seemed to be in control, and the thousands of invisible sword qi were in his grasp.

After a moment, the invisible sword gas dissipated, as if hiding in the void, disappearing without a trace, Chen Zong's body slowly descended, fell back to the ground, his back was as straight as a sword, and his astonishing sharpness permeated him, making it impossible Look straight.

The eyelids trembled slightly, their eyes slowly opened, and a sharp and extreme radiance burst out, as if it were a real sword.

This kind of brilliance seems to be reduced to substance, as if it is a real sword, and it is lethal enough to stun the weaker person at a glance and make them tremble with death.

It's terrible!

"Is this ... the power of top-level Taoism?" Chen Zong couldn't help secretly, with an unspeakable shock in his heart.

That's right, Heart Sword Taoism has finally transformed from a high level to a top level. Although it is still six turns, its power has doubled.

This kind of doubling is all-round, it is a fundamental doubling, it has inestimable benefits, and it also strengthens Chen Zong's strength.

Throughout the ages, it has been very rare to learn and master the higher-order Taoism, and the top-level Taoism, even to a certain extent, is limited to legend.

Of course, it ’s not that no one has mastered the top-level ideas, it ’s just that it ’s difficult, and very few, and now there is one more.

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