Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 81: Supreme Mystery

(I did n’t go to the gym for half a month, I went back today, I feel like I ’m old)

It was deserted, and the earth was boundless.

This seems to be a barren world, and only a lake and weeping willows on the shore are vital.

On the small island in the center of the lake, Chen Zongjing stood still, his eyes were restrained, and the slightest fluorescence surrounded him.

This epiphany, the gain is not small.

According to estimates, it takes only one year or more to three years for the metamorphosis of the sword to be successful, and it has increased from high-level to top-level, with great increase in power.

Today, it seems to shorten the time by one to three years and directly transform.

For Tian Zong and other Tianjiao, whether it is three years or a year, there will be obvious changes in strength, so the sooner the completion of the metamorphosis of the mind and sword, the better.

In addition to the transformation of the heart and swordsmanship into the top-level power, it is the enhancement of the swordsmanship and uprightness, which accumulates more vigorously in one of the swords. The power of each sword is firm and flexible.

These benefits are not only reflected in the obvious enhancement of current strength, but also in the substantial increase in future cultivation potential.

In this way, it seems that the harvest into the Lingwu Holy Land is already very good, without any effort.

Turning around, Chen Zong stepped into the cottage again and opened the twenty-four dragon and snake pictures.

Looking at the first picture, it is the simplest, but it has changed a lot.

Chen Zong seems to see two sword lights, one strong, one flexible, one Tianlong, one earth snake.

The first picture to the eighth picture, dragon and snake meet.

The mystery is in Chen Zong's eyes, as if it were a sword skill, sword skill.

Immediately, the dragon and snake seemed to come alive, jumping out of the paper, straight into the heart of Chen Zong's eyebrows, and jumping into the sea of ​​God.

The sea of ​​Shenhai is vast, allowing it to swim in a meander.

Dragons and snakes dance and intersect, which contains infinite mysteries, and seems to be poor enough for one's own energy to study, understand, and practice hard.

The eight simple pictures, when they realized the mystery, bloomed with indescribable magic.

"It turned out that this is the chance." Chen Zong suddenly realized.

My own enlightenment was just the result of my own enlightenment. Now, the mystery of the eight dragons and snakes has been merged into the sea of ​​soul and into the soul.

This is where the real opportunity lies.

Immediately, another consciousness emerged. As long as I was willing, I was able to get out of here immediately, leave the Lingwu Holy Land and appear outside.

That being said, my trip to Lingwu Holy Land can be ended?

The mystery contained in the eight dragon and snake pictures is inscrutable. Although only part of it is realized, Chen Zong still finds it astonishing, enough to devote a great deal of time and energy to deeper understanding.

That will be of great help to your future cultivation.

So, stay here to continue enlightenment?

Or just leave?


Chen Zong's complexion changed slightly, how he thought about leaving.

If your soul is not strong and your mind is strong, you're afraid you have already made a choice.

Eight dragon and snake pictures!

It's just eight dragon and snake pictures.

There are twenty-four complete dragon and snake pictures. They only understand one-third of the mystery, and two-thirds.

For a moment, Chen Zong felt only clear in his head, as if there was a clear stream flowing by.

Don't hurry to leave, because two thirds of the twenty-four dragon and snake illustrations have never been enlightened.

"If I expect no difference, the twenty-four dragon and snake pictures can be divided into three levels." Chen Zong's eyes flickered endlessly and said secretly: "The first level is also the level I understand, so It is a dragon and snake realm, so the second level, with more water and fire, can be considered a water and fire realm, and the third level, with more days and months, can be counted as a sun and moon realm. "

As everyone knows, the division of Chen Zong is almost the same, but it is only a different name.

This first chance is indeed the case.

The twenty-four dragon and snake maps can indeed be divided into three levels.

However, most of the people who entered here have only realized the first level.

That seems to have a mysterious power. When you realize the first level, under the influence of that mysterious power, you will subconsciously ignore the next two levels, focus on the first level, and feel satisfied. Thereby choosing to leave.

Even after they leave, they will not think much about it, they will only concentrate on the first level of enlightenment, and they cannot write it down or teach it. They can only enlighten themselves and practice.

A few people can resist the interference of the magic power of the first level and continue to enlighten, but they may not be able to enlighten the second level, because it is more unpredictable.

And a few people can understand the mystery of the second level, they can't resist the influence of its magical power, and it is not due to the third level.

Each level is more difficult to comprehend.

At this moment, Chen Zong is enlightened on the second level.

In addition to dragons and snakes, there are more fire and water.

The dragon and snake danced, the fire and the water blended.

Chen Zong is still not anxious and not discouraged, but before, in general, except for enlightenment, it was cultivation, mainly sword training.

Because Chen Zong found that there seemed to be a kind of coincidence, or a coincidence, between his infinite and infinite serial sword and the dragon and snake figure.

When the infinite endless serial sword was created, Chen Zong gave it various changes and blends.

Such as fast and slow, strong and weak, rigid and soft and so on.

All the different and even opposite strengths are intertwined and entangled under a sword, blending in parallel, and then deducing the essence and mystery of the infinite infinite serial sword.

However, since the creation of the infinite endless serial sword, Chen Zong is also very clear that this sword technique is still at a shallow level, even if he continues to enlighten himself.

The more he learned, the more Chen Zong found out that this sword technique he created seemed to have amazing potential and surpass everything else.

Now that I have comprehended the eight dragon and snake pictures, I have gained a hint of mystery, incorporated them into the swordsmanship and infinitely infinite chain swords, and immediately made Chen Zong feel the improvement of the swordsmanship, a transformation that is almost essential.

Practice sword!

Forget everything, keep practicing the sword, and incorporate all the mysteries that you have, to perform the ultimate mystery.

Using sword practice instead of meditation to enlighten, the effect is even better by accident.

Chen Zong also never expected that his own infinitely infinite serial sword could fit this dragon and snake figure, which is a little different.

Incorporating the power of the dragon and snake into the swordsmanship has improved the swordsmanship and the power is even stronger.

This practice will endlessly, countless Jianguang pervade all directions, four poles.

Invisibly, the mystery of the infinite endless serial sword is also more perfect and clear.

The sword light stopped, and the sword returned to its sheath. Chen Zong exhaled a breath, the breath was sharp like a sword, bursting out of the air, the breath was endless, and it had amazing power. It penetrated the sky and hit directly. Lake surface.

"Infinite and infinite serial swords can be divided into three levels and triple realms."

"The first realm is serial, the second realm is infinite, and the third realm is infinite."

More enlightenment emerged, and Chen Zong faintly wanted to catch something, but couldn't catch it for a while.




Dragon and Snake Realm!

"The endless water can nourish and destroy everything. The fire is fierce and violent. It can burn everything to ashes. It can also give birth to life in the ashes ..."

Practice your sword and use it to enlighten everything.

Chen Zong's understanding of the first-level dragon and snake realm was deeper, and the mystery of the second-level water and fire realm was vaguely captured.

As soon as you get started, more insights emerge.

The sword came out of the sheath again, and the sword became light, turning into a dragon and snake dancing. Immediately, with that dragon, a hot breath permeated, as if the fire was fiery and the fire was violent.

When the sword is a snake, it is filled with a hint of coolness, it seems to be flowing, and it seems like a torrent of torrents.

There are countless mysteries in the sword.

Water and fire, snake and dragon are intertwined.

Gradually, the breath of water was incorporated into the snake, and the breath of fire was incorporated into the dragon.

The intersection of rigidity and softness, rigidity and softness.

Hot and cool blend, water and fire blend.

A sword technique unfolded, it was even more amazing, the power became more and more terrible.

The mystery is endless, all in the sword. After the interpretation, the sword returns to the sheath, Chen Zong stepped into the cottage again, and opened the twenty-four dragon and snake figure.

Suddenly, the dragon and snake and water and fire of the ninth to sixteenth pictures burst out, turning into light, rushing into the sea of ​​Chen Zong, and the mystery penetrated the soul.

A sense of unspeakable contentment filled his heart and mind, making Chen Zong feel that the trip had been unexpectedly amazing and it was time to leave.


Top-tier way!

Swordsmanship is even smarter!

The practice of the infinite endless serial sword becomes clearer and more perfect!

Sixteen dragon and snake pictures are endlessly mysterious!

This kind of harvest is amazing.

Feeling content and normal.

Then leave it.

But I don't know why ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In the deepest part of the heart, there is always a reluctance to linger, which makes Chen Zong hesitate and hesitates to make a choice.

His eyes were full of bewilderment, he wandered forward and backward, hesitantly hesitant bewilderment, rarely happened to Chen Zong.

Do not hesitate or hesitate to practice the sword, otherwise the sword will be unstable and inaccurate.

Chen Zong's current status is not a qualified sword repair.

But this happened.

Hesitating, wandering, struggling.

Immediately, Chen Zong's eyes flashed a sharp sharpness, splitting everything like a sword blade, bewildered and torn apart and vanished, and disappeared, replaced by unparalleled firmness, free from all confusion. All influence is firm.

"Sixteen dragon and snake pictures, but there are no twenty-four." Chen Zong smiled slightly.

It was just almost that he gave up the opportunity to continue to enlighten himself.

Fortunately, his heart and swordsmanship metamorphosed into the top order, making the contented mind more firm.

If other sword intentions do not have such effects, after all, heart swordsmanship originates from the heart.

In this case, they began to comprehend the last eight pictures, and named themselves the last realm of the sun and moon.

Dragons and snakes are clearer, more agile, and water and fire are more obvious. In addition, starting from the seventeenth picture, a big day and a moon are emerging. Can capture a trace of outline, if not for the charm contained in it, Chen Zong will only think that it is messy graffiti.

In the next picture, Dari and Youyue are clearer, more agile, and more real.

The farther back, the more real, until the last twenty-fourth picture, the big sun and the moon were lifelike, as if the real sun and the moon were hanging from the sky.

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