Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 82: yin and yang

The tenth heaven of Lingwu Holy Land.

"Supernatural power ... turned out to be a small supernatural power!" Tai Xuan Shengzi's eyes were extremely sharp, brilliant, and his voice was very excited.

There is naturally a magical power in the Taixuan Shenggong, but even if he is a Taixuan Shengzi, he is not qualified to practice, and it is already the upper limit to be able to cultivate that supernatural power.

Of course, the magical powers in the Taixuan Holy Palace can be cultivated sooner or later, but it still takes time.

I did not expect that in the tenth day of the Lingwu Holy Land, I passed the assessment and actually had to pass on a little magical power.

Supernatural power is rare and precious.

The Taixuan Holy Palace is the first force in the Taixuan Realm, but it also has few magical powers, and it also includes secondary magical powers.

According to Tai Xuan Shengzi's knowledge, there are only two small magical powers, while the great magical powers are legends.

In addition, the more magical powers you can cultivate, the more naturally the better.

What's more, the little magical power that was passed on this time can also directly introduce the direct introduction, which saves one's hard work.

Get started and you can display amazing power.

Taixuan Shengzi has harvested, others also have their own harvests.

On the first day, Chen Zong is still enlightening.

Dragon snake!

Water and fire!

It's Sun and Moon!

Since ancient times, the sun and the moon have alternated, such as day and night, and four seasons.

But in the figure of the twenty-four dragons and snakes, it is the same sun and moon.

But it is nothing if there are dragons and snakes meeting, rigidity and softness, water and fire blending, and the sun and moon are together.

The mystery is in it.

The first and second layers are the foundation, which helps to understand the third layer of the sun and the moon.

Sword practice is a good way to learn.

In the past, when different peerless Tianjiao came to realize the opportunity of the first heaven, their methods were different, and their final results were also different.

For example, Chen Zong masters the sword and uses the sword to enlighten him. When he is more efficient, the enlightenment is closely related to the sword, directly or indirectly increasing the potential and power of the sword.

Outside the hut, Chen Zong practiced his sword and realized it with his sword.

The sword lights up, dancing like dragons and snakes, and there is a mysterious blend of water and fire.

Dragon, snake, water, fire ...

Mysterious interpretation, each sword has rigid and soft, violent and soft.

Immediately, a sword rises, as if the fire dragon dances in a hurry, and the figure is convoluted, turning into a round of fiery sun, emitting an amazing light and enthusiasm.

Big day hangs!

Da Ri landed, the second sword rose, and it turned into a gloomy moon.

Practice sword!

Da Ri and You Yue condensed as much as possible, hanging from the sky, complementing each other.

Riyue Tonghui!

Enter the cottage, open the twenty-four dragon and snake pictures, and the last eight mysteries rushed into Chen Zong's mind, penetrating deeply into the soul.

Chen Zong sinks his consciousness into Shenhai.

The sea of ​​gods is vast, as if one side is boundless.

Shenhai is not empty and empty. For example, several kinds of thoughts are manifested in Shenhai.

Immediately, there were dragons and snakes condensing, one above and one below, and then water rushed in, and the fire burned out of thin air, encircling the dragon and snake.

A round of the sun appeared quietly, engulfing the Shenhai East, shining the flames and Tianlong, a round of moonlight slowly condensing, engulfing the west of Shenhai, infiltrating flowing water and earth snakes.

Twenty-four dragon and snake illustrations are all fully understood.

However, I have n’t realized it yet, and I need to spend a lot of time and energy to enlighten myself.

Chen Zong felt that this might not be inferior to the benefits that the sword of heart gave him.

The sword of the heart makes you embark on the road of true cultivation and rise from the end. The twenty-four dragon and snake pictures will keep you on the road of cultivation, chasing the stronger road, and seeing more mysteries. .

Chen Zong could not help exhaling a long breath.

This opportunity is really not bad.

If the other Jiu Zhongtian's chances are better than his own gains, then Chen Zong cannot imagine what the chances will be.

In fact, Chen Zong didn't know that the opportunity possessed by the Lingwu Holy Land Shizhongtian was similar.

The difference is in individual ability.

For example, in the first heavy day, if the dragon and snake realise and leave, then the chance is of course the worst, which cannot be compared with the Nine Heavens chance in the future.

If we can understand the water and fire realm, it is enough to compare with the opportunity of the middle-level heavy heaven.

And if you can understand the sun and the moon, it is comparable to the ninth heaven's chance.

There is no doubt that the tenth heaven's chance is the best chance. As for the nineth heaven's chance below tenth heaven, although there are differences, they are not much different.

From ancient times to the present, there are three levels that can be realized in the first heaven, and there are very few, and few, twenty-four dragons and snakes. It is also in a very distant era.

Most of the income is only the first-level dragon and snake realm, so it will be said that the first opportunity is the worst.

But these, Chen Zong did not know.

I just feel that the twenty-four dragon and snake pictures will be of great help to my future practice.

Twenty-four dragon and snake pictures have been circulated. Chen Zongdang can choose to leave Lingwu Holy Land, but Chen Zong did not leave in a hurry, but stayed here to continue enlightenment.

The twenty-four dragon and snake drawings have to be passed, but they can only be regarded as barely getting started. It also takes a lot of time and energy to deepen the enlightenment, realize more mysteries, and use it for your own purposes.

This place is very suitable for your own enlightenment.

Use the method of sword practice to enlighten, improve and improve your kendo.

Dragon snake!

Water and fire!

Sun and Moon!

These are the three levels and the triple realm.

Here, there is no rising or falling moon, no day and night alternation, it is difficult to feel the passage of time.

Chen Zong forgot everything else and was completely immersed in the enlightenment of the twenty-four dragon and snake illustrations.

Every time I practiced swords, I learned something, and gradually, Chen Zong felt that the three major levels of dragon and snake, water and fire, and sun and moon were in fact not divided into three levels. The three seemed to be at the same level. The difference.

However, Chen Zong felt that the three had the same meaning and seemed to have something in common.

That common point seems to be the true essence of the twenty-four dragon and snake illustrations, the deepest mystery contained in the twenty-four dragon and snake illustrations.

Of course, this is not to say that the twenty-four dragon and snake drawings are useless by themselves. On the contrary, they are of great use. At least, after continuous enlightenment, Chen Zong feels that his sword skills have improved significantly. The accumulation is more magnificent.

And the mystery of the essence hidden under the picture of the twenty-four dragon and snake looks like an extension.

Unable to understand, the twenty-four dragon and snake illustrations can still participate in cultivation and practice without half influence. If they can understand, they can have greater gains.

But knowing that there are deeper and more profound mysteries, Chen Zong naturally will not let go.

"The deepest mystery should be closely related to the dragon snake, water and fire, and sun and moon." Chen Zong secretly said.

The sword is moving, the heart is moving, a little mystery is constantly presented, captured by Chen Zong.

Dragon snake!

Water and fire!

Sun and Moon!

What's in common?

That's a point, a point that fits the three, and Chen Zong felt that point was the core of everything, the mystery of the twenty-four dragon and snake figure.

Sometimes, if you do n’t understand it, you are at a loss, just like the fog in the clouds, but if you are at it, you can see the moon and the moon as you clear the clouds.

Now, Chen Zong is in the process of clearing the fog, but has been working hard, but he can't clear the fog, but it makes the fog surging.

"The dragon is in the sky, the most recent Xeon, the snake is in the ground, the most supple and pure."

"The fire is fierce and raging, and the water is endless."

"Da Ri Dang Zhong Zheng, You Yue calm and calm."

Chen Zong was lost in thought.

In the sea of ​​God, dragons and snakes dance, water and fire circle, and the sun and the moon alternate, interpreting the mysterious mystery.

Mysterious is boundless, impossible and boundless.

"Mystery, what is it?" Chen Zong sinks into it more and more. He has the courage to never swear and never looks back.

With a firm conviction, this is the only way to achieve perfection and sincerity.

Everyone is working hard. Every day, no matter what the opportunity is, we must work hard to understand, strive to master more, and improve ourselves.

These opportunities are only once in the millennium and they are seized, which will be of great benefit to our future cultivation.

Tai Xuan Shengzi is proud, but he will not be proud and complacent. He knows that he is very talented, but he will not consider himself invincible because his goal is not to be his peers, but to surpass his predecessors.

To surpass, there is no proof in vernacular words, and only work hard, make every effort, continue to cultivate and strive for continuous improvement.

Without hard work, no matter how talented you are, you will be surpassed.

Cultivation is cruel, and you will never be better treated because of your talent. Without hard work, you will eventually be eliminated.

Among the huts on the small island in the heart of Lingwu Holy Land, Chen Zong sits cross-legged on a futon weaved with dry grass. This futon helps to calm down and contemplate all mysteries.

With such a meditation, Chen Zong didn't know how time passed and how much time had passed.

Dragon snake!

Water and fire!

Sun and Moon!

Three mysteries have emerged, blooming in the sea of ​​God, comprehending, and deepening ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ countless Ming Wu emerged, but was excluded by Chen Zong, because under the deduction of Chen Zong ’s super-savvy understanding Discover the deepest mysteries that are not contained in the twenty-four dragon and snake images.

As if it was difficult to find a little dust in the desert, Chen Zong was tireless.

This feeling of searching for mysteries is very wonderful and fascinating.

Immediately, Chen Zong emerged a hint of enlightenment, and a strong throbbing sensation emerged in his heart.

This throbbing, not fear, not panic, but excitement, seems to indicate that he has found the right response.

Dragon snake, fire water, sun and moon!

Dragon, fire, sun!

Snake, water, moon!

The sun is yang, the fire is fierce and violent, and it is also positive. The dragon is in the sky, noble and domineering, and the same is yang.

The Dragon Fire Day is Yang.

Conversely, Sheshuiyue is overcast.

The deepest mystery contained in the twenty-four dragon and snake images is yin and yang.

Yin and Yang are heaven and earth.

But the feeling to Chen Zong is so high that it is difficult to reach.

Chen Zong hasn't even thought about it yet. To go to realize the so-called yin and yang mystery, the level is really too high. It is much higher than he is now, and he is not able to understand.

What I didn't expect was that the opportunity gained here exposed himself to the deep mysteries of yin and yang.

As for the exercises and martial arts with the meaning of yin and yang, which are known in the past, they are just a little furry, so they are called this, and they are far from the real mystery of yin and yang.

But at this moment, Chen Zong can be sure that the deepest mystery in the twenty-four dragon and snake pictures is yin and yang.

Are these mysteries the most common opportunity in Lingwu Holy Land?

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