Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 85: Fighting Taixuan Again (Part 2)

Combat intention, Chongxiao!

Situation, start!

Chen Zong's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Ji Feng Sword issued bursts of sword melody, melodious handed down, it was affected by Chen Zong's mind, and also excited.

The faint heaven and earth that emerged from behind Taixuan Shengzi became more and more amazing. The suppression of the void was everything, and everything was forbidden. Under the power of Taixuan heaven and earth, the power of Chongxuan's power also became more powerful.

The ground gradually cracked under this terrible coercion.

The domineering breath, like an invisible fire, rushed from Chen Zong's body and filled all directions.

Attention, uplifting, sword to!

Jianguang burst into the air, like a beam of aurora across the sky, extremely fast, amazingly fast, so dazzling, fast that made everyone around him tremble.

How do you dodge these sword speeds.

Taixuan Shengzi's eyes and pupils contracted like a needle, and his heart was equally surprised.

So fast, how could it be so fast.

Daoguang Senhan, blooming like a stream of skylight, is so dazzling that it can't be seen directly.

"It's out of the sword." Gong Tianxing narrowed his eyes and was afraid to look directly, but was excited inside.

In normal battles, Taixuan Shengzi confronts the enemy with both hands.

But few people know that in fact, Taixuan Shengzi is really good at swordsmanship. The swordsmanship he cultivates is not a complete martial art of Taixuan Heaven and Earth, because Taixuan Heaven and Earth does not have a sword.

That sword is the result of Taixuan Shengzi's adventure, which is even more terrifying than Taixuan Tiangong's supporting martial arts.

In the past, those who were lucky enough to see the sword have become the soul of the sword. Today, they are still alive, either some of the elders of the division, or a few people, such as Gong Tian Xun, Tian Cheng Sheng Zi, Zhen Gu Sheng Zi, and even a few people Most disciples in the palace are unaware.

The blade of light is fierce and overwhelming, and the boundless potential is overwhelming, as if the sky is falling apart, and it is beheaded, and it seems that the bleak sky and the shadow behind it are also cracking.

This knife split the sky and the earth, and seemed to split everything, so that Chen Zong gave a strong sense of death and crisis.

From it, Chen Zong felt a terrible sense of truth.

That kind of meaning is sharp and sharp, as if it can split everything.


And judging from its breath, this Taoism is a high-level Taoism, and it has reached seven revolutions.

Among the younger generation, those who can practice high-order Taoism to the Seven Turns are very few, and the Son of Heaven and the Ancient Guzhen did not do it. They are all six turns.

The power of the seven-turn higher-order Taoism is much stronger than the six-turn higher-order Taoism.

Previously, Tai Xuan Shengzi shot, but did not use this high-end Taoist idea of ​​reaching seven turns, but just used another high-end Taoist idea of ​​six turns.

In other words, Tai Xuan Shengzi even mastered two high-order Taoism.

This surprised Chen Zong.

Prior to that, I had only mastered a high-level Taoism.

Although there are three kinds of middle-level Taoism, after all, middle-level Taoism cannot be compared with high-level Taoism.

The sword is cut, the sword is terrifying, and the sword is shocking. This is the true strength of Tai Xuan Shengzi.

Chen Zong can be sure that if he was not the enemy of Taixuan Shengzi before he obtained the twenty-four dragon and snake drawings and Lingwu Supreme Master, if he did not use the Shura avatar, he would likely be slashed directly by the opponent.

But now, seeing the twenty-four dragon and snake pictures, the sword skill is deeper, the accumulation is more solid, the power is also improved, and the little magical power of the supreme martial arts has made his basic strength leap forward.

In addition, the heart sword Taoism has completely transformed from the high-level Taoism to the top-level Taoism, and the power has also increased greatly.

The six-turn top-level Taoism, its power, will not be inferior to the seven-turn high-level Taoism, but it will be more powerful.

When Chen Zong tried his best to motivate the sword, and the sword was killed, everyone was shocked by the terrible feeling of Tao.

The Son of Heaven and the Son of Zhengu were terrified.

This breath ... this breath ... is clearly not a breath of high-order Taoism, but a breath more clear than high-order Taoism.

Top-tier way!

But before, this Taoist atmosphere was not so, but just high-level.

Could it be that the opportunity that this person got on the first day was to transform the higher-order Taoism into the highest-order Taoism?

Taoism is divided into four levels, low, medium, high, and top. When a practitioner learns and masters the Tao, most of them are low-level. A few can directly understand and master the middle-level Tao. Master the higher order.

However, there have never been those who have directly enlightened and grasped the Taoism and reached the highest rank.

After grasping the ideology, after practicing and gaining an opportunity, you can upgrade from low-level to middle-level and from middle-level to high-level.

However, Taoist promotion is not easy. Low-to-medium level may be less difficult, but the transformation from low-to-high level is much more difficult. As for the high-level to the top level, it can theoretically be transformed and promoted, but, Too difficult, too difficult, not enough accumulation and background, not enough opportunities, don't even think about it.

Chen Zong did it.

Suddenly envied.

Whoever said that the first chance is the most common, many people are slandered. Although they feel that the opportunity they have obtained is good, it is not superior to the transformation of high-level Taoism into top-level Taoism.

If they knew that Chen Zong's higher-order Taoism would be transformed into a top-ranking Taoism, it is only incidental. The real chance is other, and I don't know what it will be jealous of.

The first chance of the sky is obviously the best.

If you know, it is estimated that everyone who will break their heads must stay on the first day.

Of course, if they stay on the first day, it is estimated that at best they will get the chance of a twenty-four dragon and snake figure.

Feeling the breath of the top Taoism, the Tai Xuan Shengzi's expression grew colder.

A cricket ant has a chance to transform the high-level Taoism into the top-level Taoism, why not himself.

In a split second, the split knife became more powerful and more amazing.

No life!

The inanimate sword style exhibited by the top-level Taoism, and after the perfection and improvement of the twenty-four dragon and snake images, its power has increased dramatically.

Knives and swords fought, and they collided again and again, with incredible power.

Tai Xuan Shengzi's sword attainment is extremely advanced. For a time, Chen Zong could not prevail.

Chen Zong also found that on the basis of strength, even if he was improved by the power of spiritual force, he still could not compare with Tai Xuan Shengzi.

After all, Taixuan Shengzi is the practice of the six peaks in the sanctuary.

But in terms of morality, his six-turned swordsmanship is a little stronger than the opponent's seven-turned swordsmanship.

Heart Sword Style!

No raw sword style!

Extreme cutting!

Chaos front cut!

Serial sword!

Jian Guang is sharp, fast, and fierce.

Swords fought, terrible power burst out, and Chen Zong flew back.

Immediately, a blazing breath permeated, as if the flames were burning, and I saw a black flame burning on the extreme sword, exuding amazing power.

Zihuan burning market fire!

A sword blasted out, the fierce black flame swept through, and the rage was as rotten as Hong Tao.

The ground burned!

The next sword, a terrible hurricane howled, raging in all directions, as if to destroy everything.

Hurricane destroys the city!

Even now, the fusion of the two swords is still Chen Zong's most arrogant move.


The flame hurricane tornado raged the world.

Tai Xuan Shengzi's complexion changed greatly.

This flame hurricane tornado is extremely powerful, as if to destroy everything and turn it into a powder.

"Tiandao ... Kill the world!" Taixuan Shengzi held up the long sword in his hand, the Tiandao Taoism erupted completely, all the forces erupted completely, the dim shadow behind the sky became clearer, and the oppression emanated was more amazing.

The sword was fierce and fierce, and it reached the size of a hundred feet in an instant, like a giant sword cut off from the sky, with endless sternness.

The earth trembled under this knife. The knife light has never fallen. The amazing pressure of the knife has split the earth. An amazing knife mark spreads quickly.

The horrible sword suddenly made everyone shocked, one after another with a horrible look.

In particular, the two talents of the Son of Heaven and the Son of Zhengu realized that the gap between their own strength and the son of Tai Xuan was not a little bit that they had thought before, but more.

Chen Zong was also frightened. The huge sword light was extremely solid, as if cast by a god.

As if everything would be chopped, chopped, chopped under this knife.


It was cut with a single knife, and the flame hurricane tornado was split and split in an instant, and the remaining knife Guangwu took to himself with a terrible and direct killing power and cut it to Chen Zong.


Jianguang is endless, as if endless, smashing out madly.

Each sword weakened and shattered the remaining knife light.

Tai Xuan Shengzi's eyes twinkled with the cold and ruthless knife light, as if to kill everything.

Unexpectedly, I even tried to show the sky knife, but I still couldn't kill the other side ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I didn't even defeat it.

Murder, the more soaring, Tai Xuan Shengzi's eyes became more and more cold.

Looks like it's the little magical power that you want to show yourself?

Although it is just an introduction, the power of Little Magic is not ordinary.


with distinction!


Chen Zong felt amazing pressure, and the source of the pressure was the Son of Tai Xuan.

The strength of Tai Xuan Shengzi was beyond his expectations, but in the same way, Chen Zong also knew his current strength.

However, it seems that this Tai Xuan Shengzi has a hole card.

Are you going to use Shura's avatar?

The buzzing sound immediately sounded, and an arc of light across the sky immediately appeared in the sight of everyone.

That's the portal!

Leave the portal of Lingwu Holy Land.

As the portal appeared, a terrible coercion came, full of repulsion, to exclude everyone.


Can only go.

Otherwise, the longer the time, the greater the power of repulsion. If you do not leave, you will be forced to leave.

This repulsive force was very overwhelming, and everyone set off and broke into the portal of light and disappeared.

Chen Zong and Taixuan Shengzi felt that the increasing repulsive power of each passing day gradually became difficult to counteract.

With a deep look at Chen Zong, Tai Xuan Shengzi's eyes were full of murderous power, and the murderous power passed across as cold as a blade, which made Chen Zong feel an amazing coldness.

But Chen Zong was not half afraid, his eyes glowed with an astonishing sword-like light, facing the eyes of Tai Xuan Shengzi.

Such as swords.

This battle is not complete, and there will be another battle in the future.

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