Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 86: Sword to (1)

At the top of Lingwu Holy Realm, where it meets the void of the universe, the former army of void demons has long disappeared and has retreated.

Nine battleships already existed, and that great beast also existed, but the nine warships were covered with scars, and the beast was covered with scars as well.

However, the vitality of the great wild beast is extremely tenacious. Such injuries are not enough to affect its life.

However, there are countless turbulent breath fluctuations remaining in all directions, covering thousands of miles, which shows that not long ago, there was a fierce battle, and there were countless deaths and injuries.

A huge arc of light passes through the void of the universe, as if separating the void of the universe.

Suddenly, arrogant gazes swept across, staring.

I saw a figure leaping out of the arc of light, and quickly landed, it was a group of Tianjiao who entered the Lingwu Holy Land.

Finally, Tai Xuan Shengzi and Chen Zong appeared.

Seeing Chen Zong's appearance, Xuankong Luo and another half-step grand saint-level strongman were only relieved.

Returning to the Xuanyuan blasting ship, Chen Zong found that there were only a dozen of the original fifty who were at the top of the holy realm. As for the other thirty, they fell in the battle with the Nether Demon. .

This can not help but let Chen Zong's heart sink, his look a little dignified.

Speaking of them, they will die here and have nothing to do with themselves. After all, they escorted themselves before they encountered the army of void demons and eventually died.

Immediately, Chen Zong also found that Xuankong Luo's complexion was a little pale, and it seemed that he was not badly damaged, while another half-step grand saint-class strong man lacked an arm.

The Yuanyuan Realm suffered heavy losses, as did the other realms.

Fortunately, the Nether Demon Army was repelled.

In fact, the Void Demon Army will be repelled, also because in a critical moment, the Great Saint-class Xeon is condensed with the incarnation of the mind, hitting the Void Demon Army with great power, and has to retreat.

Otherwise, these people may not be able to leave, and they may all be leaving their lives.

"Chen Zong, what is the sky you entered?" Xuankong Luo asked.

"First priority!" Chen Zong did not hide.

Hearing the first heavy sky, Xuankong Luo and others looked slightly changed, and there was a disappointment in their eyes.

According to the records, they know that the tenth heaven of the Lingwu Holy Land is the most common, and the tenth heaven is the best.

At the beginning, Xuankong Luo and others did not hope that Chen Zong could break into the tenth heavy sky, even seven or eight hundred heavy days, but to no avail, they also broke into the fifth and sixth heavy days.

It turned out to be just the first day.

Chen Zong could feel their expectations and disappointments, but did not explain anything.

For one thing, Chen Zong feels that the opportunities he has won will not be inferior to other people, and even better than others, but it is only his own feelings, and what other people get is not clear.

Secondly, the opportunity you get should be very good, just know it yourself, there is no need to emphasize and preach, it will only cause yourself trouble.

Immediately, Xuankong Luo and others also felt relieved.

In the final analysis, Chen Zong's cultivation is the lowest of the ten, and it is nothing to compete with others.

"Have you ever had a chance?" Xuankong Luo asked quickly.

The chances in the Lingwu Holy Land are very good. Even if it is the first chance, it is not a trivial matter. It can be obtained, and it is also very good.

Chen Zong nodded.

"Okay." Xukong Luo and others suddenly smiled.

As for what kind of opportunity Chen Zong got, although Xuankong Luo and others were curious, they didn't ask. It belongs to personal privacy. If you ask too much, it will make people feel confused.

Now that Chen Zong has obtained the opportunity from the Lingwu Holy Land, there is no need to continue to stay here. In case the Void Demon Army strikes again, it is a nightmare.


When Xuanyuan blasted into the sky, it suddenly burst into amazing power, rushing down quickly, and rushing into the current of the atmosphere. Under the high-speed friction, there were numerous amazing fireworks. , Into flames rolling endless impact.

Chen Zong stood on the edge of the protective cover on the deck and stared out.

Watching the endless sparks splash into flames, Chen Zong suddenly gave birth to a burst of thoughts.

Each spark is like a sword light, and the endless sparks are like the infinite sword light.

The sword light is like fire and sparks, dense and dense, and turned into a stream of flames, endless and endless.

Gradually, Chen Zong was immersed in it, forgetting everything outside.

In my mind, there are countless sword lights flickering endlessly, each sword light carries the mighty power, contains various strengths, all strengths merge into one, the trajectory of each sword is so mysterious.

Xuankong Luo noticed Chen Zong and Chen Zong's whole body. It seemed that there was a trace of breath fluctuation, very mysterious.

The breath is like the sword.

Xuankong Luo knew that Chen Zong was enlightened.

Epiphany may occur anytime, anywhere, but it may not occur.

The more genius, the easier it is to realize, because the savvy is high enough, the accumulation is vigorous, and the foundation is solid enough.

Countless auras emerged in my mind, more and more, and at first they were messy and gradually orderly.

The mystery of the infinite endless serial sword is constantly presented, and the mystery of the twenty-four dragon and snake illustrations is constantly presented.

Chen Zong divided the infinite infinite sword into three realms.




Within one day of Lingwu Holy Land, Chen Zong practiced the infinite infinite chain sword to the first realm: serial.

Nowadays, Chen Zong's enlightenment on the first level of realm is getting deeper and deeper, and he gradually realizes the second level: the mystery of the Promise.

At this point, sooner or later, you can realize the second realm of the Promise.

The Xuanyuan blasting skyship continued to fall, the speed was amazingly fast, and the fierce friction between the protective cover and the atmospheric current turned into a horrifying flame. From a distance, it looked like a meteor falling at an alarming speed.

The sparks outside the protective cover became more and more intense, and in the end, they turned directly into a horrible flame torrent.

Chen Zong also felt that the countless auras in his mind seemed to be like a big bang, and the endless sword light was released from the big bang, and his interpretation was extremely mysterious.


Beyond the serial, overriding, is a sword of Wuji, Wuji of a sword.

Gradually, the falling of Xuanyuan's sky-rocketing ship slowly slowed down, and the raging flames outside the shield gradually weakened and dissipated.

Xuanyuan's blasting ship became stable, broke out again at an astonishing speed, and flew forward quickly.

It will take some time to return to the capital of Xuanyuan King, while Chen Zong retreats and stabilizes the non-polar state.

After returning to the capital of Xuanyuan King, Chen Zong also almost stabilized the Promise Realm, immediately went to the barracks of the Xuantian Army, and was summoned by the Lord of the Xuan Army.

The Lord of the Divine Army also just arrived from the battlefield in the void, and seems to be carrying a gun smoke residue.

"Just come back." Shen Xuanjun patted Chen Zong's shoulder: "The Nether Demon Army is dispatched. Today, our Xuantian Army has only a few left-behind barracks. Are you planning to retreat for a while, or will you follow me into the battlefield to kill the demon? . "

"Enter the battlefield!" Chen Zong's tone was unwavering, his eyes twinkled with extremely sharp coldness, and there was murder.

The harvest in the Lingwu Holy Land should be understood by everyone, even if it is a retreat, it takes a long time to be able to improve again.

And fighting, especially life-death fighting, can further stimulate your potential and make you go further.

This has been proven many times in the past.

The other point is those who died in the peak of the Holy Land.

The thirty strong men who entered the sacred realm were the strong men in the Xuantian Army, the strong men who were sent to **** themselves to the Lingwu Holy Land, but they died under the attack of the Nether Demon Army.

Indirectly, their death has something to do with themselves.

This is hatred!

Don't report it.

For various reasons, Chen Zong made the choice without hesitation.

"Okay!" Shen Xuanjun patted Chen Zong's shoulder vigorously, showing a smile, very satisfied: "Follow me, remember, you must survive."

Speaking, the Lord of the Mysterious Army took out a ring and handed it to Chen Zong. This ring condenses the power of the Lord of the Mysterious Army and can erupt in an instant. Whether it is attack or defense, its level has reached the level of the limit of entering the holy realm , More powerful than the ordinary Nine Peaks of the Holy Land.

In addition, it can burst three times, and after three times, the power is exhausted, which is used as Chen Zong's life-saving hole card.

After all, Chen Zong was a peerless arrogant who entered the Lingwu Holy Land, and his future achievements are limitless. Maybe the future is another great sacred paradise. It is necessary to give the necessary protection.

But at the same time, it is impossible to protect Chen Zong at all times.

Any strong man broke out from countless lives and deaths ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is not protected.

What has always been protected, even if it is a chance, can not achieve much.

Bring Chen Zong, the Lord of the Divine Army returned to the empty battlefield again.

Chen Zongyi returned to the Void Battlefield through the Void Channel, and immediately felt that the breath permeating the battlefield became different, with more intense Xiao kills, as if it contained endless evil spirits.

The Void Battlefield is a place suitable for Shura's avatar. Here, the practice of Shura's avatar can be smoother.

As the Lord of the Xuan Army quickly returned to the Xuantian War Fortress, Chen Zong also saw that there were more sergeants than usual, at least ten times more.

Xiao Sha!



There seems to be a more iron-blooded breath.

Chen Zong couldn't help taking a deep breath, only feeling that his lungs were cold and seemed to be filled with murderous gas.

As the Lord of the Xuan Army quickly entered the Xuantian War Fortress, he quickly returned to the Blood Ling Division of the Xuan Army's Killing Department to find other members of his team.

However, it was not found because the other members of the Celestial Squad had left Xuantian Battle Fortress to fight the Nether Demon.

Divine Xuanjun Killing Department is an elite among the elites. One by one, they are not powerful. They usually do not face the army of the Void Demon. They often kill the stronger of the Void Demon by hunting and indirectly weaken the Void Demon The power of the army.

Chen Zong immediately set off and quickly left the Shen Xuan Army Killing Department.

Now that you have decided to slay the Nether Demon, you will not stay here. In addition, you will find your own team.

Owning the team's token, you can feel the location of other players within a certain distance.

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