Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 88: Sword to (3)

The sky of the Void Battlefield is dark and boundless, as if it is going to collapse.

In the corner of the Bloody Devil's Valley in the high-level danger, hundreds of void demons attacked wildly, and the pressure was black, full of energy, overwhelming, as if the waves were endless and flooded.

Into a large black spirit, there was an extremely bright blade of snow shining out, exuding an amazing icy breath, as if freezing everything.

That's a snow knife.

Xuedao's talent is very high. In the entire Tianji unit, it is the highest one except Chen Zong. Under all kinds of fierce battles, she keeps improving.

Today, the strength of Snow Blade is not inferior to Sky Halberd.

Xue Liang's sword bloomed, and a fierce roar sounded, as if it came from the distant sky, like the avalanche produced by the collapse of the Daxue Mountain, its power was endless and infinite.

Under the sword, the sound of whistling swept the world, and suddenly, there were a lot of void demons submerged under the bright, avalanche-like sword light.

The sky halberd aroused a force, the halberd was swept across the sky, and the thousands of armies split easily.

Kill kill!

One by one burst out full force, unreserved shots.

Now that they have been traumatized one by one, their strength has not been fully restored. It can be said that their strength is at most 50% of the heyday.

The enemies of the Void Demon surrounded by them are not weak. In the end, maybe they can kill all these Void Demon, but they will also die here.

Unless there is strength in the heyday, there is no hope of leaving.

However, this is a high-level dangerous place. Once the battle breaks out, it will not take long for more void demons to come.

So, let alone their exhausted bodies, even in the heyday, if the number doubles, it is estimated that they cannot escape safely.

Now, everyone thinks, not how to get away, but **** more void demons with corpses.

He died on the battlefield.

The Void Demon keeps dying, but the Void Demon is not afraid of death.

When the Manglong rushed, he punched the Nether Demon in one punch, and at the same time blocked the assault of the Nether Demon. His chest was penetrated immediately, leaving a large hole. The Manglong trembled and his face was full of fierce fists. The head exploded.

Suddenly, a vicious demon flashed, and the sharp claws fiercely grasped the head of Manglong, but Manglong could not escape, could not resist, and had to wait for death.

The black gunman smashed into the air, and instantly broke through the void demon. His body was thrown away from the distance, and the figure of Hanming Gun passed by Manglong.

Manglong grinned, but didn't say thank you, because there was no need to say it verbally.

Fight with life and death.

The fiery flames were fierce and violent. They blasted out and knocked back a void demon. Immediately, a sharp arrow broke through and penetrated the void demon.

Even if there are only six people left, it is terrible to join forces.

This is the final outbreak and the final battle.

Yisheng recommends blood, Yisheng fights deer!

Tianji was attacked by a middle-ranked void demon, and the injuries worsened, and the mysterious killing team was disrupted, but the other five people immediately reacted to form the five mysterious killing team, and also protected it .

Tianji took the last elixir to take, and as the power of the elixir dissipated, the injury in the body was also relieved.

However, for such a serious injury, this elixir is just a waste of money and can only provide a slight relief.

Tianji took a deep breath, regained momentum, and re-tightened the halberd to get up again, and once again joined the Shenxuan kill array.

As long as it is not dead, it will endlessly.

Hundreds of void demons were finally killed by the concerted efforts of six people, and the corpses lay on the ground, bleeding all over the place.

The six were hard to stand on, all covered with scars and dripping with blood.

Even if they killed hundreds of Nether Demon, but at this moment, they are almost exhausted, and they have less than 10% strength.

The six looked at each other, showing a bitter smile with ease.

Manglong's injury is the worst, it is difficult to stand, but he still supports it.

If this is the case, everyone can get a respite, and they can slowly recover, but apparently, the Void Demon did not give them this opportunity, and a large number of Nether Demon flew from a distance, and the terrible fierce breath spread over the world.

"This time, let's fight together for the last time." Tianji took a deep breath, only feeling a sudden pain in his chest, but still said that the final battle was overwhelming.

"Don't regret the battle!" Han Ming gun laughed, rare pride.

This will be the last time that everyone will fight side by side, while several others have already gone one step ahead.

It's just a pity that they didn't see the future achievements of Wu Shengjian, which is a team member that makes them all proud.

The six men moved slowly, and Han Ming's gun helped the Manglong, turning slowly, facing the rapidly approaching void demons.

The last battle!

It is glorious to die!

No fear, no fear, no panic, calm eyes, sharp eyes deep in the eyes, always forward.

Iron wall!

Red smoke!


we are coming.


The terrible black light with extreme fierce anger, raging from the sky, with death and destruction, overwhelming, endless, want to defeat and kill everyone.

These might, if they are in their heyday, should be able to resist, but now, the strength of the crowd is at most only 10%, and it is impossible to counteract the slightest.

Even so, there is no step back.

This is the dignity of being born, the dignity of the Xuantian Army sergeant, and the dignity of the third unit of the Seventh Brigade of the Blood Ling Division of the Divine Army.

Magnificent, no return!


Everyone burst into the final power, even the Manglong, who had been unable to stand still.


The raging black flame, like a torrent of torrents, erupted in an instant, releasing incredible power.

In a hurry, there was another roar, a violent hurricane roared, rushed to the black flame, and collided instantly, bursting into endless power, and turning into an astonishing hurricane full of destruction power.

The black flame, hurricane tornado roared the world, and directly passed six people such as the sky halberd.

These changes have shocked everyone, who is it?

The roaring sound was endless, and the terrible force impacted in all directions, as if the world were to be collapsed. This kind of power made both Xuedao and Tianji feel tremor.

The black flame tornado hurricane collided with the black power of the Nether Demon and smashed into it.

At the same time, Tianji and the other six felt only being dragged by a force and quickly retreated.

At this time, they would not be able to resist even if they wanted to resist, and they could see that it seemed that someone had come to save them, and who would live to die would naturally not struggle.

Suddenly, everyone flew back hundreds of meters, and a terrible and powerful collision erupted, sweeping the sky and the mighty, many void demons bear the brunt of it, and were shredded into powder in a flash.

"Captain, everybody." A familiar voice made everyone unexpected, and Tianji Xuedao waited together.

No raw sword!

Chen Zong!

"No birth, why are you here?" Tianji was shocked.

According to common sense, shouldn't Chen Zong practice at this time?

Others were also surprised, totally unexpected.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that Wu Shengjian had rescued them.

"No life, leave quickly." Immediately, Tianji seemed to think of something, and quickly urged.

Their six injuries were severe. If they left with the sword, it would be a burden and burden. At that time, they would be chased up by the demons of the void. Not only would they die, but also the sword without death.

And the six of them had already made preparations for death. If no sword appeared, now they are dead.

But no sword is different. He has a super high talent, has an infinite future and a future. He should not die here, especially to save himself and six mortal people.

not worth it!

Not worth it at all!

Xuedao and others also spoke one after another and let Chen Zong leave quickly. The six of them were naturally left to fight for a little time for Chen Zong.

Since Chen Zong is here, will he leave now?

will not!

Quickly take out the good healing elixir and rejuvenating elixir to everyone and let them take it.

"I'm going to stop the demons in the void, you guys, first heal the elixir to heal." Chen Zongdao said, but his words revealed an unquestionable firmness.

Immediately, Chen Zong passed the crowd, holding a sword to kill the demons that came from behind.

Tianji and others immediately took the elixir, sat cross-legged, quickly remedied the elixir for injury ~ www.wuxiaspot.com, and restored strength, so that they could get away together.

Even with a single sword facing hundreds of void demons, Chen Zong didn't have the slightest fear, on the contrary, he showed a hint of excitement.


In front of Hengjian, Chen Zong's eyes burst into an unparalleled brilliance, extremely sharp, as if the sword was broken.


A sword was swept across the sky, the sword came out of nowhere, and the astonishing killing intention pervaded the world, flooding the world.

The sword light was extremely sharp, beheading a void demon in front of him like a bamboo shoot, Jian Guang endlessly killing, killing the second void demon.

Through the induction of the token, Chen Zong found Tian Ji and others, but only saw six. As for the other iron smoke red smoke and the disease shadow three people were missing, which caused Chen Zong's heart to sink slightly, giving birth to nothing. Wonderful feeling.

It's just now, not the time to talk.


Sword relentlessly, beheading.

Even though it was only the fifth stage of the sanctuary, the true strength of Chen Zong is far better than most of the six.

The power of reaching the top level of six revolutions is also terrible.

In the realm of the heart, Chen Zong can capture all the trajectories of the Void Demon, and then make the most accurate response.

Compress the realm of the heart to a range of 50 meters, master everything like it, advance and retreat, and you can intercept all void demons, so that six people such as Tianji can heal and restore strength with peace of mind.

With a sword in hand, you are invincible!

But the Void Demon is not limited to these hundreds, but there are more Void Demon coming from afar. The air in the air is getting richer and more fierce, which brings great pressure to Chen Zong.

I just hope that Tianji and others can recover some as soon as possible.

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