Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 89: Sword to (4)

Time is running out, time is race against time.

Tianji and others are very aware of this, and they are also very aware of their injuries. Therefore, they are trying to get rid of all distractions and take all the time to recover.

Regardless of injury or strength.

In this state, they have no resistance and are easily killed.

However, they also believed in Chen Zong very much, and believed that Chen Zong could get time.

To die is nothing more than death.

Kill kill!

It's terrifying. It's murderous.

Since leaving Xuantian War Fort to look for the Celestial Squad, Chen Zong has drawn sword to kill hundreds of void demons, creating an astonishing killing power.

Hundreds of void demons struck, but all fell under Chen Zongjian and slaughtered.

However, this is just the beginning, and there are more vanities and demons killed. From afar, the fierce atmosphere is black and black, like a cloud destroying the city.

Through time and time, Chen Zong's strength has been continuously improved, but he is not invincible.

Gradually, Chen Zong was under increasing pressure.

Magical Power!

break out!

As a last resort, Chen Zong can only explode with even greater strength.

In an instant, the basic strength surged, which greatly enhanced his strength.




Heart Sword Style!

No raw sword style!


Suddenly, a lower-level Nether demon struck and killed from the side. The attack was extremely fierce and terrible, and he wanted to kill Chen Zong.

The next king-level void demon is equivalent to the seventh level of entering the sacred realm, which is stronger than the ordinary seventh level of entering the sacred realm.

Suddenly, the sword light flickered, and countless sword lights bloomed out like sparks, turning into an endless flame, and rushing away.

The sword is infinite!

A sword came out, not only blocking the assassination and killing of the next king-level void demons, but also counterattacking them instantly.

Infinite Promise Sword!

This melee sword-making technique created in the ruins of Tianyuan was continuously enlightened and deepened by Chen Zong, and became more and more perfect. It divided into three major realms, and the mystery of each realm increased gradually, and its power increased accordingly. , Suddenly became Chen Zong's another deep and powerful swordsmanship.

One sword is infinite and mysterious. It not only kills the next king-level void demons, but also kills the next few powerful void demons.

The strength of the Nether Demon is stronger than the ordinary human race practitioners of the same level, but it is better than Chen Zong and other peerless arrogance.

Under Chen Zongjian, unless it is more powerful than Chen Zong, it can only be slaughtered.

Rao is so, Chen Zong also feels the pressure, because the Void Demon is like an endless killer. He keeps coming, and he is not afraid of death.

This momentum and such tragic impact on Chen Zong were very strong.

A domineering breath swept through, that suddenly surpassed the lower king level and reached the middle king level, which is the eighth level equivalent to entering the sacred realm.

Chen Zong took a deep breath. In the case of one-on-one, Chen Zong is naturally willing to fight against the strongest in the sanctuary, and try his current strength limit.

But now is not the time.

There are too many demons in the void, and I will not give myself such opportunities.

The outbreak of spiritual force is limited, and he cannot keep fighting this way.

At the corner of his eyes, Yu Guang glanced at the six people who were doing his best to recover. Chen Zong knew that if he was willing, with his own strength, when he could get away, he could get away now.

But can't!

Some things can't be done, but some things, even betting on life, must be done.

In this case, I have been unwilling to expose the last hole cards in front of people, but I have to use them.

As for the Lord Xuanjun's gift to himself, which can release the limit of the power of entering and exiting the sacred realm, Chen Zong intends to keep it first, after all, that is the power of entering the sacred realm, which is stronger than his avatar.

Suddenly, a gray sword light radiated from Chen Zong's eyebrow like aurora like lightning.

When Jian Guangfu appeared, it filled with an incredible shock, a horrible sky, boundless and infinite.


When Jianguang is passing, the void seems to be penetrated, and all things are destroyed and nothing is broken.

A sword spans three kilometers, killing dozens of demons.

Come on, Chen Xiu!

Holding the Evil Sword of Eternity, the evil spirit is continuously absorbed, supplementing Chen Xiu's power consumption.

The deity and the avatars joined forces to form a mysterious battlefield.

Even if it was the middle-king-level void demon equivalent to entering the sacred realm, he couldn't stop the power of God's mysterious array, and was killed instantly.

The pressure was greatly relieved in an instant, and Chen Zong also took this opportunity to enlighten himself while throwing a sword.

The battle of life and death can best inspire the potential. If you still have the energy to seize the opportunity to realize, the gain will be many times better than the usual retreat.

A tyrannical breath swept through, and that breath surpassed everything before, and it was a Uranus-level void demon.

This is equivalent to the ninefold practitioners who entered the sanctuary, but stronger than the ordinary ninefold practitioners who entered the sanctuary.

Void demons are inherently tyrannical, especially good at destruction and erosion. The power is terrible. The more powerful the Void Demons are, the more amazing the Void Demons possess.

Of course, with the strength of Shu Xi as Chen Xi, the initial stage of the seventh stage of entering the sacred realm is enough to counter the ordinary entry into the sanctuary of nine stages, even the Uranus-level void demons.

However, it is not so easy to kill it.

But at this moment, under the mysterious battle, Chen Xiu's strength is a few percent stronger.

One sword!

Two swords!

Three swords!

Chen Xiu ’s swordsmanship has been cultivated to the extreme by Chen Xiu, and based on the extremely amazing majestic swordsmanship foundation, it is deduced and extended on the original basis to reach a whole new level, becoming Chen Xiu ’s exclusive swordsmanship. Can play a fuller strength.

Under the three swords, the king-level void demon died that day.

There is no vanity demon that can resist Chen Xiu's sword at all, and as for the deity Chen Zong, while cutting down the weaker vanity demon, he understands and sharpens himself.

The highest level of Taoism has unparalleled potential to be tapped.

The realm of the heart also has the potential to tap.

Sharpen yourself in the battle between life and death of the Void Demon to improve yourself. In this way, only a very small number of talents dare to do so, either they can do nothing or have great confidence in themselves.

Chen Zong is the latter.

With the addition of Chen Xiu, the Nether Demon is constantly beheaded, especially when Chen Xiu is different from the deity Chen Zong. Killing the Nether Demon, not only will the wicked evil sword slowly recover its strength, but Chen Xiu can also absorb the evil energy and refine it, and recover the consumption Strength, without the limitations of flesh and blood, can continue to fight endlessly.

This is the real killing monster.

Suddenly, a domineering breath spread, and black smoke billowed, as if the flames were burning, filled with terrible power.

This prestige has surpassed the Heavenly King level and surpassed Jiuzhong in the sanctuary, and instantly changed the face of Chen Zong and Chen Xiu.

Great step!

This is the breath equivalent to a half-step Great Holy Order.

Among the Void Demon, it is also called Demigod.

Surprisingly, there was a demigod Void Demon killed.

He looked dignified and dignified.

Chen Zong and Chen Xiuqi took a deep breath. They could not retreat anyway, they had to be blocked.

But the deity Chen Zong can't be stopped, only to see Chen Xiu.

In the distance, a huge body with a height of hundreds of meters appeared, as if a giant with a horrible appearance, burning an astonishing black magic fire all over his body, burning up the void.

The tyrannical and domineering atmosphere filled with fierce and destructive power permeated, turning into black smoke and overwhelming.

Among the void demons, those who are equivalent to the level of the Great Holy Realm are called Void Evil Gods, then the half-step Great Holy Level is called the Demigod.

Demigod level and sanctification are two levels.

The horror of coercion pervaded all directions, as if one side was sealed off in time and space, Chen Zong felt it difficult to move.

The gap is really too big.

Although Chen Xiu can move, however, it is also very reluctant and laborious.

In front of the huge body that is hundreds of meters in height, both the deity and the clone are so small, like ants.

The ants are easily destroyed, just like Chen Zong wants to leave, but he can't.

Even if you use the cards that the Lord of the Mysterious Army left to you, you can't even compete.

This is a fundamental gap.

Everything can only be seen by Chen Xiu.

Chen Xiu's eyes flashed with grey and chaotic light, flowing, like a vortex.


The demigod-like Void Demon started, grabbing the huge claws across the sky, covering the sky, as if ruthlessly bombarding a piece of time and space.

Heaven and earth mourn under this claw.

Endless black smoke dangles around the edge of the claws, soaring against the sky, black flames, burning the sky and burning the earth.

Cold sweat, flowing down from his forehead.

The six people who were recovering their injuries and strength were also generally suppressed, unable to move, and could not even turn around.

This claw falls, it seems that everything will be destroyed, everything cannot be resisted, and all will be defeated and destroyed.

Demigod-like Void Demon shot without mercy.

Chen Zong couldn't move, he felt like his mind had to freeze ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This kind of horrible power is too amazing.

The vortex in Chen Xiu's eyes became more and more intense. It can be seen that the vortex in his left eye was forward, while the vortex in his right eye was reverse.

The vortex in the left eye was permeated with vitality, which was faint at first and gradually became rich and vigorous.

The vortex in the right eye is filled with a dead silence, which is also weak at first, and gradually becomes rich and strong as the vortex rotates.

Live at a glance, die at a glance!

Silent Evil Eye!

This is the first time that Chen Xiu Xiu has practiced the evil eye of silence.

Chen Xiu himself fits the practice of the wicked evil eye very much, and now he casts it for the first time with full confidence.

A mysterious breath suddenly diffused away, it was the breath of life and death.

Life and death are also mysterious.

Like Yin Yang!

In a hurry, two rays of light bloomed from Chen Xiu's eyes, as if chaotic and scorching sun, a vibrant, deadly.

In the void, a gray light suddenly spread out, condensing into a giant wheel, and the giant wheel was turning, explaining the mystery of birth and death.

Although the giant wheel is large, compared with the claws of the demigod-level void demons, it is very different and looks small.

However, its pervasive breath is extremely tenacious and indestructible. Even the sky is falling apart, it cannot shake it.

(The chair that has been sitting for many years is broken. In order to better code words, Liudao decided to buy a better ergonomic chair. That is the fighting equipment. Unfortunately, the six wives did not agree and said that they could only buy ordinary ones. The family spends a lot of money and has to save money. Liu Dao said that the purpose is to ask if there is a local tyrant to sponsor the reward, if not, I will ask again tomorrow)

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