Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 90: Sword to (5)

The giant claw turns empty!

Giant wheel crushes eternity!

Suddenly, the giant claws fell and blasted towards the big wheel, and the big wheel rushed up.

A shocking earth-shattering collision, Chen Xiu's body trembled slightly, the vortices in his eyes twirled violently, as if to swallow everything, and released an incredible power, controlling the huge wheel of life and death to crush the sky.

The horrible giant claw immediately trembled from the end, breaking inch by inch, and could not bear the power of the life and death giant wheel.


The giant claw broke apart instantly, and his arms were broken apart, but Chen Xiu seemed to be under tremendous pressure, trembling all over, and a hint of gray breath seemed to be uncontrollable, and escaped from the eyes.

It's overloaded!

After all, the opponent is a demon-level void demon that completely surpassed the sanctuary.

The giant claws shattered and disappeared, and the arms also shattered and disappeared, causing intense damage to the Void Demon, causing severe pain, causing the Void Demon to growl and anger.

The entire arm completely disappeared, and the demigod-like void demon was scared, turned without hesitation, turned into a majestic black light, rolled up a mighty black smoke, and quickly left.

Demigod-level void demons are no longer so brave and unafraid to die. It is not so easy to achieve a demi-god.


The huge wheel of life and death exploded as if out of control, and the breath of life and death swept with it, as if condensed into countless beams of light sweeping in all directions, as the sun shines on everything in the world.

In the breath of horrible life and death, all the illusory demons of the emptiness all ate, and then, every inch was broken and turned into nothingness.

This blow not only severely damaged a demigod-level Nether Demon and made him flee, but also killed hundreds of Nether Demons and emptied the surrounding area in one fell swoop, which made Chen Zong feel shocked.

Shock from the heart, shock from the soul.


The power of the wicked evil eye is so arrogant.

Of course, Chen Zong is actually not clear. The true evil eye is actually not so strong.

It is just that Chen Xiu is a natural evil body, which best fits the evil eye of silence. Invisiblely, the power of the evil eye is exorcised, beyond the original limit, to a higher level.

Even Chen Xiu didn't realize it.

After exposing the evil eyes, Chen Xiu's body flickered, many grey breaths escaped from his eyes, and the whole person's breath became chaotic and weak.


It seems that when the evil eye of extinction is exerted and the big wheel of life and death crushes the demigod-level void demon, it is already overloaded.

Suddenly, Chen Xiu turned into a streamer and re-entered Chen Zong's eyebrows.

Chen Zong can clearly feel that Chen Xiu's condition at this time is very poor.

Chen Xiu is not a flesh and blood body. In essence, there is no injury. But if it is metaphorical, now Chen Xiu is like a heavy wound, and his strength has fallen sharply.

This is the sequel of overloading the evil eye.

It takes a while for Chen Xiu to recover. I have to say that the consequences are serious.

Fortunately, as long as there is enough evil spirit, you can recover faster.

Like a whale sucking water, a lot of evil spirits poured into the heart of Chen Zongmei, into the Shenhai, and was absorbed by Chen Xiu to restore himself.

"Go!" Chen Zong did not hesitate.

Tianji and others also refined the elixir one after another, the injuries were relieved, and the strength was restored a little. After hearing that, they immediately got up and started to move forward quickly.

Now is the best time to get out. If you miss it, more void demons will chase after you, and you wo n’t be able to leave when you want to leave.

While performing their body movements, Tianji and others were shocked inside.

Is the strength of Wusheng Sword already overbearing?

It was possible to kill so many void demons, but they were difficult to fight against in the heyday.

Moreover, the moment of horror that appeared at the moment, suppressing everything, made them feel extremely desperate horror, completely beyond imagination, how did Wu Shengjian counteract it?


Very curious!

But they did not ask.

This is not a good time to ask. Get out of the way first.

The seven were quickly away from the Blood Devil's Valley, and the farther away, the smaller the crisis.

But the pursuit of the Void Demon did not stop. Hundreds of Void Demon were mighty, rolled up a black wave like turbulent surging, rushed out of the Valley of Blood Demon, chasing the breath left by the crowd, and quickly pursued.

Six people, including Tianji, were wounded. The elixir that they just used only relieved their injuries, and they never recovered, so their speed was not as good as in the heyday and Chen Zong.

Chen Zong could not start at full speed, but only with them.

The speed of the king-level void demons was extremely fast, and they quickly chased over other void demons, approaching and getting closer, making everyone feel as if they were on their backs.

"You go first." Chen Zong said decisively: "I have a life-saving card and then follow."

According to this situation, it will only be caught up. By then, Tianji and others will not be healed and their strength will be insufficient, and they will inevitably be killed.

"Be careful!" When Chen Zong said that he had a life-saving card, Tianji and others gritted their teeth, and once again inspired a faster speed. Regardless of the injury, he flew forward quickly.

Chen Zong turned and faced the Nether Demon, his eyes twinkling with extremely sharp coldness.

Magical Power!

break out!

Suddenly, the remaining part of the spiritual force merged into the holy force, repairing a surge in strength.

The sharp sword came out of the sheath, the sword was sharp and arrogant, and it struck out in the air.

Chaos front cut!

Countless sharp sword lights tore through the sky, and in an instant, they shattered two lower-level void demons and died by death.

But the void demons that came after the pursuit were not only the lower king level, but also the middle king level.

It seems that I have to use the precious ring given to me by the Lord of the Divine Army.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong immediately inspired the power of Baojie, and the terror forces that belonged to the limit of entering the sacred realm erupted in an instant, making Chen Zong feel a feeling of exceeding the control of the explosion.


Under the control of powerful divine thoughts, that terrible force that entered the limit of the holy realm immediately poured into the extreme sword, causing the sword body to tremble endlessly, and the sound of the sword melodious.

This power is too overbearing. Even if Chen Zongshen is strong, he can't fully control it. He can't use it to show any swordsmanship.

As if sweeping thousands of troops, the terrible sword light broke into the air and turned into a hundreds of meters long moon to be slaughtered.

It was just a very common slash, but it gave out unparalleled terror power, and the void seemed to be torn and destroyed under this terrible sword light.

Under the sword light, no matter the lower or middle king level, the Void Demon has no resistance, nothing at all.

Sweeping in all directions, instantly defeated.

Suddenly, a dozen king-level void demons were all cut and killed under the terrible sword light.

Taking advantage of the power of Lingwu, Chen Zong grabbed it, and more than a dozen heart cores were collected into the ring and turned into a stream of light quickly away.

Although other non-Void demons are constantly pursuing, it is difficult to catch up with everyone.

After almost half an hour, the crowd finally managed to get rid of the void demons, and they paused to rest.

Tianji and others were too injured, and Chen Zong took out the good elixir for them to heal and restore strength.

From here, it will take a lot of time to return to Xuantian War Fort. In case of encountering the Void Demon Squad, it will inevitably lead to fierce fighting, so while he has not been discovered by the Void Demon, he can heal and recover as much as possible Use this to restore strength.

While the six halberds were recovering from injuries, Chen Zong was protecting the law while regaining his previous fighting.

Two hours later, everyone refined the elixir again, and their injuries were greatly eased. The repair was almost restored, and their strength was comparable to 60% to 70% of the heyday.

The crowd could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.


There is hope for going back alive.

"No birth, how could you find us?" Tianji could not help asking.

"With the token," Chen Zong laughed. "What about the iron smoke and the shadows?"

"They ..." The six halberds were silent for a moment, a sorrow flashed through the eyes.

Chen Zong suddenly felt a sense of suffocation.

In spite of the psychological preparation, the moment of real confirmation was still beyond control, and it was uncomfortable as the tide swept through.

Take a deep breath ... take a deep breath ...

For a while, Chen Zong didn't know what to say.

This kind of separation between life and death is still a bit unfamiliar to me and can't be so calm.

"They ... dead to death." Tian Ji's voice was a little hoarse, and he smiled hard.

Although Tianji and others have been in the void battlefield for many years, they are accustomed to life and death, but they cannot help feeling sad.

Every time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ teammates who are accompanied by life and death die, sadness will fill your heart, but you will have to suppress it and hide deeply.

Those who die must live well, those who live must live wonderfully.

It took a while for Chen Zongfang to adjust. This kind of thing may need to learn habits.

"Let's go." Chen Zong said, but his emotions couldn't rise.

The injuries of Tianji and others have been partially recovered, and there is already sufficient self-protection. As for the remaining injuries, they cannot be recovered in a short time. Therefore, one by one, they returned to the Xuantian Battle Fort before proceeding. Recover the remaining injuries.

Seven people rose up in the air and quickly left for Xuantian War Fort.

Along the way, everyone didn't talk, because there was no thought of talking.

The way home, although I also encountered some demons in the void, but under the mysterious killing team of the people, they eventually rushed out and killed the encirclement, a lot.

The outline of Xuantian War Fortress just appeared in front of him.

One can't help but feel excited.

I thought this time I would not be able to come back. When the three people of Tiebi Hongyan and Shenying died, this feeling was even stronger. I never expected that Chen Zongheng would be killed, killing many void demons and saving them. Come down.

This time he was able to return because of Chen Zong's relationship.

Everyone is naturally grateful to Chen Zong, but there is no need to hang it verbally.

Approaching Xuantian War Fortress, after passing the inspection, everyone stepped into Xuantian War Fortress and returned to the team's residence.

Tianji and others naturally went to heal, while Chen Zong started a brief retreat.

This time out to find the Tianji unit, the continuous life and death fight, let Chen Zong greatly gain, perhaps a retreat, you can further improve.

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