Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 91: Domain of Control (1)

(On the last day of this year, the six Taoist fingers will count. Tonight ’s circle of friends will explode. Many people will be lamented that they did not mix well this year, but they will get used to it next year. In addition, Liu Dao asked for sponsorship to buy a chair yesterday. It had no hope. Yes, but I still received a reward of 500 coins, and tears were streaming down)

In the void battlefield, black smoke pervades, as if the clouds are overwhelming, sweeping from the distant horizon, as if the black sea is surging.

The violent wind struck, like a horn was blown, and the sound of whine pervaded the sky and earth, and a strong breath came out.

Dark clouds billowed, as if the tide was spreading. It was an army of void demons, and again launched an attack. From a distance, it was at least tens of thousands.

The army of demons is immense, killing them with a terrible and terrifying breath, without mercy, as if to destroy everything between heaven and earth.

Outside the Xuantian War Fortress, the patrolling soldiers changed their appearances one by one, and immediately set off the battle array, at the same time, issued orders to let the Xuantian War Fortress soldiers know that the army of the Nether Demon had attacked again.

Soon, many soldiers rushed out of Xuantian Battle Fortress and formed a battle array outside Xuantian Battle Fortress.

Tian Xuan Jun!

Wang Xuanjun!

Ming Xuan Army!

The army was assembled one after another, and the War Department and Imperial Department of the Xuan Army also appeared one after another.

In the Xuantian War Fortress, there was also a sound in the killing department of the God Xuan Army.

"The Void Demon Army has launched an attack again." The captain Tianji appeared, and after a period of rest, the injury was almost recovered. The remaining point still needs some time, but it will not affect the performance of the force.

The snow knife covered all over the body with an amazing breath, the cold was like icebergs and white snow, and the cold was pressing.

Void Demon!

This is the common enemy of everyone, only to kill.

Iron wall!

Red smoke!


All died under the Void Demon, including the other members of the former Third Division, as well as all.


Everyone's heart is full of killing intention and murderous power against the void demons.

This hatred can only be washed away with blood.

"The third team, dispatched!" Tian Ji whispered in a low voice, and was astonishing.

Ten halberds were dispatched, and seven were actually dispatched.

At this time, it is not possible to add new players.

However, unlike the other minions, the Divine Xuanjun Killing Division does not need to compete directly with the Void Demon Army, but kills the Void Demon from the edge.


After rushing out of the Xuantian War Fortress, Chen Zong immediately changed his face and was very dignified.

A large black film is constantly sweeping from a distance, and the breath of terror is spreading, as if it is going to swallow everything, making people panic and palpitations.

Although Chen Zong's strength is very strong, and under all the powers, he can completely defeat Tianji, but when it comes to the team leader's experience and ability, it is undoubtedly stronger. Therefore, this action is still based on Tianji.

The elites of the Divine Xuanjun Killing Division are all scattered and more flexible.

Immediately, the Tianji unit met the Juwu unit. It can be seen that the people in the Juwu unit were not full, only six were left.

Seeing the Tianji detachment, everyone in the Juwu detachment stunned. They said nothing and passed by.

The other eight armies of the Xuantian Army formed a battle array. They were so powerful that they stepped forward step by step. As the footsteps moved, the momentum became more and more condensed.

Thousands of armies face each other, even if you die, there is no regret!

The dark pressure of the evil demons invaded, as many as tens of thousands, and the follow-up was endless, as if the tide was endless, and it was about to destroy everything.

As if to make the final decisive battle.

The face of each Xuantian Legionnaire had a look of fortitude, fortitude without fear, and fortitude.

From becoming members of the Xuantian Army, they were destined to tie their lives here, struggle for their lives for the stability and peace of the Xuanyuan Realm, and devote their entire lives.

Previously, many colleagues took that step and did not regret it. Now it's their turn.

Of course, if you can live, no one wants to die. If you die, it depends on how you die.

Is it an unknown death, or a heroic death that has passed through the ages, or the infamous death for thousands of years.

Here, to fight against the invasion of the Nether Demon Army is a heroic death. Perhaps it may not be famous forever, but that spiritual will will be passed on forever.




The speed of the various armies of the Xuantian Army is getting faster and faster. At last, they rushed out, as if the army was full of horses, and the momentum was astonishing.

It was like two horrible steel torrents colliding with each other, killing the sky.

Chen Zong suddenly froze, feeling only that terrible momentum sweeping away, terrible killing permeated.

Before this large-scale battle of life and death, he seemed so small and weak.

Maybe even a half-step sacred power can't be ignored.

Only the great holy realm can ignore this collision.

Converged, Chen Zong continued to advance with the Tianji unit.

Such a decisive battle is not the responsibility of the Divine Army's killing department. They are responsible for clearing the void demons from the outer periphery and assisting the army in frontal battles.

Although it was killed from the edge of the wing, its degree of danger is not inferior to the frontal charge. After all, the Nether Demon is not stupid. After several assaults by the Divine Army's killing department, it is ready.

Shen Xuan's killing formation has already taken shape, releasing amazing killing power.


The seven mysterious formations seem to be more powerful than the original ten, because everyone's strength is stronger, especially Chen Zong. Compared with the previous, the strength is almost upside down.

Like a sharp knife, invincible.

Kill kill!

One by one the Void Demons were killed by the Celestial Squad. As for the nucleus of the heart, no one collects it. At this time, no distraction is allowed.

However, a lot of evil spirits continued to flow to Chen Zong, which was absorbed by Chen Xiu, allowing Chen Xiu to recover himself further.

This kind of blessing made Chen Zong also envious.

Shen Xuan's killing array runs, and he continuously cuts and empties the demons in the void, and he takes no mercy one by one.

Even though it was killing on the edge, there was still an indescribable sense of shock when watching a large number of void demons flying forward.

It seems that as long as it falls into it, it will be shattered and destroyed by that terrible torrent.

This feeling, as if walking on the edge of life and death, is like dancing on the edge of a knife, extremely dangerous, a little careless, is the end of death.

But it is also this feeling that makes everyone feel extremely stimulating, all pores on the body are open, thrilling and trembling, but full of challenges, people's spiritual will is more concentrated, and a stronger power bursts out.

If not strong, you die!

Suddenly, a shadow seemed to shuttle through the void, silent and invincible, walking out of the army of void demons, flashing, appearing behind a elite elite of the mysterious army killing department, the claws were shot out of the air , Directly penetrate the back of that **** Xuanjun killing elite, scratching the heart.


Third way!

Fourth way!

Shadows appeared one after another, and the elite of the Xuanjun Army were attacked and killed.

A dark shadow flashed silently and appeared on Chen Zong's back. The terrible claws grabbed with fierce power and penetrated the void, seemingly faster than lightning.

Too fast and silent, making it difficult to guard against.

However, Chen Zong's realm of hearts shrouded in all directions. Although the vanishing demon's whereabouts were extremely secretive, he could not escape the capture of Chen Zong's realm of hearts.

Seems to wait for a long time, the extremely sharp sword bloomed in an instant with unparalleled sharpness bursting through the air, faster than that claw, and the first come first.


A sword, penetrating the claws, also penetrated his arms, rushing inch by inch, as fast as lightning, piercing the void demon.

The shape of this Void Demon is a bit strange. It feels like Chen Zong, like a piece of thin paper, and Chen Zong knew instantly that this is the lesser type of Void Demon: Shadow Demon .

The power of the Shadow Devil is actually not strong, and it is not good for frontal fights, but they are inherently able to hide their breath, as if passing through the void like a shadow, like passing through the void, it is people Hard to notice.

In addition, the Shadow Devil's claws are extremely sharp, like swords, terrible and abnormal, and can easily pierce the practitioner's body strength and kill it, becoming an assassin among the void demons.

I don't know how many soldiers of the Xuantian Legion died under the assassination of Shadow Demon.

This time, the Shadow Devil failed to assassinate Chen Zong, not only failed, but was killed by Chen Zong.

At the same time, a Shadow Demon appeared behind the Hanming Gun and launched an attack. Although the Hanming Gun felt something and responded quickly, it was still slow.

Under normal circumstances, Han Ming Gun would be killed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ No one can save him, but Chen Zong is next to him.

The realm of the heart directly covers a thousand kilometers, and all Shadow Demon have nothing to hide, all under the control of Chen Zong.


Heart Sword Style!

The heart-sword style of the six-turn top-ranking heart sworddo is more and more powerful.

The power of each sword was exerted to the extreme by Chen Zong.

A sword passed, the shadow demon died instantly.

Within a kilometer of the Realm of Hearts, all Shadow Demon are in no shape.


Together, Jianguang came out like a torrential rain, and immediately killed many Shadow Demon, and also rescued many elite members of the Divine Army.

Chen Zong looked indifferent, as if everything was under control.

Chu Zhongyang was attacked by a shadow demon, but was rescued by Chen Zongyi sword. His inner complexity was impossible to describe clearly in words.

For a long time, he did not look down on Chen Zong, he wanted to suppress the other side, but failed again and again, and finally he was defeated by Chen Zong.

After that, Chen Zong fought with many peerless Tianjiao and won one of the places in the Lingwu Holy Land, letting him out of reach.

Chu Zhongyang was unwilling, strenuous and strong, but now it seems that there is still a huge gap compared with Chen Zong. This gap lies in the fact that it is difficult for him to find the assassination of the Shadow Devil. Chen Zong not only can find , Can also fight it back and even save yourself.

For a while, Chu Zhongyang felt a bit desperate.

"Conquering yourself is more important than conquering others." A voice that suddenly passed into Chu Zhongyang's ears was Xu Mubai.

Although Xu Mubai has never played against Chen Zong again, but also knows that Chen Zong keeps improving and is far better than himself. Therefore, it is too difficult to use Chen Zong as an opponent.

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