Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 92: Domain of Control (2)

Many times, people need to know how to recognize their situation so that they will not get lost, and will not feel confused.

Xu Mubai recognized this earlier than Chu Zhongyang. Of course, this is not so obviously related to the confrontational grievances between Xu Mubai and Chen Zong. An onlooker is always easier to recognize some facts.

Xu Mu recognized it clearly, but Chu Zhongyang still didn't.

Geniuses are always better, and they have stronger convictions, hard to shake and hard to change.

Therefore, even when he heard the voice of Xu Mubai, Chu Zhongyang's eyes flashed a stun, it seemed to be able to fully understand, but there was a trace of unwillingness, and he was constantly struggling.

Xu Mubai naturally can see the struggle of Chu Zhongyang's eyes, knowing that Chu Zhongyang is not so easy to realize enlightenment. If Chu Zhongyang cannot be enlightened in the end, it is a pity, after all, Chu Zhongyang is indeed a top Peerless Tianjiao, even if it is impossible to become a great holy superpower in the future, at least it can become a powerful half-step great holy power.

If it can be enlightened, then Chu Zhongyang's achievement will only be higher in the end, and there is greater hope to explore the last mystery and achieve the great sacred state.

Of course, from ancient times to the present, the Great Holy Realm is the ultimate goal of countless days of pride, countless people have succeeded in succession, but very few can achieve the Great Holy Realm.

The Great Divine Realm, that represents a limit, an end of the road to cultivation.

Chen Zongke didn't bother Chu Zhongyang, and there was no special reason to save Chu Zhongyang. He was just a member of the Divine Xuan Army, and nothing more.

The person rescued by Chen Zong's sword was more than Chu Zhongyang.

In Chen Zong's view, although Chu Zhongyang is outstanding, he is also a person who will surpass him sooner or later.

Kill kill!

Whenever the Shadow Demon appeared in the realm of Chen Zong's heart, all of them had nothing to say, all died under Chen Zong's sword, causing heavy losses.

Chen Zong was spotted, and was spotted by the strong among the shadow demons of the Nether Demon.

Suddenly, Chen Zong had a creepy feeling from his heart. It seemed that something terrible was going to happen, which was enough to threaten his life.

His eyes flashed with a touch of fineness. Chen Zong was always paying attention to the surroundings. If he was not bad, he should have been stared at by the powerful demon of the void.

Such a strong person is enough to threaten his life. If he is slightly careless, he may be killed.


Strong crises are constantly coming and approaching. Chen Zong feels that the realm of his heart can be captured faintly, but it seems that he can't capture it, a very hazy feeling.

Compressing the Realm of Hearts!

Quickly, the realm of the heart within a kilometer range was compressed to 50 meters. Within the realm of the 50-meter heart, everything became more clear, and there was a feeling of being controlled by Chen Zong.

A ghost image emerged, more secretive than the previous Shadow Demon, and the breath made it more difficult for Chen Zong to perceive.

Shadow Lord!

The Shadow Devil is inherently secretive, and the Shadow Demon King is even more outstanding.

Under the level of shadow monsters, under the assault, they are even more dangerous than the occult practitioners in the Holy Land.

Despite the head-to-head fight, the Shadow King of the lower class is not necessarily a sevenfold opponent in the Holy Land.

Chen Zong felt a strong crisis hitting him.

Turn around and sword out!

The power of spiritual force also erupted into the Holy Power in an instant, which enabled Chen Zong's Holy Power to rise to the sixth stage of the Holy Land instantly.

This sword came out, directly smashing the claws of the king-level shadow demon, penetrating the arm, and penetrating the body of the king-level shadow demon, a terrible force burst, breaking the body of the shadow devil.

Even the assassin of the king-level Shadow Devil could not help Chen Zong, but was killed by him. The Shadow Devil's family paid more attention to Chen Zong.

This person has caused a lot of casualties to the Shadow Devil family and must die.

Suddenly, there were three lower-level shadow monsters who robbed from three directions.

However, when they entered the realm of the 50-meter heart, they were immediately discovered by Chen Zong.

The power of spiritual martial arts erupted again.

Step into the battlefield of the void and fight against a lot of void demons. When retreating, Chen Zong will further master the application of the power of the spiritual force, which can completely achieve instantaneous burst and instant convergence. In this way, you can reduce the consumption of the spiritual force and extend your strength Number of outbreaks.

The momentary outburst caused Chen Zong's overall strength to soar.

The ordinary Sevenfold Divine Realm is not Chen Zong's opponent at all.


A sword was killed, and suddenly, the sword was dense and dense, covering the three lower-level shadow monsters endlessly.

When Jianguang dissipated, all the three lower-level shadow monsters also died.

Three kills with one sword!

The shadow of a middle-class shadow-monger flashed a horrible murderous power, killing his mind, and instantly turned into a virtual shadow, passing like lightning, rushing towards Chen Zong silently.

Chen Zong was terrified by the intense sense of crisis.

The power of spirits broke out in an instant.

In the realm of the heart of 50 meters, Chen Zong also felt a dark shadow approaching, but it was too fast to be completely locked.

Although the domain of the heart is easy to use, when the gap in strength is large enough, it still cannot keep up.

Under the vague capture, with his own feeling, Chen Zongheng sword resisted, and dangerously blocked the middle-class shadow devil's mortal blow.

Despite being blocked, the overwhelming impact of the force still made the extreme sword tremble and almost flew out. If Chen Zong had cultivated the South Liyu Yugong and practiced the cultivation to reach the triple world of mixed heaven, I ’m afraid it ’s really impossible. Hold the extreme sword.

Losing the sword will be fatal to Chen Zong, especially in this life-and-death battle.

The Middle-King Shadow Demon's attack speed was extremely fast, and the second hit was immediately reached, and the halberds and others were also entangled in the void demons, and they could not be distracted to help Chen Zong.

In the second blow, Chen Zong did his best to swing the sword.

No raw sword style!

A sword was killed, and it was extremely powerful, but the sword light was defeated by the shadow devil.

The Shadow Claw's claws mercilessly grabbed Chen Zong's chest, as if it were broken bamboo.

Immediately, the sword light flashed, and the sword looked like a pen from God, coming across the sky, once again blocking the Shadow Devil's claws.

It is Chen Zong's sword.

Superb swordsmanship allowed Chen Zong to quickly take off his strength and return to the sword to resist.

However, the strength of the blow was still violent, the sword trembled, and Chen Zong was beaten back.

Third strike!

The king-level shadow demon was merciless and vowed to kill Chen Zong.


From the moment the king-level shadow devil locked Chen Zong, the crisis became intense, and then he shot. The crisis broke out, and he wanted to drown Chen Zong.

The intense crisis struck, but it also made Chen Zong feel that he seemed to break through.

This breakthrough feels stronger and stronger, but I don't know what to break through.

The hole card, Chen Zongyou, that is the treasure ring given by the Lord of Divine Army, can be used twice.

But now Chen Zong doesn't want to use it. Instead, he intends to use this life-and-death crisis of the king-level shadow demon to further stimulate his potential and push the limits.

Dare to do so, can only say that Chen Zong is crazy.

However, in order to better myself and become more powerful, I have to go crazy, especially in such battles, if I do not have more powerful power, it will only be reduced to cannon fodder, and I do n’t know when it will be killed.

The top-level heart swordsmanship was inspired to the extreme by Chen Zong, and there was a faint sense of breakthrough.

Is it necessary to break through to seven revolutions!

If the heart swordsmanship breakthroughs to seven revolutions, the power will increase greatly, and then his strength will be even stronger.

The intense crisis has also made Chen Zong ’s divine thoughts more and more pure, and the speed at which the imperial deities are running is getting faster and faster, as if they are out of their control.

All this seems to be beyond the control of Chen Zong, and it seems to be in his own control.

Fourth strike!

The power of the middle-class shadow devil's frontal battle is at most similar to the ordinary stage of the eighth stage of entering the sacred realm, but for Chen Zong now, the pressure is heavy.


Almost oppressive.

If it was replaced by another Nether Demon who is good at frontal fighting, perhaps Chen Zong has been defeated.

Rao is so. With his superb swordsmanship to resist again and again, Chen Zong's arms gradually become numb, and the power of spiritual force is constantly consumed, which is difficult to support for long.

No one can help Chen Zong, because everyone faces many powerful enemies and cannot be distracted and unable to escape.

Only on your own.

Chen Zong is very clear, and dare not expect others to come to help himself, everything, on his own.

If it is really irresistible, then you can only use the power of the precious ring given by the Lord of the Divine Army to kill the king-level shadow demon.

But after the kill?

Will there be a king-level shadow demon, or even a king-level shadow demon?

After all, it still needs to be strong enough.

Only when you are strong enough, you don't need external help.

Sky Crystal Overlord!

Zihuan burning market fire!

Chen Zong uses more power ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to strengthen his own strength.

On the extreme sword, a blazing black flame was burning, releasing amazing heat.

It's just a pity that the fire at the Zihuan Burning Market is only a strange fire of Sipintian, which has limited increase in Chen Zong's strength.

Even if there is a mysterious ancient method of refining fire, it is very difficult to raise the fire in Zihuan Burning Market. It takes a long time to cultivate, and it is best to cultivate in an environment full of vitality of fire.

Of course, if you can devour other heavenly fires, you can ascend faster and transform.

Eighth strike!

The eighth kill of the middle-class shadow-demon, the claws broke, penetrating everything.

Although the move is simple, it is extremely sharp and can penetrate all defenses.

Jianguang flashed, like a pen from God, once again blocked the blow.

However, Chen Zong flew out, his arms trembled, his tiger's mouth cracked, and blood ran down.

It's not easy for Chen Zong to block the attack again and again.

His complexion was pale, cold sweat came out along his forehead, and slowly slipped down, but in the eyes of Chen Zong, there was no sign of surprise, and some were just excited and excited, and the battle was overwhelming.

This waiting is just right.

The enemy is very strong and strong, completely surpassing himself, but unable to kill himself at once, which can make himself a little bit of his own potential under the pressure of such life and death crisis.

Ninth strike!

Chen Zongfei retreated hundreds of meters, feeling that his right arm seemed to be cracked, blood bulging, and bloodshot infiltration.

It was said time and time soon, a dark shadow approached Chen Zong from behind at an incredibly fast speed, and the sharp claws pierced the void and fiercely pierced Chen Zong's back.

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