Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 93: Domain of Control (3)

(In the new year, Liu Dao blesses you brothers and sisters, a lot of health, a lot of money, a lot of beautiful women, a lot of handsome guys, and a lot of subscriptions and monthly passes, I hope Liu Dao new year is better)

Suffering from the back!

Pinching back and forth!

Instantly, Chen Zong was in a crisis of life and death.

It is not difficult to stop the attack of the king-level shadow demon in the back. The hard thing is that the blow of the king-level shadow demon in the front is a fatal blow.


Life and death crisis!

Instead, Chen Zong's expression calmed down, the more crisis, the calmer, the more calm.

However, the imperial power was inspired by the pressure of life and death crisis to break through the limit. For a moment, Chen Zong felt that his divine thoughts had turned into an invisible vortex.

Breaking the limit, the mystery is born.

Once the limit is broken, it will often produce significant changes, and the realm of the heart of fifty meters is compressed again in an instant.

Forty meters!

Thirty meters!

Twenty meters!

Ten meters!

When the realm of mind was compressed to ten meters, a feeling of complete control sprang up, and it filled the heart of Chen Zong, and it was incomparable.

Divine thought!

Field of Hearts!

The ten-meter square seems to turn into a field, and the void is in the palm of his fingers. Chen Zong feels that he can easily move the mountains.


Suddenly, the space within a ten-meter radius was directly suppressed by an invisible but extremely powerful force. It seemed that an invisible mountain-like suppression fell down, and the vitality of the heaven and earth within a ten-meter radius also solidified in an instant and could not flow at all.

The compression from 50 meters to 10 meters is not only reduced by five times, but its power can be improved by dozens or even hundreds of times.

The body of the next king-level shadow demon who attacked and killed behind him was a moment's meal, and the original attack on Chen Zong was astonishing.

This meal would not hit Chen Zong.

Under the suppression, the hit of the middle-class shadow devil was also slightly affected.

The sixth step of Lei Ta Nine Sky!

Suddenly, Chen Zong turned into a thunderbolt, and he got away from the two king-level shadow monsters before and after by a slight difference.

Turning around, a sword went out of the sky, penetrating directly through the skull of the next king-level shadow demon.

Turning around for the second time, as if bringing up numerous phantoms, killing the second sword.

Heart Sword Style!

Jianguang is extremely fast, extremely fast, and with the cooperation of the realm of heart, the sword speed is beyond the limit.


However, the strength of the middle-class shadow devil was very strong, and he killed it with one claw. After blocking the sword of Chen Zong, the sharp claw relentlessly slid to Chen Zong along the sword body, and seemed to tear Chen Zong's body. crack.

The combination of Divine Thought and the Realm of Ten Meters of Heart, a more amazing power broke out in an instant.

At this point, as if going downhill, it broke out with all its strength.

The claws of the middle-king Void Demon also struck slightly, as if shifted slightly by an invisible force.

This shift is so weak that it cannot be traced, but it avoids the point.

Half of Chen Zong's body was shrouded in thunder, and thunder was sweeping across the country.

The sword came out, and it seemed that there was a thunderstorm spreading, making this sword look more and more gorgeous.

Driven by the power of the realm of the heart, the sword surged rapidly.

When the realm of mind is compressed to ten meters, it can not only suppress the surroundings, but also exert amazing power. The combination with the divine thought can restrain, suppress, and offset the other party. It can also increase itself to make it faster.

It's like a force field, but it's not a force field.

With ease and ease, although it is difficult to kill the shadow king of the middle class, there is no life or death crisis.

All the attacks of the middle-class shadow demon were mastered and oppressed by Chen Zong's realm of heart.


The king-level Shadow Demon was furious and had black light all over his body. The eyes glowed with scarlet light, killing the sky.

In the next breath, the shadow demon's body seemed to explode into a burst of black smoke, spreading out, flooding in all directions.

This is the innate ability of Shadow Demon, and it is more difficult to resist.

But under the qualitative ten-meter heart, everything is under the control of Chen Zong.


The exploding black smoke trembled for a moment.


Countless sword lights, in cooperation with the realm of the heart, instantly cover all directions.

The dense sound was extremely harsh, and the cold light flickered endlessly.

All attacks were resisted by Chen Zong.

No raw sword style!

Jedi Counter Kill!

The middle-class shadow monster was unable to kill Chen Zong after casting his innate ability, which was easily unplayed, and fell into weakness instantly.

Chen Zong was also relieved.


Just before it is really dangerous, a little carelessness will die.

But danger also coexists with opportunities. Under the crisis of life and death, his own potential exploded. The imperial power of God broke through the limits in one fell swoop, so that God ’s mind also exceeded the limits, driving the realm of the mind to break through the limits.

Almost died, but the gain was great.

The realm of the heart of ten meters is just like the realm, so that you can control everything in it. Compared with the realm of the heart of fifty meters, its power is more than 100 times higher.

The difference between ten meters and fifty meters is five times, but it is not only a difference in quantity, but also a difference in qualitative change, as if it was a difference from wood to steel.

Consumption of spirit power is exhausted and must be reunited, but there is no time at all in combat.

Fortunately, the realm of the heart breaks through the limit, compressed to ten meters of power and greatly increased. As long as it enters the realm of the ten meters of heart, it will be suppressed, and Chen Zong can use the assistance of the realm of the heart to enhance his strength.

With these changes, Chen Zong's strength will not be inferior to the state of using spiritual force.

Kill kill!

The ground burned!

Hurricane destroys the city!

The two swords were shot in succession, merging into a violent flame and hurricane sweeping out, roaring the world.

These two moves have been integrated into Jiucheng, and the power is even stronger.

The flame hurricane tornado roared and blasted out, into the army of void demons, and immediately killed dozens of void demons.

But the tens of meters of void demons are insignificant to the entire army.

The sword rises, the sword is magnificent.

The terrible breath locked Chen Zong again, that was the ultimate killing intention.

Heavenly King!

A Void Demon of the Heavenly King class followed Chen Zong and did not hesitate to kill it.

Void demons are not beasts, but a kind of life with wisdom. They have their own cultivation path and their own way of existence.

Seeing that Chen Zong killed a lot of void demons, he couldn't die.


Even if the breakthrough of the realm of the heart is compressed to ten meters, it will not make Chen Zong feel at ease and bring protection.

When the gap in strength reaches a certain level, it is enough to ignore all means and crush pure power.

This time, Chen Zong did not use the other party to sharpen himself as before, and the gap in strength was so large. He also wished to use the pressure of the other party to sharpen himself, which was no different from finding his own way.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong immediately inspired the power of Baojie.

The power to enter the limit of the holy realm instantly permeated and penetrated the sword body.

Emperor God broke through the limit, and God's mind also broke through the limit. The power to enter the limit of the holy realm was completely controlled by Chen Zong.

When it was first performed before, it was released in a one-time operation, and it was exhausted, because at that time, he could not completely control that power.

But this time, Chen Zong's devotion changed, and he strengthened his strength. He could completely control the power to reach the limit of entering the sacred realm, as if he were his own power.


The Uranus-level Void Demon did not even resist, and was killed directly.

But this power has not been exhausted, it is just less than half consumed.

Chen Zong's eyes were extremely sharp and full of murderous power.


A sword comes out, and the chaos is cut!

Countless swords are densely packed, and they are shot with an incomparable edge, covering 100 meters directly in front.

Hundreds of void demons were also killed under this sword.

Unstoppable like a tiger!

The ground burned!

Hurricane destroys the city!

It was the fusion of the two swords, and they came out again.

On the front, the Nine Army of the Xuantian Army and the Void Demon Army were killed to death. In an instant, many soldiers of the Xuantian Army died, and many Void Demons died.

Immediately, a terrible murderous sweep swept through, and it was overwhelmingly cold and extremely cold. Under the impact of the ferocious radon, many people's minds had illusions, as if dancing in devil.

I saw that from the depths of the Void Demon Army, a huge figure full of 100 meters seemed to step out of the void, exuding terrible coercion.


Amazingly a demi-class void demon.

The demigod of the Void Demon is extremely strong, but he has not revealed that the extremely strong body is wearing a dark armor covered with barbs and burning flames.

Headless Troll!

This is a very powerful demigod in the Nether Demon Army.

The headless troll has a large and strong body, and every move brings a terrible black flame to burn, and the terrible breath oppresses in all directions. Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I see the headless troll's sturdy arms. Grabbing, there were countless black flames diffused and condensed, and a huge black spear appeared in his hand, waving it fiercely.

Suddenly, as if there was a vacuum, a few squadrons of the Divine Xuan Army killed each other.


Although all the members of the God Xuan Army killed the Xuan Tian Army, they were relatively strong, but they were relatively speaking.

To such tyrannical demigods like headless trolls, they are like ants.

"Headless troll!" Cangyasha changed his face, he was closest to him, and rushed to his death immediately.

The four major divisions of the Divine Xuanjun Killing Division, each of which is in charge of a half-step sacred power.

Cangya killed the long sword, and it was smashed by a headless troll.

The demigod level is at the same level as the half-step sacred level, but the void demon is more terrible in nature. Furthermore, the same level of demigod or half-step sacred level has three or six or nine strengths.

Although the headless troll is not the strongest in the demigod level, it is also in the middle. Although the strength of the Cangya killing general is not weak, it is not long before entering the half-step holy level. Therefore, the headless troll There is no small gap between demons.

Under fierce fighting, Cangyasha will gradually fall into the downwind.

"Leave it to me." An accent glowed with extreme murderous power, sounded in the ears of Cangya Slayer, a moment's sigh, and then a joy, immediately pulled back and killed the other Nether Demon Demigod.

At the same time, an extremely cold silver light crossed the sky, like an extremely bright shooting star. As soon as it appeared, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

When Chen Zong stared, he felt only the trace of the silver streamer, which was extremely mysterious.

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