Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 94: 7 turns (top)

The silver light was cold, exuding an astonishing chill, and the void seemed to be frozen everywhere.

Immediately, beneath that silver light trail, one void after another, the demons of the void seemed to be cut by the invisible blade, and they were cracked and shocked.

"Kill the Lord!" Chen Zong's eyes were so sharp that he immediately recognized the icy silver streamer.

It is the very mysterious killer of the God Xuanjun killing department.

Killing the Lord is very mysterious. He is one of the most mysterious people in the high ranks of Xuantian Army.

Is gender male or female?

How old is it?

How strong?

It seems that no one knows.

And killing the master usually shot very rarely.

Right now, it's amazing.

Just momentarily, the killer rushed to the headless troll, the silver light was dazzling, extremely cold.

The headless troll seemed to feel the imminent danger coming. His whole body shook, and the black flame of horror became fiery, as if the waves were surging, sweeping in all directions.

The roar of the world was vast, and the black flame exploded at an amazing speed and power, impacting all directions, and seemed to destroy everything around.

Before that, the people of Shenxuan Army had already retreated, avoiding the headless troll far away, and were not damaged.

Under the control of the headless troll, the black flame tide twirled violently, and surrounded the huge black spear. The huge spear burst suddenly. The black flame spun at a high speed, turning into a bit like a drill, breaking through the void, with fierce power. Can kill the Lord to the God Xuan.

This shot seemed to break the sky.

But the icy silver light didn't mean half-avoidance, it seemed a little faster, crossed the sky, and tore everything.

For a moment, all the Nether Demons all stopped, staring at the horrible black gun flame and cold silver light.

That is the representative of the two parties, the representative of the strongest of the two parties.

To some extent, morale will be determined.

If the cold silver light is defeated, it will be a great blow to the killing party of the God Xuan Army. .


The black gun flame spins at high speed, as if to break through everything and break everything.

The icy silver light is extremely sharp and penetrates everything.



From the icy silver light, Chen Zong felt an unparalleled momentum, that momentum, sending and receiving from the heart, the stronger the mind, the more sharp.

Suddenly, the cold silver light came into contact with the black gun flame, and between silent and silent, the black gun flame blasted out, as if to completely crush and break the cold silver light.

However, the icy silver light was extremely condensed, and not only was not affected in the least, but broke into the black gun flame.

It's like splitting a knife, splitting bamboo like a stream of water, and that kind of pleasure makes all the people who see it feel free and hearty.

It's as refreshing as drinking a bowl of cold sour plum soup on a hot day in the hot sun.

Chen Zong's eyes were burning and brilliant.

Chen Zongda was touched by the icy silver light that crossed the sky and penetrated the power of the black gun flames.

For a time, it seemed that the intention of heart swordsmanship was going to boil, more and more amazing, and more arrogant.



It seems that the tide is breaking through all obstacles.

What's so powerful!

What is invincible!

All are interpreted under this cold silver light.

Although the black gun flame is very strong, it can't resist the slightest. All of it was torn through and killed the headless troll.

The headless troll felt a huge threat, and the black flames surging around him became more manic and fierce. The huge black spear suddenly rose, and then fell fiercely. The horrible spirit immediately caused the earth to crack a tens of thousands of meters Gully, everything in the gully was smashed.

A horrible blow, but did not hit the **** Xuan kill the Lord.

Slicking across the side, the cold silver light tore the void, leaving a black scratch in the space, as if a tear was torn from the cloth, shocking.

The headless troll is a full 100 meters tall and extremely strong. It looks like a black magic mountain that emits a terrifying momentum. In contrast, the cold silver light is only two meters, and it is only 100 meters. Compared to the headless trolls, it's a world of difference.

In appearance alone, the gap is like an elephant compared to a small bug.

However, the fluctuating breath emitted by the icy silver light does not need to be headless trolls weak, even stronger.

The silver light broke, and it was the sword mark cutting off, bypassing the huge black spear, and it was like a broken bamboo that relentlessly killed the headless troll. This attack could not be avoided, nor could it be resisted.

Suddenly, the black flame on the headless troll was torn, and the hard and thick black armor was also split. The terrible power was also slain on the headless troll at the same time, marking a scar of more than two meters.

A scar of more than two meters is nothing at all to a headless troll who is 100 meters high and strong like a magic mountain, but the power of that blow is extremely terrible, with great stamina, extreme cold, and continuous penetration The wound invaded the body and vandalized it, making the headless troll feel pain.

Obviously there is no head, but you can hear the angry roar from the headless troll, and the sound is turned into black energy, blasting, as if smashing a void.

Shen Xuan killed the Lord, but did not seem to be affected in the least, and killed again.

The headless troll has a huge and strong body, and its defense is amazing. Its power is extremely horrible. Each hit can easily break the mountains and break the ground innumerable. In these aspects, it is completely better than the gods.

However, the headless troll is not as good as God Xuan in killing the Lord in speed and response.

The attack of the Lord's mysterious master is extremely sharp and invincible, and the headless troll's amazing defense cannot be blocked.

one strike!

Two hits!

Three hits!

There are more and more scars on headless trolls, and every scar brings pain to headless trolls.

But this kind of injury is still unable to cause fatal damage to the extremely powerful headless troll.

Suddenly, the icy silver light over two meters exploded, burning with icy silver flames, and suddenly rising into the sky, it seemed to break the barrier of the empty battlefield.

Extreme sharpness!

Extreme sharpness!

When the light burning with the terrible icy silver flame was shot down from high altitude, it continued to expand and stretch, as if cast into a peerless sword, splitting the void and the sky with a single knife.

The knife light that was more than two meters swelled in an instant and turned into a knife light of more than ten meters. When the knife light passed, a dark and shocking as if the knife mark that could absorb the soul fell straight, it was a space crack.

This knife has no life.

This knife, the headless troll is terrified. Without the head, you can't see its expression, but you can feel its fear.

Scary knife.



The headless troll issued a final roar, and all the black flames on his body were poured into the huge black spear, and he ruthlessly blasted out from above, like a cannon blasting into the sky, and seemed to smash the sky .

Suddenly, the full blow of the huge black spear was torn under the icy knife light, and it was like a broken bamboo, flowing smoothly to the extreme, like a flowing cloud.

The huge black spear was split, and the mighty sword was endless, slicing from the top of the headless troll, quickly dropping down, tearing the armor.

A blow, along with the ground, was also cut out of a huge crack in the knife mark, bottomless.


The headless troll's body was divided into two, and it fell to both sides, causing the ground to shake and the ground was shaking.

Chen Zong was stunned.

Shen Xuan's strength to kill the Lord is so good.

It feels that even if Shura, Chen Xiu, exerts his utmost efforts to cast the evil eye of silence, he cannot fight against the slightest. The horrible blow is enough to smash the giant wheel of life and death.

Before, Chen Xiu repelled a demigod demon with a silenced evil eye. Now it seems that the emptiness demon is at the bottom of the demigod level.

And the God Xuansha Lord is a powerful level in the half-step Great Holy Level.

Regardless of the mysterious killing of the Lord, Chen Zong feels that the current Chen Xiu is trying his best to urge the evil eye to disappear, and it is estimated that the headless troll can't help it.

The headless troll died, silent all around.

Suddenly, the elites of Shen Xuan's killing department broke out with more powerful momentum, one by one, the morale was greatly strengthened, the strength also intensified in the invisible, more and more powerful and fierce.

On the other hand, the Void Demon side, because the headless troll was killed cleanly and cleanly by the Lord's mysterious killer, the morale was also affected and somewhat reduced.

Over time, the Void Demon side lost more.

The fury roar suddenly sounded from the army of the Nether Demon, and the anger was soaring, and immediately, a huge black body burning with the flame of the horrible flame blasted across the sky to ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the arm, full It has a thickness of ten meters and is covered with amazing barbs. Each barb is as short as a meter and as long as two or three meters, burning with terrible magic flames.

The palm of the hand is huge, unlike the palm of a person. The finger and the tip of the finger are connected, as if shooting down.

This palm seems to be able to take the stars, it seems to be able to break the earth, and it is falling with endless terror.

This palm is like a sky collapsing.

Under this palm, all life seemed so small and so humble, as if the ants were like dust.

Despair emerges from the deepest part of my heart, lingering, permeating, and wandering in my heart.


The **** Xuansha Lord stood on the ground, raised his head, and faced the black giant palm, the eyes under the silver mask, as if there were icy silver flames burning endlessly.

Unyielding Fire!

Rage flames burn!

The stab just before, although very tyrannical, directly stabbed the headless troll twice, but in fact it was the most powerful stab to kill the Lord. It was a horrible trick that could not be continuously performed.

Now that the show is over, Shen Xuan ’s ability to kill the Lord is not as good as before.

What's more, the power of this palm is absolutely terrifying, and its power is much more powerful than that of the headless troll.

Even so, Shen Xuan's killing the Lord cannot be retreated, because once retreated, there will be a large number of elites of the Xuan Army's killing department will be blasted into slag, and the soul will fly away.

Knowing that it is difficult to resist, but still have to.

The silver flame burst out again, forcibly urging it into the sky.

Compared with the downed giant palm of horror, the silver flame seemed so small and insignificant. For a moment, the horrific sword light collided with the black giant palm.

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