Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 95: 7 turns (below)

The giant palm holds the sky, Hei Yan burns the Cang.

Each palm print was extremely clear, and then fell, and the shadows shrouded in all directions, it seemed to suppress everything, making everyone feel heavy and hard to move.

Each of the palm prints on the giant palm seemed to be horrifying like a dragon dancing in the sky.

The silver cold light broke into a fifty-six meter icy cold knife light, and one blade rose up into the sky, tearing nothing.


Just moments later, the silver sword light was bombarded by the giant palm, and it was broken every inch. It was just against the short time of three breaths, and the **** Xuan was killed.

The horrible black giant palm blasted down mercilessly, and seemed to smash the mysterious master to slag.

With this palm, although the **** Xuan Xuan killed the master, he could not resist it. Once he fell, not only was the **** Xuan killed the Lord in danger, other people may also be killed on the spot, causing heavy casualties.

"Kill!" One by one, the elites of the Divine Army Army in the late stage of the Holy Land broke out of their own power, bleeding from the nose and nose, using all their strengths in an overload, and blasted out to the black giant palm.

Chen Zong also broke out.

Go forward!

Be thorny!

Under the conviction of Xeon to pure sincerity, we will exhaust all our strengths, even if we die.

Death is terrible!

Death is not terrible!

No one wants to die, but sometimes they have to die generously.

Chen Zong's will to live is stronger than anyone's life. Because he is dead, everything is empty. Only by being alive can he set foot on the peak, ascend to Kendo, and see the mystery of the highest.

However, if it is alive and embarrassed, it is embarrassing and embarrassing to live without the faith and will of the sword.

The only conviction is to break all obstacles, block the bombardment of the giant palm, and save God's idea of ​​killing the Lord.

Maybe, like a mantis arm blocking a car, like a shivering tree, but never regret it.

Essence of spirits erupted in an instant, as if breaking through the limit, and merging into one, to the ultimate and pure.


Putting all the energy and energy into full play, betting on your own future and life, you only want to break the enemy, you only want the sword to be clear.


Chen Zong felt that his heart and swordsmanship seemed to burst in an instant. The bursting moments, once again condensed, seemed to become more solid and more powerful.

Immediately afterwards, the sword that exhausted everything, which seemed to be blasted out, also seemed to be qualitatively changed, and the sword was different.

One sword!

Wan Jianning one!

Infinite Sword!

One sword unlimited!


Like a moth flinging fire, never regret it.

Chen Zong wasn't the first to take the action. The first person to take another shot broke out with all the power, and rushed to the giant palm without fear.




The continuous explosions are the astonishing momentum of the elites of the Divine Xuanjun Killing Division who entered the sanctuary under the palm of their hands.

Knowing that he was not able to defeat him, he had to blew himself up. He only wanted to be able to withstand the moment and get a little time for the God to kill the Lord.

Even if you don't regret it, you have to fight for that vitality.

Chen Zong's eyes glared, and his spirit was completely detonated. This sword surpassed everything beyond the limits and beyond time and space.

Chen Zong knew that if he went with this sword, he would die, but he was not afraid.

Never regret it!

Spirit is burning, and faith is burning.

God Xuan kills the Lord, is the head of the God Xuan Army ’s killing department, and even gives himself the nine-turn dragon and tiger kingdan. If not, he will not be able to promote the cultivation to the other eight heavens and the great wilderness. During the battle, he was awarded a place in the Lingwu Holy Land, and then he was given the inheritance of the twenty-four dragons and snakes and the Lingwu Supreme Master.

God kills the Lord with grace and great grace.

With grace, when Yongquan reported!

Daen, when life and death are reported!

"Hugh is presumptuous!" The rage sounded suddenly, like a thunderous rolling world.

In a hurry, the fuchsia rays blasted from the distant horizon at an astonishing speed, as fast as light, faster than lightning, and powerful.

A fiery blazing fire and a thunderous blast of destruction spread out, overwhelming and deterring all directions.

As soon as this light appeared, the power of the **** was overwhelming.


The first came first, as if ignoring the distance of time and space, and rushed directly to the black giant palm.

Suddenly, heaven and earth became pale, silent, and deadly, and everyone seemed to be entering a deadly world.

The paleness of this dead silence just lasted for a long time. When the moment passed, the terrible sound of horror erupted, sharp and extreme, as if the roar of an ancient beast, the earthquake shook the earth and the vacuum was broken, and the force of extreme force was pouring out, impact in all directions.

In the face of this terrible shock wave, everything seems insignificant, and even the mountains will be destroyed in an instant.

As soon as Chen Zong's sword light trembled, it was broken into pieces, completely turned into powder, and the terrifying power of Pei Ran Mo Yu came, and it seemed that he would smash his body into **** and completely smash it.

Unexpectedly, I did not die under the huge palm of the demigod-like void demons, but I would die under this colliding terror.

This power is a half-step great sacred power, even the treasure ring given to him by the Lord of the Divine Army cannot be resisted.

At the moment of death, Chen Zong could not help showing a bitter smile, but his head became clearer than ever before, and everything appeared.

It is said that at the moment of death, people will think of everything, everything will be very clear, and even some mysteries will be explored to see the higher-level mysteries.

Now, Chen Zong feels that he does see a mystery, that is the mystery of the fusion of Taoism and Taoism.

The attack of the genius was a fusion of the meaning of fire and the meaning of thunder, and the power was amazing, and both of them reached a high-level nine-turn level.

As long as he survives, Chen Zong has the confidence to completely combine the two measures of burning the ground with the hurricane and destroying the city. Using this as a guide, he will fuse the meaning of the fire with the hurricane.

Unfortunately, I can't do it myself.

Regret it?

Don't regret shooting, just don't want to die there, that's all.

Immediately, when the mighty and devastating force was bombarded and killed, an invisible force appeared in front, blocking the mighty and devastating force for a moment.

Chen Zong immediately seized the opportunity and broke into full speed.

Lei Ta's sixth step.

Suddenly, the avatar thundered back quickly, and quickly moved away.

Not only is Chen Zong like this, many elite members of the Divine Army have also evacuated and pulled back at full speed to avoid the terrible death shock wave.


Chen Zong couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, some afraid.

I saw that the ground seemed to have been trampled by countless beasts, it was broken everywhere, shocking, with a terrible breath remaining, and seemed to destroy everything.

The giant black palm was permeated by that fuchsia light, and the roar was shaking and roaring.

The domineering demigod-like Nether Demon was hit hard and had to take back the giant palm.

A figure with a large gun stood between the heavens and the earth.

Lord of Divine Army!

It was the Lord of the Mysterious Army.

The God Xuan Army Lord is the first strong of the God Xuan Army. Below, he is the God Xuan Slayer, the God Xuan Zhan Lord, and the God Xuan Yu Lord.

The Lord of the Mysterious Army personally shot and repelled the tyrannical Nether Demon demigod, which boosted the morale of the Army of the Mysterious Army, becoming increasingly high-spirited, and fighting spirits.

On the other hand, the Void Demon side suffered heavy casualties and low morale.

Chen Zong didn't take the shot immediately, because it was just now that Chen Zong felt like he had made a great breakthrough.

Top-ranking Heart Sword meaning ... Seven turns!

Unexpectedly, his heart and swordsmanship broke through to seven revolutions.

You must know that the mind sword Taoism is the top-level Taoism meaning, the power is extremely amazing, and the difficulty of upgrading is also very amazing. Under normal circumstances, Chen Zong feels that it is estimated that it takes more than one year before he can hope to improve it to seven revolutions.

If you change to other practitioners, it won't be possible without three or four or even seven or eight years.

But now, it's directly broken.

Chen Zong also took it for granted that under the faith and will that never regretted, the spirit of spirit surpassed the limit and detonated, and accumulated thickly and thinly, prompting a breakthrough in mind and sword, from six to seven.

The power of the Seven-Turn Heart Kendo is doubled compared to the Six-Turn Heart.

Although Xiu Wei did not make a breakthrough, his strength has been further improved.

It is not only a breakthrough of the heart and sword, but also the third infinity with the infinite sword.

Chen Zong's accumulation of swordsmanship was extremely magnificent and extremely amazing. Under the terror of life and death, he broke out again and broke through.

Examination, Chen Zong could not help but hang a smile.

Well, I didn't expect that there would be such a breakthrough.

According to his heart's excitement and the impulse to test his power, Chen Zongjing took a deep breath, and realized the two tricks of burning the sky and hurricane destroying the city ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Fusion!

Tenth percentile!

The breakthrough under the crisis of life and death finally made the two moves of burning the earth and hurricane destroying the city finally merged.


Suddenly the two swords, without the use of holy power, but pure ground fire and hurricane Taoism urged, the raging flames and violent hurricanes merged into a blaze of flames hurricane tornado, roaring sky and earth.

The power of 10% integration is much stronger than 90%, multiplying more.

After a blast, Chen Zong calmed down. In his eyes, a flashing red light flashed like a flame, a hurricane that roared blue and roared endlessly.

The meaning of ground fire and hurricane seems to be manifested.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Zong's body was permeated with a fiery and violent atmosphere of the fire and hurricane.

Two kinds of breaths surround Chen Zong's body, slowly circling, gradually contacting, and slowly approaching, a little bit of permeation as if water and milk are fused with each other.




The integrated part suddenly filled with more intense horizontal fluctuations, at least several times the increase.

That's the intention.

"Good boy, it's a fusion of Taoism." The master of Shenxuan Army also noticed the movement of Chen Zong, and a faint flash of light flashed in his eyes, secretly shocked.

At that time, when he reached the seventh place of the sanctuary, he succeeded in merging the two thoughts into one.

Chen Zong, a five-fold practice in the sacred realm, was earlier than himself, younger than himself, and better than himself.

It is truly amazing to be able to obtain the place of Lingwu Holy Land and enter into it to gain the chance to pass on.

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