Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 96: Hot fire


Sixty percent!

Chen Zong's whole body is surrounded by a strong blazing and violent atmosphere, which is the fluctuation of the atmosphere of the ground fire and the hurricane. It is more and more arrogant and more amazing.



Nothing can stop the fusion of two kinds of Taoism.



Suddenly, a horrific breath erupted, the fiery flames and the hurricane fury, completely integrated into one, and the power increased greatly.

The meaning of ground fire!

Hurricane Means!

Completely integrated.

The integration of Taoism and Taoism is much more difficult than the fusion of half-step Taoism and Taoism. I don't know how many of the strongest people in the sacred state are trapped in that step.

Basically, the successful integration of Taoism, whether it is the integration of low-level, medium-level, or high-level Taoism, has opened the way to a half-step saint.

In other words, as far as Chen Zong is concerned, as long as he is constantly improving, it will not be difficult for him to become a half-step sacred power in the future.

The **** Xuanjun is really envious.

I can successfully merge two kinds of Taoism now, maybe in the future, I can combine three kinds of Taoism.

To his knowledge, Chen Zong has more than one kind of meaning.

The fusion of two kinds of Taoism has greatly increased its power. If the three kinds of Taoism are merged, its power will be even more terrifying.

But the first premise of the fusion of Taoism and Taoism is that the two Taoisms are equal.

In other words, low-level Taoism can only be fused with low-level Taoism, and middle-level Taoism can only be fused with middle-level Taoism.

If the level of ideology is different, the integration will be almost impossible.

The top-level heart sword Taoism broke through to seven revolutions, and the infinite stepless serial sword reached the third level of infinite.

Although Xiu Wei is still in the fifth stage of entering the sacred realm, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds.


Fight for the skies!

Chen Zong finally couldn't help it, and then sword again.

When the sword lights up, there are red and cyan intertwined around, and on the extreme sword, it turns into a white.

The white crickets burned like flames, and sent out terrible fury like a hurricane.

The flames, the heat and the heat, the fury was absolutely incredible.

Hurricanes are violent and amazingly fast.

When they merge into one, the new Taoism not only has the characteristics of the two, but the same part will be enhanced several times, making the ultimate power increase more than ten times.

Lei Guang was pervasive, his body flickered, Chen Zongfei flew out, and the extremely sharp sword shot out.

A simple sword, but permeated with white light, like wind and fire, endless fire.

This sword is extremely fast and carries terrifying power and high temperature. A sword is killed, and a powerful vanity demon is cut off instantly, like a bamboo, just like a sharp blade to cut tofu.

The wound that was cut by the Nether Demon was burnt and vaporized.

This refreshing and refreshing sensation makes Chen Zongbei feel refreshed, and he feels refreshed from the heart.

Kill kill!

Void demons, one after another, were beheaded under the sword.

Immediately, the white flames became fiery, as if the oil was poured on the fire.

A sword, endless wind and fire raging to the end, Peng Pei kept on killing, and the white wind and flames were instantly violent, turning into a horrible storm sweeping out, as if destroying mountains and mountains, sweeping the world.

The power of this move is more than twice as powerful as the fusion of the fire and the hurricane.

The white wind and flames roared the sky and earth, with mighty power, covering hundreds of meters of squares, and all the dry demons of the void were bombed and killed in this terrible blow.

This kind of power shocked Chen Zong himself.

The infinite sword is more suitable for melee combat, and the power is amazing, but now this sword is more suitable for large-scale attacks.

It's so powerful that you can't justify it without a name.

After turning his thoughts, Chen Zong named it: Feng Huo Jian Nu.

The blend of wind and fire, a sword comes out, like the fury of a sword, killing everything, as it is called.

Feng Huo Jian Fury!


The white wind flames bombarded hundreds of meters again, and killed dozens of void demons.

Such power is startling and shocking.

The Lord of the Mysterious Army fights fiercely with a mighty demigod Void Demon in the air, and the God of Xuan Slay also blocks a powerful demigod Void Demon.

The collision between Xuantian Army and the Nether Demon Army was extremely fierce.

At every breath, many soldiers and demons died.

Aihong was bleeding all over the ground, and the corpse was trampled and shattered into pieces of flesh, mixed with blood, and turned into plasma.

The thick and extremely **** smell was permeated in the air. It was extremely pungent. The terrible mixture of murderous and evil spirits made people almost lose their sensibility. His eyes were red, and his heart was filled with murderous intention and murderous power.

Kill kill!

Kill the bones up and down.

Suddenly, a trumpet sounded through the world, and the vanity demons who were able to kill sexually retreated, retreating like a tide.


At the same time, the Xuantian Legion pursued and killed.

Although it is not clear why the Nether Demon side withdrew its troops again, as in previous times, it is necessary to pursue after victory.

Kill kill!

Thousands of skeletal bones were left, and the Nether Demon Army retreated into the depths of the battlefield. The Xuantian Army also stopped pursuing.

Keep pursuing it, lest it happen.

Ming Jin withdrew, and the side of Xuantian Army retreated.

Next, it is natural to clean the battlefield.

Collecting the corpses of the soldiers killed by the Xuantian Army first, and then collecting the cores of the Void Demon, these cores can be used to drive the formation of Xuantian War Fortress, which is very useful.

After Chen Zong slayed several Void Demons with one sword, he quickly returned.

It was only a battle, and the gain was great.

The top-level heart sword Taoism broke through to seven revolutions, and the infinite infinite chain sword also reached the third level. The ground fire Taoism and the hurricane Taoism were successfully merged into one, and became a mixed wind and fire Taoism, although it was a middle class. Times, but its power is much better than the same level of high-level Taoism, approaching the top-level Taoism.

Why are so many people pursuing the integration of Taoism and Taoism, because the integration of Taoism and Taoism leads to a surge in power.

Fortunately, all seven of the Tianji team are alive. Although a few of them were not injured, it is a good thing to survive.

When there is war, there is merit.

In this battle, Chen Zong's outstanding performance and great contribution, so he was also rewarded.

First of all, the rank rank is upgraded to intermediate generals.

Secondly, it rewards three capsules of Shenxuan Shengyuan Dan, which is the most advanced cultivation elixir among the gods.

In the end, Chen Zong can also choose the secret method of martial arts at will.

No senior management objected to such a heavy reward.

Intermediate generals have given Chen Zong a higher status, and he can get more and better salaries every year.

And the three gods Xuanyuan Yuandan are the treasures for the cultivation.

In the end, the opportunity to choose a secret method of martial arts is also rare.

Everyone has their own reward. Of course, no one can be compared with Chen Zong, and no one is unconvinced. Many people have seen how Chen Zong performed in this battle.

In addition, Chen Zong's talent is so high, which is one of the reasons for being so rewarded.

"What should I choose this time?" Chen Zong thought.

Choosing a holy masterpiece that is better than Da Xuan Yuan Jue?

This choice can be tentative.

Or choose a mysterious method of gaining strength that is brighter than Sky Crystal?

This choice can also be tentative.

As for the body exercises, there are already Nanli Queyu exercises, so you don't need to choose any more.

For martial arts, it is optional or not.

Immediately, Chen Zong's eyes flashed.

Force field!

You can choose a force field to cultivate, Xuantian Legion has such profound knowledge that there is no secret method of force field.

The force field is the first choice, followed by the work method and the increase secret method.

Xuantian Legion's heritage is naturally amazing, but if you want to exchange, one needs sufficient military skill, and the other requires sufficient military rank.

Such as the force field, it is the top ten secret method, which is also called the second supernatural power, is the second highest supernatural power after the supernatural power, extremely precious and extremely rare, naturally not so easy to be exchanged.

Under normal circumstances, the rank of a senior general is required to be eligible for conversion.

Although Chen Zong's military rank has been continuously improved, this is only the rank of an intermediate general and is not yet qualified. Furthermore, the military power required for the exchange of force fields is at least millions, and Chen Zong does not have that much military power. Available.

But this time, they can be exchanged arbitrarily without restrictions and without any military merits.

This is much more precious than the other two rewards.

Even if the background of the Xuantian Army is amazing, there are only two kinds of force fields, and the selectivity is very low.

Wanliu force field!

Cultivation is successful. Once it is exerted, the force field is shrouded as if there is a violent current. If you are in it, you will be impacted by the 10,000 currents. You must use more power to fight against it. Speed ​​and balance will be affected Influence, weaken the power invisibly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Another force field is called the mysterious gravity field. If this field is successfully cultivated, it will weigh on one side.

Targets in the mysterious gravitational field will be oppressed by astonishing gravity, and that gravity is not static, it is constantly changing, it is easy to control the weight, and it is very mysterious. It requires people to pay more attention and strength to resist. Weaken.

Both the Wanliu force field and the mysterious gravity field weaken the opponent's force field, which is equivalent to strengthening itself in disguise.

Chen Zong is naturally one of two alternatives.

What force field to choose?

Wanliu force field?

Xuan gravity field?

Chen Zong closed his eyes, his thoughts flashed like lightning, and he kept thinking and simulating.

It seems that the Wanliu force field is similar to the mysterious gravity field, but it is also very different.

One is the impact of water flow, and the other is gravity pressure.

Impact and oppression are two distinct concepts.

So, which one is better for you?

Choosing a force field is not only to weaken the opponent's strength, but also to match his own performance, so that his strength can be further exerted.

how to choose?

Chen Zong gave it to his heart and felt it with his heart.

After a moment, Chen Zong opened his eyes and made a choice.

Wanliu force field!

It feels that the Wanliu force field will be more suitable for self-cultivation, which will further enhance its strength.

After choosing the Wanliu force field, soon, the inheritance of the Wanliu force field was sent to Chen Zong. Chen Zong began to accept the inheritance. When the inheritance was completed, the inherited Lingyu broke automatically and could not be passed on for the second time. vent.

In addition, the exercises, secrets, and martial arts exchanged by individuals can only be practiced by themselves, and should not be passed on to others.

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