Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 100: Break

Fengwang Tower, only one person is allowed to enter at a time, until the next person can step in.

Here, there is no so-called first-come, first-come-first-served basis. Of course, everything depends on strength. Of course, because you can't do anything here, you can't give the opposite party, but after leaving here, it may turn into life and death.

Today, there are still people running into the tower, others can only wait.

As long as you enter the range of the King Tower, no matter how long you stay, you will not miss the ten-year period. This is strange. Similarly, here, the power is consumed can be quickly restored, but how to cultivate and improve the speed of improvement It's almost like the outside world.

Otherwise, if someone comes here and deliberately stays here without breaking the tower and leaving, wouldn't it be possible to use the pure power here to elevate oneself to a very high level?

At this moment, a burst of light seemed to rise from the bottom of the Fengwang Pagoda. In an instant, several colors flashed on the Fengwang Pagoda, soaring directly into the sky.

Boom boom!

A series of blasting sounds rang through the heavens and the sky, swaying from the sky above Fengwang Pagoda, impacting in all directions, imposing and imposing, containing the indescribable Taoyun.





A total of four colors of smallpox exploded from above, as bright, dazzling and eye-catching as fireworks.

Gorgeous and charming, it also contains infinite mystery. It is dizzying, without blinking, staring, it seems to be intoxicated.

"Smallpox ..." Chen Zong couldn't help but marvel.

This is the smallpox, it looks so gorgeous and charming, so mysterious and so profound.

Immediately, a new name appeared on the Four-color Seal of Kings.

Immediately afterwards, a figure projected from inside the Fengwang Pagoda and appeared in front of everyone.

Many eyes stared away with envy.

Four-color ceilings are hard to come by.

Suddenly, several figures turned into streamers and rushed towards Fengwang Tower at an astonishing speed.

The speed of one of the figures surged, and immediately they crashed into the Fengwang Pagoda and entered, while the other figures were blocked by an invisible force and stopped without any damage.

The crowd continued to wait.

It didn't seem to wait long before there was a small mess.

Three-color smallpox!

"Get off!" Tai Xuan's Son is domineering, and the terror of the early stage of the eighth stage of entering the sacred realm explodes, impacting all directions, and directly blasting all those who are about to compete.

This does not count as actively attacking others, so it will not be punished by the Fengwang Tower.

It can be said that the Taixuan Shengzi is the highest one among all the people present. In terms of cultivation, only the Tiandi Shengzi and Zhengu Shengzi can match, and no one else can match.

Moreover, Tai Xuan Shengzi's strength can be said to be the strongest here, at least it is recognized.

No one was fighting.

Suddenly, Taixuan Shengzi broke into the Fengwang Tower.

"I don't know how many smallpox Taixuan can detonate?" Tianjiao whispered.

"Jiucai smallpox!" Said the disciples of Yitaixuan Shengguo, and his discourse was full of unbelievable beliefs about Taixuan Shengzi.

"Jiucai!" Gong Tianxing also said, just as confident.

Every disciple of Taixuan Shenggong is so confident that he can detonate the nine-color ceiling.

Tai Xuan Shengzi's talent is superb and powerful, and the possibility of detonating the nine-color ceiling is not small.

Time passes slowly, with two breaths and three breaths.

Everyone is patient.

After all, people who can practice to the sanctuary and have no patience cannot go far.

Soon, an hour passed, and Taixuan Shengzi was still in the tower.

One and a half hours passed, and Taixuan Shengzi was still in the tower.

Chen Zong did not break through the Fengwang Pagoda, so it is not very clear what it looks like.

For two hours, suddenly, the extremely strong light rushed straight from the bottom of the Fengwang Pagoda, making the entire Fengwang Pagoda flicker and radiate extremely brilliant light.

Boom boom!

A ray of light burst into the sky from the top of the Fengwang Tower, detonating in the blue sky.








It is already a colorful ceiling, and everyone's eyes are gazing. The colorful ceiling is definitely not the upper limit of Tai Xuanshengzi.

In a hurry, a magnificent silver streamer burst into the sky and exploded in the very center of the colorful ceiling, turning into thousands of dazzling silver streamers, crossing a beautiful track, which is pleasing to the eye and contains infinite mystery.

Colorful ceiling!

Everyone's look became dignified.

Can it detonate the colorful ceiling?

You must know that there are hundreds of names on the eight-colored stele, but there are only thirteen on the nine-colored stele.

Detonating the nine-color ceiling, it is destined to be listed in the nine-color seal king monument, shocking ancient and modern.

The light suddenly soared from the tower of the King of the Kings. It was a touch of gold, bright gold, dazzling gold, incomparable gold, and it was dazzling.


Last color!

That golden light was as dazzling as a comet, and instantly exploded at high altitude. The golden light was innumerable and filled the half of the sky, shining half of the original blue sky as if washed.

"Jiu Cai ceiling!"

Many people are lost.

At the same time, above the heavenly realm of heaven, nine-colored smallpox seems to be born out of nothingness, and placed in the sky.

"Jiucai ceiling!"

Suddenly, many people looked up at the sky and looked at the nine-colored smallpox that exploded in the highest part of the sky. They were shocked.

"For many years, someone turned off the colorful ceiling."

One after another, smallpox appeared in the sky, and they fell in all directions, with mysterious trajectories, permeating the mysterious and volatile atmosphere. This breath, overwhelming and endless, made everyone shocked.

Nine-colored smallpox, but the highest-level vision of the King Tower, ancient and modern, can detonate the Nine-colored smallpox, very few.

It has been thousands of years since the last time the nine-color ceiling was detonated.

Thousands of years later, some people detonated the nine-color ceiling, which had to be shocked.

In fact, it is already amazing to detonate the colorful ceiling, and it is extremely amazing to detonate the colorful ceiling, and the nine-color ceiling is even more shocking.

Everyone who can detonate the eight-color ceiling is bound to be known forever, and the person who detonates the nine-color ceiling is beyond description.

"I don't know who set off the colorful ceiling?"

In the Taixuan Realm, everyone in the Taixuan Holy Palace looked up at the sky, and looked at the colorful ceiling that exploded and fell wildly, showing their confidence.

"In this life, the only person who can explode the nine-color smallpox is Brother Tianshen."

"Yes, no one can detonate the nine-color ceiling, except Brother Tianshen."

This is self-confidence. It is the unparalleled self-confidence of Taixuan Shenggong to Taixuan Shengzi.

An old man with a long beard and white face smiled, and the old **** with a soft white beard stroking his mouth said: "This person who detonates the nine-color smallpox is definitely the Holy Son."

"That's right, except for the Son, who else has such ability." The other elders echoed.



This shows the amazingness of Tai Xuan Shengzi.

And their speculations were not wrong. Indeed, it was the Tai Xuan Shengzi who detonated the nine-color ceiling, which was extremely amazing.

In the small world of the Fengwang Tower, the light of the nine-color ceiling is still overflowing. A figure wrapped in the nine-color light suddenly flew out of the Fengwang tower, like a comet.

Jiu Cai's light was restrained into the body, revealing a unique style.

Tai Xuan Shengzi!

Chen Zong keenly felt that the breath of the Taixuan Shengzi who had passed the Fengwang Pagoda seemed to have changed and was a little different.

It seems to be more harmonious and more in line with this world.

This means that Tai Xuan Shengzi has been highly recognized by the King Tower, and has been highly recognized by the spirit of the heaven and earth in the Lingwu Holy Realm.

The more colorful the ceilings detonated by the Chongfeng King Tower, the deeper the recognition, and the deeper the enlightenment of heaven and earth, the deeper it will become.

Therefore, the higher the talent, the greater the benefit of breaking through the King Tower to obtain the title, and vice versa.

Those who detonate a colorful ceiling are less recognized, and they ca n’t add much to the mysterious enlightenment of heaven and earth, but they are better than nothing.

Immediately, the Son of Heaven entered the Tower of Fengwang and began to break into the tower.

The Son of Heaven is one of the three sons of the contemporary. In the name, he is not inferior to the son of Tai Xuan.

Therefore, many people have speculated whether the Son of Heaven is also expected to detonate the nine-color ceiling.

Nearly two hours later, bunches of smallpox went straight to the sky, exploded, and ran across countless arcs of light.


This is not the end of the Son of Heaven.

Immediately, the eighth colorful silver ceiling rose into the sky, detonating in all directions.

However, the golden ceiling of the ninth color did not appear ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ eight color!

At the same time, in the heavenly sanctuary, there were also eight colorful ceilings falling down, which caused another shock, except that Taixuan Shengzi's nine-color ceiling flowers were in front of them. The shock caused by these eight-color ceiling flowers was not so strong.

Under the flashing of the colorful lights, the prince of the heavenly prince appeared outside the pagoda tower. He also knew that he had detonated the colorful ceiling, which was inevitably a little disappointed and could not be compared with the prince of Taixuan.

It can be said that before this, the Three Sons were tied. Although their strength may not be comparable, at least to many people, the Three Sons are tied.

But from now on, he is separated from Taixuan Son and no longer belongs to a level.

After that, he, the Son of Heaven, surrendered to the Son of Tai Xuan, and this feeling was very unpleasant, and the gap was also large.

After the Son of Heaven, the ancient son of Zhengu broke into the Fengwang Pagoda and began to break into the tower.

After more than two hours, Zhengu Shengzi also broke through the tower, detonating the colorful ceiling.

In fact, the detonation of colorful ceilings is already extremely shocking. After all, hundreds of people have detonated colorful ceilings in ancient times. Now, two people have detonated colorful ceilings.

However, there are nine colorful ceilings in front of them, which will inevitably be affected, just like when the moonlight is suspended, the light of the stars will inevitably be covered up. This is helpless.

So far, the era of juxtaposition of the three wise sons has passed. It is the Taixuan wise son who has the sole esteem and is the most contemporary of the time.

Many people think that this life is the one that Taixuan Shengzi used to suppress his peers. He passed the name Tianyuan and the name to all ages, so that many people remember it, as if imprinted in his soul, and cannot be forgotten.

Looking at the nine-color and eight-color smallpox, Chen Zong was a little excited and took a step forward.

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