Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 101: The King Wants to be King in the King Tower (Part 1)

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In the small world of Feng Wang Pagoda, there are less than a thousand people who have entered the sacred realm, and they have only broken through in the past ten years. Therefore, they belong to a younger generation.

When it comes to cultivation, the highest person is the three saints, all of whom are in the eighth stage of entering the sacred realm.

Second, there are the seven limits of entering the sanctuary.

The practice of the palace punishment, but reached the seventh peak of entering the sanctuary.

Chen Zong's cultivation was the seventh stage of the sanctuary. Among the nearly 1,000 people, it was considered a relatively high level. Most of the cultivation was concentrated on the two and three levels of the sanctuary.

Only a few can achieve the fourfold and fivefold of the sanctification, and the sixth and seventhfold are even less.

Although Chen Zong's repair was in the seventh stage of the sacred realm, his speed was extremely fast. Lei Ta Jiuzhong's sixth step was performed, and immediately passed several people and rushed to Fengwang Tower.

Break through the King Tower and either compete with others or wait.

After Chen Zong watched several people rushing into the tower, he also had the idea of ​​breaking into the tower.

Earlier going to the tower and gaining the title earlier, you can practice better and improve yourself earlier.


Among several people, the highest punishment for palace punishment is the sevenfold limit of entering the sanctuary, which is only a line away from the eightfold.

Similarly, the speed of Gong Tian's punishment is extremely fast, just like the sword light across the sky.

The opportunity in the Lingwu Holy Land has greatly improved the strength and speed of Gong Tianxing, and he is full of self-confidence. Therefore, he did not break into the tower before, and deliberately left it now to lose Chen Zong's face.


Ray Light!

In a split second, the others were thrown away and rushed towards the King Tower at an astonishing speed.

"Be obedient behind me." Gong Tianxing's voice was a bit cold, and it was introduced into Chen Zong's ear, and the sword light also passed thunder.

Chen Zong did not reply, but countered with action.

Lei Ta Nine Heavens ... Step Seven!

Suddenly, Lei Guang crossed Daoguang and rushed towards Fengwang Pagoda in a dusty ride, and then submerged into Fengwang Pagoda.

The ensuing sword light was immediately resisted by the power of the Fengwang Pagoda and could not move forward.

"Damn!" Gong Tianguan was angry and hazy.

Falling down again.

Chen Zong has become his demon. In the past few years, he has always made him uncomfortable, and half of his motivation for cultivation is to surpass Chen Zong and kill Chen Zong.

Originally, I thought that with my own chance and the resources of the Taixuan Shenggong, we could improve our strength and speed up significantly.

Here, although we can't do it directly, we can also fight against oppression by other means.

For example, if the opponent wants to enter the Fengwang Tower, he will compete with him, suppress the opponent in speed, and step into the Fengwang Tower one step ahead.

In this way, at least I will feel refreshed.

What I didn't expect was that even if I improved so much, I was still inferior in speed.

Once again hit, Gong Tianxing's inner anger was nowhere to be vented, and he could only return.


At the moment when Chen Zong's body was in contact with the Fengwang Tower, the Fengwang Tower seemed to be absent, and immediately submerged into it. Immediately, Chen Zong appeared on the first floor of the Fengwang Tower.

It was a dark space, and no fingers were visible.

Suddenly, a ray of light lit up in the distance. Immediately, a footstep sounded, especially clear in the dark. At each step, the footsteps were full of regularity and seemed to be accurately calculated.

At each step, the clear footsteps were filled with the charm of Jin Getiema, as if stepping on the heart, so that Chen Zong has a feeling, it seems that his own heartbeat law is also affected.

However, for Chen Zong, this effect is nothing at all and has no effect at all.

His eyes were sharp like a sword, and as the light cut away, it seemed as if the darkness was divided into two, and a figure appeared in front of it.

It was a man wearing a battle armor. He was burly, with a sword on his waist, walking step by step. After each step, the momentum of the whole body was condensing, becoming more forceful and faint. Condensing in the sky, the knife light emerged all around.

Very strong!

This warrior's cultivation is consistent with Chen Zong, but it is the seventh stage of entering the sacred realm, which is also the challenge rule of Fengwang Tower.

The repair is consistent with the towerbreaker.

The strength of its breath fluctuations is stronger than the ordinary seventh stage of the sanctuary, and its strength should be the same.

In other words, if it is an ordinary sanctuary, it is impossible to break through and get the title.

According to the rules of the Fengwang Tower, only by defeating the opponent on the first floor and breaking through the first floor can one detonate a colorful ceiling.

It may seem easy, but it ’s not easy. It ’s the first-level opponents. You do n’t know how much you can enter the sanctuary, so that they do n’t get the title.

The title is given by the King of Towers, representing a higher level of recognition of the will of the heavens and the earth. The ability to obtain the title is the true elite, the real strong is first-rate, and of course it is not so easy to obtain.

Chen Zong stood in place, observing, and the footsteps of the warframe man accelerated, and the momentum became more condensed and more arrogant.

In fact, the best way is to take the initiative to attack, while the opponent ’s momentum has not completely condensed to the extreme, or else, when the momentum is condensed to the extreme, the opponent ’s blow will be the pinnacle, very terrible And more difficult to cope with.

But Chen Zong did not mean to take the initiative, but instead allowed the other party to gather momentum.

Ten steps!

When the warframe man was ten steps away from Chen Zong, his footsteps seemed to have a slight pause. Immediately, the extreme momentum condensed out in an instant, and the blade of the sword became empty, and the diffused light of the sword also condensed and gathered. Within the long sword at the waist.

At the end of the day, the right hand wearing the iron armor clasped the handle of the knife, pulled the knife out of the water, and suddenly pulled out the long knife around the waist. A strong, extreme blade of light, like an aurora lightning, sprayed out of the scabbard.

The momentum at the time of the sword alone is extremely amazing, as if you want to split everything in front of you.

Then, the long sword condensed countless sword lights into one, with the ultimate killing power and horror power, exhausted everything, as if the battlefield kills the enemy in the past, and it is like a bamboo shoot.

This is the ultimate sword. It is an incomparable one that cuts everything. All strength and belief are all condensed in this sword.

Such a stab, don't say that the ordinary seventh stage of entering the sacred realm can not resist even the ordinary middle stage of the seventh stage of sacred realm, which completely eliminates the possibility of ordinary entering the sanctuary to break through the Fengwang tower and detonate the ceiling to obtain the title.

But Chen Zong is not an ordinary practitioner.

Never had a sword, but the footsteps slipped slightly, but only between inches, but avoided the horrible killing knife.

Although this knife's mighty power is extremely arrogant, in Chen Zong's view, it seems nothing, it is an understatement.

Immediately, the second sword turned, and the horizontal cross-cutting was still the same as the battlefield killing knives. It abandoned all the gorgeousness and only pursued the simplest and purest killing.

But the second knife was still avoided by Chen Zong.

Between the square inch, but like the end of the world, even if the warrior's sword is amazing, you can't touch Chen Zongchen at all.

While Chen Zong was dodging while observing the opponent's swordsmanship.

Swordsmanship is also martial arts, and you can also draw on the essence of it and integrate it into your swordsmanship.

After about seven swords, Chen Zong grasped the essence of the armored swordsmanship.

Immediately, and referring to a point like a sword, crushing the extremely strong sword light, it even knocked the armored man into the air, as if being struck by an ancient monster, and there was a hollow in the eyebrow.

One hit!

Immediately, a ray of light spilled from top to bottom, that was the ray leading to the second floor of the Fengwang Pagoda.

Chen Zong did not hesitate to step into the light, his body quickly, as if soaring.

Soon, Chen Zong stepped onto the second floor.

The second floor is also a dark space, with light shining on.

Immediately, footsteps sounded.

This footstep is not one, but two.

The sounds of the two footsteps were neat and consistent, and they came step by step, with Xiao Sha and Jie He.

Two figures also appeared in Chen Zong's eyes.

They are also two Warframe Men, and they also have long swords on their waists.

The breath fluctuations of the two Warriors are also the seventh stage of entering the sanctuary.

It feels that the breath of these two Warframe Men is the same as that of the first Warframe Warriors.

Chen Zong still did not take the initiative to attack, but waited for the other party to take the initiative to kill.

The momentum of the two warriors continued to consolidate, becoming more arrogant, and stepping forward, one by one, and one by right, forming the trend of encircling and enclosing, the two's momentum was also united in an instant, shaped like one, and increased rapidly several times.

In this way, the strength that these two Warriors can spur, is not doubled and so simple ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but three times, four times or even five times, the threat it poses is even more amazing.

In the seventh and seventh stages of the ordinary sanctuary, he is not his opponent.


The two swords came out of the sheath, and the sword light was violently bombarded and killed like lightning and thunder.

The same battlefield swordsmanship is extremely sharp, but under the cooperation of the swords, the momentum draws each other, and the power of each knife is at least doubled and more horrible.

However, Chen Zong still avoided it, calmly, immediately, and pointed out like a sword to kill and directly kill the two Warframe Men.

In this way, Chen Zong broke through the second floor and can detonate the two-color ceiling.

But the two-color ceiling is too little for Chen Zong, too low-end.

the third floor!

The Warframe Men became three.

The same cultivation, the same momentum, the same swordsmanship, but the power of the trio is more horrible and strengthened, making it difficult to resist.

But for Chen Zong, there are actually no differences between two and three, because the gap in strength has already reached a surprising level.

The sword pointed out and killed the three Warframe Men.

Fourth floor!

The fourth layer is completely different from the first three layers. It is not a dark space, but a place of beautiful mountains and rivers. It makes Chen Zong feel that he has come to the beautiful scenery. The scenery is pleasant, the air is fresh, and the heart is refreshing.

When breathing, the pure breath enters the body, fills the lung cavity, and is extremely comfortable, as if all the distractions have disappeared. The whole person stands in the heavens and the earth, refreshing.

This made Chen Zong very surprised. For a while, it was unclear. What was the assessment of the fourth floor of Fengwang Tower?

Where is the opponent?


Chen Zong didn't know, he could only calm down and slowly think and observe, and slowly search.

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