Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 102: The King Wants to be King in the King Tower (middle)

The sky is sunny, blue, and cloudless, like a huge flawless sapphire, transparent and clear. When people stare, their minds are washed, bright and pure.

The lake water is green and sparkling, reflecting the sky, and the water and the sky are connected.

Chen Zong stood by the lake.

There are no enemies and nothing unreasonable.

This is the test of the fourth floor of Fengwang Tower?

What is the test?

I stood by the lake, Chen Zong was silent and thinking.

I was waiting.

Wait for the enemy to appear.

But time passed slowly, but no enemy appeared.

Isn't the test at this level not to defeat the enemy, but something else?

Chen Zong's eyes lightened a little, and his thinking immediately broke away from the original 桎梏, and spread out.

Perhaps the test of this layer has nothing to do with the enemy, or it can be said that the enemy of this layer is not the enemy on the same bright surface as the previous three layers, but the hidden enemy.

Like an illusion!

The beautiful scenery in front of my eyes may be an illusion, and it is very real that it is difficult to tell the true from the false.

Everything is lifelike, just like the real sky and lake.

As soon as he became skeptical, Chen Zong observed more carefully, and the divine thoughts permeated.

Under the domineering thoughts, Chen Zong found unreal feelings.

Sure enough, this is an illusion.

The test of the fourth layer was not the strength of direct fighting, but the investigation of illusions, or the test of divine thought.

强大 A strong practitioner must have not only sufficient strength, but also sufficient strength and pure divine thoughts.

The real strong is when there is no obvious weakness.

宗 Chen Zong's devotion is more powerful and pure than the same level, even if it is a half-step grand sacred level.

Therefore, once you have doubts in your heart, you will quickly find the faults and get rid of them instantly.

The beautiful scenery of the mountains and rivers swayed in an instant, as if the waves were rippling, disappearing like a dream bubble.

I was still in a dark space, a light fell and fell on Chen Zong, and immediately, Chen Zong entered the fifth floor as if soaring.

On the fifth floor of the Fengfeng Pagoda, the darkness receded. Chen Zong found himself in a circular house. Except for the ground beneath his feet, the circular walls around him were covered with finger-thick holes.

The densely packed holes are deep and bottomless, exuding a heartbreaking chill, especially the densely packed arrangement, and the scalp is irritated.

Immediately, there seemed to be extremely subtle sounds, as if there was only one, but it seemed to be an aggregation of all kinds.

宗 Chen Zong's eyes narrowed slightly, a touch of Han Mang flickered by.

I saw in the numerous holes around it, there seemed to be a little sharp, extremely sharp, the cold light burning.

There is no sign of tadpoles. Spikes that are thinner than the fingers are radiated out of the hole instantly. They are extremely fast and amazing.

Hurry up!


For a moment, from all directions, there were dense spikes with sharp edges that pierced through everything, and shot at Chen Zong through the sky.

Too fast!

Extremely fast!

At such a speed, it suddenly reached the level of the seven limits of entering the sanctuary.

The test of Fengfeng King Tower is closely related to personal cultivation.

At the lowest level, it is consistent with the cultivation under test, and it keeps going up.

The fifth floor, if you pass through, is enough to detonate the colorful ceiling, it is also amazing, so its test is not easy.

The speed is equivalent to the seventh limit of the ordinary entry into the sacred realm. Without sufficient strength, it cannot be avoided at all.

Moreover, there are dozens of spikes in a moment, which are not just dodges, but also need to resist.

宗 Chen Zong's response was extremely rapid. The jifeng sword emerged from the scabbard, struck a dazzling sword light, and passed across the octagonal four poles instantly. It was a touch of arc light, as if the water and sky were on the front line.

宗 Chen Zong didn't evade, but he just made a sword, and all the thorns from all directions suddenly resisted.

尖 The speed of each spike is amazing, but its strength is not as good as speed.

Of course, being strong or not is relatively speaking.

If the towerbreaker is repaired in the seventh stage of entering the sacred realm, the comprehensive strength only reaches the level of the seventh limit of the ordinary sacred realm, and the possibility of passing the fifth-level assessment is not high.

At least, there is hope for the comprehensive strength of the sanctuary, but it is not 100%.

Chen Zong's strength is naturally not comparable to the sacred realm of Yae.

The sword method is superb, so mysterious and boundless, one sword comes out, immediately blocking all spiked shots, without damage.

Second wave!

Spikes shoot out again, the number of spikes, up to hundreds, is more threatening.

宗 Chen Zong's look remained unchanged, one sword was shot across the air, the sword light was divided and shrouded in all directions.

Hundreds of spikes were resisted by Chen Zong's sword, which also could not hurt Chen Zong.

But this is not over, and there is a third wave.

All of a sudden, black spikes were emitted from all the black holes, extremely sharp.


This time there are thousands of words, dense and terrible.

宗 Chen Zong looked slightly dignified.

Thousands of spikes are more stressful than hundreds.

Xuan Jianguang killed, just a sword, but there is an amazing momentum of ten thousand swords.

Infinite One Sword!

无限 One sword unlimited!

With such a sword, all the spikes were blocked, and Chen Zong could not be hit.

Attentive vigilance to prevent the fourth wave.

According to the rules of the first three waves, the spikes of the fourth wave may reach tens of thousands.

If it is tens of thousands of ways, the threat to oneself will be elevated to a large level. By then, he will have to show more strength to deal with it.

However, after the third wave, there was no fourth wave.

Xun Sanbo is the test of the fifth floor of Fengwang Tower. Chen Zong has passed the test and rose to the sixth floor along the light.

On the sixth floor, only the most top-level genius is expected to break through.

If you are an emperor-level genius, you are more likely to break through.

The sixth floor is not a dark space, but a pavilion.

The pavilion is quaint and stands on a 100-meter-high hill. In the pavilion, there is a magnificent and peerless beautiful woman sitting gracefully and quietly. On the table in front of it, there is a silver jug ​​and two silver cups. Light.

"You are here, I have been waiting for you for a long time." The peerless beauty looked up, her bright, autumn-like eyes seemed to see through infinite time and space, fell on Chen Zong's face, and stared for a moment, so that Chen Zong's soul was all An uncontrollable tremor, there was a feeling of unclearness.


What a honey!

When the peerless beauty said a word, there seemed to be an invisible wave permeating, letting Chen Zong give birth to a feeling that the other party seemed to be waiting for himself in the kiosk for a long time.

It seems that in the midst of meditation, I once met this beautiful woman and met here.

This feeling is strange, seemingly absent, but in a moment, Chen Zong appears fuzzy, unable to judge.

It seems that when I really had a meeting with the old man.

This feeling prompted Chen Zong to take steps and walk up the steps of the hill, step by step, just like a mortal step.

Every time I step up, the feeling of having an agreement seems to become more apparent.

"Come on, taste the fine wine made by dying for thousands of years." The peerless beauty stood up slightly, but with a smile like a spring breeze, and flowers like blooming in an instant, reaching out to guide Chen Zong to come, in her Sit down in front.

For thousands of years of fine wine, Chen Zong's eyes brightened, and a craving emerged in his heart, the desire to drink that thousand years of fine wine.

Stomp, accelerated a few points, and climbed quickly.

阶梯 This ladder, from bottom to top, has a total of 100 lanes.

The look of a peerless woman with a smile on her face looks fascinating.

Gradually, Chen Zong climbed to the top of the mountain, stepped out of the last step, and stepped into the pavilion.

He did not hesitate to sit down on the stone bench opposite the peerless beauty, and the unspeakable fragrance came from the other's delicate body.

The stone bench is solid and cold, which makes Chen Zong feel refreshed at the moment, as if all distractions are eliminated, and the spirit of the whole person is raised to an amazing height, free from all obstacles, but it also makes that The scent becomes more unforgettable.

"Come." The peerless beauty stood up slightly, slender and fair-skinned, like a jade vegetarian, raised a jug and poured wine for the cup in front of Chen Zong.

The amber-colored crystal clear wine flowed down from the long spout, and there was an indescribable beauty like flowing water, a taste that seemed to be light like the sky and clouds, and it seemed that Chen Zong was about to fly up. , Fly to those nine days, with the vast sky constantly flying, traveling around the world, to appreciate the mystery.

For a moment, it seemed that a strong and intoxicating fragrance was permeating, as if falling from a high altitude and directly into the boundless ocean and sea, wandering on the bottom of the sea and swimming with giant sharks.

This wine fragrance, sometimes light and sometimes strong, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is sometimes distant from time to time, as if drifting with the breeze from a very distant place, and it seems to be under the nose.


Like a dream!

It is the magic and charm of this thousand years of fine wine.

The sound of the wine falling into the delicate and simple silver cup is also extremely crisp and pure. It falls into the ear, as if it is the most beautiful piece of music in the world. It merges with the ever-changing dreamy aroma and turns into the world. The most attractive and tempting thing to replace everything.

Peerless eyes flirted with cuteness, raised slightly, and lowered the jug.

"Please taste!" The voice of a peerless beauty seems to be as gentle as a breeze, and it sounds like a spring, and it is refreshing.

Chen Zong couldn't resist anymore. The exquisite and simple cup from the back of the body quickly reached the tip of the nose and sniffed slightly. Suddenly, the changeable wine aroma was straight into the nose and penetrated the lungs. , And then diffused the whole body, as if floating all over the body in the clouds, losing all its weight, very easy.

I also seemed to be soaking in the hot spring, leaving the warm spring water to soak away all impurities and exhaustion.

宗 Chen Zong's fascinated look, his eyes closed uncontrollably, he completely ignored everything outside, and seemed completely unable to perceive everything outside him.

The face of that peerless beauty is like Ruxian's face, but there is a weird smile on her face, which seems ridiculous and shy.

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