Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 103: The King Wants to Be King on the Tower (Part 2)

(Tickets, Liudao needs year-end inventory tickets, brothers and sisters, please help.)

Small hill!


Peerless Beauty and Chen Zong!

This is a beautiful scroll like a timeless picture, like a brand.

Chen Zong's eyes opened, and the drunken look on his eyes slowly dissipated and became clear. The drunken look on his face also quickly lost and became cold.

As cold as deep sea cold iron!

The strange smile on the beautiful woman's face suddenly freezes.

"People are beauties, and wine is fine wine, but unfortunately, I am not here." Chen Zong said, without Xu Buji, his voice was low and murmur. As the swords screamed, they became more high-pitched and shocking: "My ambition ... Yu Jian! "

The word "sword" blurted out, ringing the world like a thunderous beast. The extreme sharpness tears the sky. The stone table and the jug were split in front of the eyes. The peerless beauty was spared and was torn instantly.

This wiping sword light contains the extreme sharpness and sword meaning, breaking the world.

The light suddenly fell, and Chen Zong's body rose again.

The sixth floor ... over!

Step into the seventh floor!

From ancient times to the present, those who can enter the seventh floor must be emperor-level geniuses.

Chen Zong is sure of breaking into the seventh floor and even crossing the seventh floor.

However, after experience, it was still a little unexpected.

The first to third layers test direct strength, while the fourth layer tests divinity, the fifth layer tests reaction and strength, and the sixth layer tests mental will.

If you are obsessed with it, you will break the tower and fail.

At first Chen Zong became obsessed and immediately sober, but instead of getting rid of it immediately, he chose to taste the fine wine.

After all, this is a hobby of Chen Zong.

Since tasting the delicious taste of the thousand-year-old wine, Chen Zong wakes up and is not immersed in it. Kendo is his true pursuit. As for the other, it is only embellishment, it can be, but it cannot be addicted.

On the seventh floor, the light suddenly turned on, and in front of me, there was a canyon.

The valley is sky-high, as if there is no end.

Chen Zong stood in front of the canyon.

The rhythmic footsteps kept ringing, and a figure emerged from the shadow of the canyon.

The whispering wind rushed past, rolled up the dust of the sky, and spread the air between heaven and earth with a sense of Xiao Xiao.

The robe robe fluttered and grinned in the sand, and the long hair also flew up. Under the narrow eyes, a trace of cold light shone like ice, releasing amazing chill and murderous power.

A coarse cloth robe like a yellow sand, with a rough scabbard long sword around his waist, every step seems to be the most accurate calculation, this is like a penance in a harsh environment.

As soon as this person appeared, Chen Zong's eyes condensed immediately, and a touch of thrill came from his heart, which spread quickly.

Very strong!

For a while, it was difficult to feel the other's cultivation level, but just to feel threatened by the other.

However, this is already the seventh floor of the Fengwang Tower. If you pass through the seventh floor, you can detonate the colorful ceiling, which can be regarded as a shocking vision. It is rare for a century, and the test is naturally very difficult.

A yellow sand penancer stepping out of the Gobi Canyon.

A strong opponent.

Suddenly, the war intentions condensed, rising from the sky inside Chen Zong's body.

The Yellow Sand Swordsman seemed to be traction-like, too, releasing a terrible sword-like wave, and the sword-like sky seemed to tear the sky.

As soon as the sword was out, the wind and sand that was originally simmering in a moment became violent and echoed with the sword.

At an instant, both Chen Zong and the Huangsha swordsman moved.

Chen Zong stepped out, his feet were wrapped in a dense line of thunder, which was the sixth step of Lei Tajiu's Nine Heavens, with an amazing speed.

As soon as the Huangsha Swordsman moved, there were countless windswept winds, as if supporting his legs, it seemed to be flying out of the sands.


Draw a sword!

Only momentarily, the two sides passed by, and there were already hundreds of clashes between the scabbards.

"Okay!" Chen Zong suddenly felt a little excited, and his blood boiled along with him. He turned around and broke his sword, like a meteor breaking the moon.

The Yellow Sand Swordsman also turned around instantly, the sword was swept across the sky, and the wind and sand storm rushed to death.

Sure enough, just a few short breaths, he and Chen Zong confronted thousands of times, difficult to distinguish Xuanyuan.

In the seventh stage of the sacred realm, all the repairs erupted in an instant, and the horror of the mighty power shook the earth, as if to break everything. Thunder was violent, rising from the soles of the feet, straight into the body, covering the shoulders, letting Chen Zong The whole person looked like a Thunder Swordsman.

The seventh step of Lei Jiu Jiutian!

Chen Zong's speed surged, and a sword broke into the air to kill the Yellow Sand Swordsman.

However, I saw only one finger of the Huangsha swordsman with a long sword and spit out a word: "Town!"

Suddenly, an invisible and unmatched force and will fell from the sky, directly impacted on Chen Zong, making Chen Zong's body a meal, the thunder of his body annihilated, a divine power and a mighty sky power and amazing blood Suppressed deep into the body, difficult to move.

Between heaven and earth, the invisible, colorless, and endless force fields are so common that Chen Zong loses his extraordinary strength, leaving only ordinary levels of physical strength.

Immediately, Chen Zong also found that the same was true of the Huangsha swordsman.

No strong physical strength, no extraordinary strength.

Is it to fight against the sword?

In fact, this seems to be the case.

The Yellow Sand Swordsman rushed again, stomping on dry sand and stone ground with his feet and rushing towards Chen Zong at an alarming speed.

This kind of speed is actually a world difference if it is compared with the previous one, but if it is for ordinary people, it is as fast as it is.

At this moment, both Huangsha Swordsman and Chen Zong are suppressed by all their extraordinary powers, only ordinary levels of power, so this speed does not seem slow.

Chen Zong also moved.

Although there is only ordinary level of power, the ultimate control of one's own power has not been weakened or suppressed because of this. This control is not power, but an ability, an intangible ability, which can hardly be suppressed.

His muscles trembled, his power was transmitted straight through his feet, and then he burst into hair. The whole person turned out like a lasing arrow, which turned out to be a little faster than the Huangsha swordsman.


Swords without blessings, such as divine power, blood power, heavenly power, and Taoism, cannot be called swordsmanship. They can only be called swordsmanship. They are pure sword-handling skills. The source, the test is the basic skills.

Chen Zong pays great attention to the basics of swordplay.

But I never thought that one day, I would use this to break the King Tower and fight against the enemy, but I had encountered this situation before when I entered the small world of Xuanming.

The two sides approached, the sword broke, and they fought instantly.





The most basic sword skills are interpreted under the swords of the two men. The swords are brilliant and fierce. Although they are not supported by extraordinary powers, they rely only on the strength of ordinary people, but they also use superb sword skills to cut the air. , The formation of sword-like general, across the ground, across the ground, leaving a trail of sword marks staggered.

Moreover, this type of swordsmanship, which is not supported by extraordinary powers, is performed by ordinary levels of power. Each sword is a direct melee fight, and each sword is extremely dangerous. Once it is hit, it will immediately Injured.

If the body of an ordinary person is injured, it will have a significant impact on strength.

This kind of abandoning the extraordinary strength and killing with pure sword skill only made Chen Zong very excited. There was a sense of thrill and trembling from the heart, not from fear, but from a kind of madness deep in the bones.

Chess every opponent!


Chen Zong forgot about everything and showed his sword skill and sword skill to the fullest.

Apart from the blessing of all powers, it is just pure swordsmanship, just pure skill of swords, but it has a true charm of returning to its true meaning. Invisible, it seems to touch something.

The swordsmanship of the Yellow Sand Swordsman is also extremely clever. Each sword is very amazing, and it also contains an indescribable charm.

As if every sword is killed, there will be a feeling of yellow sand surfacing.

This is not extraordinary strength, but the mystery derived from the yellow sand swordsman himself practicing sword art to an astonishing degree.

This mystery made Chen Zong feel strange. Between the fights, he felt like he was in the yellow sand.

This can't help but think of Chen Zong's previous methods, a method of interfering with this sword with spiritual will, which is the method that he had previously realized in the small world of Xuanming.

However, with the improvement of his swordsmanship, he has already sublimated.

But now it seems that this kind of means still has great potential to be tapped, at least from the sword art of the Yellow Sand Swordsman ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~.

However, Chen Zong will not go this route again, because he has been sublimated.


Fight fiercely!

Fight crazy!

The two swords fought, and they continued to burst out an astonishing starfire, splashing in all directions, as if to ignite everything.

The wrist trembled slightly, and between the sword's body trembling, one sword was divided into three swords, and the three swords were divided into nine swords. The nine swords were sharp and unmatched. They were shot from the front and shrouded the Huangsha swordsman.

Huang Sha swordsman's sword turned, there seemed to be yellow sand spilling out, one after another blocking the sword light.

The figures staggered and shot again with a sword.

This time, Jiudao Jianguang turned into an arc, and was killed from all directions.

The Huangsha swordsman tried his best, but he just blocked the eight sword lights, was hit by one of them, his arm was pierced immediately, and he was immediately wounded.

Kill yourself while it hurts!

Jiudao Jianguang shot again, but this time, instead of being a straight line or an arc, it was condensed into one and became more and more dazzling.


This sword used the strength of Chen Zong's whole body and exceeded the eruption of the limit. A sword came out and was unstoppable, as fierce and overbearing as a meteor outside the sky.

One sword, overwhelming the power of heaven and earth, directly crushed the yellow sand, opened the sword of the yellow sand swordsman, drove straight and penetrated directly.


Huang Sha swordsman's arm holding the sword fell weakly, and immediately, his body dissipated in front of Chen Zong's eyes, as if a strand of wind and sand scattered between the heavens and the earth.

At the next breath, Chen Zong felt that the power of repression had returned to his body, and he had a long-lost feeling.

The feeling of mastering power is really good.

The light also fell, and the eighth floor was right in front of me.

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