Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 105: Lingwu Emperor Palace

Nine layers of mysterious patterns in Linggu jade, at the last moment, Chen Zong's successful enlightenment all came to his senses, as if it were a branding. The mystery naturally fell into his mind and was grasped by Chen Zong.

At present, it is still unclear what it is useful for, but the feeling of my heart tells me that it is useful and has a great effect, which will be reflected in the future.

That's enough.

Cultivation is very important today, but also in the future.

After the mysterious enlightenment of the nine-layer jade pattern of the jade was finished, Chen Zong naturally stepped into the ninth layer.

The ninth floor is a dark space, just like the first, second, and third floors.

Immediately, a ray of early light passed by, as if it were ground-breaking. The vicissitudes of the sea and the wind and clouds changed, and a world appeared in front of Chen Zong.

Chen Zong is like an outsider, observing and watching the changes in the heavens and the earth from a supreme angle. From the original barren world, he became a prosperous world, and again he became barren.


In the end, everything was silent, and the change of heaven and earth also ended. Chen Zong just felt a flash in front of his eyes, as if time and space were replaced.

A palace!

In front of me, there is a palace. The palace can not be called gorgeous, but it has an indescribable simplicity, majesty, and grandeur. It stands in the world, as if to suppress the world, time and space.

The gate of the palace was closed for the black color after the fusion of the nine colors, which was extremely deep, as if it could absorb all the light, as if it contained endless mysteries.

Above the closed gate, there is a plaque of the same black color, with four big characters on it.

"Lingwu Emperor Palace!" Chen Zong whispered.


Outside the King Tower, Tai Xuan Shengzi's eyes flickered, staring at the Nine-colored King Seal.

From top to bottom, there are fourteen titles and fourteen names.

The first title is still Lingwu Emperor. The order of this title represents the high and low points. That is to say, no one has surpassed Lingwu Emperor from ancient times to the present.

The second title is the Emperor Sword, which is a peerless demon evil earlier than Lingwu Emperor. Before Lingwu Emperor appeared, he had been the first genius in Lingwu Holy Realm, but after the emergence of Lingwu Emperor, his light Covered by Emperor Lingwu.

Rao is so, it is undeniable that the sword emperor is still such a dazzling existence, and is well-known forever.

The third title is for the Lord of the Eternal Night, but it is the peerless demon of the same age as the Emperor Lingwu, breaking away from the Emperor Lingwu for several years, detonating the nine-color ceiling, and ranking third in the Nine-color Seal. This means that for many years from ancient to modern times, the Lord of the Night Lord is second only to Emperor Lingwu and Sword Emperor.

The fourth title is a new title.

Ancient King!

This is the title obtained by the **** Taixuan Sheng womb after breaking through the Fengwang Pagoda.

In the fourth place, Taixuan Shengzi is not satisfied. His goal is to surpass Lingwu Emperor and rank first, but unfortunately, under the same circumstances, he is not an opponent of Yongye Mojun.


Lingwu Emperor Palace!

This seems to have something to do with Lingwu Emperor or Lingwu Emperor.

Chen Zong shouted with both hands, pushing the heavy door of the Imperial Palace.

"Someone is here again, but I don't know how many moves you can hold under me?" A powerful voice suddenly sounded, and at that moment, there was a majestic and calm breath, like an invisible mountain moving across.

Chen Zong's eyes narrowed for a moment, staring ahead and seeing the end of the hall. On the throne, there was a burly figure, majestic and heavy like a mountain, faintly overbearing.

"You are?" Chen Zong asked.

"I ... the King of the Mountain!" The burly figure on the throne suddenly stood up, and the air around him seemed to be unable to withstand his mighty power, and it turned into numerous ripples, faintly, as if a strong wind roared, sweeping the whole hall , Amazing power.

"Sacred King of the Mountain!" Chen Zong's eyes narrowed for a moment. There were originally 13 titles on the Nine-colored Seal of Kings. After the Taixuan Shengzi, there were 14 titles. king.

The Mingwu Palace was written outside, so why didn't you meet Lingwu Emperor when you stepped into it?

Chen Zong was puzzled.

After all, the four words of Lingwu Emperor Palace are easily reminiscent of Lingwu Emperor.

"Your cultivation is in the seventh stage of entering the sacred realm. My cultivation will be consistent with you and defeat me. You can not only detonate the colorful ceiling, but also challenge the second temple." The sacred king of the heavy mountain stood up and issued Amazing power and horrible coercion are as magnificent as the mountains, and it feels like an invisible mountain is coming sideways.

"How many palaces is there in Lingwu Emperor Palace?" Chen Zong opened his mighty edge and unparalleled momentum and opened his mouth. This is an opportunity to learn about Lingwu Emperor Palace or the ninth floor of Fengwang Tower.

"As many titles as there are on the monument of King Jiucai, there are as many palaces as the Emperor Lingwu Palace." Holy Mountain King Road, immediately, a grin appeared on his rough face: "If you can defeat Emperor Lingwu, this emperor palace will Will be named after your title. "

Chen Zong suddenly understood.

Today, the Emperor Lingwu Emperor is listed first on the Jiu Caifeng Tablet, so this palace is the Emperor Ling Wu Palace. There are 14 titles on the Jiu Cai Feng Monument, and the Lingwu Emperor Palace has 14 palaces.

For example, it is now the foremost temple, also called the Zhongshan Temple.

If you defeat the King of the Mountain in front of you, you can not only be listed on the Nine-colored Seal, but also challenge the second temple.

So, what if the King of the Mountain cannot be defeated?

It seemed to see Chen Zong's curiosity. King Zhongshan said again: "If you can't defeat me, at least you must resist my 100 strokes before you can detonate the nine-color ceiling, and be listed as the nine-color seal king monument."


After the King of the Mountain got up, he took a step forward, as if stepping out of the Foshan Yue Giant. The whole hall was shaking, the air seemed to be detonated, it was violent, and the power became more and more amazing.

Obviously, it was only the initial cultivation in the seventh stage of the sacred realm, but it made Chen Zong feel terrible and amazing.

Chen Zong's eyes narrowed slightly, and a burst of sharpness, blood fluctuations, holy force rotation, and a hint of warfare were to rise into the sky.

Holy Mountain King!

In ancient times, it was able to detonate the peerless evils of the nine-color smallpox, and I was so lucky to be able to confront such peerless evils in countless years.

"So, let me see the charm of ancient evils." Chen Zong said secretly, taking a step forward.

At this step, the situation changed.

At this step, the sharp blade broke.

This step is unmatched.

The look of the King of the Mountain changed slightly, his eyes burst into a strong spirit, and he was a little excited.


After stepping down the stairs one step, the whole person arrived like a shock of Foshan Yue's lateral movement, suddenly raised an incomparable punch, and burst out instantly.

Suddenly, the majestic momentum was condensed in that punch, and the air was blown away like the punch of Foshan Yue Zhi. The air was compressed by shock, and the fierce air was blown away.


Chen Zong slaps his palm like a sword. When the sky is split, Jian Guang breaks through the air and immediately splits the magnificent punch, cutting it to the King of Mount Zhongshan like a bamboo.

King Chongshan is an ancient demon evil, among his peers, he is invincible. Today, Chen Zong is also an absolute evil, among his peers, he is almost invincible.

This is a clash of peerless evils separated by multiple times.

Both Chen Zong and the King of the Mountain can't help feeling excited and fighting.

That move was just a tentative move. After all, Chen Zong was completely unfamiliar to King Zhongshan, and King Zhongshan was also strange to Chen Zong.

Unfamiliar opponents need to test it out before they know the depth and how to deal with it better.

Suddenly, the two sides fought dozens of moves, the power of the shot became stronger and stronger, and gradually grasped each other's tricks and skills.

"Hengshanquan!" The drunk voice was dull and magnificent, and the three words fell down. The momentum of the King of the Mountain soared in an instant, and the punch blasted out.

With this punch, a virtual shadow of the mountains condensed in it, pushing to the side.

The thunderous roar rang through all directions, making Chen Zong's look greatly changed.

This punch is vigorous and fierce.

The jifeng sword came out of the sheath, the sword light was fierce to the extreme, the razor sharp to the extreme, and instantly burst through the sky to kill.

Extreme cutting!

Under the fierce battle, Chen Zong knew that the battle style of the King of the Mountain was the grandeur and the solemnity. He had the same momentum as the mountains, and did not pay attention to any small changes.

One punch can suppress an era.

This is the fist of King Zhongshan, a fist that makes Tianjiao in the same age feel desperate, and a fist that is shrouded in the shadow by fellow practitioners of the same age.

Today ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong is facing such a fist.

But Chen Zong, Yiran was not afraid, only war.


Although the punches of King Zhongshan are very strong, Chen Zong's sword is not weak at all.

In just ten short breaths, Chen Zong fought fiercely with the King of Zhongshan, and his horror was full of energy, as if to demolish the Zhongshan Hall.

However, this heavy mountain hall is extremely strong, not to mention the bombardment of the strength of the two men, even if they are ten times stronger, they cannot be damaged.

No raw sword style!

Killing with one sword, the astonishing killing condensed in it, as if to kill all vitality, the King of the Mountain was slightly surprised.

"Chongshan!" With a low drink, the eyes of the Emperor of the Chongshan suddenly burst into an astonishing light, as if the shadow of a mountain condensed in his eyes, his whole body burst into strength, and his whole body strength poured into the right fist, as if pulled to Extreme strong bow.

best of all!



A punch punched out, and a black mountain ran into it. The Montenegro seemed to be extremely condensed and magnificent, and the Montenegro was filled with an amazing coercion, as if full of terrible pressure. Everything around was suppressed, and poured back, making the Montenegro more condensed and the power exuded even more amazing.

The horror of this punch affected all around, and it seemed to have a feeling of turning into a black hole.

Of course, compared with the black hole, this fist is very different, but it is enough to shock Chen Zong, as if all his own attacks will be pulled and absorbed, it is difficult to work.


A sword is shot, and the sword is extremely bright, as if it is a sword with a million swords, and as if it is a sword with a million swords, and it is a mystery, free from the traction of a heavy mountain punch, elegant and fiercely killed.

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