Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 106: 9 Xiao Yu Thunder

Infinite Sword!

Infinite Sword!

This sword is infinite, with infinite changes and infinite possibilities.

Of course, with Chen Zong's current state and accomplishments, he can not reach such a truly infinite state, but he has already taken shape.

Under a sword, he suddenly crossed the heavy mountain fist of the King of the Mountain, and Jianguang seemed to be crossing an arc, beautiful and gorgeous, and there was no escape.

The King of the Mountain was suddenly shocked, but he couldn't figure out how to dissolve the sword.

That sword, too mysterious, has already exceeded his heavy mountain fist.

The sword light flew, and the blood light shot out from the throat of King Zhongshan, and the body of King Zhongshan flickered and reappeared on the throne.

Chen Zong slightly hesitated, what does this mean?

"Your sword is very strong." King Zhongshan didn't get up this time, but touched his neck. It seemed that the scar of the sword was still the same: "Equal repair, I'm not as good as you."

Although it is not pleasant to admit that you are inferior to the other party, the King of the Mountain still speaks out.

"You are also very strong." Chen Zong said, this is not a compliment, but the fact that the strength of the King of the Mountain is really strong, the power of each punch is amazing, and it contains a terrible mystery, like the mystery of Foshan Yue.

Especially the final heavy mountain boxing, its mystery is even more amazing.

Blocked by the last punch of the King of the Mountain, Chen Zong gained something.

"Congratulations, you have passed through the Zhongshan Hall, and you can go to the next hall. Do you have any questions?" Saint King of the Mountain laughed.

"Dare to ask your Excellency, but the clone of King Zhongshan?" Chen Zong was curious.

After all, the other party's wisdom is very high, it is just like facing the true King of the King of the Mountain, but Chen Zong is sure that the eyes of the King of the King of the Mountain are by no means inseparable, but they are inseparable from the King of the Mountain.

"Yes ... and not ..." The King of Chongshan smiled heartily, without further explanation: "You will know after you wait."

The implication is that when Chen Zong breaks through the Fengwang Pagoda, he can understand.

"Farewell." Chen Zong held his fist to the King of the Mountain.

Immediately, a door opened to the next hall.

The second hall, called the Covering Hall, is the thirteenth seat of the Covering King on the monument of King of Jiu Caifeng.

As soon as the King of the Sea overthrows, his majesty is as powerful as the sea overthrows the ocean and is subversive. It is even more powerful than the King of the Mountain.

When Chen Zong fought with the King of the Mountain, the King of the Mountain did not use the force field. I do n’t know if he did not practice or at the time.

However, in fact, the King of the Mountain has a powerful field, but he did not perform, not because he could not perform, but at the time, when Chen Zong was duel, he was unwilling to perform, and only decided by winning.

However, the King of the Sea Oversea displayed the force field, and Chen Zong could only display the force field, otherwise it would be difficult to compete.

In World War I, it was extremely fierce. The strength of this overwhelming King of the Sea was a little better than that of King of the Mountain, but in the end, he was defeated by Chen Zong.

In the battle with the King of Oversea, Chen Zong also had some gains.

Over the second hall, Chen Zong stepped towards the third hall.


Seventh Hall!

Jiuxiao Palace!

In the palace, the sword is bright and fierce, countless sword sounds are constantly sounding, countless sparks are splashing, like the most dazzling fireworks, dazzling.

Chen Zong holds a sword, and the other side also holds a sword.

This man was wearing a silver sword robe with lightning flashes on the sword robe, his face was cold, and there seemed to be a slight arc of jump in his eyes.

Jiuxiao Sword King, ranked eighth on the Nine-colored Seal of Kings, is likewise the crowning suppressor of the age-old demon evil.

To confront this person, Chen Zong is more interested.

Because, Jiuxiao Sword King is practicing sword.

For master swordsmen, Chen Zong is always more warlike.

The two swords clash.

Jiuxiao Sword King's cultivation, like Chen Zong, is in the seventh stage of entering the sacred realm, which seems to be the rule of Fengwang Tower.

Each generation of peerless demon evils, separated by countless time and space, confronted in this king tower, the same practice should be used, and others, each with their own abilities.

To put it simply, the ages of these peerless demons are not much different, after all, they all broke through the tower within ten years after entering the sanctuary.

The sword of Jiuxiao Sword King contains the power of thunder that is extremely strong, and its thunder idea is also very arrogant and brilliant.

This thunderous mighty power is very arrogant, very pure, and amazing, but it is a high-level morality.

"Your sword is very good. Next, I would like to ask you to see my Jiu Xiao Yu Lei Jian Jue." Jiu Xiao Sword King's voice fell and he pointed at the sword, and then Lei Guang would suddenly crack and kill instantly.

It seems to be a stab, and it seems to be a stab, but whether it is a stab or a stab, it is just a feeling.

The power of this sword is unparalleled, as if nine days of thunder were shot down. I want to break everything down, crush it, shatter it, and completely turn it into a powder pan and disappear into this world.

The horrific power of this sword immediately shocked Chen Zong.

Very domineering!


Chen Zongyi sword was killed, the sword light was endless, layer after layer, it seemed that the waves were rolling, like a gust of wind, like a cloud of smoke.

Countless sword lights are endless. When the terrifying and destructive thunder sword light comes to death, it seems to fall into the mud, the speed slows down, and the power is weakened by layers.

When the sword was killed in front of Chen Zong, Chen Zong wielded a sword and directly crushed it.


When the sword light flashed, it killed the Jiuxiao Sword King. This sword has a mysterious and mysterious charm that shuttles between you and nothing.

Jiuxiao Sword King did not blink, Lei Guang became more and more intense, instantly diffused and poured out.

Jiuxiao Yulei Jianjue second style!

The thunderbolt became agile in an instant, but without losing its mighty power in the agitation, the sword was killed, and the thunderbolt seemed to break everything, the power was even more amazing.

Then, the Jiuxiao Sword King immediately urged the final power to show the third form, which is the last form.

Nine Xiaoyu Thunder!





Everything is condensed in this sword.

The last sword is infinitely powerful, like the trial thunder that fell from the Nine Heavens. It is unavoidable and difficult to resist.

Chen Zong looked dignified. The power of this move was beyond imagination, because the sword had an astonishing idea.


One sword unlimited!

Infinite Sword!

After several fierce battles, Chen Zong repeatedly cast an infinite sword, his essence continued to deepen, the mystery became deeper, and the power became more powerful.

This is a sword full of infinite possibilities.


Under an infinite sword, it seems that it can be turned into a thousand swords, and ten thousand is an imaginary number, which represents an infinite number.

But the power of Jiuxiao Sword King's sword was arrogant to the extreme, terrible to the extreme, crushing everything between heaven and earth, only destruction.

This time, infinite sword failed to kill Jiuxiao Sword King.

In an instant, Jiuxiao Sword King displayed a 10,000-blade force field. Suddenly, countless thunderbolts turned into sword blades, terrible, there were as many as a hundred ways, each one was extremely sharp, as if the sword had broken through the air.

Chen Zong seems to be besieged by hundreds of sword masters at the same time. Although not as good as the Jiuxiao Sword King, the encirclement is also amazing. Coupled with the killing of Jiuxiao Sword King, Chen Zong is in an instant Downwind.

Chen Zong was not afraid, and the Wanliu force field emerged in an instant.

After several years of the Wanliu force field, Chen Zong has also cultivated to Xiaocheng, covering a radius of 1,000 kilometers, and controlling hundreds of rapids.

A hundred intangible rapids condensed instantly, swelled out, entangled the hundred blades that had been killed.

In this way, the power of Wanlade force field and Wanliu force field cancel each other out without any suppression and increase.

Chen Zong and Jiuxiao Sword King approached each other and started a close fight.

But as soon as he fought close, Jiuxiao Sword King immediately fell into the downwind.

The infinite endless serial sword is a sword technique suitable for melee combat. The power is amazing, and when you get closer, it becomes more and more terrible. The Jiuxiao Sword King of Jiuxiao Sword King is amazing but more suitable for a certain distance. In order to exert the strongest power.

However, the swordmanship of Jiuxiao Sword King is indeed very clever, and each sword is as powerful as thunder.

For a time, although the Jiuxiao Sword King fell slightly behind, there was a feeling that he would pull back the disadvantages at any time and in turn suppress Chen Zong, so that Chen Zong had to gather all his minds to avoid being suppressed in turn.

And this feeling is like walking on a tightrope, and below is the Blade Mountain Hell, which is extremely amazing, making his mind and will become more concentrated and more cohesive.

The first battle was a moment. Although the Jiuxiao Sword King was suppressed, he could not be defeated, and his resilience was amazing.

However, after this battle, the sword technique of Jiuxiao Sword King, Chen Zong also basically explored clearly, no need to continue fighting.

Field of Hearts!

Suddenly, Chen Zongshi displayed the realm of heart.

That's right, from the first battle to the current eighth palace, Chen Zong has never performed the realm of heart.

In the past few years ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, Chen Zong's strength has been improved a lot, even more horizontal. After all, he is fighting against the void demons, walking between life and death, passing by from the edge of life and death. It is amazing to stimulate your own potential.

The realm of the heart has also expanded from the original range of one kilometer to two kilometers.

Immediately, Chen Zong compressed the realm of the heart to one kilometer, which was about the same size as the Wanliu force field.

Moreover, the one-kilometer range of the heart domain and the Wanliu force occasion are two.

In a few moments, the hundreds of rapids in the Wanliu force field were affected. It seemed that the power surged. Originally, one rapid could only confront one blade. Now, one rapid is enough to counter two blades.

In this way, under the control of Chen Zong, fifty rapids rushed towards the Jiuxiao Sword King, entangled and bound.

Just for a moment, the Jiuxiao Sword King couldn't move. When he broke out with all his strength and broke the **** of the rapids, the infinite sword became a sword.

In front of Jiuxiao Sword King, that sword light seems to be formed by the condensing of numerous sword lights, filling the eyes with the same, endless and impossible to dodge.

When the endless sword light disappeared, the throat of Jiuxiao Sword King was also pierced.

Kill with one sword!

Of course, the Jiuxiao Sword King here will not really die, but it also represents the defeat of Jiuxiao Sword King and the defeat of Chen Zongjian.

"Would you like to learn Jiu Xiao Yu Lei Jian Jue?" Jiu Xiao Sword King appeared on the throne, but asked, surprised Chen Zong slightly.

After being defeated by the peerless demons in the previous halls, they each spoke differently, but none of them was like the Jiuxiao Sword King, who had to teach himself martial arts.

"I am honored." Of course Chen Zong would not refuse.

"Good." Jiuxiao Sword King nodded and immediately imparted.

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