Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 107: Xuangu Shengwang

There are three types of Jiu Xiao Yu Lei Jian Jue, or three strokes. The first stroke is the weakest and the third stroke is the strongest. But even the first stroke is very mysterious and extremely amazing.

This sword tactic was created by Jiuxiao Sword King in his youth, combining a lot of swordsmanship with his own Taoism of Thunder. Through continuous improvement to reach the extreme, it is a power that can fully tap the power and potential of Taoism of Thunder. Deep sword tactics.

Chen Zong's sense of astonishment is amazing, Jiuxiao Sword King is unreserved, and he quickly grasps the mystery, which is even more surprising.

Jiu Xiao Yu Lei Jian Jue can not only fully exploit the power and potential of Thunder's Taoism, but also a sword tactic that cultivates the Taoism of Thunder. With continuous cultivation, the Taoism of Thundery Tao can be transformed.

At a faster speed, the transformation from low-level to middle-level, from middle-level to high-level, and from high-level to top-level Jiuxiao Tianleidaoyi.

Only by using Jiuxiao Tianlei Taoism to motivate the use of Jiuxiao Royal Thunder Sword, can the power be maximized.

How powerful it is, Chen Zong has already seen it.

In fact, Jiuxiao Sword King's talent is not so good. At least in his era, there were more than one talent.

But in the end, it was Jiuxiao Sword King who detonated Jiu Cai smallpox, but no other talents surpassed him.

Therefore, the Jiuxiao Sword King worked very hard, extremely hard, made every effort, and finally caused himself to undergo qualitative change, winning the same generation.

The time flow rate inside and outside the Fengwang Pagoda is inconsistent. It passed a long time inside, but it was only a short time past.

Chen Zong didn't rush into the Ninth Hall, but practiced Jiuxiao Yulei Jianjue continuously in the Eighth Hall.

The King of Jiu Xiao Sword even shot in person and fed Chen Zong so that Chen Zong could master the essence of Jiu Xiao Yu Lei Jian Jue in the shortest time.

I have to say that the practice of Jiuxiao Sword King moved Chen Zong very much, so he tried his best to practice.

The first move, Lei Hong, master, one sword out, Lei Guang blazing, instantly condensing the power of horror, the violent outrageous outburst, the power is amazing, as if to break everything.

The second move, Lei Shan, not only possesses the thunderous power of Lei Hong, but also has the agility and high speed that Lei Hong does not have. One sword comes out, and it kills instantly.

As for the third trick, Jiu Xiao Yu Lei, is a trick. In a short time, Chen Zong cannot master it. It is too difficult. The idea of ​​this trick is very high, like the **** thunder above Jiu Xiao.

"Yueguang's Taoism means only middle-order Taoism. Only by transforming into high-order Taoism can you master Jiuxiao Yulei." Jiuxiao Sword King said without Xu Buji.

"Thank you, seniors," said Chen Zongxing.

Although the King of Swords in front of him is a youth, his age is farther than himself for countless years. It is no exaggeration to call it a senior.

"I hope you can pass on the Jiuxiao Imperial Thunder Sword Technique." Jiuxiao Sword King said, this is also the purpose he taught to Chen Zong, not to let the door pass.

"Okay." Chen Zong's answer was simple, but it was an agreement between the sword repairers.

Since the third trick could not be mastered for the time being, Chen Zong did not force it.

Jiu Xiao Yu Lei Jian Jue is indeed an amazing sword tactic, but Chen Zong will not use it as his major sword technique, but only draws the essence and mystery of it to perfect his sword technique and kendo.

Adopting the strengths of hundreds of families, blending their own swords, achieving the highest achievement, this is Chen Zong's sword.

Another point is that Jiu Xiao Yu Lei Jian Jue can cultivate the meaning of thunder, and can make his thunder and light concept transform into a higher-level concept, and even become the top-level Jiuxiao lightning concept in the future.

"If you can, fight with the Emperor of the Sword King." Jiuxiao Sword King said, this is his previous goal, but unfortunately, it cannot be achieved.

"Okay." Chen Zong nodded again.

I have to fight not only with the sword emperor, but also with the Emperor Lingwu. I do n’t know how powerful the Emperor Lingwu was in his youth.

The eighth temple is for the dustless temple.

After a fierce battle, Chen Zong defeated the Dustless King and entered the Ninth Hall with the realm of heart and Wanliu force field.

The ninth temple, named Shenguang Temple, sits in the town and is the Holy King of Shenguang.

The speed of the King of the Holy Light is extremely amazing. Whether it is the speed of the body or the speed of the shot, it is terrible. When people have no time to react, they have been defeated and killed.

But in the realm of Chen Zong's compressed heart, the speed of Shenguang Saint King was captured.

The most proud of the Holy Light King is speed. With that terrible speed, the Holy Light King defeated one of the peerless evils and ranked sixth in the Nine-colored Seal.

But in the face of Chen Zong, his divine speed couldn't exert his full power, and he was eventually defeated by Chen Zong.

Rao is so. Chen Zong is also shocked by the speed of Shenguang Shengwang. If he doesn't master the realm of mind, he is probably not his opponent.

The tenth hall, the palace hall, sits for the King of Heiyu.

When confronted with the King of the Black Domain, Chen Zong knew why the King of the Holy Light could not defeat the King of the Black Domain.

The practice of the King of the Black Realm is very terrible. When it is urged, it looks like it is going to turn into a black hole, covering all directions. It seems to master everything. No matter how fast it is, it will be affected.

And with every move of the Black King Saint, the power is amazing, as if it were a black hole bombardment, it automatically absorbs everything around.

It can be said that each hit of the King of the Black Realm focuses on the mystery of the Mountain King's unique skill and heavy mountain fist, which affects Chen Zong's sword, and the power is imperceptibly shifted, weakened, and difficult to hit the opponent.

"This class of martial arts ..." Chen Zong secretly was shocked, feeling that the martial arts of the King of the Black Realm seemed to be a fusion of martial arts and force fields, and the power was amazing.

But I don't know how the sage king of Heiyu merged martial arts with force field.

And this is also the contemporary reliance on the Black Crown Holy Crown.

This battle is tough.

Chen Zong exerted his sword skills to the extreme, Wanli force field also exerted to the extreme, combined with the realm of the heart, the battle was endless.

With each collision, Chen Zong is pursuing the mystery of the martial arts of the black king.

Fight fight!

One sword is infinite.

With the cooperation of the Wanliu force field and the realm of the heart, the power of the black realm king Heiyu is offset, an infinite sword, and the mysterious and endless close-kills, leaving the black realm king tired to cope.

Immediately, Jianguang passed by, tearing the throat of the Lord of the Black Realm, terrible sword gas invaded it, and a sword was killed.

This battle was very difficult, but in the end, I still won.

The eleventh hall is a new hall named Xuangu Hall, which is the first hall of Xuangu Holy King, and the Xuangu Holy King is Taixuan Shengzi.

"I didn't expect you to be able to come here." Taixuan Shengzi sat high on the throne and looked down. When he saw Chen Zong, he was surprised and then smiled coldly.

Chen Zong was also surprised. The son of Tai Xuan even broke into this place, ranking fourth in the Nine-colored Seal, which is truly amazing.

"Here is your end point." Taixuan Shengzi said again.

"You can try." Chen Zongbu Xu Buji responded.

Immediately, Chen Zong had another doubt. The Taixuan Shengzi here is obviously not the outside Taixuan Shengzi's deity, maybe a means to seal the king tower, but he has all the memories and emotions of the Taixuan Shengzi, which is really strange. .


Tai Xuan Shengzi shot an instant, not temptation, but directly took out his strength, the sword came out of the sheath, the knife light tore through the sky, and killed instantly.

This knife seems to split the heavens and the earth, unmatched in power and terrible, it seems that nothing can resist between heaven and earth.

The jifeng sword came out of the scabbard, the jifeng cut and killed, and the fengjian was unmatched.

Tai Xuan's Heaven and Earth Gong is fully urged, the dim shadow of one side of the world condenses, the Xuan Xuan force field is displayed, as if the two are combined into one, the second sword is subsequently killed, and the power has multiplied many times.

Chop Chop!

As soon as the sword was released, Tai Xuan Shengzi burst out with amazing strength and killed him relentlessly.

The sword is as magnificent as the sky and the sky.

Chen Zong had previously fought with Taixuan Shengzi. Under a fierce battle, there was no victory or defeat, but at that time, Taixuan Shengzi probably did not burst out of full force, and he has already burst out of full force.

Now several years have passed, his cultivation and strength have been greatly improved, but Taixuan Shengzi's cultivation and strength have also been greatly improved.

Therefore, Chen Zong does not have much confidence in beating Taixuan Shengzi. After all, Taixuan Shengzi ’s cultivation is better than himself in the early stage of the sacred realm, and his skill is greater than himself. Xuan Yuan Jue is more domineering and the level of cultivation is higher.

However, the Taixuan Shengzi in front of him is practicing to be consistent with himself.

Under the same practice, Chen Zong does not think he will lose to the other party.


Wanliu force field!

Field of Hearts!

Da Xuan Yuan Jue also fully promoted, already reaching the 28th floor, not far from the top 30 floors.

At this level, it is only inferior to the twenty-ninth layer of Taixuan Shengzi, and it is gradually catching up.

Taixuan Shengzi's Xiu Wei is even with himself ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong also found that his strength is terrible.

However, Tai Xuan Shengzi was able to defeat many powerful enemies and ranked fourth in the Nine-colored Seal of Kings, and indeed had his amazing strength.

After all, Chen Zong has also played against those extinct demon sins before, and I know deeply that the arrogant strength of those extinct demon sins is very amazing. Although he defeated them one by one, the process was not easy.

Taixuan Shengzi can defeat them with the same cultivation, fully showing its power.

Now, this Taixuan Shengzi has become his own rival.

All he has to do is to defeat and kill the Taixuan Shengzi, and then challenge the third-place Eternal Night Lord.

Mo Huang Yong Ye!

It can be known that Taixuan Shengzi challenged, but lost, how powerful is the Lord of the Night.

And what about the Sword Emperor who is ranked above the Lord of Eternal Night?

With the title of Sword Emperor, without a prefix, how amazing.

How terrible is its swordmanship.

Chen Zong yearns for it.

Even the Lingwu Emperor, who has been ranked first, has never been surpassed since ancient times, how amazing it is.

However, the premise of everything is to defeat Tai Xuan Shengzi first.

Then, to defeat the real Taixuan Shengzi, start with the Taixuan Shengzi in front of you.

The clash of swords and swords collided, and numerous sparks sprang out. Both Chen Zong and Tai Xuan Shengzi were determined to kill each other.

Chen Zong didn't know them before, but Tai Xuan Shengzi had grudges with Chen Zong.

In a way, it is the enemy.

Even if the death here is not a real death, kill the other party for whatever reason.

This battle is more fierce than the previous battle.

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