Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 111: Taoist extreme

(Liu Da knows that everyone wants me to explode, and I also want to explode, that means more money can be used for the New Year, but it is the end of the year, and there are more big and small things that take up a lot of time and some are not enough)

From the original King of the Heavy Mountain to the Lord of the Eternal Night, Chen Zong's infinite endless chain sword is constantly advancing.

Regardless of his accumulated sword skills in the past, or the twenty-four dragon and snake images obtained in the Lingwu Holy Land, Chen Zong is constantly enlightening, constantly analyzing the mysteries, and incorporating them into the infinite infinite sword.

It used to be accumulation, but now the battle for life and death with the powerful and talented superb geniuses is advancing.

Thick accumulation of hair!


Today's infinite sword, its mystery and mighty power, has surpassed many before, surpassed, and has a touch of transcendence.

It's just subtle, Chen Zong hasn't noticed it yet.

But in the eyes of the sword emperor, this sword seems to have endless possibilities.

Thousands of swords!

One sword!

Another example is the dragon and snake rising from the land. This exquisiteness surprised the Emperor of the Sword, and his eyes twinkled.

After all, the sword emperor is the sword emperor. Its swordsmanship and kendo are extremely brilliant. Although that sword cannot kill Chen Zong, the infinite sword also returns with no success.

The two sides seemed to have a tacit understanding. After the two swords fought, they quickly retreated, their eyes gazing at each other.

Each other was surprised by each other's swordsmanship.

Very strong!

Very bright!

However, Chen Zong was also very clear that if he started, he would not challenge the King of Chongshan, but the Emperor of the Sword, and he would probably not be his opponent.

It was the battle that started one after another, and the potential that he had accumulated over the years was constantly inspired. Although the cultivation was unchanged, the swordmanship became more and more perfect, and the strength was also enhanced. To the point, he can fight against the sword emperor without losing.

"The martial arts swordsmanship, the palm of the sword, is a limit for many practitioners." The sword emperor did not issue a sword anymore, but spoke, not Xu Buji.

Chen Zong didn't know what he meant, but he never sent a sword. Instead, he stared at the sword emperor and listened.

"On top of the sword, it is for the domain, to transform the domain into meaning." Sword Emperor Road.

Chen Zong was a little surprised.

What the sword emperor said was sword meaning, but it also meant Tao.

After all, the sword is a kind of Tao.

Above the Tao, it is said to be the domain, that seems to belong to the level of the great sacred realm. Compared with himself now, the difference is extremely great.

"There is another realm in meaning and realm, which is polar."

The words of the sword emperor flashed Chen Zong's eyes.

Taoist extreme state!

That still belongs to the level of mind, but its power is above the mind.

Some of the top half-step sacred powers have mastered the power of Taoism.

"I have a sword, but I haven't reached the extreme, but I'm approaching the extreme. Please taste." The sword emperor's voice dropped, as if a tone, so that Chen Zong immediately understood the purpose of those words he said.

A sword approaching the extremes!

Chen Zong was startled, and gave birth to inexplicable expectations and excitement.

How strong is the sword that Emperor Jian attaches so much importance to?

The Emperor Sword looked as if he had a pilgrimage, and Chen Zong also looked intently.

"My sword ... the name of the Emperor!" The voice of the Emperor was even more solemn and solemn.

With the fall of the sword emperor's voice, the sword emperor's body seemed to be shrouded in an indescribable breath, which seemed to be a force field, but not a force field, distorting the air around him, as if the force had exceeded the original limit and reached A whole new height and the surroundings are unbearable.

Under the distortion, a phantom of shadow condensed on the sword emperor. That phantom seemed to be a figure that overlapped with the figure of the sword emperor and merged into one.


Chen Zong didn't know how to describe the sword.

Say it's slow, it looks really slow, but it seems fast, to the extreme.

This feeling of fast and slow is very contradictory, but it also appears in a sword at the same time, but that is the second, the real arrogance is an extreme power, as if the king came to the earth to suppress everything. For a moment, Chen Zong felt his body It seems to be suppressed and solidified, so it cannot move.

But Chen Zong also clearly realized that he was not unable to move, but was too late to react.

It's a strange feeling and it's hard to say clearly.

All in all, the power of this sword is extremely arrogant, making it difficult to resist.

A terrible sword.

When a sword comes out, the void under the sword becomes a vacuum directly.

break out!

Chen Zong did his best to explode his heart and soul.

This sword will be stronger if it is strong, and weaker if it is weak.

Its strength and weakness, from the heart.

In the face of the sword of the Emperor Jian Zong, if Chen Zong was attacked and his mind was weakened, he would have to wait for death. On the contrary, Chen Zong was not weakened by the attack, but a stronger mind and belief broke out.

Extremely strong!

Belief comes first!

Although this will not allow the Heart Sword Taoism to break through the nine revolutions to reach the extreme, it will also allow the potential of Heart Sword Taoism to explode in an instant, and the power will increase greatly.


This detonation was just an instant, but it was instantaneous. An infinite sword was killed immediately, and one sword became a million swords.

As if the meteor is shining in the night sky, leaving an immortal trail.

Xeon sword, but collapsed under the sword of the Emperor.

The terrible sword swiftly killed, but the outbreak of the infinite sword also won a chance for Chen Zong, retreating instantly, and the sword light serialized.

The serial sword is the most powerful layer of weakening power. However, this trick still falls apart under the Emperor's Shadow.





Continuously cast, as many as being defeated by the Emperor Shadow, and the swords fought, a force of unstoppable power rushed to the death, the tiger's mouth cracked, blood splattered, and the arms and veins of the arm seemed to be damaged by that horrible force , Body shape flew out.

A mouthful of blood couldn't help vomiting, and Chen Zong looked pale.

too strong.

After smashing the infinite and infinite serial sword again and again, he suffered even more.

If the Emperor Sword kills again, Chen Zong will lose.

However, the sword emperor put his sword into his sheath: "You won."

Chen Zong stunned for a moment, then immediately understood.

There are two reasons.

First, it is not easy for the sword emperor to cast the sword of the emperor. It takes time. In the process, he can attack the sword and interrupt it, but he does not.

Second, the sword of the emperor obviously overdrawn the power of the sword emperor. After all, this is only the sword emperor of the youth.

There may be a third reason, but Chen Zong didn't think much about it. In his mind, there was the sword of Emperor Jian near the pole.

A sword approaching the sword's extreme realm is really terrible.

"Lingwu Emperor is very strong." Sword Emperor returned to the throne and said to Chen Zong.

After Chen Zongxing's sword, he stepped towards the portal.

As soon as I passed through the portal, a mysterious force poured into the body. Instantly, Chen Zong's injury was healed in an instant, and the consumed power was completely restored in an instant.

At its peak, step into the last palace of Lingwu Emperor's Palace: Lingwu Palace.

"For many years, you are the second person to step into the Temple of Lingwu except the Emperor of the Sword." The figure on the throne is not so tall, but it has an indescribable magnificent momentum, as if it is the center of heaven and earth. Everything must follow him.

This kind of prestige, directly called Chen Zong shocked inexplicable, straight through the mind.

Emperor Lingwu!

This is Emperor Lingwu in his youth.

But I don't know if the Emperor Lingwu in his youth already had the magical power of Supreme Master Wu.

It should be nothing.

"Draw your sword, defeat me, you will reach the top." Ling Wudi's voice sounded again, with a certain rhythm, shaking in all directions, as if all the power around him would be controlled by him, making Chen Zong's look more dignified.

Ling Wudi's words fell, but he sat on the throne without moving, as if waiting for Chen Zong to take the initiative.

For a moment, Chen Zong adjusted the spirit of vitality, strength mobilized and condensed, the sword came out of the sheath, the sword light crossed the sky, and turned into a sharp sword sword that broke through the air and killed.

That sword light was shot like a waning moon, as if dividing the Lingwu Hall into two, and mercilessly killed the Emperor Lingwu on the throne.

Emperor Lingwu's eyelids were raised slightly, but he did not see the gesture, but just pointed out.

The finger spiraled out of the air and burst through the air, but it instantly shattered the moonlight-like sword light and shot to Chen Zong like a bamboo shoot. This finger suddenly called Chen Zong's pupils to contract.

It looks like a common finger, but it makes me feel palpitated, as if it can penetrate everything.

With the eyes staring, the fingers twisted like a drill through everything.

The seventh step of Lei Jiu Jiutian!

Immediately, Chen Zongyi sword blasted out and used the first form of Jiuxiao Royal Thunder Sword of Jiuxiao Sword King: Lei Hong.

Lei Hong's power was amazing. The thunder was powerful and overwhelming, and he was killed instantly. The power was amazing. For a moment, he actually merged with the power of Lei Jiu Jiutian to break the original limit ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~.

Lingwu Emperor's expression did not change half a point, and once again pointed out, the forceful fingers broke.

The power of this finger is much stronger than the first finger.

Lei Hong's sword was extremely violent. It seemed to destroy everything. The power seemed very amazing, but the power of Lingwu Emperor's finger seemed not strong enough, but it was extremely restrained.

One finger struck through the sky, and immediately penetrated Lei Guang, killing Chen Zong like a bamboo.

The eighth step of Lei Jiu Jiutian!

Lei Guang immediately wrapped Chen Zong's body up and down, fiercely fierce, avoiding the finger of Emperor Ling Wu.

Jiuxiao Imperial Thunder Sword Technique Second Form: Thunder Flash!

The mighty power bursts out, as if a bit more integrated, the power is even stronger.


The Lightning Sword crushes the sky, crushing the vacuum.

Its power is much more powerful than that of Lei Hong.

There was a smile under Emperor Lingwu's eyes, but his figure remained unchanged. He still raised a finger, and gently, as if the point was on the water surface. Ripples rippled away at his fingertips. Immediately, it was a terrible thing. Fingers broke.

This finger is much more arrogant than the previous two.

Thunder Sword was defeated again and killed Chen Zong directly.

Chen Zong slashed his sword, smashed his fingers, and shot again with a sword.

Feng Huo Jian Fury!

This is a powerful sword that erupted after the fusion of the eight-turn ground fire Taoism and the eight-turn hurricane Taoism. It is extremely powerful and covers everything in front of it, as if everything in front is crushed and destroyed, and it is turned into powder. .

Emperor Lingwu moved slightly, apparently surprised by the power of Chen Zong.

The power of blending Taoism is strong.

Immediately, Emperor Lingwu stood up.

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