Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 112: Pinnacle

Lingwu Emperor's figure is not tall or mighty, but together, it seems like a giant is standing up to the sky. The entire Lingwu Emperor Palace is trembling. The terrible breath hits the surrounding air, causing numerous ripples and ripples. , Into a surging wave.

Under the eyes of Chen Zong's sharp eyes, he only faintly saw Emperor Lingwu's right hand stretched out. His five fingers changed countless times in an instant, as if a goshawk soared, as if a giant whale was out of the water, mysterious.

The bombardment was so angry that it could destroy all the wind and fire swords. It paused for a moment. Then, it was beaten and bombarded continuously by the volatile palm of the Emperor Lingwu, and it was difficult to hurt the slightest.

Chen Zong's pupils shrank slightly, Lingwu Emperor was really strong.

Warfare erupted, sword intent.

The eighth step of Lei Jiu Jiutian!

Suddenly, Chen Zong turned into thunder, and its speed seemed to be a little faster, leaving a light black straight scratch like a sword cut across the sky.


There was a smile on the corner of Lingwu Emperor's mouth, his shoulders seemed to be inconceivable, and his figure flickered slightly, becoming a bit fuzzy, cut by Chen Zongyi sword, but dissipated like bubbles.

However, Chen Zong, as if being hit by a huge force, uncontrollably flew upside down, his blood trembling endlessly.

At one instant, the sword was cut, and Emperor Lingwu not only evaded but also counterattacked. Fortunately, Chen Zong responded in time and reluctantly returned to the sword to resist, otherwise he would only be hurt.

Emperor Lingwu was slightly surprised that the opponent blocked his own attack, but this kind of battle was more interesting.

His body flickered again, and Emperor Lingwu took the initiative to approach Chen Zong.



Very fast!

The two men fought close to each other, countless sparks splattered, countless power fluctuations and shocks, as if the vacuum ripples burst, endless.

There were sparks and ripples everywhere in the entire Lingwu Emperor's Palace. The two vague figures constantly staggered, impacted, and spread in all directions. The horrible power seemed to shatter the Lingwu Emperor's Palace into ruins.

But Lingwu Emperor's Palace did not know what materials were cast, it was extremely hard, and under the impact of the two men's terrible power, they were not damaged at all.

"Okay, I didn't expect that among the latecomers, there were geniuses like you." The young Emperor Lingwu smiled very cheerfully. He was the best of his generation, surpassing an era, and he felt lonely.

After countless years, only the Emperor of the Sword defeated the peerless evils of each era and walked in front of him, fighting fiercely with himself, but he was not his opponent, and he eventually lost.

At present, Emperor Lingwu is feeling. At this moment, he seems to be better than the sword emperor, and it is worth his full shot.


The momentum soared to the sky, as if smashing the dome of the Lingwu Emperor Palace. The terrifying atmosphere suppressed all directions, and heaven and earth seemed to be controlled.

At the same time, Chen Zong also urged with all his strength to release an amazing breath of kendo. An imaginary sword appeared all over his body, filled with incomparable sharp edges, cutting heaven and earth to tear everything.

The battles again and again inspired their own potential. Unconsciously, Chen Zong was making progress and constantly improving, even if it was just a slight improvement, it also had a great impact.

It is like a sword embryo, constantly being forged, constantly beaten, becoming a sword, and then being sharpened into a true sword.

Emperor Lingwu does not use weapons, he himself is the best weapon.

As soon as the offensive was launched, Emperor Lingwu exhibited an astonishing martial arts, which can only be described in four words, broad and profound.

Each move is a different martial arts move, and contains the essence and mystery of different martial arts.

Rigid, strong, soft, weak, urgent, slow, explosive ...

Flexible and changeable, it seems endless. The sword emperor is defeated by this attack, because it changes too much, too fast, it is difficult to keep up, and it will gradually fall behind and eventually be defeated.

The name of Emperor Lingwu is not vain, but he is extremely brilliant, and his understanding is amazing. He practiced martial arts like water and water, combined with his amazing origin and training. Therefore, in his youth, he has already read a lot of books, and The martial arts in those classics are cultivated and mastered to a very high level.

There are so many martial arts, as if they are full of stars. What is more amazing is that Lingwu Emperor is not a rigid application, but truly masters its essence. It is a fluctuating application that can be changed with ease, which is even more difficult to prevent and resist.

If they can't keep up with their rhythm, they will soon be suppressed by the opponent, fall behind, and eventually be defeated or even killed.

However, Chen Zong's infinite endless serial sword has similarities with Ling Wudi's complicated and varied martial art style.

Of course, the real difference is that Ling Wudi's martial arts style is complex and changeable, and there is a sense of disorder, while Chen Zong's sword style is the core, which contains all kinds of changes.

It is based on the infinite and infinite serial swords, and draws on the mysteries and essences of other martial arts, and constantly improves and perfects this sword technique, improving its level, so that it contains more essence and changes.

Chen Zong was pleasantly surprised, and Emperor Lingwu was surprised. It was an unexpected feeling.

One core is changeable, and one core is unchanged.

Variability and invariance seem to be the opposite, but they have the same purpose.

Seeing Xin Xixi, the two set aside the others for the time being, exhibited their core martial arts, and continued to fight each other.

Emperor Lingwu's accomplishments in martial arts were beyond Chen Zong's expectations. Chen Zong felt that his infinite and infinite serial sword would become more sophisticated.

The Emperor Lingwu was also surprised by Chen Zong's swordsmanship, and he showed his martial arts and kept fighting fiercely.

Time passes slowly, and the time in the Fengwang Tower is different from the outside time. In the tower, the outside world was only a short time in the past.

However, it is clear that Chen Zong's time in the King's Tower has exceeded Tai Xuan Shengzi, and some whispering has been sounded. The content is nothing more than guessing where Chen Zong broke into.

Taixuan Shengzi was expressionless and could not see what he was thinking inside, but gazing into the depths of Fengwang Pagoda, from time to time, a sharp cold like a knife flashed, as if tearing the void.

He wasn't calm at all.

No, no one is allowed to surpass themselves.

Although he was only ranked fourth in the Nine-colored Seal, he could not defeat the Lord of the Night, the Sword Emperor and the Emperor Lingwu, and reached the top, but he must also become the top genius and evil in this era. Previous generation.

The Son of Heaven and the Son of Zhengu are also a bit sceptical. The time when Chen Zong entered the King's Tower seems to be a little longer than that of Taixuan.

Although it is said that a long entry time does not necessarily mean that you have reached a higher level, after all, sometimes evenly matched enemies are caught in a hard battle, and it is normal to find it difficult to distinguish between victory and defeat in a short period of time.

But at the same time, they felt a feeling at the same time, perhaps, Chen Zong had surpassed them, and even surpassed Taixuan Shengzi.

If true, they would only be happy, because the Son of Tai Xuan would not be the one standing on top.

The look of the palace punishment is very ugly.

Could it be said that Chen Zong had grown up enough to threaten his brother Gongtian God?

Do not!

Gongtian Xing suddenly shook his head. At this point, it is absolutely impossible to surpass his brother, but it is a demon that is called the reincarnation of God.

No matter what other people think, Chen Zong and the young Emperor Lingwu are fighting endlessly and fiercely within the royal tower and in the Lingwu Emperor's Palace.

For a time, with their respective martial arts, neither of them fought close to each other, but they were evenly matched.

Chen Zong's swordsmanship is advancing, and the young Emperor Lingwu seems to be improving as well.


Constantly inspired, breaking the limit, surpassing the limit, and raising the limit again and again.

"The battle with you is really fun. Then, let ’s try my own Lingwu Sanshou." Lingwu Emperor made a sound as he shot.

Immediately, his breath changed, he was more erratic, but he was extremely cohesive. The abnormal feeling made Chen Zong feel contradictory, and his alertness was raised to the extreme.

Suddenly, Emperor Lingwu shot, as if flying cranes spread wings, seemingly simple, its trajectory is clear, but extremely mysterious, giving Chen Zong a fit with the world, as if flying from below the surface of the void.

Everything can't resist its power, it will be pierced and torn.

A terrible blow, the mouth of the flying crane is like a sharp sword, and the wings of the flying crane are like blades.

This blow condensed a bit of mystery between the sword and the sword.



Suddenly, Chen Zong came out with a sword.

Sword light is endless, layer upon layer, as silk and smoke, each sword seems to weave, interlacing endlessly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ continuously weakening the power of flying crane.

Emperor Lingwu's eyes were slightly brightened, this trick, really mysterious, as if there was no sign of self-integration.

Moreover, with the eyesight of Emperor Lingwu, it can be seen that the potential of this trick is still not being developed to the extreme. If it reaches the extreme, perhaps it will really stand on its own, cycle independently, without beginning and end. Difficult to break.

Even if it has not reached the extreme, its amazing power has also weakened Fei Heshou's power. When he was killed in front of Chen Zong, only 30% of his power was left and he was defeated by Chen Zongyi sword.


The sword light is continuous and changing, and contains active mysteries. Each sword is exquisitely delicate and flexible, full of many changes, as if covering all directions, as if from the front.

This sword, called the young Emperor Lingwu's eyes, was brighter and forced to shoot out.

Lingwu Sanshou second move: Jinghong hand!

As soon as Jing Hong's hand was on display, it seemed as if a huge black bird was passing by. It was faster than Fei Heshou and sharper than Fei Heshou.

In essence, this shocking hand is the promotion and strengthening of Feihe hand, and its power is even stronger.

Jinghong's hand is like a bird. It is constantly torn and killed, and Jianguang is crushed together, but at the same time, Jinghong's hand is also affected, and its power is constantly weakening.

When the sword light turned, Chen Zongshi exhibited an infinite sword. Countless sword lights converged into a single moment. This sword light seemed to be magnificent, can crush the vacuum, and seemed to condense like a thread. It could pierce all things without mercy. The killing of Xiangxiang Emperor Emperor instantly passed through that horrifying hand, showing no mercy.

"Good!" Lingwu Emperor couldn't help but yell, the power of the third sword is even more amazing, and the mystery is even more amazing. It completely made him feel threatened and felt bloody.

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