Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 114: Ancient and modern 1

The King Tower in the King Kingdom.

On the King Tower, the light is flowing, it is nine colors, it is gorgeous, it is magnificent.

All eyes were attracted, staring at Fengwang Tower.

Chen Zong ’s breakout of the tower is finally over. Many people actually know him. After all, after the battle for the places of spiritual and holy places in various circles, Chen Zong ’s reputation has already spread.

Today, he ’s spent a lot more time smashing the pagoda than Taixuan Shengzi, which is full of expectations.

In this way, it should be possible to detonate the nine-color ceiling.

Gaze stared, attracted everyone's attention.

Jiu Caiguang bloomed from the bottom of Fengwang Pagoda. Immediately, it rose up layer by layer until it reached the top, and instantly turned into the first red streamer, rushing towards the sky.


Instantly at high altitude, the crimson streamer exploded, instantly turning into countless channels, and at the highest altitude into countless meteors, a path of red light diffused, extremely gorgeous, as if burning red flames across the sky , Draw the most beautiful trajectory, beautiful and beautiful, people addicted.

When the crimson light exploded and the trajectory crossed in all directions, from the top of the Fengwang Tower, there was another orange streamer soaring into the sky, and it exploded to the highest point, sending out countless orange meteors across the most beautiful Track.

The third way is yellow.

The fourth way is green.

The fifth way is cyan.

Sixth, turn blue.

The seventh way is purple.

The eighth way is silver.

Ninth, it looks the most dazzling, it is golden.

Nine-colored light and nine-color smallpox detonated.

Extremely gorgeous!


Extremely shocking!

At the same time, above the heavenly sanctuary outside the sky, nine-color smallpox appeared out of nowhere and exploded. Its nine-colored light hit all directions, covering all the sky, and shocked everyone.

"who is it?"

"Apart from the Son of Tai Xuan, who else can set off a colorful ceiling?"

"Some two people detonated the nine-color smallpox. Is this another prosperous world?"

"When comparable to the prosperous period of Lingwu Emperor."


Everyone was shocked. Since ancient times, only in the era of Emperor Lingwu, there have been two peerless demons that detonated the nine-color smallpox, and now, after countless years, they have appeared again.

And, unlike the time of Emperor Lingwu, the nine-color ceiling was detonated twice this time, with few time intervals, but only a few hours.

In other words, the two people who detonated the colorful ceiling should still be in the kingdom of Kings at this moment.

This is even more shocking than the days of Emperor Lingwu.

In addition, many people have noticed that the coverage of the nine-color ceiling that detonated this time seems to be larger than the previous one.

"Can it be said that the one who detonated the nine-color smallpox before was not Taixuan Shengzi, but someone else. This time, it was the Taixuan Shengzi detonating?"

Such thinkers are those who have great confidence in Tai Xuan Shengzi, but also represent the views of most people.

"Is it him?" Xuankong Luo stared up at the sky, watching the gorgeous nine-color ceiling, secretly guessing, but not sure, after all, it was amazing.

From ancient times to the present, every person who exploded the nine-color smallpox can definitely become the most powerful of the Holy Land, and also one of the best among them.

In the kingdom of Kings, everyone was stunned, and Tai Xuan Shengzi's hands were subconsciously tightened, his fingers were almost twisted, and the blue tendons on the back of his hands protruded, showing his inner volatility and anger.

Because the scale of the nine-color ceiling is even bigger than hiss.

The ranking on the Fengwang tablet is closely related to the size of the smallpox detonated.

The larger the scale, the higher its ranking.

Now, the scale of the smallpox detonated by that person is completely better than his own, indicating that the other party's ranking is above himself and is unacceptable.


Gong Tianxing was completely stunned.

This ... This clearly has surpassed his brother Gongtian God.

How could there be such a terrible person.

Is he the true reincarnation of God?

The son of Zhengu and the son of Tianzhu were also very shocked, but after the shock, they were pleasantly surprised.

In this way, in this era, it is not too honorable.

Someone is above Taixuan Shengzi. Although it is not them, this feeling is still very good.

Nine-colored smallpox was completely detonated, and its streamer suddenly covered the sky of the royal kingdom, falling from the edge of the sky, extremely gorgeous, reflecting the faces of all people, making them extremely shocked, shocked from the heart.

Tai Xuan Shengzi stared at the colorful ceiling in the sky, his eyes were full of murder.

At the same time, Chen Zong's figure appeared in the Fengwang Pagoda, which also attracted everyone's attention, all shocked or blazed.

Only Tai Xuan Shengzi's eyes are full of murderous power, as if the sword-like Sen Han Fengrui is to pierce Chen Zong.

But Chen Zong was not afraid to look at Tai Xuan Shengzi.

It is true that within the King Tower, he had confronted the Taixuan Shengzi and defeated him. Although it was not the true Taixuan Shengzi, the real Taixuan Shengzi would only become stronger, but Chen Zong always not afraid.

Even now, Xiu Wei has an obvious gap in the heavy sky. When he really fights, who wins or loses is still an unknown number. After all, he is greatly improved in the King Tower.

In addition, after detonating the nine-color ceiling, he was recognized by the Fengwang Tower and the will of the heavens and the earth. Intangible feelings about the mystery of this heaven and earth were at least twice as clear.

Originally, Chen Zong's understanding was very amazing. His understanding of the mysteries of heaven and earth is far better than other geniuses. Today, his understanding of the mysteries of heaven and earth has doubled, as if his understanding had been improved in disguise.

Of course, this is not the same as the direct improvement of perception. If the perception is improved, the effect of enlightenment is comprehensive. No matter what the enlightenment is, it will be faster, but the present ascension is aimed at the mysteries of heaven and earth.

However, the mystery of the heavens and the earth is very important. It is the path of cultivation of the practitioners. Therefore, it is very useful. After multiplication, although no effect can be seen in a short time, the gain will be extremely amazing over time.

Chen Zong has absolute confidence and surpasses Taixuan Shengzi.

"the first!"

The exclamation sounded immediately, and many people's eyes were gazing at one another. The eyes of Shengxuan Taixuan could not help but move away from Chen Zong's face, and landed on the monument of King Jiucaifeng.

first place!

Sword Emperor Chen Zong!

"Sword Emperor!"

Everyone was shocked, even with Emperor as the title.

From ancient times to the present, the Emperor's word was the title, but it was only the Emperor Lingwu, which shows its difficulty and its amazingness.

Today, there is one more.

Sword Emperor!

Emperor with a sword represents his amazing talents and accomplishments in one of the swords.

This is not a title given by others casually, nor is it a title that they brag about themselves, but a title recognized and given by the will of Wang Wang and Tian Tian.

Fenghua Peerless!

The first person ever since!

For a moment, all eyes were shocked, shocked to the extreme.

Tai Xuan Shengzi's eyes became more and more stern, full of terrible killings, the killings were shocking, spreading out, making everyone feel terrified.

The killing was as if Chen Zong was to be killed directly, but Chen Zong could not be compromised.

This is the Fengwang Tower. The Taixuan Shengzi dare not act, because once it is started, it will be subject to the suppression and punishment of the Fengwang Tower. The consequences are very serious, and no one dares to offend.

"You are waiting." Taixuan Shengzi said to Chen Zong, and immediately his body faded, disappeared in the eyes of everyone, and left.

Now that he has passed the Fengwang Pagoda and obtained an amazing title, Chen Zong has no need to stay here.

The next breath, Chen Zong's body also quickly faded, disappearing in the eyes of everyone.

After Chen Zong's departure, all of them suddenly seemed to explode, all kinds of discussions.



After this day, the news will be spread, and then the Nine Realms will shake.

After all, the detonation of colorful ceilings is amazing, the explosion of colorful ceilings is even more amazing, and the explosion of nine-color ceilings is incomparable. There are very few ancient and modern times, let alone two people have detonated colorful ceilings continuously.

What's more important is that one of the nine-color smallpox was astonishing in size. It got the title of Emperor and went directly to the top of Lingwu Emperor. It became the first evil in ancient times.

So, the world should be shocked.

Outside of the kingdom of the king, in the Yuanyuan sacred realm Xuanyuan realm, where Chen Zong left originally, a burst of colorful light flickered like a wave of water, flickering, and soon, a figure also emerged, which was Chen Zong .

Chen Zongyi stands in the world of Xuanyuan Realm ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ With his eyes closed, he only feels the mystery between heaven and earth, becoming extremely clear, as if lingering in all directions, within reach.

This feeling is unprecedented and wonderful to the extreme.

This is the mystery contained in heaven and earth.

The mysteries of heaven and earth are different in strength. Some places are stronger, they are easier to feel and easier to understand, but some places are weaker, harder to feel, and harder to understand.

At this moment, Chen Zong's feelings about the mysteries of heaven and earth are more than doubled, which means that Chen Zong's speed in understanding the mysteries of heaven and earth will be twice as fast and more than twice as fast.

With the eyes open, deep in the eyes, there seems to be a flow of nine-colored **** light, which contains endless mystery.

"Go back first, then retreat." Chen Zong secretly thought.

Retreat after going back, this is not suitable here.

When the figure was displayed, it suddenly turned into a thunderbolt. It tore through the sky in an instant, flew by at an astonishing speed, and instantly disappeared into the distance.

Although the repair is not improved, the speed is several times faster than when it came, and it is even more amazing.

All the way unimpeded, and without encountering any abnormal situation, Chen Zong flew to his destination while sharing a little heart to understand the mysteries of heaven and earth.

Although this perception is not as good as the retreat, the effect is not bad, especially after crossing the Fengwang Tower, every time, Chen Zong can realize that he is making progress, a little bit of progress, maybe this is nothing. However, when there is a lot of accumulated water and thick accumulation of hair, waiting for accumulation will cause qualitative changes, breaking the original maggots to a higher level and becoming more amazing.

The road to the strong is as if it was really opened for Chen Zong.

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