Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 1: Sword cut Ming Daozi

The sky is clear and blue, as if it were a huge gem, clear and inspiring, pleasing to the eye, high in sky and high in heart.

A thunder light flew by in an instant, and the speed was extremely amazing. It was Chen Zong who was quickly going to the capital of Xuan Yuan. Suddenly, the thunder light adjusted the trajectory slightly, as if it fell down like a meteor. The amazing speed and The momentum seems to be about to crash the ground.

The moment when the thunderbolt was about to hit the ground, there was an instant, and the thunderbolt quickly dissipated, and the figure also became light and fluttering like a feather falling on his feet, and he was not surprised by the dust.

The robe fluttered, as if rippling in the water, and gradually returned to silence.

Chen Zongjing stood still, his eyes closed, thoughtful and enlightened.

Suddenly, the eyelids twitched and opened slightly, and the eyes were bursting with extremely dazzling cold mansions, as if two sharp sword lights were torn through the sky, and the air in the front was torn in a substantial way across the ground. Leaves two straight sword marks.

Ji Feng Sword also emerged from the scabbard instantly, and turned into a sharp and unmatched sword light, tearing the void and killing it forward.

A sword comes out, the sword is brilliant and stern, and it is invincible and unstoppable, as if nothing in the world can block the edge of this sword.

But when the sword light was about to smash into the megalith, it suddenly became soft, as if it had been tempered into fingers and softened, and instantly surrounded the megalith.

The sword light disappeared, and the boulder pattern remained motionless. After a few breaths, a tiny trace appeared. It surrounded the boulder and was cut in a circle from all directions and straight into the interior.

Rigid and soft!

This sword, Chen Zong did not use any power, just a mystery of the twenty-four dragon and snake figure.

Unconsciously, the swordsmanship has improved.

When the extreme sword returned to the sheath, Chen Zongzheng planned to continue to rise from the air, but he made a slight pause, his eyes gazed ahead, sharp and unmatched, and even the air seemed to become sharp.

A figure was flying from the front, not too fast, but a little leisurely.

Staring at the figure in front of him, there seemed to be ripples and ripples in Chen Zong's eyes, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and that smile seemed to condense a trace of murderous power.

Ming Daozi!

This person was the Ming Dao who brought himself and the four Shangyu Tianjiao into the heavenly sacred realm.

At that time, Ming Daozi, as a strong man in the Tianyuan Sanctuary, apparently gave the Tianjiao a chance to enter the Tianyuan Sanctuary, saying that he worshiped his ancestral gate to become a disciple and be trained.

But this is not the case.

As soon as the Tianjiao entered Tianyuan Sanctuary, they were sold by Ming Daozi and sold to the dark forces. If they were not decisive enough and had good luck, I am afraid that they are still within the dark forces and become the dark forces. Executioner.

It may even be killed.

Perhaps, Ming Daozi brought himself into the Heavenly Yuan Sanctuary, and it is precisely because he entered the Heavenly Yuan Sanctuary that he got all kinds of opportunities to continuously practice and leaps and bounds to the current level, which is impossible for himself in the four upper realms Reach the point.

However, Chen Zong would not be grateful to him, not at all grateful, because from the beginning, Ming Daozi had no good intentions.

Of course, Chen Zong did not deliberately seek out the trace of Ming Daozi, but now that he has encountered it, the grudge should end.

Ming Daozi felt the gaze of Chen Zong's gaze. When he stared at it, he saw a young face, but he felt a little hesitant. Then he felt that this person seemed a little familiar and seemed to have seen it somewhere.

The memories of the practitioners are all good. Only ten years have passed, and Ming Daozi has experienced a lot of things. In addition, he brought the Tianjiao from the four major realms into the heavenly realm and sold them to the dark forces. For him, It's not a big deal, and those days of pride are never taken to heart.

To be honest, the Tianjiao of the Four Great Realms, from Ming Daozi's point of view, after entering Tianyuan Sanctuary, it is nothing at all, and it is difficult to achieve anything, not to mention that they have entered the dark forces, and whether they can survive is still unknown.

In addition, over the past ten years, along with cultivation and grinding, Chen Zong's temperament has changed a lot from before, so Ming Daozi did not recognize it.

However, instinctively, Ming Daozi felt that the person in front of him was not simple, and seemed to pose a threat to himself. Moreover, he was so young that he must be a peerless Tianjiao with an amazing background. Such young Tianjiao ca n’t be against him. If you can make friends, it can't be better.

"Old man Ming Daozi, I don't know what you call him?" Ming Daozi approached Chen Zong, arched his hand and said with a smile, with goodwill.

"My name is Chen Zong." Chen Zong did not Xu Buji, calmly, the sharpness in his eyes seemed to be restrained.

"Chen Zong." Ming Daozi stunned for a while. The name seems to be amazing in these years, but I don't know if this person is the Chen Zong.

After all, the world is so big, it is not surprising that people with the same name and the same name, even some people will deliberately change their name.

"Looks like you don't recognize me." Chen Zong smiled slightly, but this smile fell into Ming Daozi's eyes, but it suddenly made him feel shocked, for no reason.

"Is the old man aware of your Excellency?" Ming Daozi asked a little suddenly.

Although he is a strong man cultivated in the middle of the ninth stage of entering the sacred realm, he is not a weak person in the heavenly sanctuary, but in fact he is not ranked. After all, he is only an ordinary middle of the ninth of the sanctuary. Powerful abounds.

Besides, there is another kind of man called Peerless Tianjiao who can kill the enemy by fighting beyond the ranks.

And the person in front of you, if it is really the famous Chen Zong, is the top peerless arrogant and cannot be an enemy. If there is any misunderstanding, it is better to untie it, even if he has paid some price. Whatever it takes.

"It seems that you really forgot." Chen Zongyou leisurely said: "Ten years ago, the four major domains, those who were deceived into the heavenly realm and sold by the dark forces."

Hearing Chen Zong's words, Ming Daozi's complexion suddenly changed, flashing scene after scene in his mind.

It's only been a dozen years. This time is actually very short. Now I take the initiative to recall, the picture of that year is clear.

The face in front of me suddenly overlapped with a face more than ten years ago.

After all, in that year, Chen Zong's performance was quite outstanding, it was the most valuable one among the four Shangyu Tianjiao, and he was very impressed.

"The grievance that day, today it is." Chen Zong didn't say much. As soon as the voice fell, the sharp sword came out of the sheath, and the sharp sword light broke out instantly. No sword was born. child.

"It turned out to be you, but you escaped, but when you met me, there was only a dead end." Ming Daozi also drank at the same time, the smile on his original face disappeared and replaced by slander and murder.


In the middle of the ninth stage of the sanctuary, the turbulent breath erupted without any reservation, rising into the sky, and Ming Daozi flew forward at a rapid speed, like a cold light, with his fingers close together, from his side to the front. Passing, moving forward suddenly, it seems to pierce everything, sharp.

This blow, as if indestructible, explained the amazing strength of Ming Daozi.

However, such a blow is nothing in the eyes of Chen Zong. Compared with those extinct evildoers before, it is relatively rare.

Under normal circumstances, the strength of Nine-folded Holy Land is indeed stronger than that of Seven-folded Holy Land, which is many times stronger. It is completely crushed and spiked. However, Chen Zong is not an ordinary Seven-folded Holy Land, but a peerless demon of the first era. Strength cannot be counted by common sense at all.

What's more, Chen Zong's previous opponents are peerless and arrogant. Each one is not only powerful, but also very sophisticated in martial arts. Ordinary moves are displayed, all of which have been transformed into magical mysteries.

Ming Dao Zi is just an ordinary sacred realm. Although martial arts is good, it can't be compared with those peerless Tianjiao peerless demons.

However, Ming Daozi is a strong man who is ninefold into the sacred realm. His strength is not weak. Under the huge cultivation gap, it is not easy for Chen Zong to kill it.


Ming Daozi had a deliberate intention to kill Chen Zong while he was killed, otherwise the troubles would be endless.

Similarly, when Chen Zong wanted to settle his grudges, naturally he also wanted to beheaded and killed.

Infinite Promise Sword!

This sword technique unfolded immediately, approaching Ming Daozi immediately, making Deming Daozi busy.

On the practice method, Ming Daozi is inferior to Chen Zong, on martial arts attainment, Ming Daozi is not as good as Chen Zong, and Taoism is not as good as Chen Zong.

The only one who can beat Chen Zong is Xiu Wei, but under all kinds of gaps, Xiu Wei also becomes less important ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Wanliu Force Field!

For a moment, a hundred torrents rushed towards Ming Daozi.

Chen Zong did not intend to fight with him for a long time. Although Ming Daozi's martial arts were good, compared with his previous opponents, the gap was obvious, and he could not have any sharpening effect on himself. In this way, he should be killed as soon as possible.

Under the impact of the Baidao rapids, Ming Taozi's limbs and bones were immediately restrained, it was difficult to move, and in addition to the thriller, he immediately burst into full force to propel the Baidao rapids.

However, when he stretched the shackles of a hundred torrents, the sword light in front of him was faster than lightning, and it surpassed the stream light to penetrate through the sky.


But there was nothing he could do. It felt like a moment, his body became extremely heavy, and it was difficult to move. He could only watch the streamer burst through the air, and then penetrated the eyebrow and flew out of his head.

Ming Daozi gazed at Chen Zong, his eyes gradually faded, full of unwillingness and remorse.

I knew that one day, I should kill this child that year, so that I would not leave such an aftermath and kill myself.

It's a pity that everything is late and there is no regret medicine to eat.

Under the extreme sword, a drop of bright red blood fell, the blade was not dusty, and slowly entered the sheath. The friction between the blade and the sheath was very pleasant.

Chen Zong looked indifferently at Ming Daozi. At that time, the strong man who could only ask himself to look up and let himself look like an ant in front of him, but now he was killed under his sword, and it was not difficult.

In this battle, he did not erupt all strength.

This is the gap between ordinary sanshou and peerless demon evil.

Immediately, Chen Zong searched the road like a well-known vehicle, but this Ming Daozi had a space treasure named Jinguangcheng, which seemed to be pretty good.

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