Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 2: Great Yuan

For Chen Zong, killing Ming Daozi was just a grudge, but it was not a big deal, but Chen Zong also felt that his energy and spirit seemed to have a sublimation.

Rushing all the way, Chen Zong quickly returned to the capital of Xuanyuan King, and immediately rushed to the Xuantian Army camp of the Xuantian Army, and began to retreat.

This is the site of the Xuantian Army, with the protection of the Xuantian God of the Great Holy Realm, even the Xuanyuan Lord, the veteran King of the Great Holy Realm.

If it triggers a battle between the two great holy men, the Xuanyuan dynasty will fall apart. The cost is too great for anyone to bear.

What's more, Chen Zongfeng's sword emperor is a foregone conclusion.

Chen Zong began to practice in isolation, but the outside world turned upside down because of Chen Zong's title.

It turned out that the most evil in this era was not Taixuan Shengzi, but Chen Zong, a humble person who came from the end of the land, no one could have expected that he could reach such a point.

"It's him." Xukong Luo was amazed.

The king of Chu was so gloomy that he couldn't accept it.

The time when the King of Chu broke into the tower was a few years earlier than that of Chen Zong, but it finally detonated, but it was only a colorful ceiling. Although it is extremely amazing compared with most practitioners, it is truly amazing. Compared with the evil spirits, there is a huge gap.

Even if the king of Chu was ranked high on the Colorful Seal Monument, he could not compare it with the colorful ceiling, and let alone the nine-color ceiling, and Chen Zong, but he reached the top of the nine-color seal. The first day is proud.


Completely crushed, but Chu Wangshi was very unwilling.

On what basis?

He is the most outstanding genius of the Xuanyuan royal family. He is of noble origin, and is also a disciple of the Xuanyuan Supreme Master Xuanyuan. He has been trained since childhood. His talent and strength are not comparable to others.

And Chen Zong was just a man of humble origins from a remote place. Why did he climb to the top?

Not reconciled!

So what, this is the fact, it is a foregone conclusion, an irreversible one.

The entire Tianyuan sanctuary caused a great shock because of Chen Zong. Countless people talked about it, but the parties closed it directly and no one could see it.

The Xuantian Army, especially the Shenxuan Army, was surprised at first, and then rejoiced, because Chen Zong, a member of the Shenxuan Army, greatly promoted the prestige of the Shenxuan Army and further strengthened it.

Sword Emperor!

The first person from ancient times to the present, and the first person from Kendo to ancient times.

Perhaps there are many more clever and powerful men than Jianzong Chen on the sword, but those people have been immersed in Kendo for many times more than Chen Zong.

I believe it is not difficult to catch up and surpass those people with Chen Zong's talent.

As Chen Zong's teammates, Tian Ji and others are even more happy for Chen Zong.

As for Chu Zhongyang, it was extremely bitter. Since then, he has let go, and really let go of the unwilling battle with Chen Zong. This is just a wishful thinking contest, only afraid of Chen Zong, early No longer treat yourself as an opponent.

Ridiculous ... Ridiculous, I still did n’t let go, but it ’s okay now, the smallpox detonated by breaking through the Fengwang Pagoda is just just colorful, and the name on the colorful Fengwang monument is only in the middle reaches, which is extremely different from Baica Gap, let alone Jiu Cai.

Climbing to the top, no need to say more.

As for Xu Mubai, although she had not been in secret with Chen Zong, she still couldn't help feeling shocked and shocked.

Closed-door practice.

This practice is not only the practice of Gongfa, nor the practice of swordsmanship, but all-round practice. After the practice of skills, the practice of swordsmanship, and the completion of the practice of swordsmanship, you will become enlightened. In practice.


Chen Zong can feel that his overall aspects are slowly improving.

Daxuanyuanjue broke through again, reaching the twenty-ninth floor, which is still one level away. You can cultivate the Daxuanyuanjue to a satisfactory state. Remember to master the power of Daxuanyuanjue and become more powerful.

After being recognized by the will of heaven and earth, the speed of Chen Zong's understanding of the mysteries of heaven and earth has increased greatly.

However, it is not easy to reach the extreme from the 9th turn. It may be a long process. Even if Chen Zong is recognized by the will of the heavens and the earth, the speed of understanding is doubled.

The speed of enlightenment of wind, fire, and thunder in three medium-level ways is encouraging. They have made breakthroughs from eight revolutions to nine revolutions, and the power has also increased.

However, after the Taoism reached the 9th turn, it was the extreme state. It was difficult, even if the middle-level Taoism was easier to understand than the top-level Taoism, Chen Zong could not reach it for a while.

As for swordsmanship, the mystery of the twenty-four dragon and snake illustrations is further realized. The more this method is learned, the more Chen Zong feels its mystery and amazingness, and it will not be inferior to the heart sword true of the heart sword sage through.

The current one has actually realized all the mysteries of the Heart Sword and True Scripture. The rest is to continue to merge and turn into one's own, but this takes a short time.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, Chen Zong had been closed for three months.

A large amount of heaven and earth vitality rushed from all directions, condensing into air currents, turbulent and undulating, as if transformed into a gigantic ocean, appearing over the camp of the Divine Army, covering hundreds of miles.

This scene immediately shocked many people, one by one, wondering, but they all knew that there, the first demon Sword Emperor from ancient times to the present, was retreating.

"Are you going to break?"

"It's too big to wait for the movement."

In the closet, Chen Zong took out a large amount of Tian Yuan Dan. Tian Yuan Dan contained pure power. For a moment, a large amount of Tian Yuan Dan was shattered and turned into powder, which filled with an extremely pure atmosphere, which was very pure. Yuan's strength is so strong that it almost becomes a substance.

Chen Zong sucked his mouth and nose, like a whale sucking water, and suddenly filled his body with a strong and pure element like a dragon and snake dancing, meandering, like a dragon swimming around the sea, quickly moving towards Chen Zong's nose and nose Rushing away, submerged directly into the body of Chen Zong.

At the same time, the vitality of heaven and earth condensing over the sky naturally condenses to the extreme, pouring down like a huge funnel, and submerging from the sky gate above Chen Zong's head.

Two-pronged approach, inside and out!

This time, Chen Zong was hitting the 30th and final layers of Da Xuan Yuan Jue.

The difficulty of cultivation in the last layer is naturally higher, and it is not so easy to reach. This time, Chen Zong relied on his strong accumulation and foundation to force a shock.

If it is successful, it will shorten a lot of time, and then directly complete it, and then master the power. If it fails, it will be hurt, and it will be difficult to impact the 30th floor in a short period of time.

This is actually a gamble and a fight, but Chen Zong has full confidence.

Not 10%, at least 90%.


Da Xuan Yuan Jue urged him with all his strength, and the mighty power roared in his body, as if to break everything, this mighty power is terrifying.

The roaring sounds, like Wan Lei Pentium, arrogant to the extreme, shocked to the extreme.

The thorium on the thirtieth floor is stronger than the twenty-ninth floor and harder to impact. Moreover, Chen Zong still forced the impact and the difficulty was doubled.

However, nothing can stop such beliefs.

Under the control of Chen Zong's mighty divine power, the majestic and pure Great Xuanyuan Holy Power condenses and condenses, and finally condenses into a sword.

Sword of Yuanli!

A sword condensed with pure power.

One sword cuts the sky, the sword is unmatched, amazing, and wherever you go, it is indestructible.


That moment, it was broken and penetrated in a flash.

Immediately, the Sword of Yuanli re-launched, turning it into an extremely pure Yuanli, and quickly moved along the line of the 30th floor of the Grand Xuan Yuan Jue, permeating the whole body.

A feeling of incomparable breeze arises spontaneously and is very comfortable. The whole person seems to be flying into the sky. There is a sublimation that permeates the whole body.

The thirtieth floor!

Da Xuan Yuan Jue is now complete.

The speed of refining the heavens and earth's vitality is much faster. Ascending, its divine power becomes more and more pure.

A large amount of Tianyuandan's strength and the outside world's vitality were continuously absorbed and refined, and Chen Zong's breath continued to rise.

In the middle of the seventh stage of sanctuary!

In the previous three months of cultivation, Chen Zong's cultivation has always been the seventh stage of entering the sacred realm. Now, it is driven by the breakthrough of Gongfa.

But in the medium term ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is not a stop, the breath is still continuously enhanced.

Breakthrough again, into the seventh stage of the Holy Land.

The entire body of Chen Zong is completely wrapped in the strong and almost full of vitality, as if woven into a cocoon, and the person in the cocoon seems to be undergoing transformation.

Breath, strengthened again.

The Seventh Peak of Sanctuary!

Gradually, the breath of the sevenfold peak of the sanctuary is stabilized.

A breakthrough, from the initial breakthrough to the peak, a few consecutive realms of leap, really amazing, and this is a breakthrough in the great level of exercises, the enhancement of strength is more and more obvious.

Immediately, a large amount of heaven and earth vitality surging endlessly, gradually condensing behind Chen Zong, condensing into a circle, appearing white, emitting a hint of light, like a big white sun.

This is the merit of Da Xuan Yuan Jue. Once this merit came out, Chen Zong immediately felt that his sanctuary of Da Xuan Yuan became more pure, about 30% pure.

Different exercises often have different effects. When practice is successfully mastered, its effects will be stimulated to the extreme and truly displayed.

Da Xuan Yuan Jue was weaker in the saint-level superb skills before its completion, but after mastering it, it can increase its power by 30% when it is urged. Zeng, will never be inferior to those top-level holy superb exercises.

At this point, the gap between Chen Zong and other peerless Tianjiao has almost been eliminated in the exercises, but in other respects, he has more advantages.

Strength ... stronger!

Now that Da Xuan Yuan Jue has broken through to the 30th floor and mastered his skills, his practice has also been significantly improved and stabilized. This retreat is over.

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