Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 4: Wilderness

(Chapters 3 and 4 supplement yesterday's update)

The landscape of the barren valley is peculiar, such as the Gobi desert, no grass, no barren land, but not too big. On weekdays, it is like a breath, very desolate, and inaccessible. Only now, when the mysterious wilderness is about to open, many people from far away Come here.

It is rumored that each time the Wilderness Secret is opened, the number of people it can carry is limited.

After all, the Wilderness Secret Realm originated from Taikoo, a kind of mystery left over from the Taikoo era. With the change of time, it has become less and less precious.

And because the barbaric mystery originated from the ancient times, it is incompatible with the present, and when people enter the barren deserted territory, they will carry the current breath with them, and they will collide with the barbaric breath from the ancient times.

When today's breath is strong to a certain degree, it will affect the wild and secret place, causing it to collapse and cease to exist.

Therefore, when this wild and secret place is opened, there are restrictions on the number of places to enter.

The Xuanyuan dynasty can enter two hundred people, with one hundred places each for the Heijie Palace and the Dust-free Hall.

Places are limited, and naturally there will be allocations. Not everyone can get it, nor can they get it.

Two hundred places may seem a lot at first glance, but compared to the entire Xuanyuan dynasty, it is insignificant. You must know how many practitioners are in the entire Xuanyuan dynasty.

How many practitioners want to enter the wild and secret territory.

In order to recruit Chen Zong, the Promise Army promised a place in a wild and secret place, and then made a duplicate.

It is reasonable that the king of Chu can get a place, after all, he is the disciple of Xuanyuan Shangren, the great disciple of the great sacred state, so is Chu Yuqing.

The two hundred places are divided into one point. The Xuanyuan royal family directly occupies most of them. The Xuantian Army and Zhen Yuanwei each occupy a part. The last part is equal to being scattered among other powerful forces. Each powerful force can get the quota. In fact, not much.

As many as two or three, as few as one, and more forces can not get a place.

These opportunities have always been controlled by more powerful forces.

As for Ling Tianjian's ability to get a quota, it is also normal. After all, he is the strongest of the peers in the Heijie Palace, and can be regarded as the best of the same generation in the entire Xuanyuan Realm, which is enough to be included in the top three superpowers.


Four hundred qualified people were waiting in the middle of the barren valley to depart.

With the passage of time, the ancient atmosphere in the barren valley becomes more intense, which means that the barren land is about to open.

Chen Zong stood, his back was as straight as a sword, his eyes closed slightly, leaving only a slight gap, implying the light of God.

Nanli quenches the jade work slowly, continuously trains itself, and promotes the cultivation of the body.

The absurd atmosphere here does not help the practice of qi, but it is of great help to refining the body.

For a long time, although Chen Zong also practiced physical training, but only as a supplement, the real improvement was the practice of qi. Therefore, over the years, the practice of qi training has reached the seventh peak of the sanctuary. That's it.

A trace of pure ancient antiquity breath was inhaled into the body, and it has reached the fifth grade of Zihuan Burning Market. The ancient antiquity breath was further tempered and integrated into itself, which strengthened the natural power a little, and then tempered the body and enhanced the physique. , So as to improve the cultivation practice.

Others did not wait, either standing still or lying down, one after another, practicing or enlightening one after another.

Some people, with a small gesture of their hands, seem to be interpreting the mysteries of martial arts.

The quota is very limited, so those who can get a quota are often extraordinary, at least also Tianjiao level. Each one knows that opportunities are important. Before entering, you should improve yourself as much as possible.

Sharpen the knife, but also light up.

The buzzing sounded suddenly, as if from an eternal age, majestic, full, mixed, and endless.

An arc of light seemed to pass across the sky, and it stretched and spread away instantly, as if a different space-time gradually emerged.

All the people's attention was attracted to the past, their eyes flashed with sharpness and sharpness, gazing, as if to see through the void.


"The barren secret is about to open."

One by one, feeling the wildness that suddenly soared, immediately showed joy.

Four hundred people, in addition to Ling Tianjian King and other strong ones, of course, there are also many other strong names who have heard of Xuanyuan Realm, such as King of the Sky, King Canghai, and so on.

Gaze, stop all cultivation, and wait intently for the opening of the barren secret.

The arc of light is constantly stretched and expanded, as if a imaginary outline of the world is gradually cutting into the space of the heavenly realm and the metaverse.

When the light arc stretched to about ten meters, it stopped and stabilized.

"Go!" Someone whispered, and for a while, turned into a streamer flying out at an amazing speed, and rushed towards the arc of light.

That's the entrance to the barren wilderness.

Four hundred people, one by one, set off quickly, struggling to succeed one after another, each showing a different mysterious figure.

Chen Zong turned into thunder, and flew out instantly.

Among the four hundred people, Chen Zong's cultivation is not the highest. The cultivation of the seven peaks in the sacred realm can only be regarded as middle and upper. There are dozens of people who are higher than Chen Zong. Among people, not all their strengths are better than Chen Zong.

It is not unusual for Chen Zong to enter the sacred realm. He can kill with one sword.

At the height of the Seventh Peak in the Holy Land, Chen Zong is also unclear about his current strength.

However, it will be verified in the wild and secret territory.

Suddenly, Lei Guang, the incarnation of Chen Zong, did not enter the arc, and a strong and extremely ancient and ancient atmosphere blew towards the face, making Chen Zong feel that the whole person was soaked in the rich and almost liquefied ancient and ancient atmosphere.

Nanli Que Yugong continued to run to the extreme, and then broke through to the extreme.

The hot breath swept up and down the whole body, as if in a furnace, trying hard.

Then, Chen Zong felt that his bones became harder and his muscles became tighter.

Mixed Sky Realm Mid-Six!

From the initial breakthrough to the mid-term, the improvement is not great. In fact, it does not help Chen Zong's overall strength, but it is better than nothing. More importantly, the practice of refining the body can be better improved here.

In the past, the practice of physical training was slow to improve. In addition to the time and energy it takes to cultivate, it is also because of the environment and resources.

Compared with practicing qi, refining is relatively less talented, but pays more attention to effort and resources.

As long as you work hard and have enough resources to support it, you can improve it better and faster.

The wild and secret place has retained the landforms of the ancient times. In the ancient times, the practice of refining and the practice of qi were not seen.

In the Archean period, it was a flourishing age.

Cultivation practice is a breakthrough, but it has not stopped. The extremely pure and ancient breath continues to penetrate into the body, and Chen Zong ’s cultivation practice is improved a little. Chen Zong estimates that even if he does not actively cultivate, when the wild wilderness is closed, At least one small realm can be promoted to reach the sixth stage of mixed heaven.

The opening time of the wild wilderness is almost a month.

In essence, the barren wilderness is equal to an independent small world and small world. It is a fierce battle between the archetypes of the Archaeological Age, which caused the archaeological world to break down and formed after countless years of evolution.

The wild and secret realm is scattered in the void, usually parallel with the Lingwu Holy Realm. Only at a specific time will it meet the Lingwu Holy Realm, open an entrance, and let people enter it.

Some wild places will converge with the Lingwu Holy Realm where it is uncertain, but some wild places will have a fixed trajectory and a fixed location.

Each exchange has a time limit, either long or short, a few months are possible, and a short half-day is possible.

In the wild and secret place where this fixed place meets, the time at which they meet is often very fixed.

For a month!

The land is majestic, as if infinite, with an indescribable weight, capable of carrying everything. This touch is very real and surprised Zong Chen.

The yellow-brown is endless, spreading to the farthest place, filled with amazing majesty, and megaliths scattered, each of which is dozens of meters high, looks very amazing.

The trees are towering, as if they have grown for countless years. Even the smallest tree is hundreds of meters high, and its crown is astonishing.

The mountains farther away seemed to be gimmicking like an ancient giant, extremely tall.

Here, Chen Zong felt very small, as if he had entered a giant country.

"Wildness!" Chen Zong muttered to himself, his face shocked.

Not only was Chen Zong like this, everyone else who was in the wild and secret place was also shocked. At the same time, they also felt heavy. The gravity here ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ seems to be ten times more than the outside world.

"I have been to the Wilderness. Their environment is different from our Heavenly Sanctuary, but compared with this wild and secret place, it is still not shocking enough," said Jiu Zhong, who entered the sanctuary, muttered to himself.

The great wasteland also continued some ancient landforms, but the ancient ones originated from the ancient times and have changed a lot, leaving only a few.




A huge sound suddenly sounded. From the huge forest in the distance, it was as if the ancient giant waved a huge drumstick to beat the war drum. It was extremely amazing. Every sound sounded and made the ground shake. The ripple of the vibration passed from a distance. Captured keenly by everyone.

Through this shock, everyone can also feel the grandeur and heaviness of their power.


Immediately, a huge figure emerged from the huge forest.

It was a beast with a size of several tens of meters. The beast was covered with armor and looked like a warframe covering the head to the tail. It looked very majestic. Its appearance was similar to that of a bull, but it was more overbearing.

"The Archaic Wild Beasts are awesome!" Someone exclaimed.

The ancient beast, that is a beast only in the ancient times, is now extinct in the Lingwu Holy Realm, because the environment of the Lingwu Holy Realm is not suitable for the survival of the Ancient Wild Beast.

However, the landform of the Wilderness Secret originated from Taikoo, which is not much different from Taikoo. Therefore, it is normal for Taikoo to inhabit.

Previously, Chen Zong talked with the Lord of the Mysterious Army, and the Lord of the Mysterious Army also informed Chen Zong of a lot of wild and secret places, and Chen Zong knew that there were ancient beasts in the wild and secret place.

Giant armor!

This is also a stronger level among the ancient beasts.

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