Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 5: Bathing blood body (on)

The giant armored bull is tens of meters high, and looks extremely huge. The armor on the body has a feeling of strength, as if its body contains endless amazing brute force.

"The giant armored bull is extremely hard, the defense is amazing, difficult to break, and his strength is extremely terrible, which can easily break the mountains." Chen Zong's mind flashed all kinds of information about the giant armored bull, his eyes were fine Man flashes.

In my heart, we are weighing whether to kill.

Because the blood of the ancient beast has an excellent effect on the body.

If it's a blood bath, it will be more efficient than simply absorbing the ancient and ancient atmosphere of the wild, and at least ten times more efficient.

Chen Zong's thoughts flashed out of fashion, but someone was already bombarded with thousands of momentum, and quickly approached the giant armored cow.

Ten thousand meters apart, but the giant armored bull also felt the killing sweep in a flash, and his eyes flashed red for a few kilometers, as if breaking through everything. The terrible breath suddenly exploded from the huge body. Open, turned into a horrible storm that swept in all directions, and the power it contained instantly crushed the boulders within a thousand kilometers.

The momentum alone can cause such amazing damage, and it should be shocking.

The person who made the shot is in the late stage of the eighth stage of the sacred realm, which is itself a Tianjiao class. The ordinary nine stage of the sacred state is not its opponent at all.

The speed is extremely fast, and he will cross the tens of thousands of meters and approach the giant armored bull with a punch.

The mighty divine power is like a dragon, straight through his arms and fists, bursting out of the air, and the high and overbearing dragon chants rang through the world. The violentness filled all directions, the air was broken, and the space seemed to be broken. The same, this boxing is relentless, as the dragon is out of the water.

The giant armored bull roared slightly, his body slightly arched, and the two huge curved horns seemed to be flashing with a touch of red awn. Immediately, the limbs burst into a terrible power, and the ground trembled, instantly cracking and collapsing.

The tens of meters of huge giant barbarian cattle broke out with horrible power, pushing their own huge and majestic body, and rushed forward with extreme fierceness. The thick limbs trampled on the thick and hard ancient ground, and the sand and stone were in an instant. It was crushed into powder dust, and the horrible ripples centered on the four-hoof landing point. It was like a violent attack that rolled away, causing countless sand and stones to suspend and be broken by the amazing force.

Tens of thousands of meters apart, everyone could clearly feel that the ground was shaking violently, a huge roar rang out in all directions, and countless air was torn apart and turned into a squall.

No one moved.

This is the first time I have seen a living Archaic beast. The breath is very strong and amazing, but I do n’t know what its strength is.

The Tianjiao shot in the late stage of the eighth stage of the sacred realm had a strength of four hundred people and was a relatively strong group. Therefore, let him try what the strength of the giant armored cow is.

Tens of thousands of meters is nothing to Tianjiao, who is in the sacred realm. Even if the gravity here is ten times that of the outside world, everyone's body will become heavier and greatly restrained, but the distance of tens of thousands of meters is still It's nothing.


Quickly approached the giant armored bull, and the running speed of the giant armored bull was extremely amazing.

That punch came out of the dragon-like bombardment, carrying the terrible mountain-destroying force, and directly bombarded the giant armored cow's head.


The huge roar swayed away, and the numerous vibrating waves of energy burst, as if smashing the void.

The dragon fist started from the head, and was broken by lightning, until the tail was completely broken, and the giant armored cow trembled, and the momentum of the charge followed, and the four hoofs slipped back slightly.

Obviously, the power of this punch is also very strong, not only blocking its charge, but also knocking it back slightly.

Dozens of meters of giant giant bulls have terrible power. The power under such charge is really amazing, as if they can smash a mountain, but was stopped by this punch and backed up slightly. The fright of this punch can be seen.

But from another point, we can see that the arrogance of the giant armored bull is not hurt even if it is repelled by such a arrogant boxing.

He shook his head slightly, and seemed to be dizzy. The giant armored cow became more angry, and the red glow from his eyes was more fiery. As the essence, the surrounding air was directly rendered, and a red color diffused, as if blood was diffused.

The breath of astonishment became more violent and irritable.

Two groups of fiery breath blasted out from the huge nostrils of the giant armored cow, making an amazing roar.



The giant armored bull burst out with amazing power again, and rushed out instantly, as if smashing the void, and ruthlessly rushed to the late stage of the eighth stage of the sanctuary.

With one punch, he was unable to cause any damage to the giant armored bull. Tianjiao was also shocked when he entered the sacred realm. In the sight of the giant armored bull, he was furious and charged even more. His expression became dignified, but he did not mean to avoid it.

Sitting on a waist, he sat with his right fist clenched around his waist, and his holy power was fully mobilized and burst into the right arm.

The white vigor encircled the right arm, as if the dragon was winding around the right arm, and the dragon's head and fist merged into one.


Another punch blasted out, and the void in front seemed to be blasted under this punch.

It ’s amazing!

The dragon that was bombarded by this punch didn't look as big as the first punch, but it was more solid and more powerful.


The dragon was broken again, and the amazing charge of the giant armored cow was also repulsed and repelled again.

However, the giant armored bull was still not injured, but the head was attacked, and it seemed to be dizzy. Taking this opportunity, the sacred realm approached quickly in the late stage of the eighth stage, and his fists filled with a layer of amazing divine power. Out.

One punch!

Ten punches!

Hundred Boxing!

After only a short breath, the man bombarded a hundred punches, all bombed on the head of the giant armored bull, and the giant body of the giant armored bull continued to slide backwards, and his head became more dizzy.

The speed is actually not fast. It is slow for a sacred **** to enter the sacred realm, but the gravity here is ten times that of the outside world. Under ten times the gravity, everything will become slower. The power consumed will also increase.

Therefore, being able to do everything in here is actually very fast.

Get ready!

The Xeon punched Xiaolong into the air and directly bombarded the head of the giant armored bull.

With this punch, the giant armored bull uttered a wailing sound, the huge body shook and fell to the side, the body of tens of meters dumped heavily, emitting an astonishing roar, and the whole ground trembled, the raging waves swept, and the dust was rolling in all directions .

When the dust was gone, the huge body of the giant armored cow fell to the ground, and a broken head was blown out with red blood. The blood was not only smelly but it had a hint of sweet smell.

However, the giant armored bull did not really die, and Wu Wu struggled to get up.

So tenacious vitality!

Everyone was surprised.

About grasping the strength of the giant armored bull, everyone did not continue to watch the battle, but each chose a direction and left quickly.

The opening time of the barren wilderness is one month, not long, because time is very important.

Chen Zong directly performed the eighth step of Lei Ta Jiuzhong.

With the current practice, the eighth step of Lei Jiu Jiutian's load is not strong, but as soon as it is performed here, Chen Zong feels that the consumption of power is much more intense than the outside world. After all, the gravity here is ten times that of the outside world. .

Together with Lei Guang, he flew across the sky quickly, and quickly moved forward. Chen Zong, while running the South Liyu Jade Exercise, improved the practice a little bit.

This is a great place to practice, so that Chen Zong's mind is lively.

The other point is that the mysteries of heaven and earth are clearer.

This clear feeling can be described in comparison with the outside world.

For example, when you feel the mystery of heaven and earth from the outside world, it is like a layer of yarn, but here, that layer of yarn is gone, and you can see the mystery of heaven and earth more intuitively.

See the mysteries of heaven and earth!


This is the purpose of Chen Zong's entry into the wilderness.

According to the Lord of the Xuanjun Army, there are places where the mystery of the heavens and the earth can be understood more clearly in the wild and secret territory. Chen Zong is looking for such a place, and often he will do more with less.


It was the roar of the ancient beast. Immediately, a terrible purple light glowed with countless arcs, bursting from the ground and directly bombarding Chen Zong.

This blow was astonishing, as if it could break the sky ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ called Chen Zong slightly surprised.

Every time he turned around, Chen Zong avoided the terrible purple thunder light bombardment, and the light in the corner of his eye also caught a giant beast on the ground.

That's a python.

This python is more than a hundred meters long, with a large body covered with huge scales, and a ray of purple glowing electro-optical lines pervading the whole body.

This is a purple electric thunder python. Unlike the giant armored cow, it has amazing defense and strength. The purple electric thunder python is not so powerful, but it naturally has the power of lightning and its power is very powerful.

The power of Fang Cai's blow was very amazing. If he was not alert enough to be hit, he would be hit hard.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong swooped down, grabbed his right hand towards the hilt, and Jianguang spewed out of the scabbard like a thunderbolt, as if shattered by a vacuum, shot down in the air, like a smashing bamboo, and blasted to the ground like a thunderstorm The purple thunder python coiled around the body is like a hill.

Nine Xiao Yu Thunder Sword: Thunder Boom!

This sword skill obtained from the King of Jiuxiao Sword is very high-grade, very mysterious, and powerful, especially when Chen Zong cultivated Lei Guangdao to nine revolutions, combined with the mystery of Lei Ta Nine Heavens, it was exhibited at once. , Amazing power.

A sword shot down, like a sky mine breaking through, can break everything.

This blow was extremely fast and mysterious, making the purple electric thunder python difficult to evade, after all, its body was very large.

Lei Guang was blazing, carrying a terrible force, and directly bombarded the body of the purple electric thunder python, causing the body of the purple electric thunder python to shake. Countless thunder lights exploded on the body, and quickly walked and covered the whole body.

Chen Zong stared, and was surprised to find that Lei Guang did not cause any harm to the Purple Electric Thunder Python. On the contrary, the power of Lightning seemed to be absorbed by the Purple Electric Thunder Python.

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