Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 6: Bathing blood body (below)

(Chapters 5 and 6 are updated today)

The Archaic Wild Beast Purple Electric Thunder Python, although not as powerful as the Giant Armored Bull, is physically stunning as a Archaic Wild Beast, enough to withstand many arrogant attacks.

In addition, the purple electric thunder python was born to grasp the power of lightning, not only can release the amazing power of lightning, but also absorb the power of lightning, so Chen Zong's sword did not work.

The domineering physique and amazing thunder and lightning control power give the purple electric thunder python amazing strength.

Hissing sounded suddenly, extremely harsh, making Chen Zong's scalp numb, and then immediately saw a purple Ray Mang ejected from the mouth of the Purple Electric Thunder Python, extremely fast, tearing the sky and crushing everything.

Chen Zong's eyes froze slightly, the long sword trembled, and he met the purple electric thunder from the side. The mighty force burst out, as if coming straight through the blade, causing Chen Zong's wrist to tremble and his arm to tingle slightly, but As a result, he avoided it a bit, his figure was like a strong bow and arrow, his speed erupted, and he shot down instantly, killing a purple electric thunderbolt like a sword.

Chen Zongjian was very fast, extremely precise, and extremely hot. He hit the body of the purple electric thunder python, but found that the scales on his body were extremely tough and slippery, so that the sword tip was unconsciously shifted away, and the strong power of that sword was also After being removed a little bit, Chen Zong even found that many purple arcs breed from the scales and converge to further resist the assassination of the extreme sword.

Although the sword hit the Purple Lightning Python, it did no harm.

This kind of defensive power surprised Chen Zong.

The cricket's voice was dense, making the scalp numb, and the numerous purple arcs ignited and spread on the python, spreading an incredible destructive power, and quickly passing the extreme sword to the raging Chen Zong, it seemed To kill Chen Zong.

At the same time, a terrible storm suddenly opened, and the tail of the purple electric thunder python carried the power of the thunderous thunder, and ruthlessly smashed the world like a blast.

This blow is enough to smash the mountains. If it is hit, it will be difficult for it to bear, and it will be badly hit.

When he was in danger, Chen Zong quickly stepped forward, avoiding the fierce blow of the purple electric thunder python giant tail like a thunderbolt, and the terrible energy swept across his body, as if he was going to break himself, the ground was directly bombarded , Collapsed quickly, an amazing crack spread quickly.

The roar overflowed, the earth shook endlessly, and the dust billowed like a giant wave.

Chen Zong's body stood in the air, and he was killed with a sword.


One sword is like one sword, and one sword belongs to one sword.

The beam of sword light was instantly shot out of the air, as if 10,000 swords hit the same point on the purple thunder python at the same time, and was resisted by the scales of the purple thunder python. Numerous purple arcs quickly gathered from all sides, released madly. Amazing power to resist Chen Zong's sword.

However, the infinite sword has been improved several times and continuously improved, and its power has been strengthened.


The extreme sword broke everything and blocked all defenses, and poured into the body of the purple electric thunder python. The amazing sword gas raged inside the purple electric thunder python, strangling life.

Compared with the purple electric thunder python, Chen Zong's body has a huge gap, just like an elephant compares to a ant. The extremely sharp sword is also very subtle and insignificant for the purple electric thunder python.

However, the power contained in it is extremely tyrannical, wantonly destroying the body of the purple electric thunder python and annihilating its vitality.

The purple electric thunder python is an ancient beast, with strong physique and extremely tenacious vitality. Therefore, it did not immediately die, but a mad counterattack. Even if it was dead, it was necessary to pull a back and end it all.

The giant tail swept across all directions, containing terrible direct power, destroying mountains and mountains, destroying them, and destroying them arbitrarily. The land within thousands of kilometers was bombarded and collapsed.

Countless purple electric lights poured out from the body of the purple electric thunderbore unreservedly, raging in all directions, destroying everything, and it was difficult for Chen Zong to be accessible at one time.

After all, this is the dying counterattack of the purple electric thunder python. The power is too amazing, and you will be injured if you accidentally.

The body walked around, avoiding the deadly counterattack of the purple electric thunder python, while Chen Zong observed every action of the purple electric thunder python, and reflected one by one with the twenty-four dragon and snake pictures.

The mystery of the twenty-four dragon and snake illustrations is profound. Even now, Chen Zong only understands some of them, but dragons, snakes, and pythons all have in common. Watching pythons and dragons and snakes is also suitable.

The sword energy of the infinite sword invaded the purple thunder boa, raging endlessly, running through the whole body, extinction.

Gradually, the potential for counterattack of the thunderbolt from purple electricity also weakened. In the end, it was difficult to threaten Chen Zongmin, but everything within a few kilometers of all sides turned into powder maggots, and the ground collapsed and shocked.

The consequences of such mortal counterattacks are too alarming.

But in the end, this extremely powerful purple electric thunder boa also died.

"The ancient beast is really amazing." Chen Zong secretly said.

The strength of this purple electric thunder python is enough to torture the ordinary Nine-folded Sanctuary, and its vitality is extremely tenacious and terrible.

Fortunately, his strength is strong enough, otherwise he will not only be unable to kill the opponent, but will be killed by him.

Immediately, Chen Zongyi sword waved, the sharp edge of the sharp sword cut the body of the purple electric thunder python, and made a wound.

The lost purple thunderbolt has lost its amazing defense.

The blood spurted out, and Chen Zong moved into the wound directly into the wound and entered the huge body of the purple electric thunder Python. The whole person was immersed in the vigorous blood of the purple electric thunder Python.

Nanli Queyu Gong is fully operating.

The purple electric thunder python is huge and arrogant. It is an ancient beast, its vitality is extremely tenacious, and its blood contains imposing power.

Although the power contained in the blood was lost due to death, there are still many.

Fully refining and absorbing, a little increase in mixed power, and then nurturing the physical fitness, and constantly improve physical strength, and then improve physical fitness.

The big ribs are undulating like dragons, releasing a horrible amount of strength. Between the viscera and the waves, a layer of breath spreads and diffuses the whole body. And all the bad parts of the body are completely burned.

The blood of the Archaic Beast does contain majestic power, which can be used to refine the body, but it also contains impurities. For the practitioner, the impurities have no benefit at all, only harm.

Under normal circumstances, the impurities in the blood must be removed before it can be absorbed and refined, which requires a process and will result in the loss of more power in the blood, which will weaken the effect.

And if it is directly refining without going through the steps of eliminating impurities, it will have a bad impact on itself, it will be damaged in the light, and it will become crazy when it is disturbed. After all, those impurities contain a little spiritual will of the ancient beast.

Chen Zong did not need to do this, and he didn't have any worries. Everything benefited from the amazing power of the fire in Zihuan.



Chen Zong can feel that his cultivation practice is constantly improving.

A Taibei wild animal python with a body size of more than 100 meters has a very powerful vitality. Moreover, Chen Zong also felt a hint of lightning power from the blood, which is the power that the purple electric thunder python was born with. A little bit absorbed by Chen Zonghua.

Chen Zong feels that this seems to be useful for practicing the ninth step of his nine steps to practice Lei.

Lei Ta is created by Jiu Zhongtian, with high intentions. At the ninth step, the level of Jiu Pin Secret can be reached. Therefore, it is not so easy to create and master.

Over the years, Chen Zong perfected it to the eighth step, but the ninth step is more difficult, so far it is only a clue.

Now I discovered that refining the blood of the purple electric thunder python, and getting the power of thunder and lightning, was actually helpful to improve Lei Ta's Ninth Heaven.

After a while, Chen Zong refined and absorbed all the blood of the purple electric thunder python, and made a breakthrough again.

Mixed Heaven Realm VI Late!

The body flickered, suddenly burst out of the body of the purple electric thunder python that had become dry, landed on the ground, and made an amazing noise.

The arrogant power was stirred in the body, and with the fist of Chen Zong's fist, an extremely explosive sound sounded, which seemed to blow everything up.


This feeling is very clear, very obvious, and very intoxicating.

However, Chen Zong was not immersed in it and could not extricate himself. He quickly came to his senses. The mixed cultivation in the sixth stage of Heaven was nothing at all.

carry on!

Chen Zong set off again, while looking for a spiritual sanctuary suitable for understanding the mysteries of heaven and earth ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ while looking for ancient beasts, especially those who possess the power of thunder and lightning.

Time passes slowly.

A few days later, Chen Zong still could not find the mysterious and sacred place of spiritual practice. However, he killed several ancient beasts and used them to refine his body, making his physique even more powerful. Promotion.

Mixed Heaven Realm Six Limits!

With only a slight difference, you can break through to the late stage of mixed heaven, and the power of refining has greatly increased.

As for the ninth step of Lei Ta Jiuzhong, it still couldn't be perfected, because the few ancient beasts killed were not mines.

"Refining and refining the essence of an ancient beast, I can make my refining body break through to the seventh level of mixed heaven." Chen Zong secretly said, his eyes twinkling brilliantly.

The power of refining is different from the power of training.

No matter how powerful the Qi training power is, it is lurking in the body. It is difficult to feel when it is not used, but the training power is the power that directly improves the body. It exists all the time.

It is natural to have the feeling of power and power.

Although this wild and secret place was formed by the fragments of the world in the ancient times, the area is also very wide. Four hundred people entered it, and the repression of ten times gravity caused the speed of the people to drop significantly. Therefore, in just a few days, everyone They were all on the way, and they never came to an end.

In addition to the ancient beasts, there are many treasures, such as elixir and holy medicine, and they are all useful treasures for refining.

However, most of the precious medicines are only useful for lower-level refining. With Chen Zong's current refining level, it is not easy to find useful refining treasures.

With all fate, Chen Zong will not deliberately try to force and work hard.

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