Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 7: Change of Taoism

The wild and secret place, the sky is high, and the endless chaos breathes like a stormy wind. It is like a stream of rivers and rivers. It is endless and imposing, as if it has flowed from the ancient times to the present time, spanning countless time, space and times. .

Under the chaotic sky, there is endless barren land and vast vicissitudes.

A silver beast with a whole body was roaring to the sky, and a horrible sound wave rushed out of his mouth, raging for nine days, the sound was terrifying and terrible, breaking the sky and blasting to Chen Zong.

This is a lion with a pair of huge sword teeth in its mouth.

Archaic Beast: Swordtooth Thundergods!

Its body size is extremely large, over a hundred meters, the breath fluctuations emitted from all over the body are extremely violent, which is stronger than the previous giant armor cattle and purple electric thunder python.

Each silver thunder raged on its body as strong as steel cast iron, releasing an incredible power, as if it could destroy everything.

Chen Zong's body flickered, avoiding the impact of sonic waves, a sword was cut, and Jian Guang was tearing the void like a lingering moon, killing directly on the sword tooth Leiguang Lion.

As if the squealing sound of the golden iron symphony sounded, countless sparks could be seen flying away.

The body of this sword-tooth Leiguang Lion turned out to be so arrogant. Chen Zong's terrible sword was enough to split the mountain, but it could not hurt the slightest.

However, the ancient beast's body was overbearing, and Chen Zong already knew it, and was not surprised that a sword failed to perform.

The purpose of the sword is to get closer to the sword tooth Lei Guangshi, and then kill.

After all, his strongest swordsmanship is suitable for being able to perform to the extreme.

The strength of this sword-tooth Lei Guangshi is much stronger than the purple electric thunder python, and the pressure on Chen Zong is not small.

The claws turned empty, and countless silver thunders gathered, giving out a terrible power, as if one claw could tear the sky, and a hundred silver thunders burst into the air and seemed to be transformed into a thundercage envelope to Chen Zong. Chen Zong was unable to escape from the siege and could only resist it.

Chen Zong's expression was sober, his eyes were condensed as if he were a real swordsman, and then he was killed with a sword.

The sword-tooth Lei Guangshi is more than a hundred times better than Chen Zong. That claw is a huge thing for Chen Zong. Just by its size difference, Chen Zong can easily be crushed and smashed into slag.

But fighting has never depended on the size of the body. If the body size can win, then what kind of cultivation is still done, the human race has already been destroyed.

After all, huge beasts abound.

A sword was swept out of the sky, and he instantly attacked one of the huge claws. From the side, he gave out an incredible power, and he had a clever force-making technique that instantly shifted the claws slightly.

However, Chen Zong relied on the power of the shock, the speed increased sharply, and he rushed out from the gap of the giant claws. Numerous thunders raged, but he couldn't help Chen Zong, but instead he was split by Chen Zongyi sword.

In the air, like a falling star, the sword tore through the sky, killing with terrible power.

Just momentarily, Chen Zong's sword beheaded and killed hundreds of times on the sword-tooth Lei Guangshi.

It ’s just that each sword ignites a spark on the body of the sword-tooth Lei Guangshi. It is very difficult for hundreds of swords to kill the same place at the same time, because Chen Zong found that the muscles of the sword-tooth Lei Guangshi will continue to vibrate, very subtle. However, it is very fast, so that each sword will be affected when it is cut, and the crosshead is slightly shifted.

The ancient beasts are not trivial, they are not so easy to kill.

However, Chen Zong was not half-hearted.

This sword-tooth Lei Guangshi is indeed very strong, and he is not weak.

Moreover, as long as you kill it and use this blood to refine your body, you can definitely cultivate your body to break through to the seventh level of mixed heaven, and it is expected that with the power of thunder and lightning in its blood, you will be able to perfect the thunder step nine. Day ninth step.


The infinite endless chain sword is cast, surrounded by countless sword lights, each sword light spreads out like smoke, covering all directions.

Countless sword lights slashed wildly on the sword-shaped Lei Guangshi's strong cross-body like steel pouring iron, bursting out thousands of stars.

The sword-tooth Lei Guangshi is huge, its power is extremely arrogant, and its speed is very amazing. Even so, it is still impossible to avoid Chen Zong's attack.

The gravity here is ten times that of the outside world. The power consumed by each shot will increase a lot, but Chen Zong has both physical training and reached the six limits of mixed heaven. The arrogant physique allows Chen Zong to better adapt to the gravity here. , Coupled with the amazing control of their own power, the impact is actually not great.

The terrible muscles of the sword-tooth Leiguang Lion continued to vibrate, and the silvery thunder was extremely fierce and filled with terrible destructive power, which not only resisted the attack of Chen Zong, but also struck back.


In the realm of the heart, Chen Zong was killed again with one sword, and one sword became a million swords.

This is an extremely arrogant sword.


It is the mastery of Chen Zong so far. The second strongest sword, as for the strongest sword, is a sword close to the extremes, which is not so easy to cast.

However, with Chen Zong's current strength, the infinite sword is also strong enough.

Under a sword, the thunderbolt of the sword-tooth Leiguangshi was torn by layers, the extremely tough film was also torn instantly, and the terrible muscles like steel cast iron were also pierced.

The extremely sharp sword penetrated into the body of the sword-tooth Leiguang Lion like a bamboo, until the hilt of the sword, the terrible power passed through the sword body, like an endless surge of waves, quickly rushed into the body of the sword-tooth Leiguang Lion, wantonly destroying.

The sword energy contained in the infinite sword is very terrible, and it can easily destroy the amazing vitality of the purple electric thunder python, and the sword-tooth thunderbolt lion has more strength than the purple electric thunder python, and its vitality is also more tenacious, but it is also difficult to resist. Live the power of this sword.

However, Lei Guangshi's counterattack was more crazy.

With sword teeth, claws, and tail, crazy bombardment in all directions, Chen Zong could only retreat and avoid.

Within a radius of 10,000 meters, everything was destroyed, whether it was the ground, sand, gravel, or trees.

Avoid its edge!

Chen Zong keenly felt that the vitality of the sword-tooth Lei Guangshi was rapidly passing.

After more than ten breaths, the sword tooth Lei Guangshi's counterattack became weaker and weaker. Chen Zong killed the second sword. One sword penetrated the sword tooth Lei Guangshi's eyebrow infinitely, ending the sword tooth Lei Guangshi.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong immediately waved his sword and opened the body of the sword-tooth Lei Guangshi. His body flickered into it, and he went all out to run Nanli Queyu.

As soon as the exercises were performed, Chen Zong felt that the power contained in the sword-tooth Lei Guangshi's blood was better than the purple electric thunder python by several percent.

There are no so-called beast cores, etc. in the ancient beasts. Their strength lies in the body, and their blood contains at least 30% of their strength.



Chen Zong kept repeating this process, and the road was light.

The sky power is constantly accumulating, waiting for the outbreak.

At the same time, the power of thunder and lightning contained in the blood also continuously poured into Chen Zong's body and accumulated.

Everything is changing.

Suddenly, when the hybrid power accumulated to the extreme, it suddenly erupted, as if it was a torrent of water, and broke through the urn in an instant. , Tyrannical and arrogant, and a hint of fiery breath permeated, there seemed to be terrible flames burning in the void.

Cultivation is the seventh stage of mixed heaven!

Not only that, Chen Zong's Nanli Queyu Gong also ushered in a breakthrough, from a small age to a large one.

The practice of physical exercise is divided into four areas: introduction, small success, large success, and perfection. Each environment is difficult to improve, and the more difficult it becomes in the future.

After Chen Zong reached Xiaocheng, he had paused for a long time.

In addition to not practicing much time and energy, it is also due to lack of sufficient environment and resources.

Now, in the unique environment of the wild wilderness, a breakthrough has finally been achieved.

Reaching Dacheng's Nanli Que Yu Gong can't make Chen Zong's cultivation improve again, but it will make Chen Zong's mixed power more pure and arrogant, and improve the strength of the body in disguise.

The blood power of the sword-tooth Lei Guangshi has not been exhausted, and there is still a little bit left.

Continue to refine and absorb, although it is not enough to promote your cultivation again, but it can further strengthen the foundation.

Moreover, the power of lightning can be continuously absorbed.

Chen Zong felt that he was not far away from perfecting the ninth step of the nine steps of thunder, and was very close.

The last force of thunder and lightning was sucked into the body, and Chen Zong was suddenly drowned by endless thunder, and the thunder was extremely bright, and all the hair was covered, as if to replace hair ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ thunder and lightning!

All over the body, there are thunder and lightning everywhere, all of them are thunder and lightning, releasing amazing breath fluctuations.

Immediately, Chen Zong's action was not seen, but it had already turned into a thunderbolt flying out of the body of the sword-tooth thunderbolt lion, its speed was several times faster than the eighth step of Lei Tajiu.

Ninth step!

Lei Ta Nine Steps Nine Steps ... Finally!

In this way, Chen Zong can speed up a lot faster.

In addition, the practice of refining the body to break through to the seventh stage of the mixed heavens makes Chen Zong's physique even more tyrannical, and can withstand the load brought by the ninth step of Lei Ta Jiutian.

Lei Ta Jiu Zhongtian, a self-created footwork-like secret method, attaches great importance to physical strength. If the strength is insufficient, under load, he will only destroy himself.

But if you are physically fit, you can do whatever you want.

"According to the original intention, Lei Ta Jiuzhong's ninth step is not final. Above it, there is a higher step, which can be regarded as the tenth step, or a kind of transformation." Chen Zong secretly thought.

Today's Lei Ta Jiu Zhongtian is equal to Jiu Pin Mystery in terms of grade, but Chen Zong has ambitions and wants to further promote it to become Shi Pin Mystery, which is the second supernatural power.

Of course, the idea is good, but it is difficult to achieve. The sub-supernatural power is very clever, not so easy.

Even though many half-step sage-level powerhouses dare not say that they have created supernatural powers.

Suddenly, after a whim, Chen Zong only felt that his thunderous light was flowing endlessly. More and more thunder and lightning were strong and permeated the whole body, spreading rapidly, then rising up into the sky, converging in the sky, turning into a cloud of thunder. The endless thunderbolt breeds, condenses again into the center, turns into a silver dazzling to the extreme thunder, sends out the terrible power, shoots down instantly.

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