Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 8: Archaean Fragments

The thunder was violent, the silver light was burning, and it was shot down with the terrifying force of destruction. It seemed to crush and destroy everything below.

Chen Zong did not shy away, and his body was straight, welcoming the thunder.

Because this breath of thunder is closely related to himself.

shoot down!

The extremely violent silver thunder immediately poured into Chen Zong's head, causing Chen Zong's body to tremble, countless silver thunder arcs pervaded his body, and he wandered freely. Even the ends of his hair had amazing silver lightning flashes.

The eyes and pupils of the eyes are filled with endless silver arcs, radiating out, breaking everything, and the air is filled with a trace of anxiety.

The silver thunder was completely infused from overhead, submerged into Chen Zong's body, and the silver arc was restrained.

The silver arc in Chen Zong's eyes also dissipated, and the pupils seemed to be deeper and deeper.

Unexpectedly, I perfected the ninth step of the nine steps of Lei Tian, ​​and even the middle-level Taoist Leiguang Taoist also transformed into a higher-order Tianlei Taoist.

With the same nine turns, the power of Tian Lei Taoism is much better than that of Lei Guang Taoism.

If Chen Zong recasts Lei Ta Jiu Zhongtian, the speed will be faster, and the power of Jiu Xiao Yu Lei Jian Jue will be strengthened.

"If it absorbs the power of wind and fire, maybe it will transform my ground fire and hurricane ideas into high-order ideas." Chen Zong said secretly, his eyes twinkled with extremely sharp light.

Leiguang Taoism can be transformed into Tianlei Taoism, so the ground fire and hurricane Taoism are transformed into higher-order Taoism, which is not vain.

The successful transformation of Lei Guang's Taoism has allowed Chen Zong's mind to be alive. Both the ground fire and the hurricane Taoism are expected to change.

Of course, the mind sword Taoism is the top-level Taoism, which is theoretically the apex of Taoism, and it is difficult to improve, but Chen Zong knows vaguely that there is a legendary level above the top-level Taoism, which is Supreme. .

Supreme means the limit, the end, and beyond.

But this realm is like a legend. Even if it takes a lot of effort and time to create the Great Sacred Realm Kendo Xeon who has created the three-strength front secret method, I am not sure if there is a Supreme Realm, everything is just guessing and inference. That's it.

Because even he never reached it.

The three robberies of Feng Feng's secret method have made Jianyi reach the top level, but whether it can reach the supreme level, I am not sure.

After the creation of the Great Sacred Kendo Xeon, Chen Zong was the first to receive the inheritance. Before that, no one practiced it.

As for the high-level Taoism, there is hope in the wild and secret territory that it will be transformed into the top-level Taoism, but it is very difficult.

Seventh Early Stage of Refined Mixed Heaven Realm!

Thunder Step Nineth Step!

High-level Tianlei Taoyi!

However, it was only a few days after he entered the wild and mysterious realm, Chen Zong has made a lot of improvements in various aspects.

This wild and secret place is truly worthy of being called a treasure land. I really don't know how much benefit I can get after one month.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong unfolded again, Lei Ta nine steps, the speed is much faster than before.

The reason why the ninth step is not performed is because the ninth step consumes more power.

The landforms of the Wilderness Secret Realm originated from the ancient times. To be precise, the so-called Wilderness Secret Reality is actually a broken corner of the ancient world. After countless years, it has continuously evolved by drawing the power of the cosmic void.

Its fundamental core is the fragments of the ancient world.

The fragment is not just a piece, but a combination of many pieces. It is not necessarily directly connected, and it is not sure where it is located. Chen Zong is looking for it.

The fragments of the original Archean World are more clear in the mysteries of the heavens and the earth than in other places in the wild wilderness.

Chen Zong was looking for and slaying the ancient ancient beast, but it was incidental.

In a blink of an eye, another day passed, Chen Zong's eyes were flying in a hurry, and he saw a figure not far away, his eyes closed and sitting cross-legged and standing as if it were as if Mount Taishan, his body was surrounded by a hint of light, Like flowing water, it contains amazing Tao charm.

Far apart, Chen Zong can feel his breath, very pure and clear, that is the breath that belongs to the mystery of heaven and earth.

"Shards of ancient times!" Chen Zong could not help but stare, his eyes flickered with a strong intensity.

This ancient fragment is the sacred place that I am looking for to understand the mysteries of heaven and earth.

It's a pity that I was slow and was found by others.

Chen Zong didn't take the shot, because the Lord of the Divine Army had said that such sacred holy places as shards of ancient times were strange. If anyone stepped in and started to enlighten, they would be protected.

The term protection is actually given by the practitioner. The basic principle is that when someone enters it, it will wake up its power and surround it so that others cannot step in. It is tantamount to protecting the person who has entered it from disguise. Any interference.

In addition, the power of the Archean fragments is not endless. Once someone enters enlightenment, it will be continuously consumed. After a period of time, it will be used up, and there will be no effect of enlightenment. It can only be a long time in the future. It keeps accumulating, waiting for the next time the mystery is opened before being found again.

According to the Lord of the Divine Mystery Army, generally the strength of such holy places as shards of ancient antiquity can make people realize about one to three days.

But if it is an archaic fragment that has not been found several times when the mystery has been opened for several consecutive times, its strength is more intense and it can take longer to learn.

Chen Zong paused for a moment, carefully feeling the power fluctuations of the ancient fragments, surrounded by radiance, seemingly with amazing power.

Retracting his eyes, Chen Zong unfolded again and left quickly.

Someone has found the Archaean Fragment and started to enlighten, and you have to seize the time yourself, but do n’t wait until the Wilderness Mystery is closed, and you have n’t found a Archaic Fragment to enlighten you.

Of course, looking for Shards of the Ancients depends on luck and chance. It can't be found if you want to find them. Therefore, while searching, Chen Zong did not give up killing the Swire beasts while using them to refine their blood.

Even if the last luck is not good enough to find the ancient fragments, at least you can rely on the essence of the ancient beast to make your own cultivation greatly increased.

Although you usually use the strength of Qi training in your daily battles, if the refining body becomes strong, it will have higher survivability. In addition, the spiritual power cultivated by the little magical power of the supreme magical power, but It is also closely related to the strength of qi training and physical cultivation.

The stronger the stronger!

Chen Zong released the divine mind. Over the years, he has continuously practiced the imperial deities, and his self-cultivation has also been continuously improved. The divine mind has already broken the limit of entering the holy realm, and its coverage has reached an astonishing 10,000.

But here, it has been compressed ten times and can only cover a range of more than one thousand meters.

In fact, even if it covers a range of more than 10,000 meters, under normal circumstances, it is not as good as gazing at the eyes. The function of this divine thought should be in some special places.

For example, where the line of sight is blocked, or rocks and plants, or a misty fantasy, etc., the eyes can see the object most directly, but it is also the most easily deceived, unless it is a special pupil technique.

Divine thoughts are more difficult to be deceived and deceived, and can be observed in all directions, more detailed and subtle.

For example, the eyes can see the front, the corners of the eyes can see the left and right, but can't see behind, but the divine mind can.

Divine thoughts and eyes have their own advantages and complement each other.

And Chen Zong ’s imperialism is in operation all the time, and it has become a habit. At the same time, it will continue to supplement the consumption of the gods, so that it is in a state of consumption and recovery.

Eyes swept across, looking for any abnormalities, covered with divine thoughts, and more careful and subtle perception discrimination.

The things in the wild and secret territory are very large, the stones are huge, the trees are huge, even the grass is several meters long, and it is very tough. It can be a sharp blade to kill the enemy when it falls into the hands of the practitioners who build the foundation.

Even the transcendental cultivator can use it, and it is not inferior to the spirit.

Suddenly, when Chen Zong passed across a meadow, Shennian felt an unusual wave, and quickly stopped his body to feel it more carefully.



Immediately, a happy look appeared on Chen Zong's face.

Archaic fragments!

Three days later, he finally found a piece of archaic debris.

Moreover, no one else found it, and no one else would compete with themselves.

Without hesitation, fearing that there would be more night dreams, Chen Zong quickly rushed down and went directly into the ancient fragments.

Suddenly, Archaean fragments were just like a sleeping giant being awakened ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A variety of colors of light instantly diffused, spreading at an amazing speed, covering a range of more than ten meters, streamer Brilliant and gorgeous.

Chen Zong was among them.

When the Ambilight appeared, Chen Zong's ears heard a buzzing sound immediately. The buzzing sound was very dense, like a swarm of bees flying, but not harsh, on the contrary, there was a pleasant It feels like a pleasant note.

At the same time, heaven and earth become more clear, just like the film that has been peeled off from layer to layer, so that Chen Zong can feel the subtleties contained in it more clearly.

Eyes gaze, Ambilight.

The fire red emits an astonishing blazing wave, which is really the meaning of fire, which does not belong to any kind of fire, but the overall meaning of fire, like the basic meaning of fire. Even more savvy, no matter what kind of flame-like cultivator is, you can learn from it, and then improve your own flame-like ideology.

The blue is the meaning of water, like the outline.

There are many ways of thinking, such as the idea of ​​gold, the idea of ​​earth, the idea of ​​wood, the idea of ​​wind, the idea of ​​thunder, the idea of ​​light, the idea of ​​darkness, etc., so that Chen Zong can be more Clearly realized.

According to the Lord of the Divine Army, the mysteries of heaven and earth contained in different Archean fragments are not necessarily the same, and in this Archean fragment found by Chen Zong now, there are dozens of Taoism and Taoism, but the most clear It is the meaning of fire, followed by the meaning of gold and wind, and the other is weaker.

If you are enlightened, you will naturally choose the strongest Taoism to enlighten you, and you will only get twice the result with half the effort.

As it happens, among the several Taoism mastered by Chen Zong, there are the Taoism of fire and the Taoism of wind.

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