Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 9: Skyfire

Archaic fragments, endless mysteries.

The rhyme of the Tao of Fire is extremely volatile, and the red streamer is endless, and its light completely covers the other Tao rhymes, as if the moon is empty and the stars are dim.

Chen Zong gave up the rest, focused on the red streamer, and fully understood the meaning of fire.

Perhaps with distraction, you can learn more about the Tao, but what's the use of that?

The King of Lingtian Swords only realized one kind of meaning throughout his life: Lingtian Swordsmanship promoted him to the top level and became one of the best in his class. With one sword in his hand, few people could compete.

It's focused!

Focusing on one kind of meaning, you can continuously tap out the potential and power of that kind of meaning, and exert it to the fullest.

If the Taoist enlightenment is more mastered, it will be more distracted to enlightenment, otherwise it will be in vain.

The Tao means that it will either be promoted to a higher level and its power will be stronger or integrated.

But whether it is to improve the grade or integration, the difficulty is extremely great.

I currently have four kinds of Taoism. When there is no need to master other Taoism, after all, only the ground fire Taoism and the hurricane Taoism are merged. On that day, the Thunder Taoism did not integrate into it. Although the power is not weak, compared to the heart The meaning of Kendo is still obviously insufficient.

Unless, the ground fire Taoism and the hurricane Taoism are promoted and transformed into high-level, the power of the fusion of the two will be better than the top-level heart swordsmanship.

Now, Chen Zong has made up his mind to use the power of the Archaean fragments to transform the ground fire Taoism into a higher-order Taoism.


Whole-hearted enlightenment, there is no need to worry about all the enlightenment of the outside world, because the power of the ancient fragments will protect themselves from being disturbed, even if it is a half-step holy level strong man, it can not be affected, let alone a wild and secret place. Its power is too aggressive and can be difficult to enter unless it is a seal repair.

The crimson streamer, sometimes condensed like a silk thread, flies past, and its amazing power seems to cut the void, nothing can be blocked, and sometimes becomes magnificent, like a rushing river, flowing ancient Travel through endless time and space.

Chen Zong's heart fell completely on that crimson streamer, the other Tao Yun's breath quickly disappeared, disappeared, and he could no longer feel the slightest.




It seems that the red eyes of the eyes are the red flame, the fire is diffused, illuminating all directions, rendering the world.



This is the sky of fire, the land of fire.

Opening your eyes, you can see the dazzling red light shining on all directions. This is the world of one side's fire.

The sky is fiery red, as if endless flames condensed into clouds, burning blazing, and the red light is spreading over the sky, so that all sides of the world are rendered, it seems to be covered with a layer of red summer clothes.

The mountain is red, as if it was reddened by the fire, and it radiates an astonishing blazing heat. The surface of it seems to be permeated with a faint flame imagination, burning wildly.

Trees are like coalesced flames, and the leaves are dense, looking like burning flames.

Stones and sand are all flames, and the flowing rivers are also flames.

The world of fire!

The world of fire!

Chen Zong seemed to be in it, feeling the ubiquitous flame.




At first glance, this seems to be a very ordinary world of flames, but when Chen Zong felt it carefully, he found that the mystery contained in the differences was completely different.

The sky is endless, with an indescribable majesty, as if judging the world with flames, it is sky fire.

The mountain was majestic and fierce.

The vegetation, burning and swaying, burning endlessly.

The long river is endless and endless.

That earth, calm and immovable.

But no matter what, it cannot escape the mystery of the flame of flame.

Fire fire fire!

Here, everything is fire.

Chen Zong was completely immersed in it, and experienced different mysteries.

Even if it is a different mysterious flame, there is something in common.

Burning, blazing, and violent. These are all flames, but they have a particular emphasis, or they contain others, and become unique.

Feeling carefully, Chen Zong chose one of them as the main direction of enlightenment.

In that sky, as if the flames condensed into clouds, seemed stationary, but contained the most terrifying power.

Not only has the astonishing high temperature, can burn and melt everything, but also has the implied rage and blazing, destroys everything, but also has its uniqueness, as if the sky is so high, with an indescribable majesty.


Chen Zong's meaning of fire today is medium-level ground fire meaning, and the former Lei Guang Tao meaning has been transformed into Tian Lei Tao meaning. Its power is amazing and Chen Zong is also very clear.

Skyfire Taoism!

Get it!

Fully enlighten.

Sky fire seems to contain the majesty of the Tao of Heaven. At this point, it has the same meaning as Tian Lei Tao.

The reason why Chen Zong chose to enlighten the Taoism is also the same. On the other hand, it is the same as the same song. Perhaps it can be used as a meeting point to better integrate the two Taoisms and increase the power.

If one day, you master Tianlei Taoism, Tianhuo Taoism and Tianfeng Taoism, and successfully combine the three Taoism, to what extent will its power reach?

It is unimaginable that such power will definitely exceed the meaning of heart swordsmanship.

Of course, the fusion of two kinds of Taoism is already very difficult. The fusion of three kinds of Taoism is more difficult than imagined.

Many tyrannical half-step big saint-class powerhouses have only merged two kinds of thoughts. Only those old-fashioned and extremely top half-step big saint-level powerhouses are expected to merge three kinds of thoughts.

As for the fusion of the four kinds of Taoism, it seems to be only a legend.

In any case, even if the road ahead is difficult and dangerous, it will not stop Chen Zong's footsteps.

Always invincible.

The meaning of the ground fire, Chen Zong has already realized nine revolutions, which is the limit, and upward, it is the extreme.

However, the ground fire Taoism is only a medium-level Taoism, and there are high-level and top-level.

Improving the power of Taoism is not only improving the level, but also the quality.

It's just that quality is harder to improve than level.

The sky fire is majestic and majestic, as if with a hint of heavenly will, overlooking the earth, judging all evils in the world, and purifying all pollution in the world.

As time passed, Chen Zong's entire body was surrounded by crimson light, and the flow of that light was getting faster and faster. Around Chen Zong's whole body, it seemed to be woven gradually, wrapping Chen Zong's body up and down.

The body, as if burned by the fire, would be reduced to ashes, but not.

It's like a scorching gold body.

In this way, Chen Zong constantly comprehended the Taoism of the Heavenly Fire, making his own Taoism of the Taoism a little bit higher and changed a little bit.


To a certain extent, it can be regarded as the incarnation of the heavenly fire, or in other words, it contains a trace of the power of the heavenly fire. Although it is far inferior to the heavenly fire, it has similarities to a certain extent.

In this world of fire, sky fire is the most high-end and the most difficult to comprehend, and Chen Zong chose the sky fire that is the most difficult to comprehend.

In this world of fire, the meaning of high-order fire is not a few, but the meaning of heaven fire is the most difficult to comprehend.

At the same level of morality, there are some highs and lows.

Heavenly Fire Taoism, among the high-level fire Taoism, can belong to the highest level.

Tianlei Taoyi is among the highest level among many high-level Taoist Taoism.


"Ling Tian, ​​don't think I'm really afraid of you." The middle-aged middle-aged man with a blue howling wind glared, his eyes seemed to contain a hint of blue howling wind, full of anger.

This majestic power is astonishing, as if it can sweep the world and destroy everything, into the breath of the ninth stage of the sanctuary, unbridled.

This person is the highest group among the four hundred people who have entered the wild wilderness.

Those who entered the mystery were the highest in the ninth stage of the sanctuary, only two people.

The king of Ling Tianjian looked cold and cold, his eyes were as cold as a sword's edge, and a deep cold mang burst from the depth of his pupils, piercing the sky and heading towards the other side. The amazing sharpness seemed to cut the void, and it seemed to be Cut the opponent's body in general.

"Go!" Ling Tianjian King just spit out a word softly, and the word carried extremely terrible power and sharpness, as if he could pierce everything between heaven and earth.

That word was full of amazing invisible sword spirit, as if it was above everything, overlooking the life, and suddenly changed the look of the other party.

"Ling Tian, ​​this ancient piece was discovered by me first." A man surrounded by a blue howling wind was annoyed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Ling Tian Sword King did not speak again, his eyes became sharper, and the sword came out immediately Sheath, the sword is extremely sharp, extremely dazzling, tearing the sky, turning into a bunch of horrible swordsmanship that seems to split the sky, and mercilessly kills each other.

"Do you dare!" The man with a blue breeze suddenly changed his face and was terrified. Although his cultivation was higher than that of Ling Tianjian, he was also Tianjiao and possessed a mighty strength, but compared with Ling Tianjian, A little gap.

Of course, at the beginning, he didn't think the gap was big, so he dared to fight against Ling Tianjian King to fight for that ancient fragment.

Unexpectedly, Ling Tianjian King was so decisive that a sword was directly slashed out, and its power was extremely amazing. Before the sword was out, it seemed as if he was going to split himself.

break out!

Surrounded by a blue wind, it became extremely fierce, instantly condensing forward and blasting out, destroying the world-like power and swelled away. It seemed to break that sword light, but unexpectedly, the sword light was extremely sharp and extremely condensed. Like a bamboo split, the violent blue hurricane was split open, and he ruthlessly killed each other.

It is difficult to resist and can only be retired.

For a moment, the man turned into a storm and swept away.

He already knew that the strength of Ling Tianjian King was not better than himself, but better than many. He could not fight at all, and continued to fight. As a result, he was injured and he could not get the ancient fragments. Look for other Archean fragments.

Jianguang tore through the sky, killing the endless distance, Ling Tianjian King closed his sword and returned his sheath, looking back, looking at one place, his body flickered, turning into a sword light. Within the Archaic Fragments, began to enlighten.

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