Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 19: Tianfeng

Endless sword air, sword light, and sword awns are derived from the whole body, as if the swords are returning to the rivers and the seas. They all poured into the raised sword body. A seemingly light but dazzling The extreme brilliance is like a stream of autumn water flowing in the sword.

The meaning of heart swordsmanship is promoted to the extreme, with a hint of charm that seems to be beyond the nine turns.

Polar world!

Above the nine revolutions, it is for the extreme state, the Taoist extreme state is the extreme state of Taoism, and then the level of Taoism is nowhere to be improved.

Chen Zong's intentions of swordsmanship are still nine turns, but the limit of nine turns has been reached. The sword and the secrets of the swordsmanship motivate him, so that this sword has the mystery of approaching the extreme.

Heaven and earth line!

All the powers were gathered and merged, and then the extreme sword was cut off.

It seems to be a bland slash, from top to bottom, as if an understatement stroke, but it seems to make every effort to cut it out.

At the moment, there was a condensed to the extreme, like a silver divine sword with a touch of silk.

When breaking the tower, Chen Zong fought fiercely with the young Emperor Lingwu, and at the last moment, he displayed a mighty sword approaching the extremes. At that time, the sword was only fur and was not named.

However, with the enlightenment, especially after the transformation of Da Xuan Yuan Jue into the Tai Jian Jian Yuan Gong, Chen Zong found that it is much less difficult to cast this sword. There is no need to be the same as before. Only the pressure of life and death crisis can erupt. It is ready to perform freely.

Of course, it is still not as smooth and fast as the infinite sword, and it takes a little time.

For now, that's enough.

The polar sword was cut and chopped vertically, and the silver godlike sword mane that was like a silk thread passed silently and silently across the sky at the speed of an aurora, leaving only a silky black scratch, dark and radiant. A breathtaking breath swing.

This sword called Qingtian Dapeng trembled.

Qingtian Dapeng's strength is tyrannical, but it is a powerful beast second to the two overlords in the wild and secret territory. Since its birth hundreds of years ago, I do n’t know how many times of life and death have been torn, and its blood is very high-end. Of perception.

The silver god-like swordman who had been killed by the silent and airlessness brought a creepy sense of crisis to him, as if a sword could break his arrogant body.

The speed of the sword was extremely fast, but it was too late to evade. I saw Qingtian Dapeng slamming loudly across the world. The huge wings rolled up the black-and-black current, and suddenly they converged, turning into a terrible storm sweeping over Out, as if shattering the void.

The storm is blue, and countless black lightnings are raging in it, filled with amazing waves of destruction.

Qingtian Dapeng burst into full force.

However, although the storm was very tyrannical, the moment it came into contact with Jianguang, it seemed as if the snow and ice were cut by a hot long knife, and it was divided into two silently and silently.

That sword of light was extremely sharp and irresistible, cut through the terrible storm of destruction, and went to Qingtian Dapeng with his restrained terror.

Qingtian Dapeng's tweet with anger became sharper and louder, as if it could shatter the sky.

The blue-black current has become extremely intense, radiating a dazzling brilliance, as if turned into a round of black-and-black day, the breath of breath has burst out, fierce to the extreme, and a trace of ancient immortality .

Faced with Chen Zong's approach to the polar world, Qingtian Dapeng has already exploded into full force and even burned his own power, and he has to do so.


There seemed to be a slight vocal sound, and the line of heaven and earth such as the silk sword light suddenly cut into the blue and black the next day, cut it apart and killed the blue sky Dapeng.

Taichu sword Yuan Gong's groundbreaking characteristics make this sword even more indestructible.

Even if it is weak, it has the amazing power to tear open the target's defense. As to whether the target can be wounded or even killed after the defense is broken, it depends on whether the power is strong enough.

The power of the world is powerful enough.

This is a sword that condenses Chen Zong's full strength, and his spirit and spirit are also condensed into it at once, and he has the conviction of invincibility.

A sword approaching the extremes!

An invincible sword!

Killed with a single sword, Chen Zong's spirit of spirit also quickly fell.

For now, in a short period of time, he can only cast such a sword once.

The dark blue was dazzling within a few days. There was a scream of Qingtian Dapeng with anger. From the voice of Chen Zongbian, Qingtian Dapeng was already injured.

Divine thoughts swept through, covered by the realm of the heart, Chen Zong's body moved, and the human sword turned into the most sharp sword light. With the trajectory of the heavens and the earth, it was like a bamboo shoot into the black and black day.

The frontier of heaven and earth not only broke through the blue and black day, but also broke the brutal body of Qingtian Dapeng. With the sword injury, Chen Zong rushed into Qingtian Dapeng's body in one fell swoop.




The astonishing sound of war drums and rumbling drums kept coming and penetrated into Chen Zong's eardrum. The rhythm of his beating was that Chen Zong's body would tremble with it, and his heart seemed to be affected. The fit is controlled by him.

This blue sky Dapeng's physique is extremely powerful, his blood is also exuberant, and his heart is boundless, like a giant beast.

Don't break the golden body!

The golden lines emerged, rendering Chen Zong's body golden, as if a golden **** came, the sword power in the beginning of the Taiyuan was also urged to the extreme, with a sword in hand, as invincible as a bamboo.

The throbbing sound of cymbals became more and more fierce, as if the giant drum was beating in his ears, but Chen Zong tried to resist it.

In front of me, there was a huge, coconut-like thing that was beating constantly. It was lined with big tendons, as if surrounded by pythons. It was amazing, thick and tough blood vessels were connected, and a stream of blood was like a torrent. Constantly flowing in the blood vessels.


This is the heart of Qingtian Dapeng, which is several meters in size, and contains a tremendous amount of vitality, as if it were the source of life.

Without hesitation, Chen Zongyi sword waved out, cut the heart directly into a rift, the whole person turned into a streamer, and quickly penetrated into it.

The rich and intense heart essence and blood instantly wrapped Chen Zong's body up and down, and penetrated wildly.

The essence and blood in that heart contained amazing power, and also carried the terrible willpower of Qingtian Dapeng. He was aware of Chen Zong's invasion and was frantically launching an attack in an attempt to destroy Chen Zong.

Without breaking the golden body to maintain, Nanli Jinyu Gong fully operated, the spirit of Nan Huang burning the sea suddenly appeared.

Qingtian Dapeng controls the essence of his heart and blood to kill Chen Zong, but Chen Zong continuously refines and absorbs it to improve his cultivation practice, and he continuously draws the power of the heavenly wind contained in it.

Chen Zong's soul is arrogant and amazing. It is not only the soul of the soul that burns, but also the arrogant top-ranking heart and sword. It completely blocks the brutal will of Qingtian Dapeng.



Endless refining!

Qingtian Dapeng's strength is tyrannical, its vitality is extremely tenacious, extremely strong, and constantly struggling. Rao is so unable to resist the vitality and strength that retreat like a tide.

Gradually, Qingtian Dapeng's struggle against resistance became weaker and weaker. This kind of trauma from the body, especially the heart, could not be resisted.

With a final wailing, Qingtian Dapeng trembled sharply, like a bird with an arrow in his head, with his wings falling down weakly.

The huge body rubbed fiercely with the air, emitting countless sparks, like a meteorite, blasting to the ground.

After that, a sharp beam of sword light burst out from the fire and rose into the sky.


Qingtian Dapeng's body fell and slammed **** the ground, breaking open the hard ground, breaking up a huge pothole, countless dust like a giant wave surging, and blasting away in all directions, destroying everything in all directions.

A ray of light surrounds the whole body, permeating with an incredible power, the storm sweeps the world.

This is the power of Taoism, the power of Tianfeng Taoism, and the power of higher-order Taoism.

Hurricane Taoism finally transformed into high-level Tianfeng Taoism.

At this point, all three forms of thunder, fire, and wind have been transformed into higher-order ones, namely sky thunder, sky fire, and sky wind.

Heart Kendo is the highest order.

Chen Zong has mastered one top-level Taoism and three types of high-level Taoism. The Tianhuo Taoism and the Tianfeng Taoism can be merged into one.

If you let other practitioners know, I do n’t know what it will be like.

In the void, Chen Zong did not perform his own cultivation. He simply stayed in the sky with the power of the Tianfeng Taoism, which is an application of the Tianfeng Taoism.

Breathing a little breath ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong feels that the gain from his trip is really huge.

However, there are only a few days left, and you can continue to hunt the ancient beasts to bathe the blood and refine the body, and you can also continue to find the ancient fragments to understand the mysteries of heaven and earth.

Any opportunity to improve yourself must not be missed.

You know, this wild desolation will only open once in a hundred years. The next time is after a hundred years. God knows where you will be after a hundred years.

After all, if you count on your own cultivation time, it still hasn't been more than a hundred years.

The century is still a little long for myself.

Perhaps, only in the future, when one's own cultivation has reached an astonishing height, it is difficult to make further progress, will one not realize that a century is a long time.

After all, for a great Holy Land Xeon, a hundred years is nothing, maybe it is just a small time segment in its long life.

But it's still too early for myself.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Chen Zong's eyes swept away, staring ahead, his body flickering, silent and restless, like the lightness and speed of the wind, flying across the sky and away, while taking the power of divine thought Released and covered in all directions, carefully feeling the unusual fluctuations of the ancient fragments.

Time passes slowly, one day, two days, three days ...

Blinking, starting from the barren secret, it is exactly one month.

A force of repulsion suddenly came and fell on everyone. As time passed, the force of repulsion gradually increased.

Everyone had to give up and continue to look for opportunities, and rushed towards the entrance.

(Search for "Six Road Degradation" to follow the public account of Liu Dao, and get close contact)

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