Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 20: Sword King and Sword Emperor (1)

Wilderness valley.

The light arc is shrinking from the left and right sides a little, and it is the gateway to the wild wilderness, which is closing, which also means that the connection between the wild wilderness and the heavenly sanctuary is gradually separating.

One figure after another quickly leapt out of the narrow arc of light and landed on the ground in the barren valley. The whole body was permeated with violent breath fluctuations.

When the light arc portal of the Wilderness Secret was completely closed, the living people had already left the Wilderness Secret.

There were four hundred people when they entered, but there were only three hundred people in their early days, and nearly a hundred people died in it.

The barren wilderness is a symbol of great opportunity, but it also means great danger. The ancient beasts in it are not vegetarian. They are powerful and might be killed by accident.

In addition, in order to compete for opportunities, practitioners will also tear each other up, not everyone will retreat with interest.

Just fighting for the Holy Ghost in the barren mountains alone killed dozens of practitioners, accounting for most of the deaths.

But everyone who survives, one by one, is more powerful than when they entered. Obviously, they have gained a lot of opportunities in the wild and secret territory.

Either get some precious medicine and strengthen your body after taking it, or you can find the ancient fragments to realize.

However, the number of Archaean fragments is limited, and it is not easy to find. Among them, there are only a few who have the power of Archaean fragments.

Suddenly, a terrible sharp edge swept through the sky, overwhelming, as if above all things, making everyone tremble all over, a sense of inexplicable thriller emerged from the heart.

The breath was like an invisible sword, causing everyone's scalp to numb, flying across the sky, hitting one place.

Chen Zong!

The target of this invisible sword is Chen Zong.

Lingtian Sword King!

Now that the Wilderness Secret has been closed, this battle is inevitable.

Sword King and Sword Emperor!

Forced by the pressure of this invisible sword, an astonishing sharpness spurted out from Chen Zong's body, rising into the sky, as if to pierce the sky.

Sword intention!

The two swords collided, as if the invisible swords clashed, making an invisible sound, but the surrounding people's faces changed greatly, as if the body was cut by countless invisible swords, and the soul seemed to be cut.


All of a sudden, everyone backed away, giving way to the venue, and secretly excited.

A fierce battle is about to begin.

Before the Wilderness Secret opened, King Ling Tianjian invited the Battle Sword Emperor Chen Zong to express his disapproval of his title. At that time, because the Wilderness Secret was about to be opened, he was suppressed by a half-step saint-class powerhouse.

Now that the barren land has been closed, Chen Zong and King Ling Tianjian are both in the barren land, and they are expected to get a lot of benefits, and they are more powerful.

This battle will be more exciting and fierce.

Sword intention!


Stir in all directions and keep colliding.

Chen Zong and Ling Tianjian are hundreds of meters apart. Their eyes are constantly colliding in mid-air, as if they are sending out invisible fireworks, and in the void, ripples and ripples open up.

Sword light is shining, shining in all directions, dazzling to the extreme, Lingtian Sword King has already held the sword in his hand, and the spouting sword is astonishing. It seems to be above all.

Top Sword Intent: Ling Tian Sword Intent!

Any idea, even if it is only a basic idea at the beginning, can be transformed into a top-level idea, but the more difficult it is, the more and more people who can grasp the top-level idea in the past, after all, are only a few. Amazing Tianjiao of the same generation.

King Ling Tianjian only cultivated Ling Tianjian's intentions, perfected to the pure, and continuously excavated and inspired the power and potential of Ling Tianjian King to an astonishing point.

In addition, the Ling Tianjian held by the Ling Tianjian King is an elite nine-grade holy weapon with amazing power.

Chen Zong pulled out the extreme sword, and the blade body rubbed against the scabbard, spreading an amazing momentum, as if cutting into the void, making people feel cold and self-sustaining, permeating the whole body.

The extreme sword came out of the sheath, Chen Zong's eyes became sharper. After the sword was completely sheathed, the extreme sharpness of the eyes seemed to be slightly restrained, showing a trace of gloss like water.

The sword out of the sheath, the sword air permeated in the air, became fiercer, stronger and more terrible.


Suddenly, the sword of King Lingtian waved out, as if the sword light above everything else was cut and killed. It seemed that the sword of heaven and earth was split open, like a bamboo shoot, and its amazing sharpness made everyone all over the body cold. .

Chen Zong also followed suit.

A sword slashed, Jianguang broke through, collided with Lingtian Jianwang's Jianguang, and both burst instantly.

The two figures together showed amazing speed, passing through the sky, but they crossed hundreds of times in an instant, approached each other, and fought with two swords.

Close me!

Swordsmen often have to master a superb approach to close combat, so that they can fight better.

Ling Tianjian King is the arrogant of his peers. He is arrogant. He has been in the sword for more than a hundred years. He has a solid foundation and superb swordsmanship.

As soon as he made contact, Chen Zong knew that the opponent's melee combat swordsmanship was very arrogant and amazing.

However, Chen Zong's own melee combat was also very good. For a time, the two sides could hardly distinguish Xuanyuan and fierce fighting.

After a hundred years, King Lingtian Swordsman made his way through the wilderness, sharpened his swordsmanship, and created all kinds of Lingtian swordsmanship. Although his name is simple, he is not weak at all, and he has continued to improve to this day. Every sword contains amazing mystery and power.


Ling Tian's swordsmanship combined with Ling Tian's swordsmanship poses a tremendous threat to Chen Zong.

Each sword seems to be above everything else, and there is a kind of high-spirited spirit of aggressiveness. In the momentum, it is in the first place to oppress people and be at a disadvantage.

But it is useless to Chen Zong, because Chen Zong is very strong, and his mind is extremely tough and unaffected by it.

The infinite endless serial sword unfolds, and the layers of sword light are stacked like mountains and rivers, like rivers and rivers, which not only reduce the layers of Ling Tianjian's sword power to invisible layers, but also continue to fight back.

Among the sword lights, the rigid and soft mysteries are interpreted, as if the dragon snakes undulate and intersect. They can be strong or weak, fast or slow, sharp and blunt, and there are many changes that are difficult to predict. For a time, he was surprised by King Lingtian.

Such close-killed swordsmanship is really exquisite and amazingly powerful. For a time, I can't help each other.

However, it is not enough to call it the sword emperor.

The sword light became more dazzling, and the power contained in each sword was unparalleled, making everyone in the distance feel uncomfortable, as if the body was constantly being cut, and it was inexplicable.

Whether it was the Lingtian Sword King or the sword emperor Chen Zong, the sharpness they showed made them extremely fearful.

In the field, I am afraid that it is difficult to find opponents except for the half-step grand holy level.

The half-step big holy strong also stared, secretly scared.

Whether it is Ling Tianjian King or Chen Zong, its strength is amazing.

It can be said that under the same force, these half-step big holy class strong men have no confidence to defeat the two directly.

It is also explained from another point that if the two are promoted to the half-step grand saint, their strength will definitely be very strong. Among the half-step grand saint, they are also stronger. If they are immersed for a period of time, they will definitely strengthen the horizontal. It is not impossible to make a leap into the top half-step sacred power.

This is brought by talent and heritage.

In the blink of an eye, the battle between Chen Zong and Ling Tianjian became fiercer.

The collision of two swords!

The collision of swordsmanship!

The collision of top-level morals!

Collision of battle experience and battle talent!

This battle can be called the ultimate battle, seeing everyone fascinated by it, immersed in it and terrified.

Each sword, seemingly simple, but returning to its original form, is filled with unparalleled mysteries.

The sword's qi is crisscrossed, interlaced, and torn in all directions, and striking sword marks appear on the hard ground, spreading quickly, as if tearing everything.

Countless sandstones were torn into powder dust under the turbulence of the sword.

Both the sword of Ling Tianjian and Chen Zong's sword are very fast, the sword speed is extremely amazing.



The two swords fought, the terrible power raged on the sword, raging in all directions, the astonishing sharpness seemed to smash everything.

The astonishing storm hit both sides, sweeping the world with boundless boundlessness.

Chen Zong and Ling Tianjian's double swords contradicted each other. The arrogant power continued to penetrate the sword body like a tidal wave, which caused the sword body to shine with great force.

Four eyes converge, the sharp rays collide.

Chen Zong found that the Ling Tianjian King's physique is very arrogant and amazing in strength. Although he is not as good as himself, he has outperformed many practitioners ~ www.wuxiaspot.com. He didn't practice physical exercises, and his physique was so arrogant that Chen Zong was reminded of the Most Holy Golden Body.

At that time, the King of Heaven Sword captured one of the Most Holy Golden Fruits, and he would definitely take them, so his physical strength was enhanced by the Most Holy Golden Fruits.

I do n’t know if Ling Tianjian won the gold medal.

It is not high that practitioners can get the golden body without taking the golden body. If they get it themselves, whether King Ling Tianjian obtained it or not, Chen Zong is not clear, unless the opponent casts it.

Ling Tianjian ’s practice of Qi is far superior to Chen Zong. His practice is also very clever, and he has already practiced to complete his mastery.

Therefore, in training strength, Chen Zong is not as good as Ling Tianjian.

However, in the way of refining, Chen Zong is better than the other side.

For a time, it was difficult for the two to rise or fall.

The astonishing power shook, and an extremely shocking breath burst out between the two swords. The instant impact shocked Chen Zong and Ling Tianjian King directly.

At the same time, Ling Tian sword king waved swords, countless sword lights shaped like a stubborn moon, utterly sharp and blasted, and beautiful, the surrounding space was rendered red, dazzling.

Chen Zong was also killed with one sword, ten thousand swords, one thousand swords, and one sword unlimited.

Both of them knew that it was difficult to win the match by close combat, and they had to use a trick.

The terrible force permeated, sweeping all directions, shocking everyone outside Wanmi Kai.

Here, it is the outside world, not a wild and secret place, without ten times the gravitational restraint. The power of each strike will be more terrible and more amazing.

Ambilight, the heavens descended, and Ling Tianjian Wang Yijian shot down in the air.

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