Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 22: Demon Bastion

On the empty battlefield, one after another the demon fortresses drove from the universe. Each of the demon fortresses was black and irregular in shape, all thousands of meters in size, covered with fierce skull sculptures, exuding extraordinary darkness. The breath is fierce, as if to make people sink forever.

There are hundreds of thousands of demon fortresses that are thousands of meters in size, as if swept across the void. Among the hundreds of thousands of demon fortresses that are thousands of meters in size, there is a demon that is tens of thousands of meters in size. The fortress, countless crickets are scattered all over the eyes, and the eyes are burning with a terrible faint flame. The breath emanating is extremely scary, as if **** is coming.

This is the army of Nether Demon rushed to the Nether Battlefield to reinforce.

During the war that lasted more than ten years, the Xuantian Army suffered heavy losses, and the Void Demon side suffered even greater losses.

After all, the Terran side has the Xuantian War Fortress as its dependence. Once the formation is fully activated, it can kill many void demons, which is a great deterrent.

Hundreds of demonic fortresses came to the Void Battlefield and did not stop. Instead, they rushed towards Xuantian War Fort in an astonishing speed and approached continuously. The terrible fierce atmosphere swept the world, making the Void Battlefield extremely cruel. It became more and more fierce, and the light seemed to be more dim, and it was going to turn into Shura Purgatory.

During the period of Chen Zong's departure, the Nether Demon launched several attacks. Although they were eventually repelled and many corpses were left, similarly, the Xuantian Army suffered heavy losses.

The fortress of demons is on the verge of being hundreds of thousands, terrifying, as if it were on a rampage, several kilometers in size, and the storm brought by the full force of the collision was fierce and destroyed everything.

A horrendous fierce scourge of Wuguang continued to radiate from the demon fortress, and each of them carried amazing destructive power, destroying all vitality, and it was irresistible.

Even the strong in the late stages of the Holy Land can hardly resist.

Seventh time in the sanctuary, he died immediately. His body was eroded in an instant, as if melted instantly, and turned into a pile of ashes.

After being struck in the sacred realm, he was hit immediately. He had to be wounded immediately, and he had to do his best to resist it. If he was hit by two, he would surely die, and it would also turn to ashes.

As for entering the sanctuary, Jiuzhong Fang has the strength to contend, but it can't be hit by three at the same time. Otherwise, it will be severely hit immediately, and then hit again, there will be 70% or 80% of it may fall on the spot, become ashes, and survive. Sex is only two or three percent.

Even if he survives, he is still seriously injured, and his strength is almost the same as waiting for death.

The soldiers of the Xuantian Army formed a battle array, mobilized with all their might, the battle array was running, the light was raging, and the momentum was endless. While resisting the attack of the demon fortress, it also released a mighty might to fight back.

The storm swept, the flames burst, the torrents were turbulent, and the thunder was mighty.

However, each demon fortress can not only release the terrible black light attack, but also has amazing defense power. When countless attacks hit the demon fortress, it is immediately resisted by a layer of black light, and ripples like water waves appear. Spread away.

The layer of defensive forces outside the demon fortress scattered all the attacks, and the demon fortress was a few kilometers in size. After the attacking force was dispersed, it could not cause any damage to the demon fortress.

In this scene, the soldiers in the Xuantian Army suddenly sank inside, and called a high-level strong man with a solemn look.


Suddenly, the main gun of the Shenxuan Army trembled suddenly, as if the dragon was violently smashing out of the abyss, the terrible direct light flowed, the endless thoughts and rhymes were surging, and Shi Potian was assassinated.

This shot pierced the void, terrible power, broke a vacuum darkness, and killed a demon fortress.

The black light on the demon fortress recklessly, its power gathered from all directions like a stream of rivers, to resist the shot of the **** Xuan Army master, but the God Xuan army master is the top half-step big holy class strong man, deliberately shot The power is terrifying.

Although the dark light protection of the demon fortress is tyrannical, it cannot completely disperse the power of this attack, but it is broken in a short breath, and the amazing power penetrates into the demon fortress, from a rampant skull statue It broke in and broke out from the head of another cricket in the back, and penetrated directly.

Everyone just noticed that there are thousands of powerful void demons in the demonic fortress. It is these void demons that provide the attacking and protecting power for the demonic fortress.

Under this shot, the void demons in the demon fortress were directly penetrated by hundreds, and thousands of void demons next to it were shocked by the terrible coercion carried by that shot. Even if they were not dead, they were also dying.

A blow not only penetrated a demon fortress, but also caused obvious casualties in the void demons, making the power of that demon fortress sharply reduced.

This method is feasible, and the half-step saints in the Xuantian Legion have shot out with all their strength, and fierce attacks have continuously bombarded and attacked the demon fortress.

Immediately, some demon fortresses were attacked and their power was greatly diminished.

But there are not many half-step holy-level strong men. Compared with the Demon Bastion, the gap is obvious, and it can only relieve some pressure for a while.

At this time, the tens of thousands of meters of the giant demon fortress that had been watching all of a sudden released a terrible atmosphere of fluctuations, as if a vicious beast awakened from his sleep, and the breath of breath was sweeping away. The battlefield seemed to be silent for a moment.

The face of the half-step Great Saint-level strong man such as the Lord of God Xuanjun suddenly changed his face. From the heart, he felt threats and fears from that breath.

Their eyes stared, full of dignity.

There are thousands of powerful void demons sitting in the demonic fortress with a size of several kilometers, gathered together in a wonderful way, and turned into attacks and defenses of the demonic fortress.

In the 10,000-meter-sized demon fortress, there are tens of thousands of powerful void demons sitting in the town, and there are demigod-level void demons guarding them. Its power is not ten times as many as the kilometers of demonic fortresses, but hundreds of times. The above is becoming more and more scary.

call out!

A thick, majestic black light, deep in darkness, suddenly radiated from the tens of thousands of meters of the demon fortress, and its goal was exactly a half-step big holy class strong.

The speed of this black light was extremely fast, and it passed across the world in an instant, killing it across tens of thousands of meters of void.

The half-strength powerful man showed a horrified look, and a violent force broke out quickly to attack and attack, but his attack was defeated in an instant. Although the power of that black light was sharply reduced, it was still ashamed. It's like shooting.


It was instantly crushed, and the entire person flew upside down. Its terror power invaded the whole body, and it was crazy to infiltrate its body and destroy the vitality of extinction.

With just one blow, the half-step grand saint-class powerhouse was traumatized and exhausted, so he had to do his best to exercise his powers and take elixir to dispel the terrible power that invaded the body.

With just one blow, a half-step holy-strength strongman loses his combat ability. If he strikes again, he will undoubtedly die.

A half-step big holy strong, look dignified.


Once again, this time, it was attacking the 10,000-meter-sized demon fortress, showing no mercy.

However, many attacks were intercepted and broken by Wuguang, and some attacked the demon fortress, but they undulated layers of waves, making it difficult to break it, let alone hurt the demon fortress and cause damage.

This scene, suddenly called a half-step grand saint-level strong face sank, more and more daunting.

The situation seems even more unfavourable.

"Near!" For a moment, the leaders of the Ninth Army immediately negotiated and reached a consensus.

Since long-range attacks can't break its protection, close to it and fight close to it to erupt a more terrible power, break the protective force into it, completely destroy the powerful demon fortress, and save the battle.

If not, in this battle, the Xuantian Army is likely to be defeated.

The situation is extremely critical.

Suddenly, the nine shadows burst out with various colors, the rhyme is as strong as a slurry, and it seems like Haitao is rolling and irritating in all directions, erupting with an extremely fast speed, carrying a terrible power, and swiftly shot. Out.


These nine figures are impressively the leaders of the 9th Army of the Xuantian Army. They are all top-level half-step sacred powers, and they are the second superpowers in the Xuantian Army.

Jiudao Wuguangqi shot and killed together and shot towards Jiuguang respectively. They wanted to kill them, but they were resisted or dodged and approached again.

The other half-step sage-level strongmen shot one after another, and broke out to attack the tens of thousands of meters of demonic fortress ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to cover the nine military leaders, so that they can better approach.

For tens of thousands of meters, for a powerful half-step saint-class strongman, it is actually short-lived and can be passed in an instant, but under a heavy offensive, these tens of thousands of meters seem to be stretched ten times and become as many as More difficult to cross.

However, the strength of the nine military leaders was extremely powerful, even the top demigods that compared to the Void Demon did not give up much, so they quickly approached and had killed before the tens of thousands of meters of the demon fortress.

Suddenly, the tens of thousands of meters of the demon fortress was a masterpiece of light, and a terrible black flame burst out instantly, as if the tide swept away, sending out the terrifying power of destroying the world and directly impacting the nine figures.

Unexpectedly, the nine figures were hit and drowned immediately, as if they were swallowed, making people tremble.

The masterpiece of light bursts directly into the sky, as if the sky of a broken battlefield. Nine figures break open the horrible flame that destroys everything, kill it directly, and approach the demon fortress, launching an attack.

One after another, the chain was different. Immediately, there were numerous ripples on the protection of the demon fortress, just like a rainstorm hitting the calm lake surface, the waves were rising.

No matter how the nine figures attacked, the tens of thousands of meters of demon fortress's protective force showed no sign of being broken.


Defend it completely!

Other demonic fortresses have never released attacks on an uninterrupted basis, and the power of each hit is extremely powerful. Although it cannot be defeated for a while, it will cause a great load.

The elites of the Killing Division of the Goddess Army, while they were working, were looking for opportunities to approach the demon fortress, and they also had to attack and kill.

Fierce battle!

Gradually, one side of the Demon Bastion prevailed, while the side of Xuantian Army was suppressed.

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