Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 23: 1 Sword to turn the tide (on)

Fierce battle!

Fierce battle!

Under the crazy attack of hundreds of demonic fortresses, the Xuantian Army retreated. According to this situation, it is only a matter of time before the army is defeated.

However, every soldier in the Xuantian Army held his roots firmly and gave out all his strength.

Void demons and human races are the enemy of life and death. Once in ancient times, once you meet, either you die or I die, there is no third possibility.

The elites of the Xuanjun Army formed their own formations, constantly resisting the siege of the demon fortress, but it was difficult to break the defense of the demon fortress.

This is an unequal battle.

In the void passage, a figure approached, and immediately felt the richness.

Furious, fierce and violent, the light of the entire battlefield seems a bit dimmer than before.

When Chen Zong's body moved, he suddenly turned into a thunderbolt, bursting out at an incredibly fast speed, and rushing away in the direction of Xuantian War Fortress.

The closer he got, the more Chen Zong felt the turbulence and chaos in the air.

"Have the Void Demon Army attacked again?" Chen Zong secretly said, but his eyes flashed a sharp coldness, and he was a little excited.

Fengwang Tower!

Wilderness secret!

Chen Zong's self-cultivation and strength have all advanced by leaps and bounds. Nowadays, he has reached or even surpassed the level of the strong king Ling Tianjian at the time.

The battle with King Ling Tianjian was just a battle of victory and defeat, not a battle of life and death.

Now, returning to the void battlefield, and again being violated by the army of void demons, Chen Zong's blood seemed to be ignited, and his fighting spirit was rampant.

This time, when it will change to the past, it will not be forced to be so embarrassed, and can kill more void demons.

"What's that?" Chen Zong stared at the hundreds of huge figures in front of him, his face suddenly stunned.

It's not that Chen Zong didn't recognize it. After all, Chen Zong had already seen the Demon Bastion before, but at that time, it was only a few of them, and it had already sent out terrible fierce power, which made people tremble.

Now, there are hundreds of them, and one of them is tens of thousands of meters in size, which is even more terrifying.

One after another exudes all the fierce breath that permeates the air, making people tremble.

Chen Zong saw at a glance that the battle situation was very unfavorable to the side of the Xuantian Legion, because the soldiers' attacks were difficult to break the defense of the demon fortress, while the dark light attack power of the demon fortress was very terrible. Can resist.

His body flickered, Chen Zong appeared thousands of kilometers away, bursting out of unparalleled speed, like a cold electric light passing through the void, approaching quickly.

Chen Zong's eyes were slightly frozen, his pupils contracted, a gleam of cold light like the abyss, releasing a heartbreaking cold mang.

A black light struck to the ground, pointing directly at Chen Zong, and the cold and dark breath immediately invaded, as if **** was sinking. As a blow of death, Chen Zong trembled, and the chill grew from the depths of his heart, such as Quan Chung gushing.

When his body flickered, Chen Zong did not resist, but avoided it directly.

Here, but in the Void Battlefield, his enemies are fierce and cruel Void demons. There should be no chance of chance, nor can they try their own lives.

Wu Guang passed through the sky, leaving a straight scratch in the void, and shot into the distance.

Chen Zong flickered this time, closer to a demon fortress, and slashed out with a sword.

In the beginning of the Taiyuan Sword Yuan Gong's full operation, suddenly, the sword was brilliant and extremely cohesive, filled with a hint of ground-breaking charm, although weak, it was as tough as a candle in the wind.

The void was cut under this sword, leaving a straight and clear sword mark, permeating the breath of breath.

Like a smashing bamboo, the sword light directly kills the protective power of the demon fortress.

Layers of force swelled away to dissipate the power of this sword, but silently, the protective power of the demon fortress was suddenly torn to a tiny rift, which could not stop the early sword Yuan Gong. Characteristics.

However, the power of this sword is not strong enough. After tearing the defense of the demon bastion, it can no longer continue to penetrate into it.

After all, each demon fortress that is several kilometers in size has thousands of powerful void demons sitting in its town, and their powers become one and become more terrible.

In absolute strength, Chen Zongke cannot compare with it.

In this scene, Shen Xuan killed the master and found that the eyes under the silver mask moved a little, and then, his body appeared to Chen Zong like a shuttle in the void.

"Cooperate!" The words came into Chen Zong's ears, with an accent, sounding like a woman's voice, but like a man's voice, very mysterious.

Chen Zong reacted instantly and understood the meaning of God's mystery.

According to normal circumstances, although Chen Zong ’s strength is very strong, there is still a gap between God and the half-step saint, such as God Xuan, and he must cooperate with him now. Sake.

This is important!

It's even about the outcome of this battle.

Chen Zong didn't hesitate and waved the sword again. Under the blessing of the sword's power in the beginning, he instantly tore the void and broke the protection of that demon fortress again.

It was only after the sword broke its protective power that it dissipated, unable to penetrate into the demon fortress, causing casualties to the void demons.

Immediately, a horrible stream of sharp streamers broke through the air, grabbed that gap, and instantly entered the demon fortress.

This blow is as powerful as a bamboo shoot.

Everything can't resist the slightest, and directly entered into it, but did not kill the demon fortress, but broke out in it, turning into countless light blades, roaring like a hurricane, strangling everything.

This blow was extremely terrifying and extremely mysterious. Immediately killing more than half of the void demons in that demonic fortress, causing heavy casualties, also made the demonic fortress crumbling.


God's eyes screamed out thousands of gods.

"Shot!" Shen Xuan's voice of killing the master came into Chen Zong's ears again.

Chen Zong wields the sword again, the sword light breaks, and the defense is instantly torn. The **** Xuan kills the master to seize the instant opportunity and kills again, the light is as cold as prison.

Inside that demon fortress, all the remaining void demons were beheaded and killed, and the entire demon fortress lost its strength, and suddenly staggered and fell below.


The demonic fortress, several thousand meters in size, fell from a height of hundreds of meters, as if a huge meteorite sinking. Its mighty power was astonishing, and when it hit the hard battlefield ground, it burst into an extremely powerful power.

The fluctuations are vast, as if the sky is falling apart. The entire battlefield is shaking, and it seems to be broken. The terror waves are surging, sweeping all directions and destroying everything.

This scene immediately attracted everyone's attention, and the fierce fighting came to a short pause.

This is the first demonic fortress that has been shot down so far, half of it smashed into the ground, tilting, like embers.

The soldiers of the Xuantian Legion were stunned, because it is difficult for them to cause any damage to the demon fortress, let alone shoot down.

The Void Demon side is even more rampant. How could such a powerful demon fortress be shot down?

In an instant, all eyes were swept towards Shen Xuan to kill the Lord, and immediately, all turned to Chen Zong.

This person is the variable.

The nine military leaders who besieged the tens of thousands of meters of demonic fortress also gazed at Chen Zong, and the **** Xuan army's master filled with a smile, secretly excited.

In this case, it really turned out to be unexpected and did not hesitate to cast high hopes on him.

Although it is unclear how Chen Zong broke through the defense of the demon fortress, this method is the variable and the key to reverse the victory.

The demon side also realized this. Immediately, Wuguang shot and killed each other with Chen Zong as the target. Chen Zong was completely killed to prevent future troubles.

When Shen Xuan killed the master, sharp blade Han Guang immediately surrounded Chen Zong's body and protected it firmly. Chen Zong also wielded a sword to save himself, and even exerted his power to the extreme.

At the same time, three half-step big holy class strong men approached quickly to defend Chen Zong from Xiawuguang's attack.

Wuguang, a demon fortress of several kilometers in size, is not a big threat to a half-step holy class.

Headed by the **** Xuan killing the master, supplemented by three other half-step grand sacred levels, Chen Zong is firmly protected, and Chen Zong only needs to send a sword to tear the defensive power of the demon fortress.

The second demon fortress fell together again with the four and a half steps of the Great Holy Power, and its roaring sound shocked in all directions.

The fall of two demon bastions in succession greatly inspired the morale of the soldiers of the Xuantian Legion ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, and it seemed that an even more amazing force could erupt.

Immediately, the third demon bastion fell.

More half-step holy levels came together, while protecting Chen Zong, while cooperating with Chen Zong, killed the void demons in the demonic fortress and broke through the demonic fortress.

The fourth seat!

Fifth seat!

Block Six!

Almost a few seconds later, a demon fortress was bombarded and fell, and soon, ten demon fortresses were shot down.

Although for the hundreds of demonic fortresses, the loss of ten is not a big deal, it is a blow to morale and an inspiration and encouragement to the morale of the Xuantian Army.

More Wu Guang shot at Chen Zong, this is the culprit. If it cannot be killed, I am afraid that more demonic fortresses will be destroyed and dropped.

And in each demon fortress, there are at least thousands of void demons, and the fall of the fortress means that these thousands of void demons are dead.

Ten demon fortresses are equivalent to the death of tens of thousands of void demons, and the losses are extremely heavy.

You have to know that the casting of each demon fortress is not easy, and sending hundreds of them at one time has been accumulated for many years.

However, Chen Zong would not hesitate to this point, while being vigilant, approaching the demon fortress under the care of a half-step grand saint-level strongman, throwing a sword and tearing.

Immediately, the half-step saints seized the opportunity that was fleeting, and the terrible power blasted into the demon fortress and vandalized it, killing the void demon in it and causing the fort to fall.

call out!

Suddenly, the tens of thousands of meters of the demon fortress locked Chen Zong, shooting a majestic, horrible black light like the sinking of hell, penetrated all the time and space, and killed Chen Zong.

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