Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 28: Absolute Force (Part 1)

Hunyuan Ironsmith!

The punch is broken!

The strength of the fire in Zihuan burnt out then, a blow, as if the sky fire blasted out, and the terrible Veron immediately burst the air, emitting a burst of anxiety, as if the void was burnt. , Like a fiery meteor, hit the body of a skeleton monster.

Void trembles, the huge strength of the huge body is extremely fast, and the skeleton giant comes forward without too much time to dodge, and there is no idea of ​​dodge at all.

As the giant drum throbbed in all directions and was extremely powerful, the ten-meter-sized skeleton beast was immediately knocked off, but was not scattered. However, the terrible punches were mixed with the heat of the fiery heat and the fire of the purple flames, Immediately engulfed the skeleton beast, the flames burned.

The fire in the Zihuan Burning Market is currently at the fifth grade level, and it is difficult to improve, but its power is not good at all, especially the purification ability is even more amazing.

The bone monster, which was originally difficult to kill, really died under that blow, and turned into a pile of scorched black bones and scattered on the ground.

Boom boom!

In the middle of the eighth period of the mixed heavens, the tyrannical power continued to explode. One blow after another, the power was amazing, and each punch was like a flying fire and meteor shattering through the void in all directions.

Dozens of skeletal beasts were blown up, burning with a layer of black flames, and struggling. The scarlet rays in the eyes became dim, and the bones became black and scattered, exuding an ashes.

Skeleton beasts are indeed difficult to entangle, but compared to ordinary practitioners, for Chen Zong, dozens of skeleton beasts are nothing, at least just warming up.

Dozens of bone monsters were killed by Chen Zong, but more bone monsters appeared. There were hundreds of them. They rushed from all directions, and the terrible breath was stirred in the air, making the breath even more breathtaking. confusion.

Chen Zong looked dignified, but did not intend to continue fighting for half a minute, because his purpose was to cross Shenguyuan, not to slay the bone monster.

As if, just out of curiosity, try the strength of the skeleton monster.

The sky wind is unfolded, Chen Zong's speed is astonishing, it is like a ray of wind passing by at low altitude, and it is several kilometers in an instant.

Hundreds of skeletal beasts were chasing after them, and more skeletal beasts were awakened by Chen Zong's amazing vitality. Joining the chasing team, more and more, and gradually more than one thousand.

The strength of the Skeleton Beast itself is not weak, and the amount of power it has exploded to a certain extent is very scary, so Chen Zong also feels dignified.

The three looming figures lingering in the void of Shenguyuan, I do n’t know what means to master, all the atmosphere is completely covered, and even Shenguyuan can hardly feel their vitality fluctuations, which has not caused the skeleton monsters. attack.

Seeing thousands of skeleton monsters rushing out, the target Chen Zong was locked, and the three looked cold.

"I don't know if the skeleton beast can kill this child?" One of them whispered.

"It's best to kill and save us hands."

"Whether he can kill him or not, he will die."

The conversation between the three was very short and did not continue, but it showed a determination and faith to kill.

Thousands of skeletal beasts rushed on and on. The mighty, horrible, and dust billowing, like countless dragons roaring, killing thoughts, seemingly able to destroy and tear everything between heaven and earth.

If such a mighty situation, the ordinary sacred realm, Jiu Zhong, would face a big change if faced with it, it could not be countered at all.

Although Chen Zong's strength is stronger than the ordinary Nine Heavy, he is unwilling to fight against thousands of charged skeleton giants. After all, his purpose is not to fight, but to cross the Shenguyuan tread. Into the upper realm.

Shen Guyuan's environment is not good for the practitioners. Fighting more is not helpful.

Chen Zong's speed is very fast, but he is also restricted by Shen Guyuan, but the skeleton giant is not, the speed is amazing, and the majestic is imposing.

For a time, Chen Zong could not get rid of the skeleton giants.

It seemed that he could not chase Chen Zong and was furious, as if the will of Shen Guyuan was awakened. The breath of horror was turbulent and mighty.

The skeletons of the beasts collided with each other, but they did not break, but produced strange and stunning changes.

The sound of Kaka Kaka was dense, and it kept ringing. The bone giants colliding with each other gradually merged, and the breath became more and more terrible.

In the blink of an eye, a combination of bones and beasts of more than a hundred meters appeared one after another, and the breath emitted was many times stronger than before, and each bone became thicker and stronger.


When each beast ran, the huge body and amazing weight caused the ground to shake endlessly, and the ripples and ripples struck in all directions like a raging wave, which was amazing.

This momentum made Chen Zong startled.

Thousands of skeletal beasts combined into dozens of skeletal beasts are even more terrifying. Although the size has become larger and heavier, the speed has not only decreased, but has become faster, gradually approaching Chen Zong.

The breath of astonishment arrived, and Chen Zong's body sank slightly, as if suppressed by the mountains.


The horrifying roar was shocking, and then, one after another, the bone monsters opened their mouths, and a cloud of wind swirled like a vortex.

Immediately, a huge overcast wind blasted out, as if smashing the void, and blasted Chen Zong fiercely, as if to kill Chen Zong to slag.

His body flickered, as if the wind was changing, Chen Zong avoided one attack after another, each attack hitting the ground and bursting out suddenly, blasting out amazing gullies and potholes, shocking.

Stress is skyrocketing!

Chen Zong's face was dignified, but he still didn't plan to fight the skeleton monster, which was not good for himself.

In Shenguyuan, it is better not to consume power.

The three faint, ruthless figures continued to follow, and the speed was very amazing, silent.

The changes in the skeleton monsters also surprised them, but fortunately, they came over and completely restrained their vitality, and could not feel them, so that they would not cause the attacks of the skeleton monsters.

Chen Zong was fast, but was gradually pursued by the skeleton monsters.

As a last resort, Chen Zong could only hit a blow.

Hunyuan Ironsmith!

This outrageous blow was enough to bombard the skeleton beast before, but when he hit a hundred-meter-sized skeleton beast, Chen Zong found that he just repelled the skeleton beast and did not kill it.

An overwhelming force shocked back, causing the arm to tremble.

Regardless of strength or rigidity, Chen Zong found that the skeleton monster was much stronger and stronger than the previous skeleton monster. His brutal blow left only a deep mark on his bone and broke it.

It is not impossible to kill them, only that they have to use more power and means to kill them, and they can't get any benefit by killing the skeleton beasts. There is no need to waste power.

Chen Zong thought so, but the skeleton giant didn't think so. He kept on chasing, and constantly released arrogant attacks, constantly bombarded Chen Zong, and wanted to kill Chen Zong into slag.

The ground was broken, and the gullies crisscrossed in shock.

Chen Zong exerted the Tianfeng Wuxiang body method to the extreme, without reservation, with a light and flexible body, a subtle voice, and an elusive trajectory.

Gradually, Chen Zong also fell into the encirclement of the skeleton monster.

Frowning slightly, it seems that it is difficult to leave in this way, and can only fight.

Certainly, Chen Zong's eyebrows were raised slightly, as if the sword's edge was curled up, a trace of extremely sharp mang suddenly burst out from the depths of his eyes, as if the Excalibur had awakened from his deep sleep.

Shen Yejian suddenly came out of the scabbard, bringing a touch of black brilliance, dark and deep, dark and dazzling.

The sharpness of the elaborate nine-pin sacred artifacts was revealed.

If you do n’t have a sword, you have one sword.

Countless inky sword lights permeate, as if the darkest and deepest paper fan in the world is slowly opening, it is dark, but there is a mysterious mystery that emerges from the picturesque world.

At that moment, the sword was killed, as if there were countless sword lights spreading away, among which the picturesque mountains and rivers were intoxicating.

The folding fans overlap, and the scrolls are rolled up again. Countless inky sword lights converge into one. The sword lights are not magnificent at all, but they are not fine. It seems that the countless sword lights are not aggregated, but are like a phantom Disappeared, only the last one left.

But the power contained in this sword light is extremely powerful ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Infinite sword!

After fighting again and again and again and again and again, the power of the infinite infinite swords continued to increase, and even with the three unique skills, they became more powerful and amazing.

Today it is not only mysterious, but its power is much stronger than before.

That dark sword light, seemingly plain, but full of amazing mystery, traversed the mysterious track, as if it fit some kind of rationality and fluctuation between heaven and earth.


The void was torn and a vacuum channel was drawn. It seemed extremely dark and bright.

The skeleton of the skeleton beast was so hard that it could block the smashed iron fighter's violent blow, and was immediately pierced by the dark beam of sword light.



This sword suddenly shook the three figures of Chen Zong in the distance, and his eyelids couldn't help beating.

Originally looking at Chen Zong's strength, he felt very strong, but he still didn't take it seriously. Such strength could not stop the assassination of the three.

But now the power of Chen Zong's sword is a very frightening sword.

"It is truly a peerless demon evil that was recognized by the Fengwang Tower and given the title of Sword Emperor. The sword technique is really terrible. One to one, we are not his opponents."

"It's a pity, who told him to offend people, haha, from time to time, I don't know how many evildoers have been born, but unfortunately, some haven't had time to show their unique style, they died for various reasons, and now there will be one more.

"It is his honor to die under our hands."

The three spoke with each other in an instant, and when shocked, the killings in their hearts became more intense, but they were completely restrained and not leaked.

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