Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 29: Absolute Force (2)

(Your sister took Xiao Liudao to go out to play, and there are only six left alone at home, who will come to touch Liudao's loneliness with a few monthly tickets)

Shen Yejian rose into deep darkness, and the brilliance seemed to have originated from ancient times and lasted forever.

The infinite sword shines, and each sword under the sword's elementary power in the early stage directly penetrates the extremely hard bones of the skeleton giant.

However, Chen Zong also found that the skeleton of the piercing bone monster was useless, and it would soon recover, and he could not kill the bone monster.

Only by crushing the burning scarlet light in the brain in his eye socket can he be truly killed.

That is the soul fire!

It is the root of the vitality of the skeleton monster. Only by crushing and dispersing it can we truly kill the skeleton monster. Otherwise, even if the body is broken, the skeleton monster will quickly reorganize.

Shen Yejian's sword is amazing and terrifying. The infinite sword is mysterious and unpredictable.

With a loud noise, the scarlet light in the eyes of the skeleton beast extinguished, the huge body fell to the ground, the ground was shaking, the sound of rattle and rattle continued to sound, blinked, and the skeleton beast that was more than 100 meters into a pile of dead bones, Residual breath of death.

When there was the first head, there were the second heads. Instantly, three skeleton monsters were killed by Chen Zong.

Chen Zong did not fall in love, his body flashed, as if passing by a gust of wind, flying fast.

In the beginning of the Taiyuan Sword, the Yuan Gong was operating at full capacity, and in coordination with the Zihuan burning market fire, it continuously absorbed the thin and mixed heaven and earth vitality in all directions, purifying, refining, and absorbing it to supplement its own consumption.

Skeleton monsters are constantly impacting and besieging. If they want to crush Chen Zong, Chen Zong's body changes, he flickers left and right, avoiding the attack of skeleton monsters, and at the same time he will wait for the opportunity to fight back.

The power of Infinite Sword is very strong, but again, every time it is used, it consumes a lot of power. In this kind of place, it can consume no power and certainly not. Who knows whether it will be encountered except for the skeleton monster. Other dangers.

The sky is vast, the wind is cloudy, and a faint breath spreads like smoke. Immediately, there seems to be a sharp and obscure sound, a huge bone claw penetrates out of the smoke, with terrible smoke. The embers and astonishing death-killers seemed to tear the void directly, and ruthlessly grabbed Chen Zong.

This claw appeared very abruptly and extremely quickly, and its trajectory was extremely mysterious, seemingly simple, but when it fell, it seemed to cover one side of the world, and it was called Chen Zong.

Chen Zong's expression remained unchanged, but there was a solemn meaning in his eyes.

This claw is strong and delicate.

The Hengjian was killed, but the extremely strong Jianguang was crushed, and that claw killed him with endless smoke.

Chen Zong was directly hit, and the void around him seemed to be broken and cracked. The tremendous strength made Chen Zong fly backwards, as if he had suffered an extremely strong blow.

However, Chen Zong's stature is mysterious. With the force of this blow, the impossibility became possible, and Shengsheng quickly shuttled out from the siege of several skeleton monsters.

Its speed is even more amazing.

Suddenly, a tiny bit of light that was so indistinguishable and shot out of nothingness, the slightest light was extremely dark, showing a breathtaking atmosphere fluctuation, the killer was restrained to the extreme, called Chen Zong's look changed, and the pupils were instantly Shrink like a needle.


It came so abruptly without any warning.

But when Chen Zong was shocked, the response was extremely fast. He displayed his body and moved three inches out of thin air, avoiding the light.

A trace of coldness flew past his ears, as if numerous ice needles pierced into his mind, causing Chen Zong to feel a tingling sensation.

It's just like passing by. If you are hit directly, I don't know what will happen.

However, the crisis has not passed, and that blow was only a prelude to the assassination.

A gloomy blade of light flashed from nothing, falling from the air behind Chen Zong, silent, but as if it could split Nine You Hell and fall forever.

Immediately afterwards, a ray of Jianguang that was deep to the extreme, also broke silently from below, seeming to pierce the sky.

The assassination came so suddenly, and linked together, calculated and mastered all the evasive routes and reactions of Chen Zong, which was to kill Chen Zong in an instant.

Thinking like lightning, Chen Zong reacted in an instant.

Although I don't know who is going to kill themselves, these methods of assassination are obviously extremely clever. They are definitely strong at assassination, and there are more than one, three.

The three powerful men who are proficient in assassination work together to deal with themselves. If they don't do it, they will kill each other and calculate everything clearly.

These three killers have been following since leaving Xuanyuan Realm.

No wonder along the way, I always feel that something is wrong, that is a kind of premonition that originates from the heart sword. Originally, Chen Zong thought that it was the danger contained in Shen Guyuan that made him have this dangerous premonition. Think wrong.

The real sense of danger comes from these three killers.

But now that the three killers have shot, Chen Zongdang no longer dreads, because the danger perceived in his mind is not so strong.

The existence of the unknown always makes people more worried.

Wanliu force field!

Suddenly, the force field opened wide and covered in all directions.

The realm of the heart also opened up, covering all directions, overlapping the Wanliu force field, and the power increased greatly.

In the Wanliu force field, Chen Zong has cultivated to Dacheng's realm and released thousands of rapids in an instant.

These thousands of rapids split under Chen Zong's control.

One part hit all directions, the three killers, and the other hit Chen Zong himself.

The three killers are very secretive, but the power of Chen Zong's realm is even more amazing. He directly locks the bodies of the three killers and rushes away.

The attack of the three killers was so sudden, they thought that they could kill Chen Zong in one hit. After all, they also knew a lot about Chen Zong, and they followed all the habits and reactions of Chen Zong. They thought they had mastered them. , And seized the best time to shoot.

Unexpectedly, this Chen Zong was really amazing, but he avoided the joint attack of the three of them.

Really worthy of the sword emperor.

However, since they have already shot, there is absolutely no reason to give up.

If the assassination fails, then the assassination.

Instantly, the three killers spread apart and surrounded Chen Zong in a triangle. Each of them had the cultivation of Nine-folded Holy Land. The strength was much stronger than the ordinary nine-folded Holy Land. It was even more amazing when they joined forces.

However, Chen Zong's response was faster.

Suddenly, the Wanliu force field and the realm of the heart covered at the same time, immediately letting the body of the three killers slightly.

Under the blessing of the Heartland, the power of the Wanliu force field in Dacheng Realm multiplied.

Although these three killers have learned a lot about Chen Zong, and also observed for a long time along the way, mastered the condition of many Chen Zong, but for the peerless demon evil, it is improving every moment.

Moreover, many times, Chen Zong does not show his full strength in front of many people.

It is necessary to hide something, because the world of cultivation is so changeable and cruel. If there is no way to keep it and people can fully understand the details, it is the end of death.

As soon as the body was restrained by the impact, the three killers immediately realized that they were not good, and the target was more difficult than they had imagined.

Chen Zong relentlessly shot, Shen Yejian brought the dark light to tear the sky to kill, dark and deep.

To kill yourself, be prepared to be killed by yourself.

Facing the enemy, Chen Zongsu has never known what is called mercy under the sword.

The retained power also broke out in an instant.


Infinite Sword!

With the help of Wanliu force field, the speed of this sword bursting out was a little faster.

Without mercy, the killing was stunned.

The endless black sword light is gorgeous and exquisite, as charming as a picture scroll between heaven and earth. Once unfolded, one can't help but be intoxicated.

But the three killers were extremely tough, and they instantly responded.

However, they were restrained by the superimposed shock of the Wanliu force field and the realm of the heart, and their response was still a little slow.

The strong fight, the fight between life and death, the slightest difference in time is farewell.

Countless inky sword lights condensed into one, as if killing through time and space, directly through one of the killers.

The terrible sword qi broke out in his body, raged away, strangled madly, and directly killed it.

The other two killers also got rid of the **** of the realm of hearts and the Wanliu force field, bursting out amazing power and killing power, and killed Chen Zong from the left and right sides.

Although the companions were killed, they did not affect their strength in the slightest.

As a killer, you must learn to calmly face everything ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ tolerate no interference from foreign objects before you can exert your strength to the extreme.

Kill one person and the remaining two people, the threat is even lower.

Immediately, Chen Zong's eyes became dark and deep in an instant, as if even the white eyes were swallowed up by the dark light, emitting an extremely mysterious and deep brilliance, like the magic eyes of the abyss. .

There seemed to be a ray of light bursting from Chen Zong's dark eyes, blending into the void.

One of the killers felt only a moment's sight. Immediately, Shenhai seemed to be invaded by an external force, and the soul shuddered, feeling that his consciousness seemed a bit fuzzy.

Not good!

A strong sense of crisis suddenly erupted from the deepest part of the heart. The killer was experienced and realized that he had been recruited.

But when he got rid of this feeling, there was a dark sword light in front of him.

break out!

But it was too late, the sword penetrated, and consciousness became blurred again.

The three killers have gone to the second, leaving only the last.

This killer is also fully aware of the badness. The strength of the target is more powerful than investigation and observation. Moreover, the means are more. At least during the investigation, the other party has mastered such means directly directed at the soul consciousness, but now it has .

Either it has always been hidden before, or it has only recently been mastered, no matter what it is, all in all, an unexpected goal is full of uncertainty, and how powerful it is.


As a killer, the purpose is naturally to kill, but it does not mean that if you want to die under the hands of others, you can live, who wants to die.

The killer is also human.

However, since there was an assassination attempt, there was no reason for Chen Zong to let the other party escape.

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