Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 34: Sword Emperor Donglai (4)

The buzzing sounded in all directions, and stirred the four poles.

As if for a moment, the boundaries were broken, Chen Zong's footsteps kept making strides.

Fifteen thousand kilometers!

The faces of the people changed greatly.

This has obviously exceeded the usual eightfold limit of entering the sanctuary, and gradually approaching the ninefold of entering the sanctuary.

Footsteps, still without pause, continue to move forward.

Han Shan Jianjun looked dignified, gritted his teeth, and moved forward again.

14,000 kilometers!

13,000 kilometers!

Chen Zong's look remained unchanged. It seemed that this was not a lot of pressure for him.

Twelve thousand kilometers!

Hanshan Jianjun did his best to keep moving forward, for a breath of contention.

The strong men who were originally located within a distance of 10,000 meters also seemed to be shocked. They turned around and looked at them. These powerful sanctuary strong men were at least middle-aged people.

One by one, they are all the strongest in the sword list of the Yuan Dynasty. Even the rankings are above the Cold Mountain Sword King.

After all, the Shangyuan Tianjian list is only about strength, regardless of age and talent, in other words, as long as you have enough strength, you can be on the list.

Cold Mountain Swordsman Zhao Yanyu is just a cultivation practice in the early stage of entering the sacred realm, but he can be listed among them, which is enough to be powerful, but there are still many people who are stronger than him.

Talent, can only say that the future is promising, does not mean that it is better than everyone now.

Moreover, there is a mountain high.

Hanshan Jianjun did have the record in the early stage of the ninth stage of Sacred Realm, but it was only once, and there was also some luck in it.

Eleven thousand kilometers!

Chen Zong's footsteps are still moving forward, and he is getting closer and closer to 10,000 meters. That is the early stage of the ninth stage of entering the sacred realm.

Although Hanshan Jianjun also reached the place of 12,000 kilometers, he looked dignified and the speed of his forward movement was greatly slowed down. The pressure brought by the sharpness and coldness here was extremely strong, which had made him have a difficult time to move forward. a feeling of.

But watching the figure of the other party continued to move forward, Hanshan Jianjun broke out with all his strength and vowed.

Ten thousand meters!

When Chen Zong stepped into the 10,000 meters, the prestige suddenly increased a lot, countless sharp edges turned into swordsmania, and rushed madly, as if to tear Chen Zong into pieces.

The extremely cold atmosphere roared like a hurricane, shattering everything.

Chen Zong, however, was able to bear all these things calmly, and he was astonished by the strong kendo powers who had entered the sacred realm, one by one, his eyes moving endlessly.


"There is definitely a secret treasure on this son, which can withstand the coercion of thousands of cracked sword marks."

Suddenly, a lot of desires breed in the hearts of many powerful men.

After all, the other side ’s cultivation is only the seventh limit of entering the sacred realm, but it can reach a level that can only be reached in the early stage of the ninth of the sacred realm. Such a huge leap is very amazing.

Moreover, from ancient to modern times, there are not many peerless Tianjiao detonating colorful smallpox, on the contrary, very few.

Such a young person can detonate colorful ceilings. In recent years, it is not uncommon in the Upper Yuan Realm, but one by one is very famous.

Han Shan Jianjun tried his best, but could not step into the level of 10,000 meters, and ended up at 11,000 meters. This is his limit.

If we continue to move forward, it will be difficult to withstand that terrible coercion.

Even at this eleven thousand meter point, Han Shanjian's Zhao Junyu felt very uncomfortable. He could not understand it at all, and could only do his best to resist the impact of that coercion.

Time can't bear it.


With eyes of hate, staring at Chen Zong's back, Hanshan Jianjun could not retreat unwillingly, and the pressure gradually weakened as he retreated.

In the end, Hanshan Jianjun retreated to 15,000 kilometers. Although the pressure is still strong, he can already withstand it and will not hinder his own understanding.

"Little friend and talent, old man Canglang sword respect, not strong, worthy to be ranked 38th in the Yuan Tianjian list." An old man who entered the sanctuary in the middle of the ninth, turned around and looked through the kilometers On the face of Chen Zong, the smile on his face seemed familiar, and then he sighed slightly. He seemed to be troubled by some thoughts: "The old man felt that his potential was about to be exhausted, but he was not willing to do so. The mystery of the mark breaks its own boundaries, hoping to go one step further in the sword. "

"This shameless old thing is about to be shot." Then suddenly someone sneered.

"I also hope that my friends will be able to fulfill you, and use My Treasure to use it with me, so that I can go forward, understand the mystery of the rifting sword marks, and break through my own boundaries. The old man is grateful." And finally stated his purpose.


He thought that Chen Zong had secret treasures in his body, so that he could take the cultivation of the sevenfold limit of entering the sacred realm, but step into the early stage of the ninefold of sacred realm.

If this secret treasure falls into your own hands, you can definitely get closer to the end of the Wankai Sword Mark, and realize a stronger and clearer kendo breath. By then, you will be able to make further breakthroughs and become more powerful in one of the swords.

As for the secret that fell into your own hands, when there is no reason to return it, if you dare to ask for it, you will be cut with a sword.

It's not like we haven't done similar things.

At the same time, a wave of strong swords like Canglang, flowing from the body of Canglang Jianzun, as if the tsunami swept, surging, and impacted Chen Zong, the sword is clear.

The coercion of words and sword will make Chen Zong yield.

This kind of sword meaning, suddenly reached a high level.

In fact, the kendo powers who can be ranked on the Yuantian Sword List have almost all mastered the high-end sword meaning.

The difference lies only in the mastery and digging of high-level swordsmanship.

Take Chen Zong as an example, what he masters is the top-level mind sword Taoism. Three types of unique skills in the infinite infinite serial sword: serial, infinite, infinite, which reflects Chen Zong's excavation and grasp of the potential of the heart sword Taoism.

The first line of heaven and earth is the fourth sword. It is a sword approaching the extreme. It represents that Chen Zong's potential exploration and mastery of the heart and sword has reached an amazing height.

Although there are ninety-nine swordsman strongmen on the list of heavenly swords in Shangyuan, all of them have good strength, and each one has profound accomplishments in one of the swords.

However, few are able to tap the potential of Jianyi to the extreme.

What's more, the power of high-level swordsmanship is not comparable to the power of the top-ranked swordsman.

Canglang Jianzun is worthy of the old-fashioned kendo power. The Canglang sword's mighty power is indeed very amazing. As if the rivers are rough, each wave carries amazing sharpness and coldness.

But why can't Chen Zong.

The difference between the power of Canglang's swordsmanship and the spirit of swordsmanship is obvious.

"Even if I have the secret treasure, what qualifications do you have to ask for it?" Chen Zong glanced slightly, and spoke quietly.

Suddenly, Canglang Jianzun's complexion changed, and he was even more surprised that his Canglang Jianzun was coercive and could not pose any threat to the other party. For a time, Canglang Jianzun was in a state of suspicion and did not speak directly.

He couldn't figure out the details of Chen Zong.

Whether the other party came here by the power of the secret treasure, or by his own ability.

If it's the former, it's nothing, if it's the latter, it's shocking.

The former is more likely, but the latter cannot be ruled out.

Canglang Sword Master did not speak again, and Chen Zong naturally ignored the other party.

After feeling the coercion at 10,000 meters, Chen Zong's eyes flashed a dim light, staring at the front, and he could see the end of the Wancha Sword Mark more clearly.

Step forward!

Everyone was shocked, and they could continue to move forward.

Not long after, Chen Zong walked to the distance of nine kilometers, almost equal to Canglang Sword Master, and immediately passed by Canglang Sword Master without stopping.

Canglang Jianzhuang's eyes narrowed slightly, gazing at Chen Zong, as if to see through it, the five fingers moved slightly, it seems that the sword must be drawn at any time.

But in the end, the five fingers of Canglang Jianzun still relaxed, he was not so sure.

Ten thousand cracks marks the most test of strength.

The height of cultivation is here, not the real standard.

Chen Zong's ability to be equal to himself shows that his strength is very strong, and even if he is not as good as himself, there will not be much difference.

Hastily, just make a head bird.

Canglang Sword Sovereign has not been a teenager until now, and has experienced many things. He has been used to thinking more than a hot-blooded boy.

Chen Zong was prepared. If the Canglang Sword Sovereign really dared to pull the swords and face each other, the consequence would be death. Chen Zong's sword would never show mercy.

Fortunately, at the end ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Canglang Sword Master did not pull the sword, otherwise, Chen Zong's counterattack would make him regret it too late.

Eight kilometers!

This is the level equivalent to the ninth stage of the sanctuary.

Now, one by one has lost his voice and can't say much.

It's amazing.

Really amazing.

Although it is said that the higher the revision, the greater the difference in strength, but the same, the closer it is to the rift of scars, the more dramatic the increase in coercion.

The increase in coercion from 10,000 meters to 9 kilometers is definitely better than the increase in coercion from 20,000 meters to 19,000 kilometers.

At this distance, Chen Zong can clearly feel the amazing coercion.

However, it is not enough, it is not the limit.

Take a step!


Step by step, but it touched everyone's eyes and moods, ups and downs.

This makes Hanshan Jianjun very envious.

No one in the world can detect fame and fortune, nor can the Holy One.

Seven kilometers away, there are three Kendo strongmen who have reached the peak of the sacred realm. With their strength, they can actually go further, even up to a distance of six kilometers.

However, it will face great pressure to distract their minds and cause the effect of enlightenment to decline.

Chen Zong, however, has already set foot at seven kilometers, and is on par with the three kendo strongmen who reached the pinnacle of the holy realm.

These three people, one is the old man in black robes, tall and mighty, eyes are like tigers, not angry.

One is the appearance of middle-aged scribes in green robes.

One is an old cricket with a wrinkled body, wrinkles on his face like dead tree bark, and his eyes seem to be cloudy, giving the impression that the old eyes are faint and half stepped into the coffin.

The three eyes stared at Chen Zong's face.

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